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// ==UserScript== // @name Bupt WebVPN Optimization // @namespace // @version 0.2 // @description for automatically input uid and pwd(请在浏览器中取消对的密码自动填充) // @author Xianfei // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // 你的教务系统学号和密码 var jwglID = '替换为你的学号'; var jwglPwd = '替换为你的教务系统密码'; // 你的信息门户(包括任何通过认证的网站)学号和密码 var authID = jwglID; var authPwd = '替换为你的信息门户密码'; // 你的WebVPN密码(连接校园网密码) var webVpnID = jwglID; var webVpnPwd = '替换为你的校园网密码'; // 你的大创平台信息 var winID = jwglID; var winPwd = '替换为你的大创网密码'; // 自动填充延时(或频率) 如果与浏览器自动填充有冲突请更改此项 var fillDelay = 100; // 使用循环填充代替仅填充一次 如果与浏览器自动填充有冲突请更改此项 var loopFill = false; // 下方为程序代码(看不懂的话就不要动啦~) (function () { 'use strict'; // for webvpn login if (window.location.pathname == "/login") { if (loopFill) { setInterval(() => { document.getElementById('user_name').value = webVpnID document.getElementsByName("password")[0].value = webVpnPwd }, fillDelay); } else { setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('user_name').value = webVpnID document.getElementsByName("password")[0].value = webVpnPwd }, fillDelay); } } // for jwgl login if (window.location.pathname.indexOf('jsxsd') != -1 && document.title.indexOf("登录") != -1) { if (loopFill) { setInterval(() => { document.getElementById('userAccount').value = jwglID document.getElementById('userPassword').value = jwglPwd }, fillDelay); } else { setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('userAccount').value = jwglID document.getElementById('userPassword').value = jwglPwd }, fillDelay); } } // for auth system login if (document.title.indexOf("统一身份认证") != -1) { if (loopFill) { setInterval(() => { document.getElementById('username').value = authID document.getElementById('password').value = authPwd }, fillDelay); } else { setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('username').value = authID document.getElementById('password').value = authPwd }, fillDelay); } } // for win login if (document.title.indexOf("大学生创新创业") != -1) { if (loopFill) { setInterval(() => { document.getElementsByName("user")[0].value = winID document.getElementsByName("pass")[0].value = winPwd }, fillDelay); } else { setTimeout(() => { document.getElementsByName("user")[0].value = winID document.getElementsByName("pass")[0].value = winPwd }, fillDelay); } } // for main page (add link for if (window.location.pathname == "/") { var utf8 = aesjs.utils.utf8; var hex = aesjs.utils.hex var AesCfb = aesjs.ModeOfOperation.cfb var textRightAppend = function (text, mode) { var segmentByteSize = mode === 'utf8' ? 16 : 32 if (text.length % segmentByteSize === 0) { return text } var appendLength = segmentByteSize - text.length % segmentByteSize var i = 0 while (i++ < appendLength) { text += '0' } return text } var encrypt = function (text, key, iv) { var textLength = text.length text = textRightAppend(text, 'utf8') var keyBytes = utf8.toBytes(key) var ivBytes = utf8.toBytes(iv) var textBytes = utf8.toBytes(text) var aesCfb = new AesCfb(keyBytes, ivBytes, 16) var encryptBytes = aesCfb.encrypt(textBytes) return hex.fromBytes(ivBytes) + hex.fromBytes(encryptBytes).slice(0, textLength * 2) } var decrypt = function (text, key) { var textLength = (text.length - 32) / 2 text = textRightAppend(text, 'hex') var keyBytes = utf8.toBytes(key) var ivBytes = hex.toBytes(text.slice(0, 32)) var textBytes = hex.toBytes(text.slice(32)) var aesCfb = new AesCfb(keyBytes, ivBytes, 16) var decryptBytes = aesCfb.decrypt(textBytes) return utf8.fromBytes(decryptBytes).slice(0, textLength) } function encrypUrl(protocol, url) { var port = ""; var segments = ""; if (url.substring(0, 7) == "http://") { url = url.substr(7); } else if (url.substring(0, 8) == "https://") { url = url.substr(8); } var v6 = ""; var match = /\[[0-9a-fA-F:]+?\]/.exec(url); if (match) { v6 = match[0]; url = url.slice(match[0].length); } segments = url.split("?")[0].split(":"); if (segments.length > 1) { port = segments[1].split("/")[0] url = url.substr(0, segments[0].length) + url.substr(segments[0].length + port.length + 1); } if (protocol != "connection") { var i = url.indexOf('/'); if (i == -1) { if (v6 != "") { url = v6; } url = encrypt(url, "wrdvpnisthebest!", 'wrdvpnisthebest!') } else { var host = url.slice(0, i); var path = url.slice(i); if (v6 != "") { host = v6; } url = encrypt(host, "wrdvpnisthebest!", 'wrdvpnisthebest!') + path; } } if (port != "") { url = "/" + protocol + "-" + port + "/" + url; } else { url = "/" + protocol + "/" + url; } return url; } var jwUrl = encrypUrl("http", ""); $('#group-1').append("<div onclick=\"window.location.href='" + jwUrl + "'\" class=\"layui-col-xs12 layui-col-sm6 layui-col-md4 layui-col-lg3\" style=\"padding: 10px 10px 10px 0px;\">\n <div class=\"vpn-content-block-panel\"\n data-url=" + jwUrl + "\n data-search=\"新教务系统\"\n data-type=\"vpn\"\n title=\"新教务系统\"\n >\n <div class=\"vpn-content-block-panel__image\">\n \n <div>\n <span>教</span>\n </div>\n \n </div>\n \n <div class=\"vpn-content-block-panel__content\">\n <p>新教务系统</p>\n <p class=\"vpn-content-block-panel__url\"></p>\n </div>\n \n </div>\n </div>") var winUrl = encrypUrl("https", ""); $('#group-1').append("<div onclick=\"window.location.href='" + winUrl + "'\" class=\"layui-col-xs12 layui-col-sm6 layui-col-md4 layui-col-lg3\" style=\"padding: 10px 10px 10px 0px;\">\n <div class=\"vpn-content-block-panel\"\n data-url=" + winUrl + "\n data-search=\"\"\n data-type=\"vpn\"\n title=\"大创网\"\n >\n <div class=\"vpn-content-block-panel__image\">\n \n <div>\n <span>大</span>\n </div>\n \n </div>\n \n <div class=\"vpn-content-block-panel__content\">\n <p>大创网</p>\n <p class=\"vpn-content-block-panel__url\"></p>\n </div>\n \n </div>\n </div>") } })();