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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name dashi solution // @description auto solve dashi problem // @author preciousmouse // @copyright 2020, preciousmouse ( // @license MIT // @version 1.7 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @supportURL // @require // @require // @require // @include // @include* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author preciousmouse // ==/OpenUserJS== console.log("dashi solution. set 'window.useRobot = false' to disable auto submiting.") window.useRobot = true; function replaceAnswer(answer) { if (document && $) { $('#puzzleForm').attr('onsubmit', `console.log('customer onsubmit'); Game.saveState(); Game.tickTimer(); this.jstimerPersonal.value = Game.getTimer(); this.ansH.value = '${answer}';`); $("#btnReady").off("click"); //卸载post提交答案方法,绕过Game组件逻辑 window.useRobot && $("#robot").attr('value', '1'); } } function submitAnswer() { var _a; (_a = document.querySelector('#btnReady')) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; } //向量ab和ac叉乘 function cross(a, b, c) { return (b.row - a.row) * (c.col - a.col) - (b.col - a.col) * (c.row - a.row); } //计算几何,判断两线段是否相交(T型此处认为不相交) function intersection(l1, l2) { const a = l1.p, b = l1.q, c = l2.p, d = l2.q; //快速排斥 if (Math.min(a.row, b.row) > Math.max(c.row, d.row) || Math.min(a.col, b.col) > Math.max(c.col, d.col) || Math.min(c.row, d.row) > Math.max(a.row, b.row) || Math.min(c.col, d.col) > Math.max(a.col, b.col)) { return false; } //跨立实验 const h = cross(a, b, c); const i = cross(a, b, d); const j = cross(d, c, a); const k = cross(d, c, b); return h * i < 0 && j * k < 0; } class Hashi { constructor(points) { this.points = points; this.nearestPointMap = this.initNearestPoints(this.points); } initNearestPoints(task) { var _a, _b; let rows = {}, columns = {}; for (let p of task) { if (rows[p.row] === undefined) { rows[p.row] = {}; } rows[p.row][p.col] = p; if (columns[p.col] === undefined) { columns[p.col] = {}; } columns[p.col][p.row] = p; } // let map: { [key in string]: Partial<{ top: string; bottom: string; left: string; right: string; }> } = {}; let map = {}; for (let p of task) { const row = rows[p.row]; const rowKeys = Object.keys(row); const pRowIndex = rowKeys.indexOf(p.col.toString()); const col = columns[p.col]; const colKeys = Object.keys(col); const pColIndex = colKeys.indexOf(p.row.toString()); map[p.index] = { // top: getPointMapKey(col[pColIndex - 1]), // bottom: getPointMapKey(col[pColIndex + 1]), // left: getPointMapKey(row[pRowIndex - 1]), // right: getPointMapKey(row[pRowIndex + 1]), bottom: (_a = Object.values(col)[pColIndex + 1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.index, right: (_b = Object.values(row)[pRowIndex + 1]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.index, }; } return map; } checkBridge(array) { for (const { p, q } of array) { if (p.row == q.row && p.col == q.col) { throw new Error(`error while checkBridge: p、q 是同一点. ${JSON.stringify(array)}. 异常点对: ${JSON.stringify([p, q])}`); } if (p.row != q.row && p.col != q.col) { throw new Error(`error while checkBridge: p、q 不在同一水平或竖直方向. ${JSON.stringify(array)}. 异常点对: ${JSON.stringify([p, q])}`); } if ((p.row == q.row && p.col > q.col) || (p.col == q.col && p.row > q.row)) { throw new Error(`error while checkBridge: p、q 顺序错位. ${JSON.stringify(array)}. 