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// ==UserScript== // @name Paper Clip // @description Edit and save selection as clean HTML, Markdown or Text file optimized for printing. Hotkey: Command + Shift + S. // @author Schimon Jehudah, Adv. // @namespace i2p.schimon.paperclip // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @copyright 2023 - 2025, Schimon Jehudah (http://schimon.i2p) // @license MIT; // @require // @exclude devtools://* // @match file:///* // @match *://*/* // @version 25.01.24 // @run-at document-end // @icon  // ==/UserScript== /* TODO 0) ePUB and HTMLZ 1) Display preview 2) Bookmarklet 3) jsPDF /parallax/jsPDF 4) Remove style="background-image: url('');" 5) Save description too for MD and TXT. example: 6) Footnotes for TXT * Collect all hyperlinks (array) * Scan for text NO AGAIN * For each hyperlink detected, enter an pointer of some sort NO AGAIN * Detect hyperlink * Place links into an array * Replace each hyperlink by text and a number (i.e. [1]) * Replace hyperlink * Append link to array * Extract all links from array as footnotes FIXME 1) 2) Replace element-img enclosed in element-a by href of element-a NO Better use place these as footnotes 3) & 4) Replace element img with attribute alt to element span 5) Code (pre) is realized as one line questions/72294299/multiple-top-level-packages-discovered-in-a-flat-layout */ // Check whether HTML; otherwise, exit. //if (!document.contentType == 'text/html') //if (document.doctype == null) return; var originalBackground, originalColor, originalDisplay, originalOutline; const time = new Date(); const namespace = 'i2p.schimon.paperclip'; // FIXME set hotkey document.onkeyup = function(e) { //if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.which == 49) { // Ctrl + Shift + 1 if (e.metaKey && e.shiftKey && e.which == 83) { // Command + Shift + S'Saving selection to HTML.') generateXHTML(); } }; // TODO // event listener // event "click" and "mouseup" are the most sensible, albeit not accurate // event "mousemove" is the most manipulative (per user), yet (almost) the most accurate // event "select" seem to work only inside element input window.addEventListener('click',event => { //document.addEventListener('click',event => { let selection = document.getSelection(); let btn = document.getElementById(namespace); if (!btn && selection.toString().length) { btn = createButton(event.pageX, event.pageY); // TODO Move "append"s to a function btn.append(actionButton('close')); btn.append(actionButton('save')); btn.append(actionButton('highlight')); btn.append(actionButton('edit')); btn.append(actionButton('send')); document.body.append(btn); } else if (btn && !selection.toString().length) { btn.remove(); } }, {passive: true}); // TODO declare variables once // NOTE consider "mousedown" // NOTE consider moving this functionality into function createButton() window.addEventListener('mousemove',function(){ let selection = document.getSelection(); let btn = document.getElementById(namespace); if (btn && !selection.toString().length) { btn.remove(); } }); function createButton(x, y) { // create element let btn = document.createElement(namespace); // set content = namespace; // btn.textContent = '๐'; // ๐๏ธ ๐พ // set position = 'unset'; = 'absolute'; = x + 5 + 'px'; = y + 'px'; // set appearance = 'ltr'; = 'system-ui'; // cursive sans-serif emoji = 'black'; // cornflowerblue, grey, rosybrown = 'thin solid white'; // = 'thin'; // = 'solid'; // ridge // = 'darkred'; = '3px'; = '1%'; // = '100px'; // = '10px'; = '30px'; = '30px'; // = '10px'; // = '10px'; // = '20px'; = 10000; = 0.7; // center character = 'center'; = 'center'; = 'flex'; // disable selection marks = 'white'; // none = 'none'; = 'default'; btn.onmouseleave = () => { = 0.27;}; btn.onmouseover = () => { = 1;}; return btn; } function actionButton(type) { let content = getSelectedText().outerText; // textContent content = content.replace(/%0D%0A%0D%0A/g, " "); content = removeMultipleWhiteSpace(content); let item = document.createElement('span'); = `${namespace}-${type}`; // = '50%'; = 'none'; = '3px'; = '3px'; // = '10px'; = 'bold'; = 'white'; item.onmouseleave = () => {resetStyle();}; switch (type) { case 'back': item.textContent = '<'; item.onclick = () => { item.parentElement.replaceChildren( actionButton('close'), actionButton('save'), actionButton('highlight'), actionButton('edit'), actionButton('send') ) }; break; case 'close': item.textContent = 'x'; item.title = 'Double-click to close'; item.ondblclick = () => {item.parentElement.remove();}; break; case 