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"use strict"; // ==UserScript== // @name Eagle淘宝工具箱 // @name:zh-CN Eagle淘宝工具箱 // @name:en-US Eagle In Taobao's toolbox // @description 一键发送商品主图,详情页,SKU,长图,主图视频到Eagle软件中,方便数据收集和分析,支持一键查看手机端详情页 // @author 黄逗酱酱 // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @connect http://localhost:41595 // @connect // @connect // @note 重写 3.0版本 规范化脚本 全新交互 全新UI 更加高效节省内存的执行方式 // @note 3.01支持用户自定义快捷键(允许多个功能使用一个快捷键) 并且支持存储 更加高效执行采集 更加高效的页面编辑方式(原生替代Vue) // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_removeValueChangeListener // @grant GM_addValueChangeListener // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-body // @icon // @version 3.04 // @license MPL-2.0 // @namespace // @compatible chrome // @compatible edge // @compatible safari // @compatible firefox // @require // @RequireNote 涓流进度条 // @require // @RequireNote Eagle交互脚本 // @require // @RequireNote 对象监听 // @require // @RequireNote 网页元素转图片 // @require // @RequireNote 快捷键功能支持 documen: // @SourceCodeLink 源代码链接: // @SourceCodeLink 源代码链接: // @date 2022-02-18 // ==/UserScript== (function (win, WebWin, setTimeout, GM_setClipboard, Btn_Gather, Version = Number(GM_info.script.version.replace(".", '')), date = new Date()) { var _a; if ( === "") { console.time("--------------------------ScriptStartingSpeed--------------------------"); console.log("调试模式"); // @ts-expect-error WebWin.HM = { GM: { unsafeWindow, GM_deleteValue, GM_listValues, GM_addValueChangeListener, GM_removeValueChangeListener, GM_getValue, GM_setValue, GM_setClipboard, GM_xmlhttpRequest, }, // @ts-expect-error this: this, win: win, Version: Version, // @ts-expect-error PetiteVue: PetiteVue }; // @ts-expect-error console.log(WebWin.HM); setTimeout(function () { // @ts-expect-error WebWin.HM.Store = Store; WebWin.HM.First = First; WebWin.HM.listener = listener; }, 800); } function SetObjectValue(target, key, newValue) { return Object.defineProperty(target, key, { value: newValue, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } function GetObjectValue(target, key) { var _a; return ((_a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value) || undefined; } function IsDef(value) { return typeof value == "undefined" && value !== null; } let Store = (function () { class Store { constructor() { this._data = {}; let StoreClassThis = this; this._data = this.Get(); // 对本脚本设置数据变化进行实时监听 for (const on_key of GM_listValues()) { this.on(on_key, function (key, OidValue, NewValue, remote) { SetObjectValue(StoreClassThis._data, key, NewValue); }); } } get data() { return this._data; } Get(KeyName, defaultValue) { if (typeof KeyName == "undefined") { let StoreData = {}; for (const key of GM_listValues()) { SetObjectValue(StoreData, key, GM_getValue(key)); } return StoreData; } if (KeyName != undefined) return GM_getValue(KeyName, defaultValue); } remove(KeyName) { return GM_deleteValue(KeyName); } on(key, Callback) { let StoreClassThis = this; return GM_addValueChangeListener(key, function (...a) { Callback.apply(StoreClassThis._data, a); }); } Set(name, value) { return GM_setValue(name, value); } } return new Store(); })(); let APIPreset = { /**所有需要加载CSS都会在这里压入 */ "CSS": ["",], /**检查更新的接口 可以自行更改版本永远是整数值 比如3.01 则为300 */ "Update": "", /**脚本更新的主页 */ "ScriptHome": "", /**各种直接通过js加载的图标 * !不包含html代码中的图标 * */ ICON: { icon: "" }, /**Eagle唤醒 */ "OpenEagle": "eagle:\/\/" }; // 对第一次使用的用户返回使用的版本号,防止漏更新 let First = IsDef(Store.Get("Setup.UpdateSwitch")); if (Store.Get("User_OFF")) return; // 原本打算用二叉树对象存储但是考虑兼容性 直接全键值存储 if (!Store.Get("shortcut.ToEagleAllImages")) { let AddShortcut = { "ToEagleAllImages": "Shift+S", "CopyLink": null, "DetailPage": null, "SKU": null, "ShopWindow": null, "ShowAllBtn": null, "SetTakeShortcut": null, "Video": null, "Push_Download_DetailPage": null, }; for (const key in AddShortcut) { Store.Set("shortcut.".concat(key), ((_a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(AddShortcut, key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value) || null); } } let listener = new win.keypress.Listener(); // 模拟现代浏览器才有的jq选择器方法 /** * 获取单个元素 * @param ElName * @returns {Element} */ function $(ElName) { if (!ElName) return document.querySelector("body"); const $Element = document.querySelector(ElName); return $Element || null; } /** * 获取多个元素 * @param ElName * @returns {Element} */ function $$(ElName) { const $NodeList = document.querySelectorAll(ElName); return $NodeList; } /** * 添加CSS代码/CSS链接 * @param Code 代码或者链接/或者数组(多个代码) * @param LinkMode 是否以href链接方式写入 */ function AddStyle(Code, LinkMode) { let Head = $('head'); function AddAdjStyle(Code) { if (!LinkMode) { let NewElement = document.createElement('style'); NewElement.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); NewElement.setAttribute("Signer", "Kiic"); Head === null || Head === void 0 ? void 0 : Head.appendChild(NewElement); return NewElement; } let NewElement = document.createElement('link'); NewElement.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); NewElement.setAttribute("href", Code); NewElement.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); Head === null || Head === void 0 ? void 0 : Head.appendChild(NewElement); return NewElement; } if (Code instanceof String) return AddAdjStyle(String(Code)); let RunElementList = []; if (Code instanceof Array || Code instanceof Set) { for (const ForCode of Code) { RunElementList.push(AddAdjStyle(ForCode)); } } if (Code instanceof Array) return RunElementList; if (Code instanceof Set) return new Set(RunElementList); } AddStyle(APIPreset.CSS, true); /** * 代码阻塞 * * @param {*} ms 毫秒 * @return undefined * 调用: await this._Sleep(500); */ function Sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } /**顺序数值编号器 参数:开始数字,位数(2=01,3=001) */ function MIU_NUM(num, n) { return (Array(n).join(String(0)) + num).slice(-n); } // 主题(UI) let Theme = { Replace(Data, ReplaceList) { for (const iterator of ReplaceList) { let Lock = new RegExp(iterator[0], 'g'); Data = Data.replace(Lock, iterator[1]); } return Data; }, /**API 无法连接 */ API_Failure(ReplaceList) { let Element_Code = `<div id="APPMain"> <div id="InfoFrame"> <!-- 左上角关闭按钮 --> <div class="Menu"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill="#fff" fill-opacity=".01" d="M0 0h48v48H0z"/><path d="M14 14l20 20M14 34l20-20" stroke="#333" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg> </div> <div class="HM-TextMain"> <h1>无法连接API</h1> <a>已经对API发送了处理的请求</a> <a>但是API并未返回处理结果</a> <a></br></a> <a>您可以检查以下内容</a> <a>①检查Eagle软件是否已经启动</a> <a>②已允许脚本链接网络(需要连接EagleAPI)</a> <a>③依然失败则重启Eagle</a> <a>④检查脚本是否是最新版本</a> </div> <div class="HM-info-images"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="HMbutton" > <cii>尝试唤醒</cii> </div> </div> <style> #APPMain { backdrop-filter: blur(2px); top: 0px; left: 0px; animation: prompt_boxMainBackkk 0.5s; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; z-index: 999999999999999; display: flex; align-content: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } #APPMain a { text-decoration: none; font-family: auto; } #APPMain h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-size: 200%; font-weight: normal; font-family: auto; } #APPMain * { -webkit-user-drag: none; user-select: none; } @keyframes prompt_boxMainBackkk { 0% { backdrop-filter: blur(0.2px); opacity: 0.25; } 25% { backdrop-filter: blur(0.5px); opacity: 0.5; } 50% { backdrop-filter: blur(1px); opacity: 1; } 100% { backdrop-filter: blur(2px); opacity: 1; } } #APPMain #InfoFrame { border-radius: 40px; overflow: hidden; background: linear-gradient(131.46deg, #f6f7fb 2.97%, rgb(246 247 251) 150.02%); box-shadow: 0px 2px 27px rgb(25 32 56 / 9%); height: 423px; width: 534px; position: relative; z-index: 99999; } #APPMain .Menu { background: #0000; position: absolute; width: 24px; height: 24px; right: 25px; top: 25px; border: 1px solid #7E8C95; border-radius: 15px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-content: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; z-index: 100000; } #APPMain .Menu:hover { cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #505b62; } #APPMain .HM-TextMain h1{ padding-bottom: 30px; } #APPMain .HM-TextMain { position: absolute; width: 282px; height: 92px; left: 42px; top: 75px; font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; line-height: 15px; color: #1C3177; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-content: flex-start; align-items: flex-start; } #APPMain .HM-TextMain a { padding: 3.9px; } #APPMain .HM-info-images { width: 230px; height: 230px; position: absolute; top: 11%; right: 5% } #APPMain .HM-info-images img { width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; } #APPMain .HMbutton:hover { transform: scale(1.15) } #APPMain .HMbutton { position: absolute; z-index: 999999; background: linear-gradient(274.42deg, #92A3FD 0%, #9DCEFF 124.45%); border-radius: 86.8684px; width: 115px; height: 40px; color: white; letter-spacing: 0.06em; font-size: 17px; border-width: 0px; cursor: pointer; bottom: 116px; right: 68px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; align-content: center; font-family: auto; } </style> </div>`; if (ReplaceList) Element_Code = this.Replace(Element_Code, ReplaceList); return Element_Code; }, /**APP 主界面 */ APP_Main(ReplaceList) { let ICON = APIPreset.ICON.icon; let Element_Code = ` <div id="HM_APP_Main"> <img class="Center" src="${ICON}"> <div class="link_BtnList"></div> <div id="BtnList" class="popIn"> <div class="btn_Unit" id="CollectAllSetEagle"> <div class="btn_Unit_back"> <div class="icon"> <img src="${ICON}"> </div> <div class="Purpose"><a>收藏全部</a></div> </div> </div> <!