Raw Source
tastytea / Misskey CW toggle

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Misskey CW toggle
// @description Adds a button to toggle the visibility of all notes with content warnings on note-pages.
// @version     2023.1.26.2
// @author      tastytea
// @copyright   2022-2023, tastytea (https://tastytea.de/)
// @license     GPL-3.0-only
// @namespace   tastytea.de
// @homepageURL https://schlomp.space/tastytea/userscripts
// @supportURL  https://schlomp.space/tastytea/userscripts/issues
// @downloadURL https://schlomp.space/tastytea/userscripts/raw/branch/main/fediverse/misskey_cw_toggle.user.js
// @grant       none
// @match       https://*/notes/*
// @run-at      document-end
// @inject-into content
// ==/UserScript==

let interval;
let counter = 0;

function get_root() {
    const root = document.getElementsByClassName("lxwezrsl note")[0];   // MK 13
    if (root === undefined) {
        root = document.getElementsByClassName("_block note")[0]; // MK 12
    return root;

// Toggle the visibility of each status with CW.
function toggle() {
    const root = get_root()
    if (root === undefined) {
    const cw_classes = ["cw", "xpfPt"];
    for (let classname of cw_classes) {
        for (let status of root.getElementsByClassName(classname)) {
            let button = status.getElementsByTagName("button")[0];
            if (button === undefined) {

// Add a “Toggle all CWs”-button.
function add_button() {
    const root = get_root()
    if (root === undefined) {
        console.error("No suitable parent-element found.");

    const button = document.createElement("button");
    button.setAttribute("id", "global-cw-toggle");
    button.setAttribute("class", "_button");
    button.setAttribute("style", "margin-top: 0.2em; margin-right: 0.5em;");
    button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Toggle all CWs"));

    root.insertBefore(button, root.firstChild);

    button.onclick = toggle;

function check() {
    const root = get_root()
    if (root === undefined) {

    // If there is a “Show content” button, add our button, if we didn't do so before.
    if (root.getElementsByClassName("cw").length > 0
        && document.getElementById("global-cw-toggle") === null) {
        console.debug("Global CW toggle button added");

interval = setInterval(check, 1000); // Try to add button every second.