Marti Admin

Re: @jobevers:

I created a new script: and added a webhook to the related repo (

  • Webhook is usually first... but not always.
  • Create script on GitHub second
  • Import from GitHub on this page to enable using the webhook after you select it. (You can always redo this portion as many times as needed if you think there is a glitch... however...)


.. with software such as Blender...

You want a 3D model of the kart? That should be an issue on development and probably lays somewhere within the realm of #58. Using the favicon may not be the right choice... but not sure what that site you mentioned does exactly. You are welcome to reference it here to development too.

Getting the GM contributor for their mascot to do 3D may not be successful when the 2D svg support was requested and fizzled.

Re: @TimidScript:

This place is dead silent. It needs noise. :)

True for now... I could stop removing gibberish user comments if you'd like?! ;) j/k Does mean one thing... that we're on the right track to maintaining the integrity of things. :)

Re: @halcion:

another dead youtube script

Happens... feature site change... things break. There is site forking... perhaps you are interested in taking charge to do something about it?

Re: @TimidScript:

I wish people would report these issues...

People read them... it's just a matter of how active someone is. I have been called out on about my "noise level" before in the past... so those maintainers prefer peace, quiet, solitude and live in a world where they think everything is a utopian, bug free, and blissful... whereas I prefer some to make some constructive noise when an issue is encountered.

Keep up the great work @TimidScript . :)

Apologies for this taking so long... but your page should be fully functional now.

Please let me know here or preferably on development with an issue if something isn't.

Hope all is well,
OUJS Admin

Re: @hahahaha:

If you continue to do gibberish comments elsewhere your account will be removed. Please make more sense when you comment.

Translation courtesy of Goo translator (with a manual correction for reversal):

Si usted continúa haciendo comentarios incomprensibles en otro lugar tu será eliminado su cuenta. Por favor, tener más sentido cuando usted comenta.

It is your page to close the issue if you like... the general rule of thumb is you can reopen/close at your leisure... the creator can always close (that would be me)... so I shall do that now.

I'll look into that RSS after some time... the issue I'm tackling now runs deep and only shows up with certain use cases and is difficult to track down.

Re: @rmenessec:

Are there RSS/Atom feeds

Not yet. I'm in the same boat as everyone else right now... development link is below on every page... I haven't had time to look for feed dependencies due to other issues as my role in development... but there is an issue open for notifications and other tracking methods. Extreme long term patience is requested. :)

"web site to RSS" services out there;

Didn't know those existed... add another thing to the mile long TODO list to check out. ;) Thank you.

How would you like me to proceed?

You are arbitrated at MIT already because you didn't pick a @license but you may want to announce it yourself with the @license key in the UserScript metadata block. Other than that you are doing it perfectly. We favor FOSS with strong attribution when it's a derivative and you've done it very well with what you believe was the link to the USO mirror. Proactive good faith efforts always help when there might be a conflict with a Script Author in the future... I think you will be fine.

I didn't receive a notification from your post.

That feature doesn't exist yet... some node and our dependencies issues are stalling us from implementing this at this time... other higher priorities right now... but we're working on it one step at a time.

How can I ensure that I receive notifications?

I use and look for my username in the Category column. There is at least one Userscript that may help you filter things out in the interim.

Okay... aiming for Monday evening the 15th of Feb, 2016 (and at latest Tuesday evening the 16th, of Feb, 2016 pending any surprises before deployment) for the DB migration... still awaiting final testing on development in between afk duties.

Thanks for your patience.


Gearing up for a DB migration, probably next week with projection of 30 minutes (perhaps less), just doing a pre-notice here... will have more details the closer it gets. Finalizing a few ideas to limit downtime. Until then.

Some more changes coming through... one of our strategies has migrated which may cause a reprompt of access when you log in with the Google authentication strategy... the dep update is scheduled sometime within the next 24ish hours. No disruption detected with my dev moderation account.

Re: @adam_per:

I tried in Clavier+:

Not sure if you intended to have markdown parse your reply but with code backticks (back apostrophes) it looks like this:


... and save marked text to txt file...