-- --> <div class="btn_Unit" id="CollectDetailPageSetEagle"> <div class="btn_Unit_back"> <div class="icon"> <img src="${ICON}"> </div> <div class="Purpose"><a>收藏详情</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="btn_Unit ShowAll" id="ShowAllBtn" > <div class="btn_Unit_back "> <div class="icon"> <img src="${ICON}"> </div> <div class="Purpose"><a>更多选项</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="btn_Unit All" id="Collect_SKU_SetEagle" style="display: none;"> <div class="btn_Unit_back"> <div class="icon"> <img src="${ICON}"> </div> <div class="Purpose"><a>收藏SKU</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="btn_Unit All" id="Collect_ShopWindow_SetEagle" style="display: none;"> <div class="btn_Unit_back"> <div class="icon"> <img src="${ICON}"> </div> <div class="Purpose"><a>收藏主图</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="btn_Unit All" id="Collect_Video_SetEagle" style="display: none;"> <div class="btn_Unit_back"> <div class="icon"> <img src="${ICON}"> </div> <div class="Purpose"><a>收藏视频</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="btn_Unit All" id="CopyLink" style="display: none;"> <div class="btn_Unit_back"> <div class="icon"> <img src="${ICON}"> </div> <div class="Purpose"><a>复制短链</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="btn_Unit All" id="Download_DetailPage" style="display: none;"> <div class="btn_Unit_back"> <div class="icon"> <img src="${ICON}"> </div> <div class="Purpose"><a>下全页详情</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="btn_Unit All" id="SetTakeShortcut" style="display: none;"> <div class="btn_Unit_back"> <div class="icon"> <img src="${ICON}"> </div> <div class="Purpose"><a>设置快捷键</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="Purpose Version Center" id="VersionLink" ><a>已是最新版${String(Version).replace(/(.+)(..)$/, "$1.$2")}</a></div> <!-- --> </div> </div> <style> #nprogress .bar{z-index:9999999999999999999999;} #HM_APP_Main { z-index: 9999999999999999999999; cursor: pointer; } #HM_APP_Main .Center, #HM_APP_Main .btn_Unit .icon { display: grid; align-content: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } #HM_APP_Main img { width: 100%; height: auto; } #HM_APP_Main { position: fixed; right: 3.5em; bottom: 5em; width: 50px; height: 50px; } #HM_APP_Main .btn_Unit_back { width: 91%; height: 75%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-content: center; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border-radius: 10px; } #HM_APP_Main .btn_Unit_back:hover { background: whitesmoke; } #HM_APP_Main .Purpose { margin: 0 0 0 11px; opacity: .8; font-size: 13px; } #HM_APP_Main .Purpose a{ color: #000; } #HM_APP_Main .btn_Unit .icon { width: 25px; height: auto; } #HM_APP_Main #BtnList .btn_Unit { -webkit-user-drag: none; cursor: pointer; width: 100%; height: 50px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-content: center; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } #HM_APP_Main #BtnList { position: fixed; width: 191px; height: auto; right: 130px; bottom: 39px; background: #FFFFFF; box-shadow: 3px 4px 16px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%); border-radius: 20px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; align-content: center; flex-direction: column; display: none; } #HM_APP_Main .link_BtnList { width: 5em; height: 14em; top: -7em; right: 40px; position: absolute; -webkit-user-drag: none; opacity: 0; } #HM_APP_Main:hover #BtnList, #HM_APP_Main .link_BtnList:hover, #HM_APP_Main .show, [show] { display: block; } #HM_APP_Main img { width: 100%; height: 100%; } #HM_APP_Main img,#HM_APP_Main a { -webkit-user-drag: none; pointer-events: none; user-select: none; } #HM_APP_Main .hide, [hide] { display: none; } #HM_APP_Main .Version{ height: 30px; } #HM_APP_Main .Version a{ color: #2953ff9c; font-size: 13px; } </style>`; if (ReplaceList) Element_Code = this.Replace(Element_Code, ReplaceList); return Element_Code; }, /**APP 用户协议 */ UserAgreement(ReplaceList) { let Element_Code = ` <div style="display: block;" id="HM_UserAgre"> <div style="position: fixed; max-width: 0.1px; max-height: 0.1px; overflow: hidden;top: 900vh;left: 900vw;"> <!-- 导入图片 --> <img src=""> <img src=""> </div> <div class="prompt_boxMain_Center"> <div class="prompt_Main"> <!-- 左上角关闭按钮 --> <div class="Menu" > <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill="#fff" fill-opacity=".01" d="M0 0h48v48H0z"/><path d="M14 14l20 20M14 34l20-20" stroke="#333" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg> </div> <div class="NextMenu_Default" ><cii>下一步</cii></div> <div class="prompt_boxBox_Main"> <div id="FirstUse"> <div class="FirstUse_TextMain"> <h1>欢迎使用!</h1> <a>这是您第一次试用</a> <a>为了您更加清楚插件用途</a> <a>您需要阅读并且同意用户协议</a> <a>我们仅会询问一次</a> <a>当您关闭此协议我们将不再启用脚本</a> <a>第一次使用该版本也会收到该消息</a> </div> <img style="margin: 15px 0 0 0;" alt="欢迎使用.svg" id="FirstUse" src=""> </div> <div id="FirstUse_Next" style="display: none;"> <div class="study"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="FirstUse_TextMain"> <h1 style="font-size: 1.5em;">用户协议</h1> <a class="NextText_1">点击开始使用后则认为我同意以下内容</a> <a class="NextText_2">仅作为查看,学习,观赏图片用途</br> 我将在稍后移除引用</br> 我不会查看所有页面不提供的内容</br> 我允许脚本在我操作时候对Eagle数据库进行读写</br> 在本网页关闭后我将移除引用</a> <a class="NextText_3">以下为名称解释:</a> <a class="NextText_4">我:用户或使用者,</br> 引用:包含但不限于查看,保存,储存,展示</br> 本站:当前域名当前网页包含但不限于相关页面</a> </div> </div> <!-- <img style="display: none;margin: 16px 0 0 0;" alt="用户协议.png" id="FirstUse_Next" src=""> --> </div> </div> <style> #HM_UserAgre .NextMenu_Default { position: absolute; z-index: 999999; background: linear-gradient(274.42deg, #92A3FD 0%, #9DCEFF 124.45%); border-radius: 86.8684px; width: 95px; height: 40px; color: white; font-size: 17px; border-width: 0px; cursor: pointer; bottom: 86px; left: 38px; } #HM_UserAgre .NextMenu { position: absolute; z-index: 999999; bottom: 90px; right: 70px; background: linear-gradient(274.42deg, #92A3FD 0%, #9DCEFF 124.45%); border-radius: 86.8684px; width: 95px; height: 40px; color: white; font-size: 17px; border-width: 0px; cursor: pointer; } #HM_UserAgre h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-size:200%; font-weight:normal; font-family: auto; } #HM_UserAgre a{ text-decoration:none; font-family: auto;} #HM_UserAgre #FirstUse_Next a, h1 { color: #4A707A; } #HM_UserAgre .FirstUse_TextMain { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start; } #HM_UserAgre .NextText_1 { font-size: 14px; text-decoration-line: underline; height: 1; } #HM_UserAgre .NextText_2 { font-size: 13px; padding-top: 30px; } #HM_UserAgre .NextText_3{ font-size: 13px; padding-top: 30px; } #HM_UserAgre .NextText_4 { font-size: 11px; padding-top: 7px; } #HM_UserAgre #FirstUse_Next>div.FirstUse_TextMain a {line-height: 175%;} #HM_UserAgre .FirstUse_TextMain { position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 50px; } #HM_UserAgre #FirstUse_Next .study { width: 100px; height: 100px; position: absolute; right: 150px; top: 60px; } #HM_UserAgre #FirstUse .FirstUse_TextMain { color: rgb(28, 49, 119); display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: flex-start; position: absolute; left: 40px; top: 57px; } #HM_UserAgre #FirstUse h1{ color:#1C3177; padding-bottom: 20px; } #HM_UserAgre #FirstUse .FirstUse_TextMain a { font-size: 13px; padding: 0 0 8px 0; } #HM_UserAgre .NextMenu:hover,.NextMenu_Default:hover { transform: scale(1.15) } #HM_UserAgre .prompt_boxMain_Center { backdrop-filter: blur(2px); top: 0px; left: 0px; animation: prompt_boxMainBackkk 0.5s; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; z-index: 999999999999999; display: flex; align-content: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } #HM_UserAgre .prompt_boxMain_Center * { -webkit-user-drag: none; user-select: none; } #HM_UserAgre .prompt_Main { border-radius: 40px; overflow: hidden; background: linear-gradient(131.46deg, #f6f7fb 2.97%, rgb(246 247 251) 150.02%); box-shadow: 0px 2px 27px rgb(25 32 56 / 9%); height: 423px; width: 534px; position: relative; z-index: 99999; } #HM_UserAgre .NextMenu,.NextMenu_Default { display: grid; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } #HM_UserAgre .prompt_boxMain_Center .Menu { background: #0000; position: absolute; width: 24px; height: 24px; right: 25px; top: 25px; border: 1px solid #7E8C95; border-radius: 15px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-content: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; z-index: 100000; } #HM_UserAgre .prompt_boxMain_Center .Menu:hover { cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #505b62; } #HM_UserAgre .prompt_boxMain_Center img, i { -webkit-user-drag: none; } @keyframes prompt_boxMainBackkk { 0% { backdrop-filter: blur(0.2px); opacity: 0.25; } 25% { backdrop-filter: blur(0.5px); opacity: 0.5; } 50% { backdrop-filter: blur(1px); opacity: 1; } 100% { backdrop-filter: blur(2px); opacity: 1; } } #HM_UserAgre .prompt_boxBox_Main { display: flex; position: absolute; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; align-content: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; z-index: 99999; } </style> </div> </div> `; if (ReplaceList) Element_Code = this.Replace(Element_Code, ReplaceList); return Element_Code; }, /**APP 快捷键设置 */ SetTakeShortcut(ReplaceList) { let Element_Code = ` <div id="DefaultMain"> <div id="InfoFrame"> <!