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// ==UserScript== // @name Force Prime Heroes Combat Simulator // @version 2.2 // @description Fight projections for Force Prime Heroes // @license MIT // @namespace // @author djizus // @icon // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const UNITS_DATA = [ // Recruitable Units { unit: "Centaur", id: 268, type: "Melee", attack: 3, hp: 12, power: 6, image: '' }, { unit: "Dwarf", id: 273, type: "Ranged", attack: 5, hp: 20, power: 10, image: '' }, { unit: "Crusader", id: 269, type: "Melee", attack: 4, hp: 36, power: 12, image: '' }, { unit: "Monk", id: 280, type: "Ranged", attack: 12, hp: 27, power: 18, image: '' }, { unit: "Angel", id: 266, type: "Melee", attack: 15, hp: 60, power: 30, image: '' }, // Enemy Units { unit: "Young Ent", id: 6, type: "Melee", attack: 2, hp: 8, power: 4, image: '' }, { unit: "Skeleton Mage", id: 7, type: "Ranged", attack: 2, hp: 8, power: 4, image: '' }, { unit: "Fire Elemental", id: 8, type: "Melee", attack: 3, hp: 12, power: 6, image: '' }, { unit: "Zombie", id: 9, type: "Melee", attack: 5, hp: 20, power: 10, image: '' }, { unit: "Ent", id: 10, type: "Melee", attack: 4, hp: 25, power: 10, image: '' }, { unit: "Genie", id: 11, type: "Ranged", attack: 5, hp: 20, power: 10, image: '' }, { unit: "Vampire", id: 12, type: "Melee", attack: 6, hp: 24, power: 12, image: '' }, { unit: "Cyclops", id: 13, type: "Ranged", attack: 10, hp: 40, power: 20, image: '' }, { unit: "Minotaur", id: 14, type: "Melee", attack: 12, hp: 48, power: 24, image: '' }, { unit: "Necromancer", id: 15, type: "Melee", attack: 16, hp: 36, power: 24, image: '' }, { unit: "Fire Witch", id: 16, type: "Ranged", attack: 16, hp: 36, power: 24, image: '' }, { unit: "Fairy Dragon", id: 17, type: "Melee", attack: 20, hp: 80, power: 40, image: '' }, { unit: "Titan", id: 18, type: "Ranged", attack: 20, hp: 80, power: 40, image: '' }, { unit: "Death", id: 19, type: "Melee", attack: 25, hp: 100, power: 50, image: '' }, { unit: "Devil", id: 20, type: "Melee", attack: 50, hp: 200, power: 100, image: '' }, { unit: "Bone Dragon", id: 21, type: "Melee", attack: 250, hp: 1000, power: 500, image: '' } ]; async function getCurrentGameData() { try { console.log("Starting getCurrentGameData..."); // Find the iframe let iframe = document.getElementById("game_iframe_bg"); if (!iframe) { console.error("Iframe not found!"); throw new Error("Game iframe not found"); } console.log("Found iframe:", iframe); // Get and parse iframe src let src = iframe.getAttribute('src'); if (!src) { console.error("Iframe src is empty!"); throw new Error("Iframe src not found"); } console.log("Iframe src:", src); // Parse URL parameters const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(src); const account = urlParams.get('account'); const world_id = urlParams.get('world_id'); console.log("Parsed parameters:", { account, world_id }); if (!account || !world_id) { console.error("Missing required parameters:", { account, world_id }); throw new Error("Required parameters not found"); } // Get game ID console.log("Fetching game ID..."); const gameResponse = await fetch(`${account}&world_id=${world_id}`, { method: "GET", headers: { "priority": "u=1, i", } }); const gameData = await gameResponse.json(); console.log("Game data response:", gameData); const gameId = gameData["game_id"]; console.log("Game ID:", gameId); // Get hero stats console.log("Fetching hero stats..."); const heroStatsResponse = await fetch(`${gameId}&world_id=${world_id}`, { method: "GET", headers: { "priority": "u=1, i", } }); const heroStats = await heroStatsResponse.json(); console.log("Hero stats response:", heroStats); // Get roster data console.log("Fetching roster data..."); const rosterDataResponse = await fetch(`${gameId}&world_id=${world_id}`, { method: "GET", headers: { "priority": "u=1, i", } }); const rosterData = await rosterDataResponse.json(); console.log("Roster data response:", rosterData); // Update the UI with the retrieved data updateUIWithGameData(heroStats, rosterData); } catch (error) { console.error("Error in getCurrentGameData:", error); console.error("Stack trace:", error.stack); } } function calculateCurrentStatus() { console.log("Calculating current status..."); // Get hero stats const heroAttack = parseFloat(document.getElementById('heroAttack').value) || 0; const heroDefense = parseFloat(document.getElementById('heroDefense').value) || 0; let totalPower = 0; let rangedAttack = 0; // Process each unit ['centaur', 'dwarf', 'crusader', 'monk', 'angel'].forEach(unitName => { const unitCount = parseInt(document.getElementById(`${unitName}Count`).value) || 0; if (unitCount > 0) { const unitData = UNITS_DATA.find(u => u.unit.toLowerCase() === unitName); if (unitData) { // Calculate boosted stats const boostedAttack = unitData.attack * unitCount * (1 + (heroAttack * 8 / 100)); const boostedHp = unitData.hp * unitCount * (1 + (heroDefense / 10)); // Calculate unit stack power const unitStackPower = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(boostedAttack * boostedHp)); totalPower += unitStackPower; // Add to ranged attack if unit is ranged if (unitData.type === "Ranged") { rangedAttack += Math.floor(unitData.attack * unitCount * (1 + (heroAttack * 8 / 100))); } console.log(`${unitData.unit} stack:`, { count: unitCount, baseAttack: unitData.attack, baseHp: unitData.hp, boostedAttack: Math.floor(boostedAttack), boostedHp: Math.floor(boostedHp), stackPower: unitStackPower }); } } }); // Update display const currentPowerSpan = document.getElementById('currentPower'); const currentAttackSpan = document.getElementById('currentAttack'); if (currentPowerSpan) currentPowerSpan.textContent = totalPower; if (currentAttackSpan) currentAttackSpan.textContent = rangedAttack; console.log("Final calculations:", { totalPower, rangedAttack }); } function updateUIWithGameData(heroStats, rosterData) { console.log("Starting UI update with data:", { heroStats, rosterData }); // Update hero stats const heroAttackInput = document.getElementById('heroAttack'); const heroDefenseInput = document.getElementById('heroDefense'); if (heroStats.success && heroStats.stats) { console.log("Updating hero stats:", heroStats.stats); heroAttackInput.value = heroStats.stats.attack || 0; heroDefenseInput.value = heroStats.stats.defence || 0; } // Update roster counts if (rosterData.success && rosterData.units) { console.log("Updating roster with units:", rosterData.units); // Reset all unit counts ['centaurCount', 'dwarfCount', 'crusaderCount', 'monkCount', 'angelCount'].forEach(inputId => { const input = document.getElementById(inputId); if (input) { input.value = '0'; console.log(`Reset ${inputId} to 0`); } }); // Update unit counts from response for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { const unitId = rosterData.units[`unit_${i}_id`]; const unitCount = rosterData.units[`unit_${i}_count`]; console.log(`Processing unit ${i}:`, { unitId, unitCount }); if (unitId && unitCount) { const unitData = UNITS_DATA.find(u => === unitId); if (unitData) { const input = document.getElementById(`${unitData.unit.toLowerCase()}Count`); if (input) { input.value = unitCount; console.log(`Updated ${unitData.unit} count to ${unitCount}`); } } } } // Calculate current status after updating all values calculateCurrentStatus(); } } const styles = ` /* Container styles */ .combat-simulator-wrapper { position: fixed; left: calc(100% - 270px); top: 120px; background-color: var(--fp-block-background); border-radius: 15px; color: #ffffffa6; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 24px; padding: 1rem; z-index: 9999; width: 240px; user-select: none; } /* Header styles */ .simulator-header { cursor: move; padding: 8px; margin: -1rem -1rem 1rem -1rem; background: var(--fp-main-color); border-radius: 15px 15px 0 0; color: #000; font-weight: bold; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; font-size: 18px; } /* Button styles */ .simulator-button { padding: 6px 12px; font-size: 0.9em; width: auto; min-width: 120px; background-color: #ffd700; border: 1px solid #b39700; color: #000; cursor: pointer; } .simulator-button:hover { background-color: #ffed4a; } /* Input and Select styles */ .simulator-input, select.simulator-input { background: #ffffff1a; border: none; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff; font-size: 12px; margin-bottom: 4px; outline: none; padding: 4px 8px; text-align: left; width: 80px; height: 24px; box-sizing: border-box; } select.simulator-input { width: 100%; text-align: left; text-align-last: left; -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; appearance: none; cursor: pointer; background-color: #ffffff1a; } select.simulator-input option { background-color: #1a1a1a; color: #fff; padding: 8px; } /* Grid layouts */ .unit-grid, .enemy-inputs { display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr; gap: 8px; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 4px; } /* Section styles */ .simulator-section { margin-bottom: 16px; } .simulator-section-title { font-size: 16px; color: var(--fp-main-color); margin-bottom: 8px; } /* Current Status styles */ .current-status { display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto 1fr; gap: 8px; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 8px; } .current-status div { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; color: var(--fp-main-color); font-size: 12px; } /* Unit label styles */ .unit-label, .current-status-label { color: #fff; font-size: 12px; } /* Enemy section adjustments */ .enemy-inputs { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 2fr 1fr; gap: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px; } .enemy-inputs .simulator-input { height: 32px; } .enemy-inputs .unit-select { min-width: 120px; } /* Unit icon styles */ .unit-icon { width: 24px; height: 24px; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 4px; object-fit: contain; } .unit-label { display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 