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// ==UserScript== // @name SRL Races on Twitch // @namespace // @description SRL Race funcions for twitch pages // @include ** // @exclude* // @exclude* // @exclude* // @exclude ** // @version 3.11 // @icon // @grant none // @updateURL // @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== //comment variables hoverNode=Array(); hoverElements=0; //race data race = null; entrant = null; updatetimer = null; //online button refreshtimer = null; //offline button racetimetimer = null; //race time racetime = 0; chatconfirm = ''; request_in_progress = false; initialized = false; dragstarted = false; var mousex; var mousey; var dragging = false; var dragx = 0; var dragy = 0; var dragsx = 0; var dragsy = 0; var dragposx; var dragposy; if ( == window.self) pagereload(); function pagereload() { //dashboard loads instantly if (document.title.indexOf("'s Dashboard - Twitch") > 0) init_dashboard(); else //since normal twitch pages now run in a single window we need to start listening to its changes //document.documentElement.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', checkload, false); //actually.. better just use a timer to make it lighter, shouldn't be a big problem anyways window.setInterval(checkload,1000); } function checkload() { //if srl button has been removed in a page change if (!document.getElementById('srl_button')) { if (document.getElementById('srl_outside_family')) { hide_menu(); document.getElementById('srl_outside_family') .remove(); } init_channel(); } } function init_channel() { //check for channel-name node to grab the streamer's name and verify channel page var profilenode = document.getElementsByClassName('channel-name') [0]; if (profilenode) { //stop all other events that would create more srl buttons //document.documentElement.removeEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', checkload, false); page_type = 'channel'; var prof = profilenode.href.split('/'); streamer = prof[prof.length - 2]; //initialize and create the srl button init(); //now that the button exists start listening for more page changes //document.documentElement.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', checkload, false); } } function init_dashboard() { page_type = 'dashboard'; streamer = document.title.substring(0,document.title.indexOf("'")); init(); } function init() { if (!document.getElementById("srl_style")) { var css = document.createElement("style"); css.type = "text/css"; = "srl_style"; css.innerHTML = get_style(); document.head.appendChild(css); } channel = streamer.toLowerCase(); button_node = document.createElement('a'); = 'srl_button'; button_node.innerHTML = 'SRL'; button_node.opacity = '0.3'; comment_node = document.createElement('div'); = 'srl_comment'; comment_node.className = 'tipsy tipst-sw'; comment_node.innerHTML = '<div class="tipsy-inner" id="srl_comment_message"></div><div class="tipsy-arrow tipsy-arrow-s"></div>'; = 'none'; switch (page_type) { case 'channel': { var insert_main = document.getElementById('left_col'); var insert_element = document.getElementsByClassName('channel-actions') [0]; //buttons window_node = document.createElement('div'); = 'srl'; window_node.className = 'chat-menu ember-view share dropmenu'; button_node.className = 'ember-view button drop action'; button_node.onclick = srl_button_action; = '0px 10px 10px 0px'; insert_element.appendChild(button_node); inside_family_node = document.createElement('div'); = 'srl_inside_family'; inside_family_node.appendChild(window_node); inside_family_node.appendChild(comment_node); outside_family_node = document.createElement('div'); = 