For SpaceX fans who want to follow the journey of its ships during F9 recovery.
This script highlights Elsbeth III, GoSearcher and GoQuest on the embeddable version of marinetraffic.com (http://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/embed/) and display their coordinates, speed and heading.
Note that the ids of the ships will change as the ships go near the coast and offshore again. A small update will be issued as soon as the new ids are known.

Version 1.3.1
- Fixed an issue that prevented the script from detecting some ship at zoom level >= 15. (Thanks /u/david_edmeades for pointing this out.)
- Refresh time for data is now shorter and varies according to zoom level.
- Refresh time for projected location now 10" (useful at higher zoom levels).
- Click on ship name in the table to center the map on the ship.
- Other minor tweaks and code optimizations.
- Note that no change to offshore ids was needed so far (Eutelsat 117W B & ABS 2A Campaign).
Version 1.3
- Added optional visual track and waypoints for the recorded locations of the ships.
- Added optional projection of the current position based on the last known speed and location.
- Added optional marker for the expected location of the ASDS at landing.
- Data are now stored locally and won't be lost if you accidentally close the browser window.
Version 1.2
- Added Ship's log. Simply let the browser open and the script will record ships' positions and display a log table for easy Cut & Paste.
- Fixed an inssue with months in UTC dates. (Thanks /u/robbak.)
- Other minor tweaks.
Version 1.1
- Added color coding as suggested by /u/robbak
- Corrected minor format error for UTC times
- Other minor tweaks.