-- 左上角关闭按钮 --> <div class="Menu" @click="Shortcut.EnterState=true;"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill="#fff" fill-opacity=".01" d="M0 0h48v48H0z" /> <path d="M14 14l20 20M14 34l20-20" stroke="#333" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> </svg> </div> <div id="Main" > <!-- 标题 --> <div class="titleMain"> <a class="title">{{Shortcut.title}}</a> <a class="introduce">{{Shortcut.introduce}}</a> </div> <!-- 两个基础交互按键 --> <div class="QuickMain"> <div class="NowQuickFrame QuickFrame"> <a class="speak">{{Shortcut.NowQuick.speak}}</a> <a class="Quick">{{Shortcut.NowQuick.Quick}}</a> </div> <div class="NewQuickFrame QuickFrame"> <a class="speak">{{Shortcut.NewQuick.speak}}</a> <a class="Quick">{{Shortcut.NewQuick.Quick}}</a> </div> </div> <!-- 键盘监听显示按键 --> <div class="ON_TakeShortcutList" hide v-show="Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.size"> <!-- <div class="FOR_TakeShortcut"> <a>{{item}}</a> </div> --> </div> <div class="SetTakeShortcutButtonList" > <!-- <div class="Buttonitem" :class="item.frozen?'frozen':('clicks':'')" @click="SetTakeShortcutButtonClick(item)" v-for="(item, index) in ShortcutList" :key="index"> <div class="ICON absolute"><img :src="item.icon"></div> <div class="Shortcut absolute"><a>{{item.Shortcut==null?'未设置':item.Shortcut}}</a></div> <div class="name absolute"><a>{{}}</a></div> <div class="effect absolute"><a>{{item.effect}}</a></div> </div> --> </div> </div> </div> <style> #DefaultMain{backdrop-filter:blur(2px);top:0;left:0;animation:prompt_boxMainBackkk .5s;width:100vw;height:100vh;position:fixed;z-index:999999999999999;display:flex;align-content:center;justify-content:center;align-items:center}#DefaultMain a{text-decoration:none;font-family:auto}#DefaultMain img{width:100%;height:100%}#DefaultMain h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-size:200%;font-weight:400;font-family:auto}#DefaultMain *{-webkit-user-drag:none;user-select:none}@keyframes prompt_boxMainBackkk{0%{backdrop-filter:blur(.2px);opacity:.25}25%{backdrop-filter:blur(.5px);opacity:.5}50%{backdrop-filter:blur(1px);opacity:1}100%{backdrop-filter:blur(2px);opacity:1}}#DefaultMain #InfoFrame{border-radius:40px;overflow:hidden;background:linear-gradient(131.46deg,#f6f7fb 2.97%,rgb(246 247 251) 150.02%);box-shadow:0 2px 27px rgb(25 32 56 / 9%);height:423px;width:534px;position:relative;z-index:99999}#DefaultMain .Menu{background:#0000;position:absolute;width:24px;height:24px;right:25px;top:25px;border:1px solid #7e8c95;border-radius:15px;display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-content:center;justify-content:center;align-items:center;z-index:100000}#DefaultMain .Menu:hover{cursor:pointer;border:1px solid #505b62}#DefaultMain .HM-info-images{width:230px;height:230px;position:absolute;top:11%;right:5%}#DefaultMain .HM-info-images img{width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover}#DefaultMain .HMbutton:hover{transform:scale(1.15)}#DefaultMain .HMbutton{position:absolute;z-index:999999;background:linear-gradient(274.42deg,#92a3fd 0,#9dceff 124.45%);border-radius:86.8684px;width:115px;height:40px;color:#fff;letter-spacing:.06em;font-size:17px;border-width:0;cursor:pointer;bottom:116px;right:68px;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;align-content:center;font-family:auto}#DefaultMain #Main{width:100%;height:100%}#DefaultMain #Main .title{font-family:Poppins;font-style:normal;font-weight:700;font-size:16px;line-height:24px;color:#4a707a}#DefaultMain #Main .introduce{font-family:Poppins;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;font-size:11px;line-height:0;color:#94b0b7}#DefaultMain .titleMain{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-content:flex-start;position:absolute;top:45px;left:38px}#DefaultMain .titleMain a{padding:6px}#DefaultMain .QuickMain{display:flex;position:absolute;right:70px;top:44px}#DefaultMain .QuickFrame{background:#fff;border:1px solid #94b0b7;box-sizing:border-box;border-radius:12px;width:117.21px;height:47.91px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:space-evenly;padding:0 15px;margin-left:12px;align-content:center;align-items:center;cursor:pointer}#DefaultMain .QuickFrame .speak{font-family:Poppins;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;font-size:9px;line-height:24px;color:#4a707a;margin-left:-62px}#DefaultMain .QuickFrame .Quick{font-family:Poppins;font-style:normal;font-weight:700;font-size:16px;line-height:24px;color:#4a707a;margin-top:-6px}#DefaultMain .ON_TakeShortcutList{position:absolute;z-index:999;width:100%;height:100%;display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-content:center;justify-content:center;align-items:center;background:#ffffff57;backdrop-filter:blur(2px)}#DefaultMain .FOR_TakeShortcut{width:140px;background:rgba(92,92,104,.247);height:80px;display:grid;align-items:center;justify-content:center;align-content:center;overflow:hidden;border-radius:15px;animation:prompt_boxMainBackkk .5s;margin-right:15px}#DefaultMain .FOR_TakeShortcut a{color:#fff}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem{display:grid;align-content:center;justify-content:center;align-items:center;width:95%;height:95%;background:#c7dcf9;box-sizing:border-box;border-radius:10px;cursor:pointer;position:relative;border:2px solid #c7dcf9}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem.clicks{border:2px solid #7289f4}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem.clicks:hover{border:2px solid #7289f4}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem:hover{border:2px solid rgba(114,137,244,.21)}#DefaultMain .SetTakeShortcutButtonList{width:90%;left:5%;height:70%;position:absolute;bottom:12px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:repeat(3,1fr);grid-template-rows:repeat(2,1fr);grid-column-gap:10px;grid-row-gap:10px}#DefaultMain .SetTakeShortcutButtonList a{color:#fff}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem .effect{font-family:Inter;font-style:normal;font-weight:500;font-size:9px;line-height:18px;height:22px;left:12px;top:85px}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem .effect a{color:#868686}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem .name{font-style:normal;font-weight:700;font-size:19px;line-height:23px;left:9px;top:49px}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem .name a{color:#3c5190}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem .Shortcut{font-family:Inter;font-style:normal;font-weight:500;font-size:11px;line-height:13px;position:absolute;height:13px;left:50px;top:18px}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem .Shortcut a{color:#868686}#DefaultMain .Buttonitem .ICON{width:30px;height:30px;left:9px;top:9px}#DefaultMain .absolute{position:absolute}#DefaultMain .frozen{border:2px solid #e8e9ea;background:#e8e9ea;cursor:auto;pointer-events:none}#DefaultMain .frozen:hover{border:2px solid #e8e9ea}#DefaultMain [hide]{display:none}#DefaultMain [show]{display:block}#DefaultMain .ON_TakeShortcutList[show]{display:flex} </style> </div>`; if (ReplaceList) Element_Code = this.Replace(Element_Code, ReplaceList); return Element_Code; }, /**API默认框 */ DefaultMain(ReplaceList) { let Element_Code = `<div id="DefaultMain"> <div id="InfoFrame"> <!-- 左上角关闭按钮 --> <div class="Menu"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill="#fff" fill-opacity=".01" d="M0 0h48v48H0z" /> <path d="M14 14l20 20M14 34l20-20" stroke="#333" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> </svg> </div> <div id="Main"> </div> </div> <style> #DefaultMain { backdrop-filter: blur(2px); top: 0px; left: 0px; animation: prompt_boxMainBackkk 0.5s; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; z-index: 999999999999999; display: flex; align-content: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } #DefaultMain a { text-decoration: none; font-family: auto; } #DefaultMain h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-size: 200%; font-weight: normal; font-family: auto; } #DefaultMain * { -webkit-user-drag: none; user-select: none; } @keyframes prompt_boxMainBackkk { 0% { backdrop-filter: blur(0.2px); opacity: 0.25; } 25% { backdrop-filter: blur(0.5px); opacity: 0.5; } 50% { backdrop-filter: blur(1px); opacity: 1; } 100% { backdrop-filter: blur(2px); opacity: 1; } } #DefaultMain #InfoFrame { border-radius: 40px; overflow: hidden; background: linear-gradient(131.46deg, #f6f7fb 2.97%, rgb(246 247 251) 150.02%); box-shadow: 0px 2px 27px rgb(25 32 56 / 9%); height: 423px; width: 534px; position: relative; z-index: 99999; } #DefaultMain .Menu { background: #0000; position: absolute; width: 24px; height: 24px; right: 25px; top: 25px; border: 1px solid #7E8C95; border-radius: 15px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-content: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; z-index: 100000; } #DefaultMain .Menu:hover { cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #505b62; } #DefaultMain .HM-info-images { width: 230px; height: 230px; position: absolute; top: 11%; right: 5% } #DefaultMain .HM-info-images img { width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; } #DefaultMain .HMbutton:hover { transform: scale(1.15) } #DefaultMain .HMbutton { position: absolute; z-index: 999999; background: linear-gradient(274.42deg, #92A3FD 0%, #9DCEFF 124.45%); border-radius: 86.8684px; width: 115px; height: 40px; color: white; letter-spacing: 0.06em; font-size: 17px; border-width: 0px; cursor: pointer; bottom: 116px; right: 68px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; align-content: center; font-family: auto; } #DefaultMain #Main { width: 100%; height: 100%; } </style> </div> `; if (ReplaceList) Element_Code = this.Replace(Element_Code, ReplaceList); return Element_Code; } }; // 防抖节流 const shake = { Data: new Set(), /** * 到期后自动删除 如果被添加将会返回true * - 使用方法: if (shake.isset("scroll", 1500)) return; * @param key 防抖的名称 * @param time 毫秒 * @return {boolean} */ isset(key, time = 1200) { if (this.Data.has(key)) return true; this.Data.add(key); time && setTimeout(() => this.Data.delete(key), time); return false; }, }; /** * 创建或复制元素 * @param ElementType 创建类型 * - 如果是元素不会重写节点和样式 * - div.... * @param AddCode 添加代码 * @param id * @param AddSelect 添加到哪里 元素或者元素名 * @param options */ function NewElement(ElementType = "div", AddCode = "", id, AddSelect, options) { function CallType(a) { return; } // 如果传入的是元素则不新建而是复制元素 const IsElementType = CallType(ElementType).includes("Element"); // @ts-expect-error 允许不重新生产元素 let NewDoment = IsElementType ? ElementType.cloneNode(true) : document.createElement(ElementType); = id || ""; if (!IsElementType) NewDoment.innerHTML = AddCode; for (const key in options) { if (, key)) { // @ts-expect-error const value = options[key]; // 特殊属性添加 if (!IsElementType && key == "class") { // 支持数组或者文本 NewDoment.className = CallType(options.class.concat) == "[object Array]" ? options.class.join(" ") : options.class; continue; } if (!IsElementType && key == "style") { if (CallType(value) == "[object Object]") { } else { ElementType; = options[key]; } continue; } if (key == "event") { if (value.event) { NewDoment.addEventListener(value.event, value.function || value.Function || || value.Fun); } else { NewDoment.addEventListener(value[0], value[1]); } continue; } // @ts-expect-error 添加元素信息 NewDoment[key] = options[key]; } } if (CallType(AddSelect).includes("Element")) { // @ts-expect-error 支持node元素 AddSelect.appendChild(NewDoment); } else if (NewDoment) { // 没有添加位置则返回元素 return NewDoment; } else { const Add_To_Select = $("" + AddSelect); Add_To_Select && Add_To_Select.appendChild(NewDoment); } } /**元素位置 预设 有能力自行修改(该脚本稳定维护很多年了) */ let TreatmentMethod = { /**是否分类 */ Classify: Store.Get("Classify") === false ? false : true, /**快捷键 */ shortcut: { ShowAllBtn: Store.Get("shortcut.ShowAllBtn"), Video: Store.Get("shortcut.Video"), ShopWindow: Store.Get("shortcut.ShopWindow"), SKU: Store.Get("shortcut.SKU"), DetailPage: Store.Get("shortcut.DetailPage"), CopyLink: Store.Get("shortcut.CopyLink"), ToEagleAllImages: Store.Get("shortcut.ToEagleAllImages"), SetTakeShortcut: Store.Get("shortcut.SetTakeShortcut"), Push_Download_DetailPage: Store.Get("shortcut.Push_Download_DetailPage") }, /**排序 */ WeightSorting: { SKU: 0, video: 1800, thumb: 1500, details: -2800, }, /** 天猫 */ '': { thumb: "#J_UlThumb > li", details: "#description img", detailsText: "#description", SKU: "#J_DetailMeta .tb-img li", Information: "#J_AttrUL", video: "", title: "", Link: "${ID}" }, /** 天猫国际 */ '': { thumb: "#J_UlThumb > li", details: "#description img", detailsText: "#description", SKU: "#J_DetailMeta .tb-img li", Information: "#J_AttrUL", video: "", title: "", Link: "${ID}" }, /** C店 */ '': { thumb: "#J_UlThumb [data-index]", details: "#J_DivItemDesc img", detailsText: "#J_DivItemDesc", SKU: "#J_isku .tb-img li", Information: "#attributes > ul", video: "", title: "", Link: "${ID}" }, /** 天猫超市 */ '': { thumb: "#J_UlThumb > li", details: "#description img", detailsText: "#description", SKU: "#J_DetailMeta .tb-img li", Information: "#J_AttrUL", video: "", title: "", Link: "${ID}" }, /** 1688 */ '': { thumb: ".od-pc-layout-two-columns .detail-gallery-turn-wrapper,.detail-gallery-turn-wrapper,.prepic-active img.detail-gallery-img", details: ".detail-desc-module img", detailsText: ".detail-desc-module", SKU: ".pc-sku-wrapper .sku-item-wrapper", Information: "div.od-pc-attribute", video: "", title: "", Link: "${ID}.html" } }; /**移除所有快捷键监听 并重新绑定 */ function AnewListener() { listener.reset(); for (const key in TreatmentMethod.shortcut) { // @ts-expect-error let Gather = Btn_Gather[key], shortcut = TreatmentMethod.shortcut[key]; if (!shortcut) continue; shortcut = (typeof shortcut == "string" ? shortcut : "").toLowerCase().replace(/[ \+] /g, " space").replace(/[+]/g, " "); // @ts-expect-error listener.simple_combo(shortcut, Gather.function); } } /**监听快捷键变更并且写入到GM的存储机制 */ let Store_Shortcut = onChange(TreatmentMethod.shortcut, function (path, NewValue, previousValue, applyData) { const PathToList = path.split('.'); if (!NewValue) return Store.Set("shortcut.".concat(PathToList[0]), null); Store.Set("shortcut.".concat(PathToList[0]), NewValue); }); /** * 按照当前网站查看是否支持执行 是否能够找到元素 */ class APP_Start { /**支持的网站子域名 */ constructor() { const THIS = this; } get Start() { let HostUpholdList = new Set(Object.keys(TreatmentMethod)); return HostUpholdList.has(; } thumb() { let Element_ID = "HM_TAOBAOZHUSHOU_030_APP_UI_Element"; let Element_Code = Theme.APP_Main([["HM_APP_Main", Element_ID]]); let APP_Element = NewElement("div", Element_Code, Element_ID, $() || document) || document.querySelector("#".concat(Element_ID)); // 执行按钮事件绑定 setTimeout(() => { var _a, _b; function GetBtn_Gather(ID) { let El = APP_Element === null || APP_Element === void 0 ? void 0 : APP_Element.querySelector("#".concat(ID)); return { id: ID, el: El, display: "", show() { // @ts-expect-error El === null || El === void 0 ? void 0 : = this.display; }, SetName(Names) { var _a; // @ts-expect-error if ((_a = El === null || El === void 0 ? void 0 : El.querySelector(".Purpose > a")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.innerText) El.querySelector(".Purpose > a").innerText = Names; }, remove() { El === null || El === void 0 ? void 0 : El.remove(); }, hide() { // @ts-expect-error let display = (El === null || El === void 0 ? void 0 : || ""; El === null || El === void 0 ? void 0 : = "none"; this.display = display; } }; } Btn_Gather.BtnMain == GetBtn_Gather(Element_ID); Btn_Gather.Push_Download_DetailPage = GetBtn_Gather("Download_DetailPage"); Btn_Gather.ShopWindow = GetBtn_Gather("Collect_ShopWindow_SetEagle"); Btn_Gather.SKU = GetBtn_Gather("Collect_SKU_SetEagle"); Btn_Gather.ShowAllBtn = GetBtn_Gather("ShowAllBtn"); Btn_Gather.DetailPage = GetBtn_Gather("CollectDetailPageSetEagle"); Btn_Gather.ToEagleAllImages = GetBtn_Gather("CollectAllSetEagle"); Btn_Gather.Video = GetBtn_Gather("Collect_Video_SetEagle"); Btn_Gather.CopyLink = GetBtn_Gather("CopyLink"); Btn_Gather.SetTakeShortcut = GetBtn_Gather("SetTakeShortcut"); this.Btn_Gather = Btn_Gather; /**显示所有按钮 (排除更新按钮 屏蔽显示所有按钮) */ function showAllButtons() { var _a; let ShowButtonsList = [Btn_Gather['SetTakeShortcut'], Btn_Gather['CopyLink'], Btn_Gather["Video"], Btn_Gather["ToEagleAllImages"], Btn_Gather["DetailPage"], Btn_Gather["ShowAllBtn"], Btn_Gather["SKU"], Btn_Gather["ShopWindow"], Btn_Gather["Push_Download_DetailPage"]]; for (const Buttons of ShowButtonsList) { Buttons === null || Buttons === void 0 ? void 0 :; } (_a = Btn_Gather.ShowAllBtn) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hide(); } /** * 隐藏所有其他按钮 /恢复默认 */ function showDefaultButtons() { var _a; let ShowButtonsList = [Btn_Gather['CopyLink'], Btn_Gather["Video"], Btn_Gather["ToEagleAllImages"], Btn_Gather["DetailPage"], Btn_Gather["ShowAllBtn"], Btn_Gather["SKU"], Btn_Gather["ShopWindow"], Btn_Gather["Push_Download_DetailPage"]]; for (const Buttons of ShowButtonsList) { Buttons === null || Buttons === void 0 ? void 0 : Buttons.hide(); } (_a = Btn_Gather.ShowAllBtn) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; } (_a = Btn_Gather.ShowAllBtn.el) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener("click", showAllButtons); (_b = APP_Element === null || APP_Element === void 0 ? void 0 : APP_Element.querySelector(".Version.Center")) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.addEventListener("click", function () { open(APIPreset.ScriptHome); }); /** * 检查更新的函数 * @returns */ function UpdateVersion() { /**返回年月日 */ function GetThisDate() { return `${date.getFullYear()}-${date.getMonth()}-${date.getDate()}`; } /**负责对比版本的函数 */ function InspectUpdateSDK(data) { if (data.Version > Version) { let VersionText = APP_Element === null || APP_Element === void 0 ? void 0 : APP_Element.querySelector(".Version.Center a"); // @ts-expect-error VersionText.innerText = "有新版本:" + String(data.Version).replace(/(.+)(..)$/, "$1.