异常点对: ${JSON.stringify([p, q])}`); } } } newBridge(p1, p2, count) { this.checkBridge([{ p: p1, q: p2 }]); let [p, q] = p1.row < p2.row ? [p1, p2] : p1.row > p2.row ? [p2, p1] : p1.col < p2.col ? [p1, p2] : [p2, p1]; return { p: Object.assign({}, p), q: Object.assign({}, q), count }; } bridgeIsAvaliable(bridge, selectedBridge) { // checkBridge([bridge,]); this.checkBridge([bridge]); for (let b of selectedBridge.values()) { if (intersection(bridge, b)) { return false; } } return true; } getAvaliableBridge(data) { // console.log('getAvaliableBridge', data.currentPointIndex, { }); const { points, nearestPointMap } = this; const { currentPointIndex, selectedBridge, currentPointStatus } = data; const p = points[currentPointIndex]; const p_status = currentPointStatus[currentPointIndex]; let res = [undefined, undefined]; const { bottom, right } = nearestPointMap[p.index]; if (bottom && p_status < +p.number) { const b_p = points[bottom]; const b_p_status = currentPointStatus[bottom]; if (b_p_status < +b_p.number) { const bridge = this.newBridge(p, b_p, Math.min(2, +p.number - p_status, +b_p.number - b_p_status)); this.bridgeIsAvaliable(bridge, selectedBridge) && (res[0] = bridge); } } if (right && p_status < +p.number) { const r_p = points[right]; const r_p_status = currentPointStatus[right]; if (r_p_status < +r_p.number) { const bridge = this.newBridge(p, r_p, Math.min(2, +p.number - p_status, +r_p.number - r_p_status)); this.bridgeIsAvaliable(bridge, selectedBridge) && (res[1] = bridge); } } return res; } getBridgeCases(avaliableBridges, restCount) { const cases = { [0]: [], [1]: [1, 3], [2]: [2, 4, 6], [3]: [5, 7], [4]: [8], [5]: [8], [6]: [8], [7]: [8], [8]: [8], }[restCount]; const [bottom, right] = avaliableBridges; return => ({ [1]: right && right.count >= 1 ? [undefined, right && this.newBridge(right.p, right.q, 1)] : [undefined, undefined], [2]: right && right.count >= 2 ? [undefined, right && this.newBridge(right.p, right.q, 2)] : [undefined, undefined], [3]: bottom && bottom.count >= 1 ? [bottom && this.newBridge(bottom.p, bottom.q, 1), undefined] : [undefined, undefined], [4]: bottom && bottom.count >= 1 && right && right.count >= 1 ? [bottom && this.newBridge(bottom.p, bottom.q, 1), right && this.newBridge(right.p, right.q, 1)] : [undefined, undefined], [5]: bottom && bottom.count >= 1 && right && right.count >= 2 ? [bottom && this.newBridge(bottom.p, bottom.q, 1), right && this.newBridge(right.p, right.q, 2)] : [undefined, undefined], [6]: bottom && bottom.count >= 2 ? [bottom && this.newBridge(bottom.p, bottom.q, 2), undefined] : [undefined, undefined], [7]: bottom && bottom.count >= 2 && right && right.count >= 1 ? [bottom && this.newBridge(bottom.p, bottom.q, 2), right && this.newBridge(right.p, right.q, 1)] : [undefined, undefined], [8]: bottom && bottom.count >= 2 && right && right.count >= 2 ? [bottom && this.newBridge(bottom.p, bottom.q, 2), right && this.newBridge(right.p, right.q, 2)] : [undefined, undefined], }[c])).filter(c => !(c[0] === undefined && c[1] === undefined)); } verificate(data) { // console.warn('verificate1', { }); const { points } = this; const { currentPointStatus, selectedBridge } = data; //判断所有节点count是否完成 for (const [index, point] of points.entries()) { if (+point.number !== currentPointStatus[index]) { // console.log('节点未完成'); return false; } } // console.log('节点已完成'); //并查集 判断节点是否全连通 const set = Array.from(new Array(points.length).keys()); const findSet = (v) => { let t1, t2 = v; while (v != set[v]) v = set[v]; while (t2 != set[t2]) { t1 = set[t2]; set[t2] = v; t2 = t1; } return v; }; const unionSet = (a, b) => { const a1 = findSet(a), b1 = findSet(b); if (a1 != b1) { set[a1] = b1; } }; //初始化bridge连接 for (const b of selectedBridge.values()) { unionSet(b.p.index, b.q.index); } //统计集合数 const counts = Array.from(new Array(points.length).keys()).filter(i => findSet(i) == i).length; return counts === 1; } recu(data) { // console.warn('recu1', data.currentPointIndex, { }); const { points, nearestPointMap } = this; const { currentPointIndex, selectedBridge, currentPointStatus } = data; if (currentPointIndex == points.length) { //递归边界 // console.log('到达递归边界'); if (this.verificate(data)) return data; else return false; } const point = points[currentPointIndex]; const avaliableBridges = this.getAvaliableBridge(data); // console.log('avaliableBridges', avaliableBridges); if (avaliableBridges[0] === undefined && avaliableBridges[1] === undefined) { if (+point.number == currentPointStatus[currentPointIndex]) { return this.recu({ currentPointIndex: currentPointIndex + 1, selectedBridge: new Map(selectedBridge), currentPointStatus: [...currentPointStatus] }); } else { return false; } //若无可用边,但节点count未完成,则返回失败 } else { const p_status = currentPointStatus[currentPointIndex]; const p_rest_count = +point.number - p_status; const cases = this.getBridgeCases(avaliableBridges, p_rest_count); // console.log('bridge cases', cases); for (const c of cases) { // console.log('执行case', c); const [bottom, right] = c; const nextSelectedBridge = new Map(selectedBridge); let nextCurrentPointStatus = [...currentPointStatus]; if (bottom) { nextSelectedBridge.set(`${bottom.p.index}_${bottom.q.index}`, bottom); nextCurrentPointStatus[bottom.p.index] += bottom.count; nextCurrentPointStatus[bottom.q.index] += bottom.count; } if (right) { nextSelectedBridge.set(`${right.p.index}_${right.q.index}`, right); nextCurrentPointStatus[right.p.index] += right.count; nextCurrentPointStatus[right.q.index] += right.count; } const res = this.recu({ currentPointIndex: currentPointIndex + 1, selectedBridge: nextSelectedBridge, currentPointStatus: nextCurrentPointStatus }); if (res) { return res; } } return false; } } solve() { const result = this.recu({ currentPointIndex: 0, selectedBridge: new Map(), currentPointStatus: Array(this.points.length).fill(0), }); // console.log('result', result, result && JSON.stringify([...result.selectedBridge.entries()])); return (this.answer = (result ? this.generaterAnawer(result.selectedBridge) : '')); } generaterAnawer(selectedBridge) { return [...selectedBridge.values()] .sort((a, b) => (a.p.index == b.p.index ? (a.q.index == b.q.index ? 0 : a.q.index < b.q.index ? -1 : 1) : (a.p.index < b.p.index ? -1 : 1))) .map(b => `${b.p.col},${b.p.row},${b.q.col},${b.q.row},${b.count}`) .join(';'); } } function registerWorkerWithBlob(config) { const { scriptStr, postMessageStr, onMessage } = config; const blob = new Blob([scriptStr], { type: 'text/javascript' }); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const worker = new Worker(url); worker.onmessage = onMessage; worker.postMessage(postMessageStr); } (() => { const puzzleWidth = { 0: 7, 1: 7, 2: 7, 3: 10, 4: 10, 5: 10, 6: 15, 7: 15, 8: 15, 9: 25, 10: 25, 11: 25, 13: 30, 12: 30, 14: 40, }[+Object.fromEntries([ URL(location.href).searchParams]).size || 0]; const taskKey = task; //test const tasks = ( Game.task); console.log('task', taskKey, tasks); const onmessage = (e) => { const tasks = JSON.parse(; const hashi = new Hashi(tasks); const answer = hashi.solve(); postMessage(answer); }; //此处采用hack写法,需要写进所有依赖函数 const scriptStr = ` cross=${cross.toString()} intersection=${intersection.toString()} ${Hashi.toString()} onmessage=${onmessage.toString()} `; const timer1 = new Date; registerWorkerWithBlob({ scriptStr, postMessageStr: JSON.stringify(tasks), onMessage: (e) => { const timer2 = new Date; const answer =; console.log('answer', answer); console.log('耗时', timer2.valueOf() - timer1.valueOf(), 'ms'); replaceAnswer(answer); window.submit = submitAnswer; window.useRobot && submitAnswer(); } }); })();