Marti Admin

Since you've done this twice now and ignored the TOS... bye.

Re: @bNj:

No problem to install from my side, i use tampermonkey.

The issue is the lack of a scheme on your second @match. It does currently install under TM however that's a bug with TM and the spec for @match. At least GM and GM Port pick up on this.

If you do:

// @match        *://*

... it should follow the specification better and work as designed. Or you could just use @include instead although it's a little vague still because* could be included on a site named*.

Re: @dfgsdfhfgh:

... he wants some robux ...


Target code(s):

"gameUrl": "/games/{ID}/view?rbxp=3659905",


"profileUrl": "/users/{ID}/profile?rbxp=3659905",
"groupUrl": "/My/Groups.aspx?gid={ID}&rbxp=3659905",


if ((location.href.indexOf("?rbxp=3659905") > -1) === false) {
 location.href = location.protocol + "//" + + location.pathname + "?rbxp=3659905";

@dfgsdfhfgh Cc: @ClockworkSquirrel
If this actually is adding value to someones account over there then this would be considered a TOS violation... taking money without user consent and notification, whether real or not, is not a good thing. However if it's just an ad requesting value then it gets in the grey area.

If you feel that this script is doing that please Flag it and explain it briefly but accurately in the text box that pops up here on OUJS.

I would suggest that you explain yourself to the fullest here on why you are doing this as I don't currently see it in the Userscript user-content area (Script Info).

Until then, at the very least, it will be down voted for not revealing what you are doing to your users.

Re: @sizzle:

The only thing I was really opposed to hosting was media (graphics, audio, videos, etc.).

data: URI's could pose a DMCA risk. The size, if accepted on the site, would need to be severely limited e.g. the current 1MiB upload size would need to be much, much, much, smaller. I do realize that a .user.js can do CSS as well... part of the reason why .user.js userscripts and .js libraries has this current limit from my vantage point.

This would have to be a content license since code licenses used for scripts and libraries only apply to code not content like CSS (@Marti can let know if I'm wrong about this).

You're not incorrect (in the context of images/sounds/etc. is content but not CSS code itself ... see @license). Again there is a risk of plain copyright infringement vs. fair use on derivative media works. Most artists/photographers are quite protective of their works (know this first hand with my photographer colleagues) which is why I continually mention attribution via leveraging of copyright with licensing. Not everyone listens unfortunately and there is stubbornness on both sides of that coin.

In general I've thought about this off an on since it was suggested and the domain name of OUJS doesn't really lend itself to "OpenUserCSS". DRM is a continual thorn in the foot as well. Some sort of linkage to another site that actually hosts the CSS could be an option to think about e.g. similar to how Stylish wrapped the CSS into a .user.js but then we would need to maintain that. I would strongly suggest a separate database and connection to isolate what we could potentially offer for protection of the .user.js sources if we do store other resources.

I'm not entirely opposed but I'm not entirely sold on the idea. An issue created first on development and then a PR could be tested for sure to see how it would be implemented. It would be a long term PR, at least for me, to attempt to find most of the ways that it could be exploited.

If we started getting a lot of user styles uploaded here we could add a direct link to that filter in the toolbar.

Quite honestly with the advent of ES6+ Template Literal Strings putting CSS directly into a tag and injecting in via a .user.js is fairly simple in a .user.js and very clean. So I'm not sure where the advantage is other than some symmetry.

With GM (webbymonkey specifically) being crippled (incomplete) for a while it's going to get interesting when legacy add-ons get munched by Firefox changes here in a few short months.

Re: @zackad:

I'm closing this with version 0.5.1, please re-open this issue if not solve your problem.

Once an owner of a script (that's you) closes an issue the issuer ( can't reopen this. So if you aren't watching the discussions you won't get any notification of an open issue. e.g. best to open a new discussion for maximum notification.

OUJS Admin

Re: @johnjohndoe:

We use . Please check out their for how to do this dynamically vs. page loading if you are interested.

Userscript wise you would need to inject the compiled source from them into the DOM and execute whichever function you choose. Since you don't have the <code> tag you might want to consider the dynamic call to highlight post page load.

Hope this is a good start for you.

Re: @CiLiBi18:

I'm at the office and here, I can access to my account...

In this case I can merge the accounts if requested e.g. move your 2nd account google auth key to your primary google auth key as well and merge them thus destroying the 2nd account. The 2nd account, if any scripts are present, will be deleted during this process though for ease.

... and it was really me..

Until we have proof positive then we don't know for sure and we prefer not to "give away" anyones account... but at least you logged in and left a message with the 1st account... that does help a lot. :)


I'm on a new computer, someone stoled my old PC, long story..

Sorry to read that... however should have nothing to do with your subject here... bet you left yourself signed into Google?... if so don't do that ever for any service... always log out.

When I typed CiliBi18 and hit Sign In, nothing happened..

Ran a duplicate check and no duplicate users found with the original name.

I typed and then Google auth service and then my account was created..

That unique username wasn't registered yet then and now it is as you can see.

How can I get back my account please ?

You pretty much don't and if you are truly the account owner of the original account and Google isn't providing the correct key you are at the mercy of Google.

I have mentioned previously to everyone that you should use multiple types of authentications, such as GitHub (GH), and also optionally give us something in your profile, like a twitter reference for example, so that we can possibly prove that it's you by you sending us a tweet, or equivalent, when an account issue arises (which are usually rare but have happened with Google primarily). Some use GitHub and open an issue on development when they have GH as another auth type on the same account.

So long story short... if you can't get into an account and the above isn't met the account is orphaned permanently.

Errore di run-time di Microsoft JScript

Please install a .user.js engine for your browser first. This is usually an IE message so you might also need a different browser unless you have a newer Microsoft Edge version. Userscripts only run in the browser and not in JScript from Active Scripting.

See Userscript Beginners HOWTO for browser support.

Thanks and closing.