Are you sure you want to go to an external site to donate a monetary value?
WARNING: Some countries laws may supersede the payment processors policy such as the GDPR and PayPal. While it is highly appreciated to donate, please check with your countries privacy and identity laws regarding privacy of information first. Use at your utmost discretion.
Better late than never here... apologies.
HTML tags for user content. i.e. those tags are sanitized. This is unlikely to change but perhaps a discussion on Development would be considered... however it would need the establishing owners approval.summary { display: list-item; }
and any other relevant CSS modification for bootstrap.<details><summary>ReadM Manga Before</summary> ![ReadM Manga Before]( "ReadM Manga Before") </details>
... with the line breaks... but again those specific tags aren't allowed.
This is really a Development type query for the future please.
OUJS Admin
Re: @Mottie:
We're going to try a work-around for this to force compatibility of markdown with sanitize-html dependency.
Sanitizing will always have a higher priority over html user-content but hope this methodology handles this for now.
OUJS Admin
Yes it will.
No because the GH account is no longer there. I can say with relative certainty that it's your addresses for both accounts but we can't verify that it's your identity.
Just fork it from yourself on OUJS using the Submit Code as Fork button at the bottom of that page.
OUJS Admin
Re: @Fask:
That will allow me to swap your identities.
You tried four times with Twitter and twice with Steam at your current address. The four gave you "Authorization Fail" and the two gave you "Strategy Fail" (assume it's because something was done on the Steam side). If you know what happened on Steam and if you can prevent it... please try not to let it happen again. :)
Alright was worth a try. Date would have had to have been exact if you did take a guess at the time of day.
Anyhow... you are flipped. So @Fask is the "orphan" of your old Steam keyed account and @Prios is your active Steam keyed account now. You were booted off your current session in order to achieve this seamlessly. As you know @Prios is not on probation so you may log in anytime. I dropped the DB's for that just in case you triggered it at your current address with the @Fask.
Since Twitter is probably defunct you may want to add another strategy.
If for some reason you have any additional issues regarding this please ping me on GitHub with an issue as no new accounts here on OUJS will be swapped for you... just these two.
Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions.
OUJS Admin
Confirmed on Steam. You can change that back. Still need more time to ponder and I have to go do an IRL thing. I realize that your @Fask is a new account and you won't be able to reply for around 24 hours (Don't try to log in until after then otherwise it "rolls" and it'll restart the 24 hour countdown) due to probationary status. Find out what you can to answer the remaining questions.
OUJS Admin
Re: @Fask:
Can you tell me the last date and approximate time here on OUJS that you logged in at for @Prios? (Do not guess as that will not be a good thing if you are not correct)
OUJS Admin
Re: @Fask:
Did you also try logging into Twitter first then here (manually selecting Twitter in the drop list)? Does it fail like my new account test?
... btw ensure you are logged out of all other authentication strategies (Steam) first during testing... or the site will nab that.
OUJS Admin
Re: @Fask:
Did you save your imgur images to an album that you can delete one for OUJS access proof?
OUJS Admin
Re: @Fask:
I just updated and retested Steams auth strategy along with some other deps and the backend updates. Try it again. It was a little weird that I was logged in already and it asked me to login again. Anyhow I realize the @Fask account is also Steam so presumably you could/can/have create(d) a new account on Steam. You need to use your old Steam account though.
If you notice any superscript RO text, after the manually selected authentication method in the login page, on the ones you have that probably means it won't work. See also #1982.
As far as restoration I'm going to have to ponder that for a bit. But in the meantime you as Fask need to prove that the Steam account is yours by temporarily modifying your bio line on Steam and have me see it after you notify me here to go look.
I can't say for sure if you'll gain access to the OUJS account as anyone can upload a script with someones namespace... hence why the profile is always a preferred place to cross-identify yourself (It demonstrates that you had actual access to the account). I will need some time to scour the logs and that account.
OUJS Admin
Issue not responded to even after notification on GH.
Applying default action.
OUJS Admin
Please don't use static base64 for HTML code. It is considered obfuscation.
If you need to, you may do it on the fly with
and template literals a.k.a. template strings.You have a short time to remedy this before you are eligible for complete removal from the site.
Thank you for your immediate cooperation,
OUJS Admin
Re: @ringofyre:
This should clear the error in the script with bad
syntax:--- /scripts/gaspar_schot/Supercharged_Local_Directory_File_Browser/source@8.0.1+d0c9b4f +++ /scripts/gaspar_schot/Supercharged_Local_Directory_File_Browser/source @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ // @homepageURL // @icon  // @match file://*/* -// @match about:blank +// @include about:blank // @match* // @require
Greasemonkey Port is available now at the SF file repo.
This fixes an additional inconsistent compatibility issue introduced with SM 2.53.14 through 2.53.16 with the locale preventing management and general usage failure... some SM preferences were renamed/missing but not in all SM locales which is very odd and a
remains the same i.e. SeaMonkey 2.40 or better.REMINDER: My profile here says how to get in touch especially for compatibility fixes since I found this one floating about the inet. Always remember that SourceForge is the current OFFICIAL SOURCE for this original add-on.
