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// ==UserScript== // @name BitBoxes // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @license MIT // @description Checkboxes for bitbucket cause we need them! ☐☑☒ // @author You // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== ((() => { /** * Gets an array of the matching text nodes contained by the specified element. * @param {!Element} elem * The DOM element which will be traversed. * @param {function(!Node,!Element):boolean} opt_fnFilter * Optional function that if a true-ish value is returned will cause the * text node in question to be added to the array to be returned from * getTextNodesIn(). The first argument passed will be the text node in * question while the second will be the parent of the text node. * @return {!Array.<!--Node-->} * Array of the matching text nodes contained by the specified element. * * // Source & Thanks to: * **/ function getTextNodesIn(elem, opt_fnFilter) { let textNodes = []; if (elem) { for (let nodes = elem.childNodes, i = nodes.length; i--;) { const node = nodes[i]; const nodeType = node.nodeType; if (nodeType == 3) { if (!opt_fnFilter || opt_fnFilter(node, elem)) { textNodes.push(node); } } else if (nodeType == 1 || nodeType == 9 || nodeType == 11) { textNodes = textNodes.concat(getTextNodesIn(node, opt_fnFilter)); } } } return textNodes; } const replacements = new Map([ [new RegExp('\\[_\\]', 'igm'), '☐'], [new RegExp('\\[x\\]', 'igm'), '☒'], [new RegExp('\\[-\\]', 'igm'), '☑'], [new RegExp('\\[v\\]', 'igm'), '☑'], [new RegExp('\\[\\*\\]', 'igm'), '☑'] ]); const regexes = Array.from(replacements.keys()); const hasSymbol = node => regexes.find(s => node.textContent.match(s)); const boxify = () => { document.querySelectorAll('li').forEach(li => { getTextNodesIn(li, hasSymbol).forEach(textNode => { for (const [symbol, replacement] of replacements) textNode.textContent = textNode.textContent.replace(symbol, replacement); }); }); }; if (jQuery !== undefined) jQuery(boxify); else window.addEventListener('load', 'DOMContentLoaded', boxify, false); }))();