'srl_outside_family'; outside_family_node.className = 'ember-chat'; = 'auto'; = 'auto'; = 'static'; insert_main.parentNode.insertBefore(outside_family_node, insert_main); insert_element.appendChild(inside_family_node); } break; case 'dashboard': { var insert_into = document.getElementById('site_header'); insert_element = document.getElementById('vod_form'); window_node = document.createElement('div'); = 'srl'; window_node.className = 'dropmenu menu-like'; button_node.className = 'first button drop'; button_node.onclick = srl_button_action; = '0px 0px 0px 1px'; insert_element.insertBefore(button_node, document.getElementById('form_submit')); insert_element.appendChild(window_node); insert_element.appendChild(comment_node); } break; default: break; } window_node.innerHTML = '\ <div id="srl_window_content">\ <div id="srl_draggable">\ <div class="dropmenu_action_old srl_titlecontainer">\ <label id="srl_racetitle">Loading...</label>\ <img id="srl_loading" src="">\ <div id="srl_close">тип</div>\ </div>\ </div>\ <div id="srl_race_content">\ <label class="dropmenu_action_old srl_postgoal">\ <a class="g18_mail-FFFFFF80 srl_post" id="srl_post_goal"></a>\ <span id="srl_racegoal">No goal</span>\ </label>\ <div class="srl_n_and_entrants">\ <label>\ <span class="dropmenu_action_old" id="srl_racestatus"></span>\ <span id="srl_entrants_n"></span>\ </label>\ <div id="srl_entrants"></div>\ </div>\ <div class="dropmenu_action_old srl_post_links">\ <a class="g18_mail-FFFFFF80 srl_post" id="srl_post_multitwitch"></a>\ <a target="_blank" class="new" id="srl_multitwitch">Multitwitch</a>\ <a class="g18_mail-FFFFFF80 srl_post_left" id="srl_post_racepage"></a>\ <a target="_blank" class="new" id="srl_racepage">Race page</a>\ </div>\ </div>\ <div class="srl_advertise_container">\ <a class="new" id="srl_advertise">Share this script with the chat</a>\ </div>\ </div>\ <div id="srl_chat_confirm">\ <label id="srl_chat_confirm_text"></label>\ <div id="srl_chat_yes" class="button">\ <div class="srl_button">Yes</div>\ </div>\ <div id="srl_chat_no" class="button">\ <div class="srl_button">No</div>\ </div>\ </div>'; = 'relative'; = 'none'; window_content_node = document.getElementById('srl_window_content'); chat_confirm_node = document.getElementById('srl_chat_confirm'); chat_confirm_text_node = document.getElementById('srl_chat_confirm_text'); chat_yes_node = document.getElementById('srl_chat_yes'); chat_no_node = document.getElementById('srl_chat_no'); close_node = document.getElementById('srl_close'); draggable_node = document.getElementById('srl_draggable'); draggable_node.onmousedown = drag_start; document.body.onmouseup = drag_end; document.body.onmousemove = drag_perform; racetitle_node = document.getElementById('srl_racetitle'); loading_node = document.getElementById('srl_loading'); racegoal_node = document.getElementById('srl_racegoal'); entrants_n_node = document.getElementById('srl_entrants_n'); multitwitch_node = document.getElementById('srl_multitwitch'); racepage_node = document.getElementById('srl_racepage'); racestatus_node = document.getElementById('srl_racestatus'); entrants_node = document.getElementById('srl_entrants'); postgoal_node = document.getElementById('srl_post_goal'); postmulti_node = document.getElementById('srl_post_multitwitch'); postrace_node = document.getElementById('srl_post_racepage'); racecontent_node = document.getElementById('srl_race_content'); message_node = document.getElementById('srl_comment_message'); advertise_node = document.getElementById('srl_advertise'); postgoal_node.addEventListener('click', event_post_goal, false); postmulti_node.addEventListener('click', event_post_multitwitch, false); postrace_node.addEventListener('click', event_post_racepage, false); advertise_node.addEventListener('click', advertise_script, false); chat_yes_node.addEventListener('click', chat_confirm, false); chat_no_node.addEventListener('click', chat_decline, false); close_node.addEventListener('click', hide_menu, false); get_srl_data(); refreshtimer = setInterval(get_srl_data, 180000); } function srl_button_action() { if ( == 'none') { show_menu(); get_srl_data(); } else hide_menu(); } function show_menu() { chat_decline(); dragx = 0; dragy = 0; if (race === null) racetitle_node.innerHTML = 'Loading...'; = 'block'; position_menu(); if (refreshtimer !== null) { window.clearInterval(refreshtimer); refreshtimer = null; } if (updatetimer != null) window.clearInterval(updatetimer); updatetimer = setInterval(get_srl_data, 30000); } function hide_menu() { chat_decline(); if (page_type == 'channel') if (dragstarted == true) { inside_family_node.appendChild(window_node); inside_family_node.appendChild(comment_node); outside_family_node.innerHTML = ''; } dragging = false; dragstarted = false; = 'none'; if (updatetimer !== null) { window.clearInterval(updatetimer); updatetimer = null; } if (racetimetimer !== null) { window.clearInterval(racetimetimer); racetimetimer = null; } if (refreshtimer != null) window.clearInterval(refreshtimer); refreshtimer = setInterval(get_srl_data, 180000); } function hover_on(id) { var node=hoverNode[id]; message_node.innerHTML = node.getAttribute("comment"); if (document.getElementById('srl_comment')==null) { if (dragstarted) outside_family_node.appendChild(comment_node); else inside_family_node.appendChild(comment_node); } = 'inline-block'; = parseInt( + node.offsetTop - comment_node.offsetHeight + 20 - node.offsetHeight + 'px'; = parseInt( + node.offsetLeft + 5 + 'px'; } function hover_off() { = 'none'; } function position_menu() { switch (page_type) { case 'channel': if (dragstarted) { = dragsy + dragy + 'px'; //below = dragsx + dragx + 'px'; } else { = /*dragy+*/ button_node.clientHeight + 7 + button_node.clientTop + button_node.offsetTop + 'px'; //below = /*dragx+*/ button_node.offsetLeft + 'px'; } break; case 'dashboard': = dragy + button_node.clientHeight + 7 + button_node.clientTop + button_node.offsetTop + 'px'; //below = dragx + button_node.offsetLeft + 'px'; default: break; } } function verify_page() { switch (page_type) { case 'channel': return (document.title == streamer + ' - Twitch'); break; case 'dashboard': return (document.title == streamer + "s Dashboard - Twitch"); default: return false; } } function load_race() { racetitle_node.innerHTML =; var urlgoal = false; var goalresult = ''; if (typeof (race.goal) !== 'undefined') { var goaltext = race.goal.split(' '); for (i = 0; i < goaltext.length; i++) { if (probablyALink(goaltext[i])) { goaltext[i]=decodeURI(goaltext[i]); goalresult += '<a class="new" href="' + goaltext[i] + '" target="_blank">' + goaltext[i] + '</a> '; urlgoal = true; } else goalresult += goaltext[i] + ' '; } } racegoal_node.innerHTML = goalresult; //if (urlgoal==true) = 'inline'; //always enabled //else //"none"; var multitwitchurl = generate_multitwitch(race.entrants); if (multitwitchurl === null) { = 'none'; = 'none'; } else { multitwitch_node.href = multitwitchurl; = 'inline'; = 'inline-block'; } racepage_node.href = '' +; switch (race.state) { case 3: racetime = new Date() .getTime() / 1000 - race.time; srl_racestatus.innerHTML = make_time(racetime); if (racetimetimer != null) window.clearInterval(racetimetimer); if (race.state == 3) //run timer if in progress racetimetimer = setInterval(update_racetime, 1000); break; case 4: case 5: if (racetimetimer != null) window.clearInterval(racetimetimer); srl_racestatus.innerHTML = 'Race over'; break; case 1: //Entry Open if (racetimetimer != null) window.clearInterval(racetimetimer); srl_racestatus.innerHTML = 'Not yet started'; break; default: if (racetimetimer != null) window.clearInterval(racetimetimer); srl_racestatus.innerHTML = race.statetext; break; } hoverNode=Array(); hoverElements=0; entrants_node.innerHTML=''; var entrants_n=0; var nEntrants=objLength(race.entrants); for (i in race.entrants) { entrants_n++; if (race.entrants[i].time > 0) //finished entrants_node.innerHTML += '<label style="margin-bottom:0px;z-index:-100;opacity:0.4;position:absolute;width:100%;text-align:center;display:inline;">' + finishPlace(race.entrants[i].place) + '</label>' var node = document.createElement('label'); switch (race.entrants[i].place) { case 1: = 'rgba(255,255,0,.2)'; break; case 2: = 'rgba(128,128,128,.2)'; break; case 3: = 'rgba(210,100,0,.2)'; break; default: break; } = '0px 5px'; if (race.entrants[i] == entrant) = 'underline'; = '1px solid rgba(128,128,128,0.085)'; = '0px'; var inner_html = ''; if (race.entrants[i].twitch != '' && race.entrants[i].twitch.toLowerCase() != channel) inner_html += '<a class="new" style="" target="_blank" href="' + race.entrants[i].twitch + '">' + race.entrants[i].displayname + '</a>'; else inner_html += race.entrants[i].displayname; if (entrants_n<nEntrants) inner_html += '<span class="srl_comma">, </span>'; inner_html += '<div style="float:right;">'; if (race.entrants[i].message !== null&&race.entrants[i].message !== '') { node.setAttribute("comment",race.entrants[i].message); node.className="srl_commented"; addComment(node); } switch (race.entrants[i].time) { case - 1: //forfeit inner_html += 'Forfeit'; break; case - 3: //in progress break; case 0: //not in progress break; default: if (race.entrants[i].time > 0)//finished inner_html += make_time(race.entrants[i].time); break; } inner_html += '</div></div>\n'; node.innerHTML = inner_html; entrants_node.appendChild(node); } entrants_n_node.innerHTML = entrants_n + (entrants_n == 1 ? ' entrant' : ' entrants'); position_menu(); } function update_racetime() { racetime++; srl_racestatus.innerHTML = make_time(racetime); } function event_post_goal() { chat_ask_confirm('Post race goal in the chat?', 'Race goal: ' + race.goal); } function event_post_multitwitch() { chat_ask_confirm('Post Multitwitch in the chat?', multitwitch_node.href); } function event_post_racepage() { chat_ask_confirm('Post SRL page in the chat?', racepage_node.href); } function advertise_script() { chat_ask_confirm('Post download link in the chat?', 'SRL race plugin for twitch: Firefox, Chrome'); } function get_page() { if (document.title.indexOf("'") != - 1) return 'dashboard'; else if (document.title.indexOf(' ') != - 1) return 'channel'; else return null; } function get_srl_data() { if (request_in_progress == true) return ; request_in_progress = true; = 'inline'; pageRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); pageRequest.onreadystatechange = function () { if (pageRequest.readyState == 4 && pageRequest.status == 200) { request_in_progress = false; var srl = JSON && JSON.parse(pageRequest.responseText) || $.parseJSON(pageRequest.responseText); race = null; if (srl.count > 0) { var race_priority = - 1; //any race found will do for (var i = 0; i < srl.races.length; i++) { for (j in srl.races[i].entrants) { if (srl.races[i].entrants[j].twitch.toLowerCase() == channel) //streamer found in a race { switch (srl.races[i].entrants[j].time) { case 0: //race not started if (race_priority < 4 && srl.races[i].goal !