'delete': item.textContent = 'Delete'; item.title = 'Double-click to delete content'; item.ondblclick = () => {getSelectedText().remove();}; item.onmouseenter = () => {drawBorder('darkred', 'rgb(255 182 182)', '2px dashed hotpink');}; break; case 'edit': item.textContent = 'Edit'; // = 'context-menu'; item.onclick = () => { item.parentElement.replaceChildren( actionButton('back'), actionButton('delete'), actionButton('editable') ) }; break; case 'editable': item.onmouseenter = () => {drawBorder('darkblue', 'rgb(200 182 255)', '2px solid blue');}; if (getSelectedText().contentEditable == 'true') { item.textContent = 'Stop Editing'; item.title = 'Turn off edit mode'; } else { item.textContent = 'Start Editing'; item.title = 'Turn on edit mode'; } item.onclick = () => { let texts = toggleEditeMode(); item.textContent = texts[0]; item.title = texts[1]; } break; case 'email': item.textContent = 'Email'; item.title = 'Send via Email as reference'; item.onclick = () => {window.location = `mailto:?subject=Content on ${location.hostname}&body=${document.title}%0D%0A%0D%0A${content}%0D%0A%0D%0A${location.hostname}${location.pathname}`}; break; case 'highlight': item.textContent = 'Mark'; item.title = 'Highlight text'; //item.onclick = () => {highlightSelection('black', 'khaki');}; item.onclick = () => {drawBorder('black', 'khaki', 'unset');}; break; case 'irc': item.textContent = 'IRC'; item.title = 'Send via IRC as reference'; item.onclick = () => {alert('This button will be supported in next update')}; break; case 'markdown': item.textContent = 'Markdown'; item.title = 'Save to Markdown'; item.onclick = () => {generateMD();}; //TODO URL reference to source URL break; case 'text': item.textContent = 'Text'; item.title = 'Save to Plain Text'; item.onclick = () => {generateTXT();}; break; case 'xhtml': item.textContent = 'HTML'; item.title = 'Save to HTML (valid XHTML)'; item.onclick = () => {generateXHTML();}; break; case 'xmpp': item.textContent = 'XMPP'; item.title = 'Send via Jabber as reference'; item.onclick = () => {window.location = `xmpp:?subject=Content on ${location.hostname}&body=${document.title}%0D%0A%0D%0A${content}%0D%0A%0D%0A${location.hostname}${location.pathname}`}; break; case 'save': item.textContent = 'Save'; // = 'context-menu'; item.onmouseenter = () => {drawBorder('black', 'rgb(250 250 210)', '2px double rosybrown');}; item.onclick = () => { item.parentElement.replaceChildren( actionButton('back'), actionButton('xhtml'), actionButton('markdown'), actionButton('text') ) }; break; case 'send': item.textContent = 'Send'; // = 'context-menu'; item.onclick = () => { item.parentElement.replaceChildren( actionButton('back'), actionButton('email'), actionButton('irc'), actionButton('xmpp') ) }; break; } return item; } function toggleEditeMode() { let texts; if (getSelectedText().contentEditable == 'true') { getSelectedText().contentEditable = 'false'; texts = ['Continue Editing', 'Edit content']; } else { getSelectedText().contentEditable = 'true'; texts = ['Stop Editing', 'Turn off edit mode']; } return texts; } // FIXME function highlightSelection(color, background) { let sel = document.getSelection(); originalColor =; originalBackground =; // = 'rgb(250 250 210)'; = background; // = 'black'; // DarkRed = color; } function drawBorder(color, background, outline) { //function drawBorder(color, background, outline, method) { let sel = getSelectedText(); //if (method == 'exactly') { // let sel = getSelectedText(); //} else { // let sel = document.getSelection(); //} originalColor =; originalOutline =; originalBackground =; // Draw border around input without affecting style, layout or spacing // /questions/29990319/draw-border-around-input-without-affecting-style-layout-or-spacing // = '3px solid'; // = 'lightgoldenrodyellow'; // = '3px dashed'; // = 'rgba(250,250,210,0.3)'; // = '3px double darkblue'; // = 'rgba(210,250,250,0.8)'; = '2px double rosybrown'; = outline; // = 'rgba(250,250,210,0.7)'; = 'rgb(250 250 210)'; = background; = 'black'; // DarkRed = color; } // TODO remove attribute 'style' of first element after 'body' // FIXME // // function resetStyle() { let sel = getSelectedText(); = originalColor; = originalOutline; = originalBackground; } function generateTXT() { let data = getSelectedText().outerText; data = `${data} Created: ${time.toDateString()} ${time.toLocaleTimeString()} Source: ${location.href} Title: ${document.title} Document generated using Paper Clip Save selected content into clean HTML, Markdown or Text `; savePage( data, createFilename('txt'), "text/plain" ); } function