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// ==UserScript== // @name // @author Komornik Gábor // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @supportURL // @version 1.3 // @description Improve user experience on site // @match // @match* // @match // @match* // @match // @match* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // @require // @copyright 2013-2016, Komornik Gábor // ==/UserScript== // === CHANGE LOG === // 1.3 // - changed: babel no longer used (maybe in the future) // - changed: jQuery updated to latest (google hosted) // - fixed: crash when loading videos (due to page updated) // - changed: only the first video shown automatically // - feature: home link (at upper left) // - feature: videos marked broken by the community goes to the bottom of the list // 1.2 // - Fixed video auto opening // 1.1 and before // - undocumented // === /CHANGE LOG === // parseUri 1.2.2 // (c) Steven Levithan <> // MIT License // (Modified by Komornik Gábor) function parseUri(str) { var o = parseUri.options, m = o.parser[o.strictMode ? "strict" : "loose"].exec(str), uri = {}, i = 14; while (i--) { uri[o.key[i]] = m[i] || ""; }uri[] = {}; uri[o.key[12]].replace(o.q.parser, function ($0, $1, $2) { if ($1) uri[][$1] = $2; }); return uri; }; parseUri.options = { strictMode: false, key: ["source", "protocol", "authority", "userInfo", "user", "password", "host", "port", "relative", "path", "directory", "file", "query", "anchor"], q: { name: "queryKey", parser: /(?:^|&)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g }, parser: { strict: /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?((((?:[^?#\/]*\/)*)([^?#]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/, loose: /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/ } }; // ============== END OF PARSE URI ===================== function _typeof(val, against) { var type = typeof val; if(against) { return type === against; } return type; } function runEval(code) { var tag = $("<script/>").attr("type", "text/javascript") .html( "// inserted by runEval function on " + (new Date()) + "\neval(atob('" + btoa(code) + "'));" ) .appendTo("body"); } function img(src) { var i = new Image();i.src = src;return i; } var loading = img('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\nCwg1RAAAOwAAAAAAAAAAAA=='); // SCRIPT START!!!! function truncate(text, length, more) { length = length || 80; more = more || '...'; var len = text.length, lenmore = more.length; if (len <= length) return text; return text.substr(0, length - lenmore) + more; } function createClass(proto, statics) { var cls = function cls() { $.isFunction(this.initialize) && this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; cls.prototype = proto; if (_typeof(statics, "object")) { $.extend(cls, statics); } return cls; } var Page = (function () { var url = parseUri("" + window.location); function pageType() { var s = url.queryKey['s'], e = url.queryKey['e']; if (!_typeof(e, "undefined") && !_typeof(s, "undefined")) { return 'e'; // epizód } if (!_typeof(s, "undefined")) { return 's'; // sorozat } return 'n'; // semmi } function isE() { return pageType() == 'e'; } function isS() { return pageType() == 'e' || pageType() == 's'; } function getSeriesId() { return isS() ? parseUri('' + window.location).queryKey['s'] : null; } function getSorozatCim() { return $.trim($('div#main > h1').text()); } function _getEpDetailsRow() { if (!isS()) return null; return $('div#main > div:first tr')[1]; } function getEpizodCim() { var node = _getEpDetailsRow(); return node == null ? null : $.trim($('h2', node).text()); } function getNeighbour(n_per_p) { var node = _getEpDetailsRow(); if (!node) return null; var td = $('td:' + (n_per_p == 'previous' ? 