Marti Admin

Re: @marsjaninzmarsa:

... and it works in context of my script

Probably, you are the expert with its current usage, but I would reupload it named as a Custom Base65 in whatever context. Shouldn't confuse potential Authors that may need actual Base64 in a library. I couldn't find any specification on Base65 but doesn't mean it doesn't exist somewhere as a custom base with a custom alphabet.

PS: ... no notifications about new issues...?

Best we can offer, at the moment, is you checking while logged in for an open issue bubble notice. We definitely don't collect e-mail addresses at this time. Re-read the Privacy Policy link at the bottom of every page. :)

$ ls -l --block-size=K
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 261K Apr  8 11:44 jquery-3.1.1.js
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 271K Apr  8 11:44 jQuery.js

... not a huge deal but you aren't treating your users well with the extra ~10KiB as compared to jQuery Core 3.1.1.

$ diff -acws "jQuery.js" "jquery-3.1.1.js"
Files jQuery.js and jquery-3.1.1.js are identical

You seem to have an extra character in here:

*** a.js        2017-04-08 10:39:08.489905687 -0600
--- b.js        2017-04-08 10:39:26.520011065 -0600
*** 8,14 ****
  var Base64 = {
        // private property
!       _keyStr : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
        // public method for encoding
        encode : function (input) {
--- 8,14 ----
  var Base64 = {
        // private property
!       _keyStr : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
        // public method for encoding
        encode : function (input) {

Re: @vanowm:

Thank you. Didn't know that.

Welcome. :)

Unfortunately though it doesn't remember the setting, after refresh it reverts to default?


... but not everyone use so many...

Or so little... although my preference is 2... to keep the code minimal, plus we're still migrating away from jQuery, it may not happen... but if you want to put a request issue for it on Development (In the links at the bottom of every page). I'll add it as an enhancement label but it will need votes with +1, -1, 0, -0, +0, etc. ... or :+1: if emoticons. GH has reactions as well. If it becomes stale then it will eventually be closed as Intended Behavior... you can read up on most of the labels at

Re: @vanowm:

would be nice have ability change it per script or at least have a choice when viewing script's source.

Haven't fiddled with Ace much ay ;) ... use Ctrl + ,.

Currently it's 8 spaces

Default size is 4 here.

Re: @ANT0x1:

How can I check it?

It's on XMLHttpRequests to your meta and source. You can install oujs - Meta View, visit your scripts page, open blockable items in Adblock plus, and click Meta in the navbar. I had to modify my CHANGELOG header specifically due to this as SeaMonkey was stalling out and Firefox returned AJAX status 0 which doesn't exist.

So it appears that some of your scripts have been targeted as Ads in Adblock Plus currently.

Obviously from the description you are disabling ads in this script.

You might want to go get this remedied with them. I can't tell if it's EasyList or the Adblock Warning Removal List yet.

Russian translation courtesy of Microsoft Translator:

Поэтому представляется, что некоторые из ваших сценариев подверглись как объявления в Adblock Plus в настоящее время.

Очевидно из описания выполняется отключение объявления в этом скрипте.

Вы можете пойти получить это исправить с ними. Не могу сказать, если это еще EasyList или Adblock предупреждение удаления списка.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Travian Task Queue for Travian 4.2
// @namespace
// @author      sowrov, MoRGaNA, Serj_LV, Pimp Trizkit, Risi
// @require
// @description Schedule delayed constructions, upgrades and attacks
// ...

// @include    http://*.travian.*
// @include    http://*/*.travian.*
// @include*/*
// @include    http://*.travianteam.*
// @exclude    http://analytics.travian*.*/*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/hilfe.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/index.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/anleitung.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/impressum.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/anmelden.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/gutscheine.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/spielregeln.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/links.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/geschichte.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/tutorial.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/manual.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/manual.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/ajax.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/ad/*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/chat/*
// @exclude   http://forum.travian*.*
// @exclude   http://board.travian*.*
// @exclude   http://shop.travian*.*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/activate.php*
// @exclude   http://*.travian*.*/support.php*
// @exclude    http://help.travian*.*
// @exclude   *.css
// @exclude   *.js
// @grant  GM_addStyle
// @grant  GM_getValue
// @grant  GM_setValue
// @grant  GM_deleteValue

// @version     1.0.1
// ==/UserScript==

... contains usoC again.

