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// ==UserScript== // @name iTcan Webkit // @namespace // @version 2.0 // @description Custom web browser extensions for itcan company // @author randajan // @match *://*/* // @icon // @grant none // @copyright 2021, randajan ( // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { var W = window, D = document; var searchSelection = { "Mouse1 + KeyP":function(sl) {""+sl); }, "Mouse1 + KeyO":function(sl) {""+sl); }, "Mouse1 + KeyU":function(sl) { if (!window.scrapeByItcan) { return; } var text = sl.toString(); window.scrapeByItcan("passmark/cpu", {cpuname:text}) .then(function(r) {return r.json();}) .then(function(r) { if (r.error) { window.alert(r.error.msg); } var score = r.result.score; var scoreText = "<b>""</b>/"+score.single; var href = r.url; var title = + "\n" + r.result.socket; var style = "border:1px solid black; background-color:#FFFF00; color:black; margin-left:3px; border-radius:3px; padding: 0 3px;"; var el = "<a style='"+style+"' href='"+href+"' target='_blank' title='"+title+"'>"+scoreText+"</a>"; document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replaceAll(text, text+el); }); } }; var ControlDetector = new (function() { var timer = {}; var reg = {}; var key; var debug = false; function init() { key = {press:{}, combo:[]}; } function serialize(a) { return a.join(" + "); } function press(k) { if ([k] === true) { return false; }[k] = true; key.combo.push(k); var combo = serialize(key.combo); if (debug) { console.log("press", key.combo); } var f = reg[combo]; if (f) { f(); } return true; } function release(k) { if ([k] !== true) { return false; } key.combo.splice(key.combo.indexOf(k), 1); delete[k]; if (debug) { console.log("release", key.combo); } return true; } function pressing(k) { var change = press(k); clearTimeout(timer[k]); timer[k] = setTimeout(function() { release(k); }, change ? 5000 : 100); } D.addEventListener("keydown", function(ev) {pressing(ev.code);}); D.addEventListener("keyup", function(ev) {release(ev.code);}); D.addEventListener("mousedown", function(ev) {press("Mouse"+ev.which);}); D.addEventListener("mouseup", function(ev) {release("Mouse"+ev.which);}); W.addEventListener('blur', init); this.add = function(keys, callback) { var combo = keys instanceof Array ? serialize(keys) : String(keys); if (reg[combo]) { throw "KeyDetector.add() detect duplicate keys"; } reg[combo] = callback; } init(); this.add(['ControlLeft', 'AltRight', 'KeyC', 'KeyD'], function() { debug = !debug; console.log("ControlDetector debug", debug ? "start" : "end"); }); })(); function Selection() { var sys = window.getSelection ? "win" : (document.selection && document.selection.type != "Control") ? "doc" : null; var range = sys === "win" ? window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) : sys === "doc" ? document.selection.createRange() : null; this.appendHtml = function(html, isBefore) { if (!sys) { return; } range.collapse(isBefore); if (sys === "win") { var el = document.createElement("div"); el.innerHTML = html; var node, frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); while ( node = el.firstChild ) { frag.appendChild(node); } range.insertNode(frag); } else { range.pasteHTML(html); } } this.blur = function() { if (sys === "win") {window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();} else if (sys === "doc") {document.selection.empty();} } this.toString = function() { return (sys === "win" ? range.toString() : sys === "doc" ? String(range.text) : "").trim(); } this.isBlank = function() { return !sys || !this.toString(); } } function searchSelectionFactory(combo, callback) { return function() { var sl = new Selection(); if (!sl.isBlank()) {callback(sl);} } } for (var combo in searchSelection) { ControlDetector.add(combo, searchSelectionFactory(combo, searchSelection[combo])); } })();