$2"); = "#ff0000"; } else { } Store.Set("NewVersion", data.Version); } // 按照GreasyFork规定每天只能检查一次 if (Store.Get("InspectUpdateVersion") == GetThisDate()) { // 今天检查更新过了 检查今天获取的版本号是否跟现在版本一致 InspectUpdateSDK({ Version: Number(Store.Get("NewVersion")) }); return; } // 联网检查更新 Store.Set("InspectUpdateVersion", GetThisDate()); WebWin.fetch(APIPreset.Update + First ? '/Version=' + Version : '', { method: 'GET', mode: 'cors', redirect: 'follow' }).then(onfulfilled => onfulfilled.json()).then((data) => { Store.Set("Setup.UpdateSwitch", true); InspectUpdateSDK(data); }); } //开始检查更新 UpdateVersion(); }, 500); this.APP_Element = APP_Element; // @ts-expect-error return APP_Element; } API_Failure() { var _a, _b, _c; let div = document.createElement('div'); let ID = "HM_API_Failure_APPMain_300__K9DUKOQ9L68JP"; div.innerHTML = Theme.API_Failure([["APPMain", ID]]); (_a = div.querySelector(".HMbutton")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener("click", function () { open(APIPreset.OpenEagle); }); (_b = div.querySelector(".Menu")) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.addEventListener("click", function (events) { div.remove(); }); (_c = document.querySelector('body')) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.appendChild(div); return div; } } const app = new APP_Start; if (!app.Start) return; app.thumb(); class APP_Get { constructor() { let THIS = this; /**处理SKU获取的函数 */ this.GetSKU_Content = function () { let ReturnSKU_ContentItems = []; /** * 天猫 获取SKU信息 */ function DetailTmall() { var _a; let List_SKU_Content = []; for (let Script of $$('script')) { // @ts-expect-error 获取脚本内容 let HTML_Text = (Script === null || Script === void 0 ? void 0 : Script.innerText) || ""; if (HTML_Text && HTML_Text.includes("TShop.Setup")) { let ScriptMatchJSON = HTML_Text.match(/ TShop.Setup\(\n(.+)\n/i); if (ScriptMatchJSON && ScriptMatchJSON[1]) { try { let ScriptJSON = JSON.parse(ScriptMatchJSON[1]); let sort_index = 0; // @ts-expect-error for (let FOR_Element of $$(TreatmentMethod[].SKU || "")) { // @ts-expect-error 按照顺序压入SKU信息 let SKU_Element = FOR_Element; let SKU_Content = { // @ts-expect-error name: (SKU_Element.innerText || "").replace(/\n?已选中$/, '').replace(/[\n]+/img, '').replace(/([\t\s ])+/img, '$1'), url: '', stock: 0, price: "", // @ts-expect-error 不显示的就是没库存 show: !(((_a = SKU_Element === null || SKU_Element === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.display) === "none"), sort: sort_index += 1, // @ts-expect-error id: `;${SKU_Element.attributes["data-value"].value};` }; // @ts-expect-error SKU_Content.url = ScriptJSON.propertyPics[][0]; List_SKU_Content.push(SKU_Content); } } catch (error) { //console.log(ScriptMatchJSON); //console.error(error); } } } } return List_SKU_Content; } /** * 淘宝网 获取SKU信息 */ function DetailTaoBao() { var _a; let List_SKU_Content = []; let sort_index = 0; // @ts-expect-error for (const FOR_Element of $$(TreatmentMethod[].SKU || "")) { // @ts-expect-error let HTML = (FOR_Element === null || FOR_Element === void 0 ? void 0 : FOR_Element.innerHTML) || "", Name_Element = FOR_Element.querySelector("a span"), MatchURL = HTML.match(/[\/\\][\/\\].+?\.(jpe?g|png|webp|gif)/); if (MatchURL) List_SKU_Content.push({ // @ts-expect-error name: Name_Element.innerText || "", url: MatchURL[0], //@ts-expect-error show: ((_a = Name_Element === null || Name_Element === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.display) || '' != "none", sort: sort_index += 1 }); } return List_SKU_Content; } /** * 1688网 获取SKU信息 */ function Detail1688() { var _a; let List_SKU_Content = []; let sort_index = 0; // @ts-expect-error 寻找元素 for (const FOR_Element of $$(TreatmentMethod[].SKU)) { // @ts-expect-error 强制指定为元素 let Get_Element = FOR_Element; let SKU_Name = Get_Element.querySelector(".sku-item-name"); let SKU_Image = Get_Element.querySelector(".sku-item-image"); let LOCK_SKU_URL = SKU_Image === null || SKU_Image === void 0 ? void 0 : SKU_Image.outerHTML.match(/[\/\\][\/\\].+?[.](?:jpe?g|png|webp|gif)/); List_SKU_Content.push({ // @ts-expect-error name: SKU_Name && (SKU_Name === null || SKU_Name === void 0 ? void 0 : SKU_Name.innerText) || "无名称的SKU图片", url: LOCK_SKU_URL ? LOCK_SKU_URL[0] : "", //@ts-expect-error show: ((_a = FOR_Element === null || FOR_Element === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.display) || '' != "none", sort: sort_index += 1 }); } return List_SKU_Content; } let GetSKU_ContentFunction = { '': Detail1688, '': DetailTmall, '': DetailTaoBao, '': DetailTmall, '': DetailTmall, }; // @ts-expect-error let GetSKU_Content = GetSKU_ContentFunction[](); for (const SKU_Content of GetSKU_Content) { let tags = ["SKU",], Link = this.GetLink; if (! tags.push("无货的SKU"); if (SKU_Content.url) ReturnSKU_ContentItems.push({ "url": this.Max_Imag(SKU_Content.url), "name": || "无名称的SKU图片", "tags": tags, // 定义排序 放大sort数据5倍让其误差更大 "modificationTime": (+date) + TreatmentMethod.WeightSorting.SKU + SKU_Content.sort * 5, "website": Link, }); } return ReturnSKU_ContentItems; }; /**处理主图视频获取的函数 */ this.GetVideo_Content = function () { let ReturnSKU_ContentItems = []; /** * 获取1688的主图视频 * @returns */ function Video1688() { var _a, _b; // @ts-expect-error 直接在元素上获取 let VideoURL = (_a = $("#detail-main-video-content video")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.src; // @ts-expect-error 直接访问全局变量中的数据 let __INIT_DATA = WebWin.__INIT_DATA; if (!VideoURL && __INIT_DATA) { let MatchVideoURL = ((_b = __INIT_DATA === null || __INIT_DATA === void 0 ? void 0 : __INIT_DATA.globalData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.offerDomain.match(/[\\\/].{1,12}\d+\.mp4/)) || [""]; VideoURL = MatchVideoURL[0]; } return VideoURL; } /** * 淘宝C店获取视频链接 * @returns */ function VideoTaoBao() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; // @ts-expect-error 从元素获取链接 let VideoURL = ((_a = $("#detail div.tb-gallery .tb-video video")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.src) || ""; // 元素中找不到用枚举拼接法 if (!VideoURL) { // @ts-expect-error 获取UserID let UserID = ((_d = (_c = (_b = $('meta[name="microscope-data"]')) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.content) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.match(/userid=(\d+);/)) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.pop()) || ""; let ScriptList = $$('script'); for (const Script of ScriptList) { // @ts-expect-error 获取视频ID if ((Script === null || Script === void 0 ? void 0 : Script.innerText) && (Script.innerText || "").includes('"videoId"')) { // @ts-expect-error 查找ID let MatchVideoID = Script.innerText.match(/"videoId":"(\d+)"/); if (!MatchVideoID) continue; return `${UserID}/p/1/e/6/t/1/${MatchVideoID[1]}.mp4`; } } } return VideoURL; } /** * 天猫获取视频链接 * @returns */ function VideoTmall() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; // 从元素获取链接 let MatchVideoURL = (((_a = $("#J_DetailMeta .lib-video")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.innerHTML) || "").match(/\/\/cloud.+?play.+?[.]mp4(?:[?]appKey=\d+)?/); let VideoURL = MatchVideoURL ? MatchVideoURL[1] : ""; // 元素中找不到用枚举拼接法 if (!VideoURL) { // @ts-expect-error 获取UserID let UserID = ((_d = (_c = (_b = $('meta[name="microscope-data"]')) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.content) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.match(/userid=(\d+);/)) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.pop()) || ""; let ScriptList = $$('script'); for (const Script of ScriptList) { // @ts-expect-error 获取视频ID if ((Script === null || Script === void 0 ? void 0 : Script.innerText) && Script.innerText.includes('"imgVedioID"')) { // @ts-expect-error 查找ID let MatchVideoID = Script.innerText.match(/"imgVedioID":"(\d+)"/); if (!MatchVideoID) continue; return `${UserID}/p/1/e/6/t/1/${MatchVideoID[1]}.mp4`; } } } return VideoURL; } let GetVideo_ContentFunction = { '': Video1688, '': VideoTmall, '': VideoTaoBao, '': VideoTmall, '': VideoTmall, }; // @ts-expect-error 获取链接 let GetSKU_Content = GetVideo_ContentFunction[](), Link = this.GetLink; if (GetSKU_Content) { ReturnSKU_ContentItems.push({ "url": GetSKU_Content, "name": "主图视频", "tags": ["主图视频",], "modificationTime": (+date) +, "website": Link, }); } return ReturnSKU_ContentItems; }; /**处理详情页获取的函数 */ this.GetDetails_Content = async function () { let ReturnSKU_ContentItems = [], Link = this.GetLink; ; await this.ScrollToBottom(); // @ts-expect-error 寻找所有图片 let SeekImagesElementList = $$(TreatmentMethod[].details || "") || [], ForIndex = 0, SeekDetailsText = $(TreatmentMethod[].detailsText); for (const ImagesElement of SeekImagesElementList) { function SeekImagesURL() { let ImagesURL = ''; // @ts-expect-error 天猫懒加载 if (ImagesElement && ImagesElement.attributes && ImagesElement.attributes['data-ks-lazyload']) { ImagesURL = ImagesElement.attributes['data-ks-lazyload'].value; } // @ts-expect-error 1688懒加载 if (!ImagesURL && ImagesElement && ImagesElement.attributes && ImagesElement.attributes['data-lazyload-src']) { ImagesURL = ImagesElement.attributes['data-lazyload-src'].value; } // @ts-expect-error 淘宝懒加载 if (!ImagesURL && ImagesElement && ImagesElement.attributes && ImagesElement.attributes['data-src']) { ImagesURL = ImagesElement.attributes['data-src'].value; } // @ts-expect-error 常规 if (!ImagesURL && ImagesElement && ImagesElement.src) { ImagesURL = ImagesElement.src; } return ImagesURL; } let GetMaxImagesURL = THIS.Max_Imag(SeekImagesURL()); if (GetMaxImagesURL) ReturnSKU_ContentItems.push({ "url": GetMaxImagesURL, "name": "详情页_".concat(MIU_NUM(ForIndex += 1, 2)), "tags": ["详情页",], "modificationTime": (+date) + TreatmentMethod.WeightSorting.details, "website": Link, // @ts-expect-error "annotation": (SeekDetailsText === null || SeekDetailsText === void 0 ? void 0 : SeekDetailsText.innerText) || "" }); } return ReturnSKU_ContentItems; }; /**处理主图获取的函数 */ this.GetThumb_Content = function () { let tags = ["商品主图",], Link = this.GetLink; // 0-22 (1688主图多的夸张) let NameForm = ["商品主图", "主图_02", "主图_03", "主图_04", "主图_05", "主图_06", "主图_07", "主图_08", "主图_09", "主图_10", "主图_11", "主图_12", "主图_13", "主图_14", "主图_15", "主图_16", "主图_17", "主图_18", "主图_19", "主图_20", "主图_21", "主图_22"]; let ReturnSKU_ContentItems = []; /** * 淘宝 获取主图信息 */ function ThumbTaoBao() { var _a; // @ts-expect-error let $_ = TreatmentMethod[].thumb; for (const index in $$($_)) { let ThumbIndex = $$($_)[index]; //@ts-expect-error 源码里面找链接 let MatchHTML = (_a = ThumbIndex === null || ThumbIndex === void 0 ? void 0 : ThumbIndex.outerHTML) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.match(/[\/\\][\/\\].