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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name Stream Legends Auto Fighter // @description An actually working autofighter/grinder for stream legends extension // @copyright 2018, ySomic ( // @license MIT // @version 0.0.2 // @match* // @updateURL // @grant none // @author ySomic // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author ySomic // ==/OpenUserJS== (function () { 'use strict'; var intervalFighter; var fightsBefore = 0; var continuePastFights = false; var continueBossFigth = false; var fights = -1; var fighterOn = false; function eventFire(el, etype) { if (el.fireEvent) { el.fireEvent('on' + etype); } else { var evObj = document.createEvent('Events'); evObj.initEvent(etype, true, false); el.dispatchEvent(evObj); } } function ifExistThen(el, callback) { if (el !== undefined) { callback(); } } function buttonActive(el, callbackExists, callbackNonExists) { if (el !== undefined && !(el.classList.contains("srpg-button-disabled") || el.classList.contains("srpg-awaiting-request-spinner"))) { ifExistThen(callbackExists, callbackExists); } else { ifExistThen(callbackNonExists, callbackNonExists); } } function continueFromFight() { var div_PostFightDiv = document.getElementsByClassName("fight-results-button")[1]; buttonActive(div_PostFightDiv, function () { var btn_PostFight = document.getElementsByClassName("post-fight-button")[0]; buttonActive(btn_PostFight, function () { eventFire(btn_PostFight, 'click'); }); }); } function continueFromReward() { var div_RewardsCTAButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("rewards-cta-buttons")[0]; buttonActive(div_RewardsCTAButtons, function () { var btn_Continue = document.getElementsByClassName("srpg-button-continue")[0]; buttonActive(btn_Continue, function () { eventFire(btn_Continue, 'click'); }); }) } function selectPreviousFight() { var btn_Areas = document.getElementsByClassName("node-completed"); if (fightsBefore > 5) { fightsBefore = 5; } var select = btn_Areas.length - fightsBefore - 1; if (select >= 0) { var btn_AreaBefore = btn_Areas[select]; buttonActive(btn_AreaBefore, function () { eventFire(btn_AreaBefore, 'click'); }) } } function startFight() { var div_FightButtnDiv = document.getElementsByClassName("srpg-map-actions-fight-buttons")[0]; buttonActive(div_FightButtnDiv, function () { var btn_FightButton = div_FightButtnDiv.getElementsByClassName("srpg-button")[0]; buttonActive(btn_FightButton, function () { startFightUI(); if (fights % 10 == 0) { console.log("Starting fight nr: " + fights + "."); } eventFire(btn_FightButton, 'click'); }) }); } function drawMenu() { var html = "<div id=\"bgDiv\" style=\"position: absolute;width: 200px;height: 163px;z-index:500;bottom:55px;left:10px;background-color:#268074;opacity: 0.3\">\n" + "\n" + "</div>\n" + "\n" + "<div id=\"btnsDiv\" style=\"position: absolute;width: 200px;min-height: 163px;z-index:600;bottom:55px;left:10px;color:#000\">\n" + " <button id=\"toggle\" style=\"box-sizing:border-box;width: 180px;margin:10px 10px;\">Toggle off</button>\n" + " <br>\n" + " <button id=\"autoFight\" style=\"box-sizing:border-box;width: 85px;margin:5px 3px 10px 10px;display: inline-block\">Auto</button>\n" + " <button id=\"grind\" style=\"box-sizing:border-box;width: 85px;margin:5px 10px 10px 3px;display: inline-block\">Grind</button>\n" + " <br>\n" + " <span style=\"width: 85px;margin:5px 0 10px 12px;float:left\">Lvl's before: </span> <input style=\"width: 85px;margin:5px 10px 10px 0;float:right\" name=\"areasBefore\" type=\"text\" id=\"areasBefore\" value=\"0\">\n" + " <br>\n" + " <span style=\"display: inline-block;box-sizing:border-box;max-width:150px;margin:5px 0 10px 10px\">Fights Nr: </span><span id=\"fights\" style=\"display: inline-block;font-weight: bold;margin-left:10px;width:5px\">999</span>\n" + "</div>"; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); } function selectRaid() { var div_raidMap = document.getElementsByClassName("map-raid")[0]; buttonActive(div_raidMap, function () { // RAID ACTIVE! eventFire(div_raidMap, 'click'); }) } function continueRaid() { var div_leaderboard = document.getElementsByClassName("raid-leaderboard-rewards")[0]; buttonActive(div_leaderboard, function () { var btn_Continue = document.getElementsByClassName("srpg-button-maps")[0]; buttonActive(btn_Continue, function () { eventFire(btn_Continue, 'click'); }); }) } function btnToggle() { fighterOn = !fighterOn; fighterInterval(fighterOn); } function btnAutoFight() { if (!fighterOn) { fighterOn = true; fighterInterval(fighterOn); } continueBossFigth = true; continuePastFights = false; setDisables(); } function btnGrind() { if (!fighterOn) { fighterOn = true; fighterInterval(fighterOn); } continueBossFigth = false; continuePastFights = true; setDisables(); } function setDisables() { setDisableAutoFight(); setDisableGrind(); } function setDisableAutoFight() { disable(document.getElementById("autoFight"), continueBossFigth); } function setDisableGrind() { disable(document.getElementById("grind"), continuePastFights); } function disable(element, disabled) { if (disabled) { element.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); } else { element.removeAttribute("disabled"); } } function bindMenu() { document.getElementById("toggle").addEventListener("click", btnToggle); document.getElementById("autoFight").addEventListener("click", btnAutoFight); document.getElementById("grind").addEventListener("click", btnGrind); document.getElementById("areasBefore").addEventListener("change", function () { var value = this.value; console.log("new areas: " + value); fightsBefore = value; }); } function startFightUI() { fights++; document.getElementById("fights").innerHTML = fights; } function setCorrectToggleText(value) { if (value) { document.getElementById("toggle").innerHTML = "Turn off"; } else { document.getElementById("toggle").innerHTML = "Turn on"; } } function fighterInterval(on) { if (on) { continueBossFigth = false; continuePastFights = true; console.log("Starting Timer"); intervalFighter = setInterval(function () { selectRaid(); continueFromFight(); continueFromReward(); continueRaid(); if (continuePastFights) { selectPreviousFight(); setTimeout(startFight, 100); } else if (continueBossFigth) { startFight(); } }, 1000) } else { clearInterval(intervalFighter); continueBossFigth = false; continuePastFights = false; } setCorrectToggleText(on); setDisables(); } (function () { console.log("Make sure you're in the iframe!"); // Reseting console var i = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(i); window.console = i.contentWindow.console; //make menu drawMenu(); bindMenu(); setCorrectToggleText(); //Start overall interval fighterInterval(fighterOn); })(); })();