generateMD() { let domParser = new DOMParser(); let data = domParser.parseFromString('', 'text/html'); // Falkon: TrustedHTML data.body.innerHTML = getSelectedText().outerHTML; console.log(data) let elementsToRemove = [ 'button', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'iframe', 'textarea', //'svg', 'input', 'path', 'script', 'style', 'select']; data = removeMediaElements(data, elementsToRemove); let turndownService = new TurndownService(); data = turndownService.turndown(data); let title; if (document.title) { title = document.title; } else { title = location.pathname.split('/'); title = title[title.length-1]; //title = location.pathname.split('/'); //title = title[title.length-1]; } data = `# [${title}](${location.href}) ${getDescription()} ${data} --- This page was saved at ${time.toDateString()} ${time.toLocaleTimeString()} from [${location.hostname}](${location.href}) using [Paper Clip]( and converted into Markdown with [Turndown]( `; console.log(data) savePage( data, createFilename('md'), "text/plain" ); } function generateXHTML() { let domParser = new DOMParser(); let data = domParser.parseFromString('', 'text/html'); // Falkon: TrustedHTML // set title if (document.title.length > 0) { data.title = document.title; } // set base // NOTE do not "set base". // TODO Complete links of ./ and / etc. by fetching complete // url and replace href with it (it = complete url) base = data.createElement('base'); base.href = data.head.baseURI; // location.href; data.head.append(base); const metaTag = [ 'url', 'date', 'creator', 'user-agent', //'connection-type', 'content-type-sourced', 'charset-sourced' //'character-count' //'word-count' ]; const metaValue = [ location.href, time, namespace, navigator.userAgent, //navigator.connection.effectiveType, document.contentType, document.charset ]; for (let i = 0; i < metaTag.length; i++) { let meta = document.createElement('meta'); = metaTag[i]; meta.content = metaValue[i]; data.head.append(meta); } const metaData = [ //'content-type', 'viewport', 'description', 'keywords', 'generator' ]; for (let i = 0; i < metaData.length; i++) { let meta = document.createElement('meta'); = metaData[i] + '-imported'; try { meta.content = document.querySelector('meta[name="' + metaData[i] + '" i]') // .querySelector('meta[http-equiv="' + metaData[i] + '" i]') .content; } catch(err) { console.warn(metaData[i] + ': Not found.'); continue; } data.head.append(meta); } if (document.dir == 'rtl') { data.dir = 'rtl'; } data.body.innerHTML = getSelectedText().outerHTML; data = listMediaElements(data); let elementsToRemove = [ 'audio', 'embed', 'img', 'video', 'button', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'iframe', 'textarea', 'svg', 'input', 'path', 'script', 'style', 'select']; data = removeMediaElements(data, elementsToRemove); data = removeAttributes(data); //data = replaceMediaByLinks(data); data = correctLinks(data); data = removeEmptyElements(data); data = removeCommentNodes(data); //data = removeWhitespaceFromNodes(data, ['code', 'pre']); //data = replaceCodeAndPre(data); //data = setStylesheet(data); data = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(data); //data = formatPage(data); //data = minify(data); //data = removeComments(data); data = removeMultipleWhiteSpace(data); savePage( data, createFilename('xhtml'), "text/html" ); } // FIXME // body::-webkit-scrollbar{width:10.666666666666666px;height:10.666666666666666px;} function setStylesheet(node) { let cssStylesheet = document.createElement('style'); document.head.append(cssStylesheet); cssStylesheet.type = 'text/css'; if (node.querySelector('code') || node.querySelector('pre')) { cssStylesheet.textContent = 'code, pre {overflow: auto; display: grid; max-width: 100vw;}'; } return node; } // TODO Place plain text inside elements <code> <pre> (eliminate <span>, <br> etc.) // TODO Eliminate all elements without changing original text layout function replaceCodeAndPre(node) { // correctCodeElements const codeElements = node.getElementsByTagName('code'); const preElements = node.getElementsByTagName('pre'); // Replace content of all code elements with their own outerText for (let i = 0; i < codeElements.length; i++) { const element = codeElements[i]; element.outerText = element.outerText; } // Replace content of all pre elements with their own outerText for (let i = 0; i < preElements.length; i++) { const element = preElements[i]; element.outerText = element.outerText; } return node; } function replaceMediaByLinks(node) { for (const imgElement of