fwejggr / Elementool Quick Copy Link

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Elementool Quick Copy Link
// @version      0.4
// @description  Inserts a copy link next to the ticket number to get a shareable link for  Elementool Tickets.
// @author       Florian
// @license MIT
// @include https://www.elementool.com/Services/BugTracking/*
// @include https://www.elementool.com/services/common/SubmitResult*
// ==/UserScript==

var zNode = document.createElement('div');
zNode.innerHTML = '<button id="myButton" class="no_border" type="button">' +
  'Copy Link</button>';
zNode.setAttribute('id', 'myContainer');
zNode.setAttribute("color", "#3c89c3");

if (document.getElementById("lblIssueNo") != null) {
  document.getElementById("lblIssueNo").appendChild(zNode); //existing ticket
    "click", ButtonClickAction, false


if (document.getElementById("Result_pnlResult") != null) {
  document.getElementById("Result_pnlResult").appendChild(zNode); //submit - to be verified
    "click", ButtonClickAction2, false


function ButtonClickAction(zEvent) {
  var full_title = document.title;
  var re = /Issue #(\d*) - elementool - (\w*) :: ((\w|\W)*)/;
  var found = re.exec(full_title);
  var ticketId = found[1];
  var account = found[2];
  var newURL = "http://www.elementool.com/Services/Common/quickview.aspx?accntname=".concat(account, "&issueno=", ticketId);

  //zNode.innerHTML = newURL;

function ButtonClickAction2(zEvent) {
  var full_title = document.title; // elementool - BSGermany :: PSM-Germany
  var re = /elementool - (\w*) :: ((\w|\W)*)/;
  var found = re.exec(full_title);
  var ticketId = document.getElementById("Result_lnkIssue").text;
  var account = found[1];
  var newURL = "http://www.elementool.com/Services/Common/quickview.aspx?accntname=".concat(account, "&issueno=", ticketId);

  //zNode.innerHTML = newURL;

function copy(my_text) {
  /* Get the text field */
  navigator.clipboard.writeText(my_text).then(function () {
    console.log('Async: Copying to clipboard was successful!');
  }, function (err) {
    console.error('Async: Could not copy text: ', err);