+?\.(jpe?g|png|webp|gif)/); if (MatchHTML) { let Max_Imag = THIS.Max_Imag(MatchHTML[0]); if (Max_Imag) ReturnSKU_ContentItems.push({ "url": Max_Imag, "name": NameForm[index], "tags": tags, // 定义排序 放大sort数据5倍让其误差更大 "modificationTime": (+date) + TreatmentMethod.WeightSorting.thumb + (Number(index) * 5), "website": Link, }); } } } /** * 天猫 获取主图信息 */ function ThumbTmall() { var _a; // @ts-expect-error let $_ = TreatmentMethod[].thumb; for (const index in $$($_)) { let ThumbIndex = $$($_)[index]; //@ts-expect-error 源码里面找链接 let MatchHTML = (_a = ThumbIndex === null || ThumbIndex === void 0 ? void 0 : ThumbIndex.outerHTML) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.match(/[\/\\][\/\\].+?\.(jpe?g|png|webp|gif)/); if (MatchHTML) { let Max_Imag = THIS.Max_Imag(MatchHTML[0]); if (Max_Imag) ReturnSKU_ContentItems.push({ "url": Max_Imag, "name": NameForm[index], "tags": tags, // 定义排序 放大sort数据5倍让其误差更大 "modificationTime": (+date) + TreatmentMethod.WeightSorting.thumb + (Number(index) * 5), "website": Link, }); } } } /** * 淘宝 获取主图信息 */ function Thumb1688() { var _a; // @ts-expect-error let $_ = TreatmentMethod[].thumb; for (const index in $$($_)) { let ThumbIndex = $$($_)[index]; //@ts-expect-error 源码里面找链接 let MatchHTML = (_a = ThumbIndex === null || ThumbIndex === void 0 ? void 0 : ThumbIndex.outerHTML) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.match(/[\/\\][\/\\].+?\.(jpe?g|png|webp|gif)/); if (MatchHTML) { let Max_Imag = THIS.Max_Imag(MatchHTML[0]); if (Max_Imag) ReturnSKU_ContentItems.push({ "url": Max_Imag, "name": NameForm[index], "tags": tags, // 定义排序 放大sort数据5倍让其误差更大 "modificationTime": (+date) + TreatmentMethod.WeightSorting.thumb + (Number(index) * 5), "website": Link, }); } } } let GetThumb_ContentFunction = { '': Thumb1688, '': ThumbTmall, '': ThumbTaoBao, '': ThumbTmall, '': ThumbTmall, }; // @ts-expect-error GetThumb_ContentFunction[](); return ReturnSKU_ContentItems; }; /**处理商品详细信息的函数 */ this.GetInformation_Content = function () { var _a; // @ts-expect-error return ((_a = $(TreatmentMethod[].Information)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.innerText) || ""; }; } get id() { let href = location.href; let GetID = href.match(/[\?\&(?:object_)]id=([0-9]{8,13})/i) || href.match(/1688.*?([0-9]{8,13})\.html/i); return GetID && GetID[1] || ""; } get title() { let title = document.title; const RemoveTextList = ["-tmall.hk天猫国际", "-淘宝网", "-天猫超市-天猫上天猫,就购了-理想生活上天猫", "-tmall.com天猫", "-天猫超市-天猫",]; for (const RemoveText of RemoveTextList) { title = title.replace(RemoveText, ''); } return title; } UserAgreement() { if (Store.Get("User_OFF") !== undefined) return; window.NProgress && window.NProgress.set(0.1); let Element_ID = "HM_news_-UserAgreement_____Mian"; if (document.querySelector("#".concat(Element_ID))) return; let Element_Code = Theme.UserAgreement([["HM_UserAgre", Element_ID]]); let UserAgreement_Main = NewElement("div", Element_Code, Element_ID, $() || document) || document.querySelector("#".concat(Element_ID)); setTimeout(function () { var _a, _b; // 用户关闭协议 注销脚本功能 (_a = document.querySelector(`.Menu`)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener("click", function (event) { var _a; if (confirm("您确定要注销脚本功能?")) { UserAgreement_Main === null || UserAgreement_Main === void 0 ? void 0 : UserAgreement_Main.remove(); Store.Set("User_OFF", true); (_a = app.APP_Element) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remove(); window.NProgress && NProgress.start(); } }); // 绑定协议按钮 (_b = document.querySelector(`.NextMenu_Default,.NextMenu`)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.addEventListener("click", function (event) { var _a, _b; event.stopPropagation(); let button = UserAgreement_Main === null || UserAgreement_Main === void 0 ? void 0 : UserAgreement_Main.querySelector(`.NextMenu_Default,.NextMenu`); // @ts-expect-error if ((button === null || button === void 0 ? void 0 : button.innerText) == '开始使用') { Store.Set("User_OFF", false); UserAgreement_Main === null || UserAgreement_Main === void 0 ? void 0 : UserAgreement_Main.remove(); window.NProgress && NProgress.done(); } else { // @ts-expect-error 更新按钮文本 button.innerText = '开始使用'; button === null || button === void 0 ? void 0 : button.classList.remove('NextMenu_Default'); button === null || button === void 0 ? void 0 : button.classList.add('NextMenu'); (_a = UserAgreement_Main === null || UserAgreement_Main === void 0 ? void 0 : UserAgreement_Main.querySelector('#FirstUse')) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remove(); // @ts-expect-error 恢复显示 (_b = UserAgreement_Main === null || UserAgreement_Main === void 0 ? void 0 : UserAgreement_Main.querySelector('#FirstUse_Next')) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : = 'block'; window.NProgress && NProgress.set(0.5); } ; }); }, 800); } Max_Imag(URL) { if (typeof URL !== "string") return ''; // 拒绝处理懒加载图片 let lazyload = ["O1CN01SSxwRB1oD4HJCgfqd_!!6000000005190-2-tps-48-48.png", "imglazyload/spaceball.gif", 'T1BYd_XwFcXXb9RTPq-90-90.png', "T1BYd_XwFcXXb9RTPq-90-90", "TB1k9XsQpXXXXXLXpXXXXXXXXXX-750-368", "TB1oOXFXDM11u4jSZPxSuuhcXXa", "TB1AHXiGXXXXXXAXVXX.uTD.FXX-10-10", "wAAACH5BAUAAAAALAAAAAACAAEAAAICBAoAOw", "T10B2IXb4cXXcHmcPq-85-85", "CUdsY9YBuNjy0FgXXcxcXXa-1572-394", "T1BYd_XwFcXXb9RTPq-90-90", "spaceball.gif", "TB1k9XsQpXXXXXLXpXXXXXXXXXX-750-368", "other/lazyload.png", "TB1l8I3dlv0gK0jSZKbXXbK2FXa-226-226"]; for (const LazyLoadIterator of lazyload) { if (URL.includes(LazyLoadIterator)) return ''; } let RunURL = URL .replace(/_[.]webp/img, '') //_.webp .replace(/_\d+x\d+[.](je?pg|png|gif|wepb)/img, '') //_pic.jpg_60x60.jpg .replace(/_\d+x\d+[a-z]\d+[.](je?pg|png|gif|wepb)/img, '') //.jpg_60x60q90.jpg .replace(/https?:/img, '') //移除所有连接的协议头无论有没有 .replace(/(\\\\+|\/\/+)?img\.alicdn\.com\/tps\/[a-z]\d\/T10B2IXb4cXXcHmcPq(-\d+-\d+[.]gif)?/img, '') //详情页默认的gif懒加载 .replace(/(\\\\+|\/\/+)?img\.alicdn\.com.{1,12}\/spaceball.gif/img, '') //详情页默认的png懒加载 .replace(/([.](je?pg|png|gif|wepb))_\d+x\d+[a-z]\d+/img, '$1') //.jpg_640x640q80 .replace(/([.](je?pg|png|gif|wepb))_\d+x\d+([a-z]\d+){2,3}([.](je?pg|png|gif|wepb))?/img, '$1') // .jpg_760x760Q50s50.jpg .replace(/(?:.+?)?(\/\/.{1,6}(?:ali|taobao|tb)cdn[.]com\/.+?[.](?:jpe?g|png|gif))(.+?)?$/i, 'https:$1') //只单行加头并且移除本行内所有不需要的信息 .replace(/[.]\d+x\d+[.](jpe?g|png|gif|webp)(?:(?:_\d+x\d+[a-z]\d+.[a-z]+_(?:.webp)?)?)/i, '.$1') .replace(/^[\/\\]{1,2}.+/, 'https:$&'); return RunURL || ""; } async ScrollToBottom() { let ThisScroll = window.screenTop || 0; // 上次到达哪里 let LastScroll = 0; for (let ExecutionsIndex = 0; ExecutionsIndex < 20; ExecutionsIndex++) { // 本次到达的像素 let CurrentScroll = window.screenTop; // 没有步进更新了跳出下一步 最少跳5次 if (ExecutionsIndex >= 3 && CurrentScroll <= LastScroll) break; LastScroll = CurrentScroll; scrollTo(0, 500 * ExecutionsIndex); await Sleep(800); } scrollTo(0, 99999); //最后一击 await Sleep(500); scrollTo(0, ThisScroll); //最后一击 return void 0; } async Update() { return false; } /**获取最短链接 */ get GetLink() { // @ts-expect-error if (!TreatmentMethod[]) return ""; // @ts-expect-error return TreatmentMethod[].Link.replace(/\$\{ID\}/,; } } let APP_FUN = new APP_Get(); function StartNProgress(Setmun) { if (Setmun) window.NProgress && NProgress.set(Setmun); window.NProgress && NProgress.start(); } // 异步延迟绑定按钮功能 setTimeout(function () { /**让用户设置快捷键 */ function SetTakeShortcut() { // 执行原有快捷键注销 listener.reset(); let Element_ID = "HM__SetTakeShortcut___KFCXBU9PDHC6D"; // @ts-expect-error let Element_app = NewElement("div", Theme.SetTakeShortcut([["DefaultMain", Element_ID]]), Element_ID, document.querySelector("body"), {}) || document.querySelector("#".concat(Element_ID)); // tampermonkey 不支持Vue 使用原生代码实现页面 /**APP 数据 */ let createApp = (() => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; /**判断为undefined*/ function isDef(Value) { return typeof Value === "undefined" && Value !