node.querySelectorAll('img')) { // Create a new <a> element const aElement = node.createElement('a'); aElement.setAttribute.href = imgElement.src; // Copy the attributes and contents of the <img> element to the new <a> element for (let i = 0, l = imgElement.attributes.length; i < l; i++) { const name = imgElement.attributes.item(i).name; const value = imgElement.attributes.item(i).value; aElement.setAttribute(name, value); } aElement.textContent = imgElement.src; // Replace the <img> element with the new <a> element imgElement.parentNode.replaceChild(aElement, imgElement); } return node; } // TODO // Catch all elements with attribute // contains URL, and // starts with / (add hostname), and // contains / (add hostname with first parent path), and // validate using URL API function listMediaElements(node) { let unique = [] const elements = [ 'audio', 'embed', 'img', 'svg', 'video', 'frame', 'frameset', 'iframe', '[data-source]', ]; // Find element and add its URL as metadata for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { for (const element of node.querySelectorAll(elements[i])) { const attributes = ['src', 'data-img-url', 'data-source']; for (const attribute of attributes) { if (element.getAttribute(attribute) && !unique.includes(element.getAttribute(attribute))) { let attr = element.getAttribute(attribute) unique.push(attr) let meta = node.createElement('meta'); = `extracted-media-${element.nodeName.toLowerCase()}`; // Was ${elements[i]} meta.content = attr; node.head.append(meta); } } } } return node; } //Remove graphics, media and scripts function removeMediaElements(node, elements) { /* TODO Remove span and preserve its contents Movespan content to its parent element/node /questions/9848465/js-remove-a-tag-without-deleting-content FIXME Couldn't remove "iframe" for */ media = ['audio', 'embed', 'frame', 'frameset', 'iframe', 'img', 'video']; for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { for (const element of node.querySelectorAll(elements[i])) { if (media.includes(elements[i])) { let ele = node.createElement('a'); //ele.textContent = `Click to view removed HTML <${elements[i]}> media element.`.toUpperCase(); //ele.textContent = `[HIDDEN MEDIA]`; //ele.title = `${elements[i]} media element`; //ele.href = element.getAttribute('src'); //let ele = node.createElement('pre') //let ele = node.createElement('code') //ele.textContent = `${element.getAttribute('src')}`; //ele.title = 'Hidden media'; element.parentNode.insertBefore(ele, element.nextSibling); // insertAfter } element.remove(); } } return node; } // Remove all attributes function removeAttributes(node) { // /questions/1870441/remove-all-attributes const removeAttributes = (element) => { for (let i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) { if (element.attributes[i].name != 'href' && element.attributes[i].name != 'name' && element.attributes[i].name != 'id') { element.removeAttribute(element.attributes[i].name); } } }; for (const element of node.querySelectorAll('body *')) { removeAttributes(element); } return node; } // Correct links for offline usage function correctLinks(node) { for (const element of node.querySelectorAll('a')) { //if (element.hash) { //if (element.hostname + element.pathname == location.hostname + location.pathname) { if (element.href.startsWith(element.baseURI + '#')) { element.href = element.hash; } } return node; } function removeEmptyElements (node) { for (const element of node.body.querySelectorAll('*')) { //if (/^\s*$/.test(element.outerText)) { if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'br' && /^\s*$/.test(element.textContent)) { element.remove(); } } return node; } function removeCommentNodes(node) { const nodeIterator = node.createNodeIterator( node, // Starting node, usually the document body NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, // NodeFilter to show all node types null, false ); let currentNode; // Loop through each node in the node iterator while (currentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode()) { if (currentNode.nodeName == '#comment') { currentNode.remove(); console.log(currentNode.nodeName); } } return node; } function removeComments(str) { return str.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, ''); } function removeWhitespaceFromNodes(node, excludedTags) { const removeWhitespace = (node) => { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { node.textContent = node.textContent.trim(); } else if ( node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && !excludedTags.includes(node.tagName.toLowerCase()) ) { for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { removeWhitespace(node.childNodes[i]); } } }; removeWhitespace(node); return node; } function removeMultipleWhiteSpace(str) { //return str.