4px; } /* Style select options with images */ select.simulator-input option { background-color: #1a1a1a; color: #fff; padding: 8px 8px 8px 32px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 4px center; background-size: 24px; } /* Panel and grid styles */ .combat-simulator-wrapper { width: 240px; /* Reduced from default width */ } .unit-grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr); gap: 8px; align-items: start; } .unit-column { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; gap: 4px; } .unit-icon { width: 32px; height: 32px; object-fit: contain; } .simulator-input { width: 100%; min-width: 0; } /* Select styles */ .simulator-input.unit-select { padding-left: 32px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 4px center; background-size: 24px; } /* Style select options */ .simulator-input.unit-select option { background-color: #1a1a1a; color: #fff; padding-left: 32px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 4px center; background-size: 24px; } /* Hero Power grid */ .hero-grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); gap: 12px; margin-bottom: 16px; } .hero-input-group { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 4px; } .hero-grid .simulator-input { width: 100%; min-width: 80px; height: 32px; } /* Roster grid */ .unit-grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); gap: 12px; margin-bottom: 8px; } .unit-grid.second-row { grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); width: 100%; margin: 0; } .unit-grid.second-row .unit-column:first-child { grid-column: 1; } .unit-grid.second-row .unit-column:last-child { grid-column: 2; } .unit-column { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; gap: 8px; } .unit-column .simulator-input { width: 100%; min-width: 60px; height: 32px; } .spinner { display: inline-block; width: 20px; height: 20px; border: 3px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); border-radius: 50%; border-top-color: var(--fp-main-color); animation: spin 1s linear infinite; margin-left: 8px; vertical-align: middle; transform-origin: center center; } @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } .simulator-button.loading { position: relative; color: transparent; } .simulator-button.loading .spinner { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin-left: -10px; margin-top: -10px; } .battle-result .casualties { color: #ff0000; } .unit-box { display: inline-flex; align-items: center; gap: 4px; margin-right: 8px; } .units-grid { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 8px; } .unit-row { display: flex; gap: 12px; } .stats-line { color: #ffffffa6; margin-bottom: 8px; } .stats-line .value { color: #ffffff; margin-right: 24px; } `; // Add styles to document const styleSheet = document.createElement("style"); styleSheet.textContent = styles; document.head.appendChild(styleSheet); // Create improved simulator HTML function createSimulatorHTML() { // Get only recruitable units (first 5 units) const recruitableUnits = UNITS_DATA.slice(0, 5); // Update the roster section HTML generation const rosterHTML = ` <div class="unit-grid"> ${recruitableUnits.slice(0, 3).map(unit => ` <div class="unit-column"> <img src="${unit.image}" alt="${unit.unit}" class="unit-icon"> <input type="number" class="simulator-input" id="${unit.unit.toLowerCase()}Count" value="0" min="0"> </div> `).join('')} </div> <div class="unit-grid second-row"> ${recruitableUnits.slice(3, 5).map(unit => ` <div class="unit-column"> <img src="${unit.image}" alt="${unit.unit}" class="unit-icon"> <input type="number" class="simulator-input" id="${unit.unit.toLowerCase()}Count" value="0" min="0"> </div> `).join('')} </div>`; // Update the enemy select options const enemyOptionsHTML = => `<option value="${}" data-icon="${unit.image}">${unit.unit}</option>` ).join(''); return ` <header class="simulator-header"> <h3>Combat Simulator</h3> <button type="button" class="minimize-btn" aria-label="Toggle panel">−</button> </header> <main class="simulator-content"> <section class="simulator-section"> <h4 class="simulator-section-title">Current Status</h4> <div class="current-status"> <label class="current-status-label">Power:</label> <span id="currentPower">0</span> <label class="current-status-label">Attack:</label> <span id="currentAttack">0</span> </div> <button type="button" class="simulator-button" id="getCurrentData">Get Current Data</button> </section> <section class="simulator-section"> <h4 class="simulator-section-title">Hero Power</h4> <div class="hero-grid"> <div class="hero-input-group"> <label for="heroAttack" class="unit-label">Attack:</label> <input type="number" class="simulator-input" id="heroAttack" value="0" min="0"> </div> <div class="hero-input-group"> <label for="heroDefense" class="unit-label">Defense:</label> <input type="number" class="simulator-input" id="heroDefense" value="0" min="0"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="simulator-section"> <h4 class="simulator-section-title">Roster</h4> ${rosterHTML} </section> <section