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// ==UserScript== // @name Imgur - Page redirector // @description Redirects Imgur pages to images, videos or album download. // @namespace var512 // @author var512 // @version 0.0.4 // @supportURL // @supportURL // @include /^https?:\/\/(i\.|www\.)?imgur\.com\/(.+)/ // @exclude /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?imgur\.com\/(about|privacy|search|upload|t\/)(.*)/ // @icon // @license MIT // @noframes // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (() => { 'use strict'; const isDebugEnabled = false; const imgurUrl = new URL(document.URL); isDebugEnabled && console.log(`imgurUrl: ${imgurUrl}`); if (typeof imgurUrl !== 'object') { return; } const splitPath = imgurUrl.pathname.split('/'); isDebugEnabled && console.log(`splitPath: ${splitPath} | length: ${splitPath.length}`); if (splitPath.length < 2) { return; } // response.status workaround const pageTitle = document.querySelector('title'); const isResponseNotFound = pageTitle && pageTitle.innerText.includes('404 page'); isDebugEnabled && console.log(`isResponseNotFound: ${isResponseNotFound}`); if (isResponseNotFound) { return; } const isDirectLink =''); isDebugEnabled && console.log(`isDirectLink: ${isDirectLink}`); if (isDirectLink === true) { // .gifv URLs are redirects (not a video content-type) if (imgurUrl.href.endsWith('.gifv')) { isDebugEnabled && console.log('redirecting gifv to mp4...'); window.location.replace(imgurUrl.href.replace(/.gifv$/i, '.mp4')); } return; } window.stop(); const isGallery = ['a', 'gallery'].indexOf(splitPath[1]) >= 0 && ['zip'].indexOf(splitPath[2]) === -1; const isSingleImageGallery = document.querySelectorAll('.post-image-container').length === 1; isDebugEnabled && console.log(`isGallery: ${isGallery} | isSingleImageGallery: ${isSingleImageGallery}`); if (isGallery && isSingleImageGallery === false) { isDebugEnabled && console.log('redirecting gallery to zip download...'); window.location.replace(`${splitPath[2]}/zip`); return; } const contentType = document.querySelectorAll('meta[property="og:video"]').length > 0 ? 'video' : 'image'; const ogUrl = document.querySelector(`meta[property="og:${contentType}"]`).attributes.getNamedItem('content').value; const newUrl = ogUrl.split('?').shift(); isDebugEnabled && console.log(`contentType: ${contentType}`); isDebugEnabled && console.log(`ogUrl: ${ogUrl}`); isDebugEnabled && console.log(`newUrl: ${newUrl}`); isDebugEnabled && console.log('redirecting...'); window.location.replace(newUrl); })();