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); //return str.replace(/(?<!<code>)\s+(?![^<]*<\/code>)/g, " "); /* return str.replace(/(<(code|pre|code-[^\s]+)[^>]*>.*?<\/\2>)|(\s+)/gs, function(match, p1, p2, p3) { if (p1) { // if the match is a code block return p1; // return the complete code block as is } else { // if the match is whitespace outside of a code block return " "; // replace with a single space } }); */ return str.replace(/(<(code|pre)[^>]*>.*?<\/\2>)|(\s+)/gs, function(match, p1, p2, p3) { if (p1) { // if the match is a code block return p1; // return the complete code block as is } else { // if the match is whitespace outside of a code block return " "; // replace with a single space } }); } // Get parent element of beginning (and end) of selected text // /questions/32515175/get-parent-element-of-beginning-and-end-of-selected-text function getSelectedText() { var selection = document.getSelection(); var selectionBegin = selection.anchorNode.parentNode; var selectionEnd = selection.focusNode.parentNode; var selectionCommon = findFirstCommonAncestor ( selectionBegin, selectionEnd ); return selectionCommon; } // find common parent // /questions/2453742/whats-the-best-way-to-find-the-first-common-parent-of-two-dom-nodes-in-javascri function findFirstCommonAncestor(nodeA, nodeB) { let range = new Range(); range.setStart(nodeA, 0); range.setEnd(nodeB, 0); // There's a compilication, if nodeA is positioned after // nodeB in the document, we created a collapsed range. // That means the start and end of the range are at the // same position. In that case `range.commonAncestorContainer` // would likely just be `nodeB.parentNode`. if(range.collapsed) { // The old switcheroo does the trick. range.setStart(nodeB, 0); range.setEnd(nodeA, 0); } return range.commonAncestorContainer; } // minify html // /questions/23284784/javascript-minify-html-regex // TODO Don't apply on code/pre function minify( s ){ return s ? s .replace(/\>[\r\n ]+\</g, "><") // Removes new lines and irrelevant spaces which might affect layout, and are better gone .replace(/(<.*?>)|\s+/g, (m, $1) => $1 ? $1 : ' ') .trim() : ""; } // format html // /questions/3913355/how-to-format-tidy-beautify-in-javascript // TODO Don't inset span in code/pre function formatPage(html) { var tab = '\t'; var result = ''; var indent= ''; html.split(/>\s*</).forEach(function(element) { if (element.match( /^\/\w/ )) { indent = indent.substring(tab.length); } result += indent + '<' + element + '>\r\n'; if (element.match( /^<?\w[^>]*[^\/]$/ ) && !element.startsWith("input") ) { indent += tab; } }); return result.substring(1, result.length-3); } function getDescription() { let desc; if (document.querySelector('meta[name=description]')) { desc = '## ' + document.querySelector('meta[name=description]').content + '\n'; } else if (document.querySelector('meta[itemprop=description]')) { desc = '## ' + document.querySelector('meta[itemprop=description]').content + '\n'; } else { desc = ''; } return desc; } function createFilename(extension) { let day, now, timestamp, title, filename; day = time .toISOString() .split('T')[0]; now = [ time.getHours(), time.getMinutes(), time.getSeconds() ]; for (let i = 0; i < now.length; i++) { if (now[i] < 10) {now[i] = '0' + now[i];} } timestamp = [ day, now.join('-') ]; /* address = [ location.hostname, location.pathname.replace(/\//g,'_') ] filename = address.join('') + '_' + timestamp.join('_') + '.html'; */ if (document.title) { title = document.title; } else { title = location.pathname.split('/'); title = title[title.length-1]; } // TODO โ โ ยท title = title.replace(/[\/?<>\\:*|'"\.,]/g, ''); title = title.replace(/ /g, '_'); title = title.replace(/-/g, '_'); title = title.replace(/__/g, '_'); filename = title + // TODO replace whitespace by underscore '_' + timestamp.join('_') + `.${extension}`; return filename.toLowerCase(); } // export file // /questions/4545311/download-a-file-by-jquery-ajax // /questions/43135852/javascript-export-to-text-file var savePage = (function () { var a = document.createElement("a"); // document.body.appendChild(a); // = "display: none"; return function (fileData, fileName, fileType) { var blob = new Blob([fileData], {type: fileType}), url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); a.href = url; = fileName;; window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }; }());