== null; } const Element_Close = Element_app === null || Element_app === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_app.querySelector("div.Menu"), Element_titleMain = Element_app === null || Element_app === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_app.querySelector("div.titleMain"), Element_QuickMain = Element_app === null || Element_app === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_app.querySelector("div.QuickMain"), Element_ON_TakeShortcutList = Element_app === null || Element_app === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_app.querySelector("div.ON_TakeShortcutList"), Element_SetTakeShortcutButtonList = Element_app === null || Element_app === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_app.querySelector("div.SetTakeShortcutButtonList"); /** * 设置元素的文字内容 * @param Element * @param Text */ function SetInnerText(Element, Text) { if (typeof Element == "string") Element = $(Element); // @ts-expect-error if (isDef(Text)) return (Element === null || Element === void 0 ? void 0 : Element.innerText) || ""; // @ts-expect-error Element.innerText = Text || ""; } const _APP__SDK = { Element: { // 监听快捷键 FOR_TakeShortcut: (() => { let _Element = document.createElement("div"); _Element.classList.add("FOR_TakeShortcut"); _Element.innerHTML = `<a>{{item}}<a/>`; return _Element; })(), app: Element_app, Close: Element_Close, titleMain: Element_titleMain, QuickMain: Element_QuickMain, ON_TakeShortcutList: Element_ON_TakeShortcutList, SetTakeShortcutButtonList: Element_SetTakeShortcutButtonList, BindElement: { introduce: null, title: null, NewQuick: null, NewSpeak: null, NowQuick: null, NowSpeak: null, } }, Shortcut: { TakeShortcutList: new Set, ShortcutClear: -1, EnterState: false, /*标题*/ title: "设置快捷键", /*标题底下小字*/ introduce: "让助手游刃有余插上翅膀~", /*现在的 :快捷键设置*/ NowSpeak: "之前:", NowQuick: "请选择功能", /*新的 :快捷键设置*/ NewSpeak: "新的:", NewQuick: "点击录入" }, ShortcutList: [{ name: "收藏全部", id: "ToEagleAllImages", Shortcut: Store_Shortcut.ToEagleAllImages, effect: "将当前页面\n所有支持的图片打包", icon: null, frozen: false, key: "ToEagleAllImages", index: 0 }, { name: "收藏详情", id: "DetailPage", Shortcut: Store_Shortcut.DetailPage, effect: "将当前页面\n所有支持的详情图片打包", icon: null, frozen: false, key: "DetailPage", index: 1 }, { name: "收藏SKU", id: "SKU", Shortcut: Store_Shortcut.SKU, effect: "将当前页面\n所有支持的SKU图片打包", icon: null, frozen: false, key: "SKU", index: 2 }, { name: "收藏主图", id: "ShopWindow", Shortcut: Store_Shortcut.ShopWindow, effect: "将当前页面\n所有支持的主图打包", icon: null, frozen: false, key: "ShopWindow", index: 3 }, { name: "收藏视频", id: "Video", Shortcut: Store_Shortcut.Video, effect: "将当前页面\n所有支持的视频打包", icon: null, frozen: false, key: "Video", index: 4 }, { name: "收藏全页详情", id: "Push_Download_DetailPage", Shortcut: Store_Shortcut.Push_Download_DetailPage, effect: "将详情页拼接为单张\n发送到Eagle", icon: null, frozen: false, key: "Push_Download_DetailPage", index: 5 }] }; let createApp = onChange(_APP__SDK, function (path, NewValue, previousValue, applyData) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; const { BindElement } = this.Element; const PathKeys = path.split("."); const { Shortcut } = this; // 当元素被绑定 进行赋值 let GetBindElement = { "Element.BindElement.title": [BindElement.title, Shortcut.title], "Element.BindElement.introduce": [BindElement.introduce, Shortcut.introduce], "Element.BindElement.NewQuick": [BindElement.NewQuick, Shortcut.NewQuick], "Element.BindElement.NewSpeak": [BindElement.NewSpeak, Shortcut.NewSpeak], "Element.BindElement.NowQuick": [BindElement.NowQuick, Shortcut.NowQuick], "Element.BindElement.NowSpeak": [BindElement.NowSpeak, Shortcut.NowSpeak], }; // @ts-expect-error if (Object.keys(GetBindElement).includes(path)) SetInnerText(GetBindElement[path][0], GetBindElement[path][1]); //console.log('当前的对象:', this); //console.log('路径:', path); //console.log('新的值:', NewValue); //console.log('之前的值:', previousValue); //console.log('应用数据:', applyData); // 单个数据体变更 if (PathKeys[0] === "ShortcutList") { let ShortcutData = _APP__SDK.ShortcutList[Number(PathKeys[1])]; if (PathKeys[2] === "Shortcut") { let Value = ""; for (let iterator of String(NewValue).split(' ')) { Value = (Value.concat(String(iterator)[0].toUpperCase() + String(iterator).slice(1), "+")); } SetInnerText((_a = ShortcutData.el) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.querySelector(".Shortcut"), Value.replace(/\+$/, '')); // @ts-expect-error Store_Shortcut[ShortcutData.key] = NewValue; } if (PathKeys[2] === "frozen") { if (NewValue) (_b = ShortcutData.el) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.classList.add("frozen"); if (!NewValue) (_c = ShortcutData.el) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.classList.remove("frozen"); } if (PathKeys[2] === "icon") { let img = (_e = (_d = ShortcutData.el) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.querySelector(".Shortcut")) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.querySelector("img"); if (img) img.src = NewValue ? String(NewValue) : APIPreset.ICON.icon; } } if (path == "Shortcut.ShortcutClear") { if (NewValue) { Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === null || Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_ON_TakeShortcutList.setAttribute("hide", ''); Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === null || Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_ON_TakeShortcutList.removeAttribute("show"); } else { Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === null || Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_ON_TakeShortcutList.setAttribute("show", ''); Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === null || Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_ON_TakeShortcutList.removeAttribute("hide"); } } if (path == "Shortcut.NowQuick") SetInnerText(this.Element.BindElement.NowQuick, NewValue); if (path == "Shortcut.NowSpeak") SetInnerText(this.Element.BindElement.NowSpeak, NewValue); if (path == "Shortcut.NewSpeak") SetInnerText(this.Element.BindElement.NewSpeak, NewValue); // 设置并记录上次的快捷键 if (path == "Shortcut.NewQuick") { if (previousValue != "未设置" && previousValue != "点击录入" && previousValue != "点击完成") { this.Shortcut.NowQuick = String(previousValue); } SetInnerText(this.Element.BindElement.NewQuick, NewValue); } // 是否正在录入中 if (path == 'Shortcut.EnterState') { if (NewValue) { createApp.Shortcut.title = "正在记录..."; createApp.Shortcut.introduce = "键盘按下快捷键自动录入"; createApp.Shortcut.NewQuick = "点击完成"; document.addEventListener("keydown", TakeShortcut); document.addEventListener("keyup", TakeShortcut_End); } if (!NewValue) { createApp.Shortcut.title = "设置快捷键"; createApp.Shortcut.introduce = "让助手游刃有余插上翅膀~"; createApp.Shortcut.NewQuick = "点击录入"; document.removeEventListener("keydown", TakeShortcut); document.removeEventListener("keyup", TakeShortcut_End); } } if (path == 'Shortcut.title') { if (NewValue != "正在记录..." && NewValue != "设置快捷键" && this.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.size > 1) { this.Shortcut.NewQuick = String(NewValue); if (this.PresentShortcut) { this.ShortcutList[this.PresentShortcut.index].Shortcut = this.Shortcut.title; } } SetInnerText(BindElement.title, NewValue); } if (path == 'Shortcut.introduce') SetInnerText(BindElement.introduce, NewValue); // 监听快捷键添加 删除 清空 if (path == "Shortcut.TakeShortcutList") { const DataValue = (() => { let Value = applyData.args[0]; if (Value == " ") Value = "空格"; if (Value == "Control") Value = "Ctrl"; return Value; })(); createApp.Shortcut.ShortcutClear = !this.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.size; if (!this.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.size) { Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === null || Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_ON_TakeShortcutList.querySelectorAll(".FOR_TakeShortcut").forEach(value => { value.remove(); }); } if ( == "delete") { Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === null || Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_ON_TakeShortcutList.querySelectorAll(".FOR_TakeShortcut").forEach(value => { if (value.getAttribute("HM_key_FOR_TakeShortcut_Data") == DataValue) { value.remove(); } }); } if ( == "add") { let ClearTextList = new Set(["请选择功能板块", "只允许Shift+字母"]); let ElementData = _APP__SDK.Element.FOR_TakeShortcut.cloneNode(true); // @ts-expect-error ElementData.innerHTML = `<a>${DataValue}</a>`; ElementData.setAttribute("HM_key_FOR_TakeShortcut_Data", DataValue); Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === null || Element_ON_TakeShortcutList === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_ON_TakeShortcutList.appendChild(ElementData); if (ClearTextList.has(DataValue)) { setTimeout(function () { createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.clear(); }, 1200); } } } }, {}); // 初始化页面赋值 let { BindElement } = createApp.Element; BindElement.title = Element_titleMain === null || Element_titleMain === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_titleMain.querySelector(".title"); BindElement.introduce = Element_titleMain === null || Element_titleMain === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_titleMain.querySelector(".introduce"); BindElement.NowSpeak = Element_QuickMain === null || Element_QuickMain === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_QuickMain.querySelector(".NowQuickFrame .speak"); BindElement.NowQuick = Element_QuickMain === null || Element_QuickMain === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_QuickMain.querySelector(".NowQuickFrame .Quick"); BindElement.NewSpeak = Element_QuickMain === null || Element_QuickMain === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_QuickMain.querySelector(".NewQuickFrame .speak"); BindElement.NewQuick = Element_QuickMain === null || Element_QuickMain === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_QuickMain.querySelector(".NewQuickFrame .Quick"); let index = -1; for (const Shortcut of createApp.ShortcutList) { let Shortcut_Element = document.createElement("div"); Shortcut_Element.classList.add("Buttonitem"); Shortcut_Element.setAttribute("HM-Shortcut-index", String(index += 1)); Shortcut_Element.innerHTML = ` <div class="ICON absolute"><img src="${(Shortcut.icon || APIPreset.ICON.icon).replace(/\\/g, "/")}"></div> <div class="Shortcut absolute"><a>${Shortcut.Shortcut || "未设置"}</a></div> <div class="name absolute"><a>${}</a></div> <div class="effect absolute"><a>${Shortcut.effect}</a></div> `; if (Shortcut.frozen) { Shortcut_Element.classList.add("frozen"); } else if ( Shortcut_Element.classList.add("clicks"); Element_SetTakeShortcutButtonList === null || Element_SetTakeShortcutButtonList === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_SetTakeShortcutButtonList.appendChild(Shortcut_Element); Shortcut.el = Shortcut_Element; // 功能模块点击事件绑定 Shortcut_Element.addEventListener("click", function () { createApp.Shortcut.NewQuick = "点击完成"; createApp.Shortcut.title = "正在记录..."; createApp.PresentShortcut = createApp.ShortcutList[Number(this.getAttribute("HM-Shortcut-index"))]; createApp.Shortcut.NowQuick = !Shortcut.Shortcut ? "未设置" : Shortcut.Shortcut; // @ts-expect-error 移除高亮的类 for (const Element of Element_SetTakeShortcutButtonList === null || Element_SetTakeShortcutButtonList === void 0 ? void 0 : Element_SetTakeShortcutButtonList.querySelectorAll(".Buttonitem")) Element.classList.remove("clicks"); for (const Shortcut of createApp.ShortcutList) = false; = true; if ( { Shortcut_Element.classList.add("clicks"); Shortcut_Element.classList.remove("frozen"); } else { if (Shortcut.frozen) Shortcut_Element.classList.add("frozen"); Shortcut_Element.classList.remove("clicks"); } createApp.Shortcut.EnterState = true; }); } /**判断用户是否未点击过任何功能板块 */ function IsUserNotClickfun() { const { ShortcutList } = createApp; let Enable = false; for (const i of ShortcutList) { if ( { Enable = true; break; } } if (!Enable) { createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.clear(); createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.add("请选择功能板块"); } return Enable; } /**原来的按钮 点击之后将上次的快捷键恢复 */ function ShortcutExChange(Event) { // 数据交换 const Shortcut = createApp.Shortcut; if (Shortcut.NowQuick == "未设置" || Shortcut.NowQuick == "请选择功能") return; let NewQuick_Bak = Shortcut.NewQuick + ''; Shortcut.NewQuick = Shortcut.NowQuick; if (NewQuick_Bak !== "未设置" && NewQuick_Bak !== "点击录入" && NewQuick_Bak !== "点击完成") Shortcut.NowQuick = NewQuick_Bak; } (_b = (_a = _APP__SDK.Element.QuickMain) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.querySelector(".NowQuickFrame")) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.addEventListener("click", ShortcutExChange); /**录入新的按钮 */ function ClickNewQuick() { if (!IsUserNotClickfun()) return; createApp.Shortcut.EnterState = !createApp.Shortcut.EnterState; } (_d = (_c = _APP__SDK.Element.QuickMain) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.querySelector(".NewQuickFrame")) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.addEventListener("click", ClickNewQuick); /**用户点击关闭 */ function UserClickClose() { createApp.Shortcut.EnterState = false; createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.clear(); Element_app.remove(); // 重新绑定按钮 AnewListener(); } (_e = _APP__SDK.Element.Close) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.addEventListener("click", UserClickClose); function TakeShortcut(Event) { let key = Event.key; if (key == "Backspace" || createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.has("只允许Shift+字母")) return; //console.log(Event, createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList); if (key == "Control" || key == "Alt") { createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.clear(); createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.add("只允许Shift+字母"); return; } createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.add(key); let TakeShortcutList = createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList; if (TakeShortcutList.size <= 2) { let Shortcut = ""; if (TakeShortcutList.has("Control")) { Shortcut += "Control+"; } if (TakeShortcutList.has("Shift")) { Shortcut += "Shift+"; } if (TakeShortcutList.has("Alt")) { Shortcut += "Alt+"; } TakeShortcutList.forEach((key) => { if (key !== "Control" && key !== "Alt" && key !== "Shift") { Shortcut += key; } }); if (Shortcut !== "Alt+" && Shortcut !== "Shift+" && Shortcut !== "Control+" && Shortcut !== "Control+Shift+" && Shortcut !== "Control+Shift+Alt+" && Shortcut !== "Control+Alt+" && Shortcut !== "Shift+Alt+") createApp.Shortcut.title = Shortcut; } } function TakeShortcut_End(Event) { let key = Event.key; createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.delete(key); if (key == "Backspace") createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList.clear(); //console.log("结束", Event, createApp.Shortcut.TakeShortcutList); } return createApp; })(); } // 采集全部内容 async function ToEagleAllImages() { APP_FUN.UserAgreement(); StartNProgress(); if (Store.Get("User_OFF") || Store.Get("User_OFF") == undefined) return; let AllContentList = { Details: await APP_FUN.GetDetails_Content(), Information: APP_FUN.GetInformation_Content(), SKU: APP_FUN.GetSKU_Content(), Video: APP_FUN.GetVideo_Content(), Thumb: APP_FUN.GetThumb_Content(), };; await ToEagle.SetNewFolder(APP_FUN.title).then(data => { // 子级详情页 if (AllContentList.Details.length) ToEagle.SetNewFolder("商品详情", => { ToEagle.AddImagesURLAll({ items: AllContentList.Details, "folderId": }).finally(function () {; }); }); // 子级SKU if (AllContentList.SKU.length) ToEagle.SetNewFolder("SKU", => { ToEagle.AddImagesURLAll({ items: AllContentList.SKU, "folderId": }).finally(function () {; }); }); // 子级商品主图 if (AllContentList.Thumb.length) ToEagle.SetNewFolder("商品主图", => { ToEagle.AddImagesURLAll({ items: AllContentList.Thumb, "folderId": }).finally(function () {; }); }); // 同级归类视频 if (AllContentList.Video.length) ToEagle.AddImagesURLAll({ items: AllContentList.Video, "folderId": }).finally(function () {; }); }).catch(_ => { app.API_Failure(); }); setTimeout(function () { NProgress.done(); }, 3500); // //console.log('收藏全部', AllContentList); } async function CopyLink() { // //console.log('复制短连接'); APP_FUN.UserAgreement(); if (Store.Get("User_OFF") || Store.Get("User_OFF") == undefined) return; StartNProgress(); GM_setClipboard(APP_FUN.GetLink); setTimeout(function () { var _a; (_a = app.Btn_Gather.CopyLink) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.SetName("已复制短链"); window.NProgress && NProgress.done(); }, 800); } async function Push_Download_DetailPage() { //console.log('采集全页详情页'); APP_FUN.UserAgreement(); if (Store.Get("User_OFF") || Store.Get("User_OFF") == undefined) return; StartNProgress(); APP_FUN.GetDetails_Content().then(async (GetDate) => { let Data = => e.url); let StartComposeImages = new ComposeImages(); let IMAGESComposeImagesS = StartComposeImages.Compose(Data, { "filter": (URL, width, height) => (width > 700 && height > 5) }); let Base64 = await StartComposeImages.GetBase64(IMAGESComposeImagesS); ToEagle.SetNewFolder(APP_FUN.title).then(data => { ToEagle.AddImagesURLAll({ items: [{ url: Base64, name: "全页详情" }], "folderId": }).finally(function () { NProgress.done(); }); }).catch(_ => { app.API_Failure(); }); }); } async function SKU() { // //console.log('收藏SKU'); APP_FUN.UserAgreement(); if (Store.Get("User_OFF") || Store.Get("User_OFF") == undefined) return; StartNProgress(); let GetDate = APP_FUN.GetSKU_Content(); ToEagle.SetNewFolder(APP_FUN.title).then(data => { ToEagle.SetNewFolder("SKU", => { ToEagle.AddImagesURLAll({ items: GetDate, "folderId": }).finally(function () { NProgress.done(); }); }); }).catch(_ => { app.API_Failure(); }); } async function ShopWindow() { // //console.log('收藏主图'); APP_FUN.UserAgreement(); if (Store.Get("User_OFF") || Store.Get("User_OFF") == undefined) return; StartNProgress(); let GetDate = APP_FUN.GetThumb_Content(); ToEagle.SetNewFolder(APP_FUN.title).then(data => { ToEagle.SetNewFolder("商品主图", => { ToEagle.AddImagesURLAll({ items: GetDate, "folderId": }).finally(function () { NProgress.done(); }); }); }).catch(_ => { app.API_Failure(); }); } async function Video() { APP_FUN.UserAgreement(); if (Store.Get("User_OFF") || Store.Get("User_OFF") == undefined) return; StartNProgress(); let GetDate = APP_FUN.GetVideo_Content(); if (!GetDate.length) return; ToEagle.SetNewFolder(APP_FUN.title).then(data => { ToEagle.AddImagesURLAll({ items: GetDate, "folderId": }).finally(function () { NProgress.done(); }).catch(_ => { app.API_Failure(); }); }); } async function ShowAllBtn() { //console.log('显示所有功能'); APP_FUN.UserAgreement(); } async function DetailPage() { //console.log('采集详情页'); APP_FUN.UserAgreement(); if (Store.Get("User_OFF") || Store.Get("User_OFF") == undefined) return; StartNProgress(); APP_FUN.GetDetails_Content().then(GetDate => { ToEagle.SetNewFolder(APP_FUN.title).then(data => { ToEagle.SetNewFolder("商品详情", => { ToEagle.AddImagesURLAll({ items: GetDate, "folderId": }).finally(function () { NProgress.done(); }); }); }).catch(_ => { app.API_Failure(); }); }); } ; (function (Btn_Gather) { var _a, _b; let EventListenerList = { "ToEagleAllImages": ToEagleAllImages, "CopyLink": CopyLink, "DetailPage": DetailPage, "SKU": SKU, "ShopWindow": ShopWindow, "ShowAllBtn": ShowAllBtn, "SetTakeShortcut": SetTakeShortcut, "Video": Video, "Push_Download_DetailPage": Push_Download_DetailPage, }; for (const ForKey of Object.keys(EventListenerList)) { // @ts-expect-error let key = ForKey; Btn_Gather[key].function = EventListenerList[key]; (_b = (_a = Btn_Gather[key]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.el) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.addEventListener("click", EventListenerList[key]); } })(app.Btn_Gather); AnewListener(); // 绑定执行的功能 }, 800); if ( === "") console.timeEnd("--------------------------ScriptStartingSpeed--------------------------"); })(window, unsafeWindow, setTimeout, GM_setClipboard, {});