Few items for improvement here since this script is forked from USO...

You should change the metadata block to:

// ==UserScript==
// @author      blablubbb
// @namespace  T4
// @name    Travian T4 Auction bid
// @description  The Script bids predefinded prices
// @source
// @identifier
// @include   http://*.travian.*/hero.php?t=4*
// @include   https://*.travian.*/hero.php?t=4*
// @version
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_log
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==

Reasons why:

  • usoCheckup (usoC) is, more or less, permanently offline (and I'm the maintainer of it)
  • Extra unneeded grants aren't needed for the base script.
  • Version is malformed and may prevent updating in .user.js engines
  • Pointing to the USO mirror for cleaner attribution.

While these are not critical to fix, all I have to do is take the usoC domain offline and it won't be directly installable. e.g. these fixes are strongly recommended.


Re: @laidbacktempo:


Thanks. If you want target site obfuscation it's okay to have it in the clear with the source then apply atob in the DOM... but does need to be visible for code review.

OUJS Admin

While atob is relatively easy to decipher it is still considered obfuscation.

You have a very short time to fix this to non-obfuscated code before you are eligible for removal.

Thank you for your immediate attention on this matter,
OUJS Admin

Some of you may have been experiencing Google Authentication failures.

It is most likely this. e.g. Google has probably stopped their migration thus orphaning access to any account that wasn't upgraded by them.

If there is not a trail to a verifiable source, like GitHub, we can not do anything for you since even we don't track secondary contact methods such as email. If you have multiple authentications, say Twitter or one of the others currently found by adding one at there is some hope.

Alternatively we do suggest, if you want to, putting something in your profile to tell us who you are and where else you can be found. An example of this would be my profile which links to GitHub and then create an issue on GitHub... that is verifiable evidence for us to be able to merge/split/change your account here on OUJS.

Otherwise we apologize for Google authentication change destroying your ability to log in but there isn't much that we can do beyond what we have already done.

Thanks for the read.
OUJS Staff

TOS requires OSI approved. WTPL is considered public domain.

This is the only warning before eligible for removal. However both scripts are removed.

Re: @lednerg:

... Google did not.

Okay so next question is approximately when did you last log in successfully with google?

Re: @kprea:

I either used Google or Twitter

Go to the bottom auth panel enter your existing user name into the Register input box and select the auth type. You have both on your account. Let me know which one does work and which one does not. I haven't touched our deps on these for quite some time so both should work. To be safe log out of the other one that you are not testing.

Re: @Vno:

Or you could just look at the source code and realize we sanitize just like GM, but I'm not here to debate but to educate... I am here however to curtail your complaints a bit before you offend some one in authority here with multiple "whines" in different discussions... Please be patient and go back to rereading a few things available here... including some quality time with the TOS.

Re: @vanowm:

confusing website, can't find how to contact admins directly

More likely a very confused first time web user especially since you quoted developments issue tracker specific URLs. Anyhow... I don't have any time to do it right now as you make it more difficult when you post comments, scripts, etc. for me to change as it's not automated... and you already know this from the issues you tracked above. So give those issues a thorough reread and when I have a moment in the coming week we'll see what we can do for you... You are now known as vanowm instead of Vno. The @ symbol is sanitized as you already know now.

This is your only warning. If you continue to badger another user I will remove you from OUJS. I closed the issue just like I am going to do this one. You had plenty of chance to read why your system is triggering our protection system over on the other thread. DO NOT violate the TOS again or you are gone.

OUJS Admin

when i press the "install" button i get a yellow notification from the site that says "apps and extensions cant be downloaded from this site", i am guessing because the website has a green secure lock on it.

We have nothing like this. This is probably a third-party program on your machine that is affecting installs through the browser.

what is the solution please?

Try the following:

  1. A clean browser profile
  2. Disable whatever program is doing this on your end. I realized when you posted this that prefetching in some browsers might ignore the robots.txt and nofollow attributes so that is their issue not ours for triggering the attack prevention if your program that does this is reading the status codes incorrectly. e.g. disable prefetching... besides it will save bandwidth especially on portable devices where it's at a premium.