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// ==UserScript== // @name Yandex Music & Radio MediaApi Support // @description A better implementation of MediaSession browser API connection. Allows to use OS media player controls. This fork contains several fixes to the original script from Syleront. // @version 0.2.1 // @author Syleront, dmig // @include* // @include* // @run-at document-idle // @license MIT // @copyright 2021, dmig // ==/UserScript== (() => { const { navigator, externalAPI } = unsafeWindow; if (!("mediaSession" in navigator && externalAPI)) return; const { EVENT_TRACK, EVENT_SOURCE_INFO, getCurrentTrack, getSourceInfo, togglePause, prev, next } = externalAPI; // All available avatar sizes, let the browser choose one const sizeList = ['30x30', '50x50', '80x80', '100x100', '200x200', '300x300', '400x400']; externalAPI.on(EVENT_TRACK, () => { const current = getCurrentTrack(); if (current === null) return; const { title, artists, cover } = current; const artist = => e.title).join(", "); const album = current.album.title; const artwork = => {return {src: 'https://' + cover.replace('%%', s), sizes: s}}); // Use album name if artist is empty (for podcasts) navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({ title, artist: artist || album, album, artwork }); }); // handle station type change properly externalAPI.on(EVENT_SOURCE_INFO, () => { const current = getSourceInfo(); if (current === null) return; if (current.type == 'radio') { // radio changes tracks only to the next navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("previoustrack", null); } else { navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("previoustrack", prev); } }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("play", togglePause); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("pause", togglePause); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("nexttrack", next); })();