'first' : 'last'), node); return { text: $.trim($('h3', td).text()), series: getSeriesId(), partId: parseUri($('a', td).attr('href')).queryKey['e'] }; } function listak() { return $('div[id^="lista_"]'); } function clearHeader() { // remove social widgets // remove facebook like and google plus buttons $("h1#logo span:last").nextAll().remove(); // clear the menu // categories are - more or less - useless // we can utilize this space better $('#header > ul').empty(); // remove anoying ads $(".ctnet_adslot_wrapper").remove(); // create a home button $("#logo").css('cursor', 'pointer') .click(function() { window.location = "/"; }) .attr("title", "Kezdő oldal"); } function clearEpHeader() { $('div#main > div:first tr:last').remove(); // remove event handlers from episode headers // !attention: the page itself uses an older jquery (unbind) runEval("$('.doboz').unbind('click');"); runEval("$(\"div[id^='lista']\").unbind('show');"); } return { getCurrent: function getCurrent() { return { id: getSeriesId(), title: isS() ? getSorozatCim() : null }; }, getCurrentEp: function getCurrentEp() { return { next: getNeighbour('next'), previous: getNeighbour('previous'), text: getEpizodCim(), series: getSeriesId(), partId: parseUri('' + window.location).queryKey['e'] }; }, isPart: isE, isSeries: isS, cleanUp: function cleanUp() { clearHeader(); isE() && clearEpHeader(); if (isS()) { $('ul', listak().show()).css('list-style-type', 'none'); } }, getLists: listak }; })(); var Video = createClass( { initialize: function initialize(initialnode, autoShow) { Video.instances.push(this); var that = this; this.node = $(initialnode); this.asText = null; this.htmlUpToDate = false; this.isVisible = autoShow; this.isAdvideo = false; this.isBroken = false; var vid = this.node.attr('id'); if ( !/^lista_\d+$/.test(vid) ) { console.warn('mallformed video id: "' + vid + '"'); } this.videoid = vid.substr(6); = $('span.doboz[evad="' + this.videoid + '"]');$.proxy(this, "boxClicked")); if ($('div.advideo[sorsz]', this.node).length > 0) { this.sorszam = $('div.advideo', this.node).attr('sorsz'); this.isAdvideo = true; } else if(this.node.children('div[load-id]').length > 0) { this.sorszam = this.node.children('div').attr('load-id'); } else if($(".hibasvideo", this.node).length > 0) { this.sorszam = $(".hibasvideo", this.node).attr('sorsz'); this.isBroken = true; } else { console.warn('unknown case :('); } if (!this.sorszam) { throw '"sorszam" can not be determined'; } else { console.log('sorszam found: ' + this.sorszam + " ( -> " + this.videoid + " )"); } this.update(); this.prefetch(); console.log( + ': video initialized'); }, name: function() { return '[' + this.videoid + ' / ' + this.sorszam + ']'; }, hide: function() { if (this.isVisible) { console.log( + ': hide'); this.isVisible = false; this.update(); } }, boxClicked: function() { if(!this.isVisible) { console.log( + ': video show'); // hide all others var that = this; $.each(Video.instances, function(idx, inst) { if(inst !== that) inst.hide(); }); // show this this.isVisible = true; this.update(); } }, update: function update( newHtmlContent ) { if(newHtmlContent) { console.log( + ': new content loaded'); this.asText = newHtmlContent; this.htmlUpToDate = false; } this.node[this.isVisible ? "show" : "hide"]();'cursor', this.isVisible ? "default" : "pointer"); if(this.isBroken && !this.brokenLabel) { var last = $('div[id^="lista_"]:last');'color', '#6F7951');"[HIBÁS] " +; this.node.detach().insertAfter(last);; this.brokenLabel = true; } if(this.asText != null && !this.htmlUpToDate) { this.node.html(this.asText); this.htmlUpToDate = true; } }, prefetch: function prefetch() { console.log( + ': download content'); // if (!this.cache()) { // console.log(' -> not in cache'); var data = { id: this.sorszam }; if(this.isAdvideo) = 1; this.fetch = $.get('/videobetolt.php', data, $.proxy(this, 'store'), 'text'); // } this.fetch.done($.proxy(this, 'update'));$.proxy(this, 'report')); }, cache: function cache() { var text = GM_getValue('video.' + this.sorszam, false); if (!text) return false; console.log(' -> in cache'); var def = $.Deferred(); this.fetch = def.promise(); this.asText = JSON.parse(text); def.resolve(this.asText); return true; }, report: function report() { console.warn('something crashed', arguments); }, store: function store(text) { this.asText = text; var json = JSON.stringify(text); GM_setValue('video.cachesize', GM_getValue('video.cachesize', 0) + json.length); GM_setValue('video.' + this.sorszam, json); }, toggle: function toggle() { console.log('box clicked' + this.videoid + '/' + this.sorszam); }, nowloading: function nowloading() { console.log('loading: ' + this.videoid + '/' + this.sorszam); var img = $('<img/>').attr('src', loading.src); var div = $('<div/>').attr('style', 'margin:20px 15px 