eileen12 / HaremHeroes Automatic

The auto sallary is broken for me - I checked the code in tampermonkey and it says '$' is not defined.
Can anybody help me with this?

Re: @ZugZwang:
The script should actually run just fine regardless of this. The same thing happens in my console as well and the scripts continue to work.

Re: @ZugZwang:

... it says '$' is not defined...Can anybody help me with this?

jQuery is that. One of the @matches synchronously loads v2.1.1. Are you blocking their CDN for their custom jQuery?

I wonder why this script author didn't include a copy of jQuery of equivalent version in the UserScript metadata block in case it's removed or blocked. It's usually something like this:

// @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js

... and near the top of the script after the metadata blocks:

this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);

Re: @Marti:
thanks for the reply, apparently I was blocking the CDN (eventhough I have no idea how and why).I reset chrome to the default settings (read that somewhere else) and now the script runs perfectly...