== '' || race_priority == - 1) { race = srl.races[i]; race_priority = 4; entrant = srl.races[i].entrants[j]; } break; case - 3: //in progress if (race_priority < 3 && srl.races[i].goal !== '' || race_priority == - 1) { race = srl.races[i]; race_priority = 3; entrant = srl.races[i].entrants[j]; } break; case - 1: //forfeit if (race_priority < 1 && srl.races[i].goal !== '' || race_priority == - 1) { race = srl.races[i]; race_priority = 1; entrant = srl.races[i].entrants[j]; } break; default: //finished if (srl.races[i].entrants[j].time > 0) //finished if (race_priority < 2 && srl.races[i].goal !== '' || race_priority == - 1) { race = srl.races[i]; race_priority = 2; entrant = srl.races[i].entrants[j]; } break; } } } } } = 'none'; if (race !== null) { = '1.0'; if ( != 'none') { = 'inline'; load_race(); } } else { = '0.3'; racetitle_node.innerHTML = 'Not racing.'; = 'none'; } } }'GET', '', true); pageRequest.send(); } function generate_multitwitch(entrants) { var multi = ''; var streamers = 0; for (k in entrants) { if (entrants[k].twitch !== '') { multi += '/' + entrants[k].twitch; streamers++; } } if (streamers > 1) return multi; return null; } function chat_ask_confirm(question, chttxt) { chatconfirm = chttxt; chat_confirm_text_node.innerHTML = question; = 'hidden'; = 'block'; } function chat_confirm() { post_in_chat(chatconfirm); = 'none'; = 'visible'; } function chat_decline() { = 'none'; = 'visible'; } function post_in_chat(text) { var chatDoc=document; if (page_type=="dashboard") { var chatFrame = document.getElementById("dashboard-chat"); chatDoc = chatFrame.contentDocument || chatFrame.contentWindow.document; } if (chatDoc.getElementsByClassName('ember-view loading-mask') .length == 0) //chat is enabled { var chatinput = chatDoc.getElementsByClassName('ember-view ember-text-area')[0]; chatinput.focus(); var temp = chatinput.value; chatinput.value = text; chatDoc.getElementsByClassName('send-chat-button')[0].focus(); chatDoc.getElementsByClassName('send-chat-button')[0].click(); chatinput.value=temp; } } function make_time(time) { var str = ''; var hours = Math.floor(time); var seconds = hours % 60; hours -= seconds; var minutes = (hours % 3600) / 60; hours -= minutes * 60; hours /= 3600; if (hours > 0) str += hours + ':'; if (minutes > 0 || hours > 0) { if (minutes < 10 && hours > 0) str += '0' + minutes + ':'; else str += minutes + ':'; } if (seconds < 10 && (minutes > 0||hours>0)) str += '0' + seconds; else str += seconds; return str; } function addEventSimple(obj, event, func) { if (obj.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(event, func, false); else if (obj.attachEvent) obj.attachEvent('on' + event, func); } function finishPlace(place) { switch (place) { case 1: return '1st'; case 2: return '2nd'; case 3: return '3rd'; default: return place + 'th'; } } function drag_start(e) { if (e.button == 0) { if (page_type == 'channel') if (dragstarted == false) { var bbox = window_node.getBoundingClientRect(); dragsx = bbox.left; dragsy =; outside_family_node.appendChild(window_node); outside_family_node.appendChild(comment_node); inside_family_node.innerHTML = ''; } dragging = true; dragstarted = true; mousex = e.clientX; mousey = e.clientY; dragposx = e.clientX; dragposy = e.clientY; position_menu(); } } function drag_end(e) { if (e.button == 0) { drag_perform(e); dragging = false; } } function drag_perform(e) { if (dragging) { dragposx = mousex; dragposy = mousey; mousex = e.clientX; mousey = e.clientY; dragx += mousex - dragposx; dragy += mousey - dragposy; position_menu(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } } function probablyALink(text) { //protocol if (text.indexOf("http://")==0||text.indexOf("https://")==0) return 1; //check for a dot var dot=text.indexOf("."); if (dot==-1) return 0; //check the second part after first dot var part2=text.substr(dot+1); if (part2.indexOf("/")!