0; padding:5px; width:94%; display: inline-table;').addClass('advideo').append(img); this.node.empty().append(div); img.on('load', $.proxy(img, 'center')); } }, { instances: [], clearCache: function () { $.each(GM_listValues(), function (n, key) { if (key.substr(0, 6) == 'video.') { GM_deleteValue(key); } }); console.log('Cache cleared'); }, printDbSize: function () { console.log('Currently using ' + GM_getValue('video.cachesize', 0) + ' bytes for cache'); } }); var Bookmarks = createClass({ gmkey: 'bookmarks', initialize: function initialize() { var that = this; this.bookmarks = []; var bms = GM_getValue(this.gmkey, false); = this._registerItem2Dom({ text: '+', command: $.proxy(this, 'addThis') }); if (bms) { $.each(JSON.parse(bms), function (k, item) { that.add(item); }); } if (Page.isPart()) { var item = this.getItemFor(Page.getCurrent().id); if (item) { item.lastviewed = Page.getCurrentEp().partId;; } } }, getItemFor: function getItemFor(id) { return $.grep(this.bookmarks, function (item) { return === id; })[0]; }, addThis: function addThis() { var id = Page.getCurrent().id; if (id === null) return alert('Ezt az oldalt nem tudod könyvjelzőnek beállítani'); if ('object' == _typeof(this.getItemFor(id))) return; this.add({ text: Page.getCurrent().title, id: id });; }, save: function save() { var exp = []; $.each(this.bookmarks, function (k, bookmark) { exp.push({ id:, text: bookmark.text, lastviewed: bookmark.lastviewed || null }); }); GM_setValue(this.gmkey, JSON.stringify(exp)); }, add: function add(item) { var id = this.bookmarks.length; this.bookmarks[id] = item; item.current = Page.getCurrent().id ===; item.command = $.proxy(this, 'open', item); item.tasks = { 'x': $.proxy(this, 'remove', item) }; this._registerItem2Dom(item); return item; }, remove: function remove(item) { var index = this.bookmarks.indexOf(item); this._removeItemFromDom(item); if (index > -1) { this.bookmarks.splice(index, 1); } // console.log(item, index, this.bookmarks);; }, open: function open(item, event) { var s, e, cs, ce, item; s =; cs = Page.getCurrent().id; e = item.lastviewed || null; ce = Page.getCurrentEp().partId; // console.log('requested: ' + s + '/' + e + '\ncurrent: ' + cs + '/' + ce); if (s == cs && e == ce) return; // ott vagyunk ahol lennünk kell var url = '/?s=' + s; if (e) url += '&e=' + e; window.location.assign(url); }, _getItem: function _getItem(id) { return this.bookmarks[id] || null; }, _registerItem2Dom: function _registerItem2Dom(item) { var ul = $('#header > ul'), element = $('<li></li>'); element.append($('<a></a>').attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)').append($('<span/>').text(truncate(item.text, 20))).click(item.command)); if (item.tasks) { var span = function span() { return $('<span/>').css('display', 'inline').css('background', 'transparent').css('padding', '0'); }; var toggleUnderline = function toggleUnderline(e) { $(this).css('text-decoration', e.type == 'mouseenter' ? 'underline' : 'none'); }; var d = document, t = 'createTextNode', tasks = span().css('margin-left', '2px'), bracelet = [d[t]('('), d[t](')')], comma = d[t](','), run = 0; tasks.append(bracelet[0]); $.each(item.tasks, function (label, task) { if (run++ != 0) { tasks.append(comma); } span().text(label).click(task).appendTo(tasks).on('mouseenter', toggleUnderline).on('mouseleave', toggleUnderline); }); tasks.append(bracelet[1]); $('span', element).append(tasks); } if (item.current) { element.attr('id', 'current'); } ul.prepend(element); item.element = element; return item; }, _removeItemFromDom: function _removeItemFromDom(item) { if (item.element && item.element.remove) { item.element.remove(); delete item.element; } return item; } }); // ENTRY $(window).on('load', function () { setTimeout(function () { Page.cleanUp(); = new Bookmarks(); if (Page.isPart()) { var isFirst = true; Page.getLists().each(function (k, node) { var video = new Video(node, isFirst); if (video.isBroken) { video.hide(); } else { isFirst = false; } }); } }, 10); }); // CLEAR $(window).keypress(function (e) { // ctrl + tab if (e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && e.which == 9) { Video.clearCache(); } if (e.ctrlKey && e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && e.which == 205) { Video.printDbSize(); } });