Re: @sjehuda:
No. If you are worried about increases for the future see
That's not how that key works. Should be
Yes... both of you should version bump after you make all the necessary changes to trigger the .user.js engine manager to know that there is one.
OUJS Admin
Here's what I mean about the license header and keys in code:
--- /scripts/sjehuda/RSS+Atom_Feed_Subscribe_Button_Generator/source@2.1+6350c31 +++ /scripts/sjehuda/RSS+Atom_Feed_Subscribe_Button_Generator/source @@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ // @version 2.1 // @date 2013-04-19 // @icon +// @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== /* - * Copyright (c) 2006-2013, Manpreet Singh [] + * Copyright (c) 2006-2014, Manpreet Singh [] + * Copyright (c) 2017-2023, Schimon Jehudah (http://schimon.i2p) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
... and ...
--- /scripts/junkblocker/RSS+Atom_Feed_Subscribe_Button_Generator/source@2.1+6350c31 +++ /scripts/junkblocker/RSS+Atom_Feed_Subscribe_Button_Generator/source @@ -11,10 +11,14 @@ // @version 2.1 // @date 2013-04-19 // @icon +// @updateURL +// @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== /* - * Copyright (c) 2006-2013, Manpreet Singh [] + * Copyright (c) 2006-2014, Manpreet Singh [] + * Copyright (c) 2017-2023, Schimon Jehudah (http://schimon.i2p) + * Copyright (c) 2023, Manpreet Singh [] * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
As far as the unsupported
key that can be handled however both accounts see fit.There is an inconsistency in the script source vs. what you did @sjehuda. Copyright year term is incorrect compared to original. That must remain the same as the USO source code page. Also the license header block has to remain forever in any publishing. It can be updated year wise of course to 2023 if it's the original author. Technically your name should also appear for the period that you managed your copy @sjehuda
Secondly... I've forked it (which you could have done @junkblocker and how I did it as you... you can always undo it and redo it yourself if you want the practice but I also copied the script info markdown) by going to sjehudas script Source Code page and clicked the Submit Code as Fork. This should be sufficient enough.
As far as your users @sjehuda you'll have to do your usual deprecation method (or something new) that we've talked about before. You can always create
// @downloadURL
so that script updates you trigger load junkblockers on update... then the user will need to uninstall yours otherwise two copies will be present on their system.And @junkblocker you would also ideally add that key in the UserScript metadata block but also the
// @updateURL
... so to keep the users from getting confused or their .user.js engine managers.OUJS Admin
Greasemonkey Port is available now at the SF file repo.
This fixes an inconsistent compatibility issue introduced with SM 2.53.14 through 2.53.16 with the locale preventing management and general usage failure... some SM preferences were renamed/missing but not in all SM locales which is very odd.
remains the same i.e. SeaMonkey 2.40 or better.Re: @sjehuda:
Please don't test my patience any more. The subject of this intervention is closed here.
OUJS Admin
Re: @sjehuda:
Use development only and not production. Further development questions beyond this response will be ignored here on production. Please reread.
Probably related to next see also... again please use development.
See #914
There's Development... just give it a read.
Again Development (Last time I'll remind you). If you want a clean or dirty DB with a basic auth set go to and import that for MongoDB... otherwise make your own auth keys.
See from a Development search... #15 and #242 on Development... I know you are there. :P
OUJS Admin
You do not need to advertise this script outside of its homepage for releases like you did in the General Discussions. Your account menu lists as well as the global Userscripts list is enough for notifying people of your news.
If you do it again your account may be eligible for removal. The discussion has been deleted.
Thank you for your immediate cooperation.
OUJS Admin
Re: @sjehuda:
Thanks for the visit however this can be achieved outside of the library in post-op before it is applied to the website.
This is also very beta still and very much on the back burner.
Closing as not planned.
Re: @sjehuda:
No and there won't be.
--- /scripts/sjehuda/FREEdirector/source@30+6242765 +++ /scripts/sjehuda/FREEdirector/source @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ // @version 30 // @grant none // @icon  +// @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== location.href = '' \ No newline at end of file
... is one option for you. Don't forget to
bump so they get it. However you could nag them before you do that with analert
for a while then do the redirect. This will keep both copies on their machine so that's why I would say do the nag first. An example of a nag is here. Depends on how naggy you want to be.As far as "(it) keeps growing" that will always be the case. If a user doesn't visit the site that is
d /@match
ed then they won't get the nag message... unless you get real naggy and change those to include the script everywhere. Just don't forget the appropriatereturn
(s) and not execute the old script any further to avoid reports.In general you'll probably always get hits from possible bad actors and other scraping sites that aren't all that sophisticated.
There's probably more ideas that others may have but it's all up to you what you do with your publication and how responsible you wish to terminate the old one.
OUJS Admin
Alright.. think I found the issue. Love Unicode sometimes (sarcasm).
Try it now.
OUJS Admin
Re: @gyakkun:
However both of you haven't given me any concrete links to the issue... however I guessed that @gyakkun changed some source recently and encountered it from the image included... and I can replicate on unminified code.
This shouldn't be happening ever... I will look into it more shortly.
OUJS Admin