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// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube like/dislike video and skip ad keyboard shortcuts // @namespace youtube // @include* // @description Adds keyboard shortcuts [ and ] for liking and disliking videos, and s for skipping pre-video and banner ads. Option for browser notfications // @version 1.4 // @grant GM_notification // @run-at document-end // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // ==/UserScript== // Based on by nerevar009 which hasn't been updated since 2017 // changed skipad button class, added support for changing button indexed (happens when videos have dynamic buttons like "sponsor" buttons also buttons added by extensions ) var onvideopage, skipad, skipbannerad, videoinfo, buttons, like, dislike, tag; var browserNotifications = false; function findButtons() { if(!/^\/watch/.test(location.pathname)) { onvideopage = false; return; } onvideopage = true; skipad = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-ad-skip-button ytp-button"); if(skipad.length == 1) skipad = skipad[0]; else skipad = null; skipbannerad = document.getElementsByClassName("close-padding"); if(skipbannerad.length == 1) skipbannerad = skipbannerad[0]; else skipbannerad = null; videoinfo = document.getElementsByTagName("ytd-video-primary-info-renderer"); if(videoinfo.length == 1) { buttons = videoinfo[0].getElementsByTagName("button"); for(let i = 0;i < buttons.length; i++) { if (buttons[i].className == "style-scope yt-icon-button") { var str = buttons[i].parentNode.label; if (str.match(/^dislike this video/gi)) { dislike = buttons[i]; } else if (str.match(/^like this video/gi)) { like = buttons[i]; } } } } else { like = null; dislike = null; } } findButtons(); var observer = new MutationObserver(findButtons); observer.observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true, subtree: true}); // add keybindings addEventListener("keypress", function(e) { if(!onvideopage) return; if("contenteditable") == "true") return; tag =; if(tag == "input" || tag == "textarea") return; if(e.code == "BracketLeft" && like){; if (browserNotifications) { if (like.getAttribute("aria-pressed") == "true"){ GM_notification({title:"Youtube",text: "Video Liked", silent:true, timeout: 2500}); } else { GM_notification({title:"Youtube", text: "Like Removed From Video", silent:true, timeout: 2500}); } } } else if(e.code == "BracketRight" && dislike){; if (browserNotifications) { if (dislike.getAttribute("aria-pressed") == "true"){ GM_notification({title:"Youtube", text: "Video Disliked", silent:true, timeout: 2500}); } else { GM_notification({title:"Youtube", text: "Disike Removed From Video", silent:true, timeout: 2500}); } } } else if(e.code == "KeyS") { if(skipad); else if(skipbannerad); } });