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// ==UserScript== // @name Hit Timer & Hit Wage($/hr) // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Track the time of the last HIT completed. This data is stored in the localStorage of the browser. Currently if times are recorded, they will show up on your daily status pages. - Ben; Added wage calculator on 2/14/2014 - android2102 // @match* // @match* // @exclude* // @copyright 2013+, Ben McMath, android2102 // @require // ==/UserScript== if($('#theTime').length > 0) { console.log("-=-=-= Found a Timer"); function getParameterByName(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"), results = regex.exec(; return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } var checker = setInterval(function(){ var hitId = getParameterByName('hitId'); var theTime = document.getElementById('theTime').innerText; if(typeof(Storage)!=="undefined") { // Yes! localStorage and sessionStorage support! localStorage.setItem('hitTimer.' + hitId, theTime); } else { // Sorry! No web storage support.. console.log("-=-=-= Your browser doesn't support local storage, and therefore we can not track the timing of hits"); clearInterval(checker); } }, 1000); } // see if we are on the status page if(document.getElementsByClassName('IKnowYou').length > 0 && new RegExp('Status Detail').test(document.getElementsByClassName('IKnowYou')[0].innerText)) { //waits 1 sec before loading in the times setTimeout(loadTimes, 1000); function loadTimes() { //loads in a column to page? addTimeHeaderColumn(); addWageHeaderColumn(); var requesterColumns = document.getElementsByClassName('statusdetailRequesterColumnValue'); for (var i = requesterColumns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var linkElement = null; for(var j = requesterColumns[i].children.length -1; j >= 0; j--) { if(requesterColumns[i].children[j].tagName = "A") { linkElement = requesterColumns[i].children[j]; break; } } if(typeof linkElement != 'undefined') { var hitId = linkElement.href.match(/[A-Z0-9]{30}/); var timeTaken = getTime(hitId); var reward = $('.statusdetailAmountColumnValue').slice(i, i+1).text().substring(1); addTimeTaken(requesterColumns[i], timeTaken); addWage(requesterColumns[i], reward, timeTaken); } } } function addTimeHeaderColumn() { var header = document.getElementsByClassName('grayHead'); var timeColumn = document.createElement('th'); var timeTitle = document.createTextNode('Estimated Time Taken'); timeColumn.appendChild(timeTitle); header[0].appendChild(timeColumn); } function addWageHeaderColumn() { var header = document.getElementsByClassName('grayHead'); var wageColumn = document.createElement('th'); var wageTitle = document.createTextNode('Wage ($/hr)'); wageColumn.appendChild(wageTitle); header[0].appendChild(wageColumn); } function getTime(hitId) { var timeTaken = localStorage.getItem('hitTimer.' + hitId); return (timeTaken == null) ? '' : timeTaken; } function addTimeTaken(element, timeTaken) { var timeColumn = document.createElement('td'); timeColumn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(timeTaken)); element.parentNode.appendChild(timeColumn); } function addWage(element, reward, timeTaken) { var wageColumn = document.createElement('td'); wageColumn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(getWage(reward,timeTaken))); element.parentNode.appendChild(wageColumn); } //calculates $/hr wage for each HIT function getWage(reward, timeTaken) { var timeIndex = timeTaken.split(':'); var seconds = (+timeIndex[0]) * 60 * 60 + (+timeIndex[1]) * 60 + (+timeIndex[2]); var wage = reward * 3600 / seconds; return isNaN(wage) ? '' : '$' + wage.toFixed(2); } }