=-1)//has a slash return 1; var moredot=part2.indexOf(".");//second dot with text after if (moredot!=-1&&moredot+1<part2.length) return 1; return 0; } //add individual comments function addComment(nd) { var id=hoverElements++; hoverNode[id]=nd; nd.addEventListener("mouseover",function(){hover_on(id);},false); nd.addEventListener("mouseout",function(){hover_off(id);},false); } function objLength(obj) { var length=0; var key; for (key in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) length++; return length; }; function get_style() { return "\ #srl_comment\ {\ opacity: 0.8;\ width: 100%;\ white-space: normal;\ }\ #srl\ {\ position: absolute;\ z-index: 5444333 !important;\ outline: medium none;\ width: 320px;\ padding: 0px;\ overflow: hidden;\ }\ #srl label\ {\ margin-bottom: 0px;\ padding: 0px 5px;\ }\ #srl_window_content\ {\ min-height: 70px;\ }\ #srl_draggable\ {\ padding: 5px 5px;\ cursor: move;\ webkit-touch-callout: none;\ -webkit-user-select: none;\ -khtml-user-select: none;\ -moz-user-select: none;\ -ms-user-select: none;\ user-select: none;\ }\ .srl_titlecontainer\ {\ padding: 0px;\ font-weight: bold;\ margin-right: 15px;\ }\ #srl_close\ {\ float: right;\ width: 15px;\ height: 15px;\ margin-right: -18px;\ font-size: 20px;\ line-height: 13px;\ cursor: pointer;\ }\ #srl_racetitle\ {\ display: inline-block;\ cursor: move;\ margin-bottom: 0px;\ padding: 0px;\ font-size: 13px;\ }\ #srl_loading\ {\ float: right;\ position: absolute;\ right: 2px;\ top: 24px;\ }\ #srl_race_content\ {\ display: none;\ }\ .srl_postgoal\ {\ border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.3);\ margin-right: 20px;\ }\ .srl_post, .srl_post_left\ {\ width: 14px;\ height: 11px;\ background-color: #000;\ background-position: -2px -4px;\ cursor: pointer;\ display: inline-block;\ margin: 3px 3px 0px 0px;\ float:left;\ }\ .srl_post_left\ {\ margin: 3px 0px 0px 3px;\ }\ .srl_n_and_entrants\ {\ border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.3);\ padding-top: 2px;\ }\ #srl_racestatus\ {\ padding: 0px;\ display: inline;\ }\ #srl_entrants_n\ {\ max-height: 380px;\ overflow-y: auto;\ float: right;\ }\ #srl_entrants\ {\ padding: 2px 0px;\ }\ .srl_post_links\ {\ padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;\ }\ #srl_post_multitwitch\ {\ float: left;\ }\ #srl_post_racepage\ {\ float: right;\ }\ #srl_multitwitch\ {\ padding-top: 0px;\ padding-bottom: 0px;\ cursor: pointer;\ }\ #srl_racepage\ {\ padding-top: 0px;\ padding-bottom: 0px;\ cursor: pointer;\ /*width: 100%;*/\ float: right;\ }\ .srl_advertise_container\ {\ width: 100%;\ text-align: center;\ padding-bottom: 5px;\ }\ #srl_advertise\ {\ cursor: pointer;\ padding: 0px 10px;\ }\ #srl_chat_confirm\ {\ display: none;\ position: absolute;\ width: 100%;\ text-align: center;\ height: 70px;\ bottom: 50%;\ margin-bottom: -35px;\ }\ #srl_chat_confirm_text\ {\ margin-bottom: 15px;\ }\ #srl_chat_yes\ {\ position: absolute;\ margin: 0px;\ left: 40px;\ }\ #srl_chat_no\ {\ position: absolute;\ margin: 0px;\ right: 40px;\ }\ .srl_button\ {\ height: 30px;\ font-weight: bold;\ float: none;\ line-height: 24pt;\ width: 90px;\ }\ #bttvDashboard /*because betterttv sucks at this stuff*/\ {\ color: #000;\ }\ #srl_comment .tipsy-arrow\ {\ left: 10px;\ }\ .srl_comma\ {\ width: 0px;\ height: 0px;\ display: inline-block;\ overflow: hidden;\ "; }