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// ==UserScript== // @name Gitlab MR info to clipboard // @version 2.0.4 // @copyright 2023 - Milan Farkas, Dominik Varadi, Peter Avarkeszi, Zoltan Szepe / WRD Labs Zrt. ( // @namespace // @description This adds a button to GitLab to allow easy copying of MR info to Clipboard. For self hosted instances add your GitLab URL to the user includes section, eg. /https?:\/\/*/merge_requests/.* Tested with GitLab v15+ // @author milanfarkas // @license MIT // @include /https?:\/\/*/merge_requests/.* // @require // @require // @updateURL // @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== $(function () { $('.detail-page-header-actions').prepend( "<button class='d-none d-sm-none d-md-block btn btn-grouped copy-task-button' style='margin-right:0.5rem'>Copy MR</button>"); $(".copy-task-button").click(getTaskKeyAndTitle); }); function getTaskKeyAndTitle() { let titleH1 = $(".detail-page-header-body h1.title"); if (titleH1.length === 0) { titleH1 = $(""); } let copyHtml = titleH1.html(); let copyTextBase = titleH1.text().trim(); copyHtml += " - <a href='" + window.location.href + "'>" + window.location.href + "</a>"; let copyText = copyTextBase + " - " + window.location.href; copyToClip(copyHtml, copyText); $.notify(copyTextBase, 'success'); } function copyToClip(htmlText, plainText) { function listener(e) { e.clipboardData.setData("text/html", htmlText); e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", plainText); e.preventDefault(); } document.addEventListener("copy", listener); document.execCommand("copy"); document.removeEventListener("copy", listener); } (function () { 'use strict'; })();