You will have some issues with security restrictions imposed in all Userscript engines... so this part probably won't happen.

While so far I haven't detected any malicious activity with your base64 encoding it is getting cumbersome checking your updates... this is a type of obfuscation and isn't permitted as per the TOS.

You have a short time before reevaluation of account removal if this isn't remedied in your sources to be extremely clear to your users and the hierarchy of OUJS.

Thank you for your cooperation,
OUJS Admin

Translation courtesy of M$

Alors que jusqu'à présent je n'ai pas détecté de toute activité malveillante avec votre codage base64 qu'il devient encombrant vérifier vos mises à jour... c'est un type d'obfuscation et n'est pas permise selon les directives de TOS.

Vous avez un peu de temps avant une réévaluation de suppression de compte, si ce n'est pas remédié dans votre source d'être extrêmement clair pour vos utilisateurs et la hiérarchie des OUJS.

Merci de votre collaboration,
OUJS Admin

If s/he comes forward and asks me to take this down, I will of course do so

That would be indeed the situation if needed.

Since I am not the original author, I can't specify a license;

Not exactly true... the default arbitration is off your fork of it... however...

if I could, I would license it under the Creative Commons CC0 license.

Please read and If you did/do decide to license your fork with this particular license your script and your account may be eligible for removal.

In summary... we appreciate the explanation... however trying to prove that it came from a specific author may be nearly impossible without some further validated information. You probably should put a link to the USO mirror page from where this came from for additional attribution.

If you obfuscate your code again you will be removed again. This includes usage of your publishing base64 encoded scripts.

Please abide by these terms and you can stay. This is your only notice which isn't necessary... if you break the terms again there will be no further communication and you may end up being blocked at various levels.

OUJS Admin

Re: @ts:

Many comments need to be preserved in my code ... But UglifyJs removed them...

It shouldn't be removing comments... our current code for that is here. I kept comments for a variety of reasons including but not limited to Restructuring with a function expression.

Your issue on their repo predates mine here... thus is probably invalidated and dated.

You should subscribe to our issue at #432 and report any anomalies with our code there instead of OUJS here. I routinely update the first post in case there are items that need to be addressed... I added your concern yesterday in the list but it won't be "disabled" per say... just denoted... I'm still pondering this over there.

because I do not want keep my source code secretly.

If any code trends towards obfuscation, this includes identifier mangling, that code and account will be tagged and possibly removed from OUJS... just a fore-warning that's in our TOS. @sizzle and I just connected about this yesterday which is why the minification routine shouldn't be mangling identifiers anymore.

Specific to licensing from your cited issue ... long term I can tell you if the @copyright and @license keys are missing from the UserScript metadata block (and the OpenUserJS metadata block for libraries) it will most likely be blocked... currently it's a "grey" area and another issue to be resolved.

For OUJS here... the option is experimental as it is denoted at this time and since I am the assignee I will consider all valid GitHub presented issues with it. Your claim on Function Expressions is invalid so far.

Anyhow... please continue this on GH as it's difficult to get this info disseminated to all the devs here on OUJS and is actively in flux.

Re: @victorc:

but it didnt work...

That's because you didn't do it with GM_addStyle as I linked above... you'll need to @grant that API function too in the UserScript metadata block in order to use it. A more advanced technique is getting the head tag and inserting a style tag in yourself in which case you wouldn't need the @grant which sandboxes your scripts usually.

Re: @victorc:

If you are trying to maximize the width on that post the selector could be #fileinfo... but that may not cover all posts... so putting the CSS rules altogether:

#fileinfo { width: 8000px !important; height: 8000px !important; }

This assumes that you need the !important flag too... I just did it in Firebug directly and it doesn't appear to need it... so you could omit those.

Re: @victorc:

GM_addStyle is usually for beginners and a shortcut to adding it by hand to the head tag... so once you determine what node in the DOM (the web page source) you can do something like body { color: white !important; background-color: black !important; } ... or in your case the rules would be { width: 8000px !important; } and { height: 8000px !important; }.

Since I am not sure where you want this in the DOM exactly you'll have to find the selector.