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// ==UserScript== // @name Pokeassistant Appraisal Refiner // @namespace // @version 1.1.2 // @description Adds a button to appraise your pokémon in order to refine the IVs possibilites. // @author /u/rayanbvr & /u/dm_2112 // @match* // @grant none // @downloadURL // @updateURL // ==/UserScript== // credit to reddit user /u/dm_2112 - adapted by /u/rayanbfvr // original comment (function() { 'use strict'; $("head").append( '<link ' + 'href="//" ' + 'rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">' ); var ivs = []; var attack; var defense; var hp; var knownStat; var maxKnownStat = 0; function refineIVs() { var translate = { 0: 'level', 1: 'attack', 2: 'defense', 3: 'hp', 4: 'perc' }; $('#possiblecombis').children('tbody').children().each(function() { if ($(this).index() != 0) { var that = $(this); var thisIVs = that.children(); var objEl = { hidden: false }; objEl['element'] = that; for (var i = 0; i < thisIVs.length; i++) { objEl[translate[i]] = thisIVs[i].textContent; } ivs.push(objEl); } }); } function derivatePhrase() { if (!isNaN(attack)) sortIVs("attack"); if (!isNaN(defense)) sortIVs("defense"); if (!isNaN(hp)) sortIVs("hp"); if (isNaN(attack)) hideNegativeOptions("attack"); if (isNaN(defense)) hideNegativeOptions("defense"); if (isNaN(hp)) hideNegativeOptions("hp"); if (!isNaN(attack) && !isNaN(defense) && !isNaN(hp)) { ivs.forEach(function(el) { if (el.attack !== el.defense || el.defense !== el.hp || el.attack !== el.hp) { el.hidden = true; el.element.hide(); } }); } if (!isNaN(attack) && !isNaN(defense) && isNaN(hp)) { ivs.forEach(function(el) { if (el.attack !== el.defense || el.defense === el.hp || el.attack === el.hp) { el.hidden = true; el.element.hide(); } }); } if (!isNaN(attack) && isNaN(defense) && isNaN(hp)) { ivs.forEach(function(el) { if (el.attack === el.defense || el.attack === el.hp) { el.hidden = true; el.element.hide(); } }); } if (isNaN(attack) && !isNaN(defense) && !isNaN(hp)) { ivs.forEach(function(el) { if (el.hp !== el.defense || el.defense === el.attack || el.hp === el.attack) { el.hidden = true; el.element.hide(); } }); } if (isNaN(attack) && !isNaN(defense) && isNaN(hp)) { ivs.forEach(function(el) { if (el.defense === el.attack || el.defense === el.hp) { el.hidden = true; el.element.hide(); } }); } if (!isNaN(attack) && isNaN(defense) && !isNaN(hp)) { ivs.forEach(function(el) { if (el.hp !== el.attack || el.defense === el.attack || el.defense === el.hp) { el.hidden = true; el.element.hide(); } }); } if (isNaN(attack) && isNaN(defense) && !isNaN(hp)) { ivs.forEach(function(el) { if (el.hp === el.attack || el.hp === el.defense) { el.hidden = true; el.element.hide(); } }); } } function sortIVs(type) { var arr = []; ivs.forEach(function(el) { if (!el.hidden) { switch (type) { case "attack": arr.push(parseInt(el.attack)); break; case "defense": arr.push(parseInt(el.defense)); break; case "hp": arr.push(parseInt(el.hp)); break; } } }); var isEqual = (arr.length && arr.reduce(function(a, b) { return (a === b) ? a : false; }) === arr[0]); if (isEqual) knownStat = parseInt(arr[0]); var currentMax = arr.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; })[arr.length - 1]; if (maxKnownStat < currentMax) maxKnownStat = currentMax; } function hideNegativeOptions(type) { var valExact = knownStat; var maxValExact = maxKnownStat; if (type === "attack" || type === "defense" || type === "hp") { if (valExact) { ivs.forEach(function(el) { var stat = parseFloat(el[type]); if (stat === valExact || stat > valExact) { el.hidden = true; el.element.hide(); } }); } else { ivs.forEach(function(el) { var stat = parseFloat(el[type]); if (stat > maxValExact) { el.hidden = true; el.element.hide(); } }); } } } function filterIVDivs(statType, valMin, valMax) { ivs.forEach(function(el) { var elStatType; var elStat; if (statType == "perc") elStat = parseFloat(el.perc.replace('%', '')); else elStat = el[statType]; if (elStat < valMin || elStat > valMax) { el.hidden = true; el.element.hide(); } }); } function insertAfter(referenceNode, newNode) { referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling); } function insertAppraiseBtn() { var refinebtn = $(".col-xs-5")[1]; var appraisebtn = document.createElement("div"); appraisebtn.className = "col-xs-5"; = "15%"; var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "submit"; = "commit"; input.value = "Appraise"; = "appraisebtn"; input.className = "form-control center-block btn"; appraisebtn.appendChild(input); $(appraisebtn).on('click', showOverallDialogBox); insertAfter(refinebtn, appraisebtn); } var dialog = document.createElement('div'); = "dialog"; document.body.appendChild(dialog); function showOverallDialogBox() { refineIVs(); $("#dialog").dialog({ autoOpen: true, title: "How good is your pokémon?", modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: false, buttons: [{ text: "0: ...It can accomplish anything!", click: function() { processOverall(0); } }, { text: "1: ...You should be proud!", click: function() { processOverall(1); } }, { text: "2: a decent Pokemon", click: function() { processOverall(2); } }, { text: "3: ...but I still like it!", click: function() { processOverall(3); } }], width: "400px" }); $(".ui-dialog")[0].style.position = "fixed"; $(".ui-dialog")[0].style.zIndex = 9999; $(".ui-button").css("display", "block"); $(".ui-dialog-buttonset").css("float", "none"); $(".ui-dialog-titlebar").css("background", "#24CCAA"); $(".ui-dialog-title").css("text-align", "center"); $(window).resize(function() { $("#dialog").dialog("option", "position", {my: "center", at: "center", of: window}); }); } function showStatDialogBox(type) { $("#dialog").dialog({ autoOpen: true, title: type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1), modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: false, buttons: [{ text: "0: ...WOW!", click: function() { processStats(type, 0); } }, { text: "1: ...How exciting!", click: function() { processStats(type, 1); } }, { text: "2:'ll get the job done.", click: function() { processStats(type, 2); } }, { text: "3: ...don't point to greatness in battle.", click: function() { processStats(type, 3); } }, { text: "Click here if not provided.", click: function() { processStats(type, undefined); } }], width: "400px" }); $(".ui-button").css("display", "block"); } function processOverall(value) { var valMin, valMax; switch (value) { case 0: valMin = 80; valMax = 100; break; case 1: valMin = 65; valMax = 80; break; case 2: valMin = 50; valMax = 65; break; case 3: valMin = 0; valMax = 50; break; } filterIVDivs("perc", valMin, valMax); showStatDialogBox("attack"); } function processStats(type, value) { var valMin, valMax; if (type === "attack" || type === "defense" || type === "hp") { switch (value) { case 0: valMin = 15; valMax = 15; break; case 1: valMin = 13; valMax = 14; break; case 2: valMin = 8; valMax = 12; break; case 3: valMin = 0; valMax = 7; break; } filterIVDivs(type, valMin, valMax); } switch (type) { case "attack": showStatDialogBox("defense"); attack = value; break; case "defense": showStatDialogBox("hp"); defense = value; break; case "hp": $("#dialog").dialog("close"); hp = value; derivatePhrase(); break; } } insertAppraiseBtn(); })();