Darthagnon User

Would it be possible to hide individual sidebar sections? The extension "F.B.(FluffBusting)Purity" is able to do this; maybe its code would work here, too?

Would it also be possible to hide the spammy "People You May Know" post from the FB timeline?

Many thanks for making an amazing extension!

Would it be possible to add an option to the script to recolour Facebook's top-bar/navbar/header/whatever it's called to "Facebook Blue", like it used to be? I'm currently using Stylish to do this, but it feels overkill to use it just for that.

Colour (hex):

Stylish outputs this, but I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone (might need some sort of JS selector?):

ul.thodolrn.ojvp67qx.taijpn5t.buofh1pr.j83agx80.aovydwv3.bqdfd6uv {
  background-color: #3b5998;
  color: #FFFFFF;