class="simulator-section"> <h4 class="simulator-section-title">Enemy</h4> <div class="enemy-section"> <div class="enemy-inputs"> <select class="simulator-input unit-select" id="enemyUnit"> ${enemyOptionsHTML} </select> <input type="number" class="simulator-input" id="enemyPower" placeholder="Power" min="0"> </div> <button type="button" class="simulator-button" id="calculateFight">Calculate Fight</button> </div> </section> <section class="simulator-results" id="results" aria-live="polite"></section> </main> `; } // Create and add the simulator to the page function initializeSimulator() { const wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.className = 'combat-simulator-wrapper'; wrapper.innerHTML = createSimulatorHTML(); // Set initial styles before appending = 'fixed'; = '9999'; // Default position if none saved = '20px'; = '20px'; // Restore position if saved const savedPosition = localStorage.getItem('simulatorPosition'); if (savedPosition) { const { x, y } = JSON.parse(savedPosition); = `${x}px`; = `${y}px`; // Remove right positioning when restoring saved position = ''; } // Now append to document document.body.appendChild(wrapper); // Handle minimized state const content = wrapper.querySelector('.simulator-content'); const minimizeBtn = wrapper.querySelector('.minimize-btn'); const savedMinimized = localStorage.getItem('simulatorMinimized'); if (savedMinimized === 'true') { = 'none'; minimizeBtn.textContent = '+'; } else { = 'block'; minimizeBtn.textContent = '−'; } // Make draggable makeDraggable(wrapper); // Add minimize functionality minimizeBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { if ( === 'none') { = 'block'; minimizeBtn.textContent = '−'; localStorage.setItem('simulatorMinimized', 'false'); } else { = 'none'; minimizeBtn.textContent = '+'; localStorage.setItem('simulatorMinimized', 'true'); } }); // Handle window resizing window.addEventListener('resize', () => { // Ensure panel stays within viewport bounds when window is resized const maxX = window.innerWidth - wrapper.offsetWidth; const maxY = window.innerHeight - wrapper.offsetHeight; const currentLeft = parseInt( || wrapper.offsetLeft; const currentTop = parseInt( || wrapper.offsetTop; if (currentLeft > maxX) = maxX + 'px'; if (currentTop > maxY) = maxY + 'px'; }); // Handle enemy unit select const enemySelect = wrapper.querySelector('#enemyUnit'); function updateSelectImage() { const selectedOption = enemySelect.options[enemySelect.selectedIndex]; const iconUrl = selectedOption.getAttribute('data-icon'); = `url(${iconUrl})`; } enemySelect.addEventListener('change', updateSelectImage); updateSelectImage(); // Initialize with first option // Add Get Current Data button handler const getCurrentDataBtn = wrapper.querySelector('#getCurrentData'); if (getCurrentDataBtn) { getCurrentDataBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { withLoading(getCurrentDataBtn, getCurrentGameData); }); } // Add input event listeners for auto-calculation const inputs = wrapper.querySelectorAll('.simulator-input'); inputs.forEach(input => { input.addEventListener('input', calculateCurrentStatus); }); // Add calculate fight button handler const calculateButton = wrapper.querySelector('#calculateFight'); if (calculateButton) { calculateButton.addEventListener('click', () => { withLoading(calculateButton, calculateFight); }); } } // Improved draggable functionality function makeDraggable(element) { let isDragging = false; let currentX; let currentY; let initialX; let initialY; let xOffset = 0; let yOffset = 0; element.addEventListener('mousedown', dragStart); document.addEventListener('mousemove', drag); document.addEventListener('mouseup', dragEnd); function dragStart(e) { // Ignore if clicking input or button if ( === 'input' || === 'button' || === 'select') { return; } e.preventDefault(); // Get current position from the style properties const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); xOffset = rect.left; yOffset =; initialX = e.clientX - xOffset; initialY = e.clientY - yOffset; isDragging = true; } function drag(e) { if (isDragging) { e.preventDefault(); // Create an invisible overlay while dragging let overlay = document.getElementById('drag-overlay'); if (!overlay) { overlay = document.createElement('div'); = 'drag-overlay'; = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '0'; = '100%'; = '100%'; = '9998'; document.body.appendChild(overlay); } // Calculate new position currentX = e.clientX - initialX; currentY = e.clientY - initialY; // Keep panel within viewport bounds const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); const viewportWidth = window.innerWidth; const viewportHeight = window.innerHeight; // Restrict horizontal movement to viewport width if (currentX < 0) currentX = 0; if (currentX > viewportWidth - rect.width) currentX = viewportWidth - rect.width; // Restrict vertical movement to viewport height if (currentY < 0) currentY = 0; if (currentY > viewportHeight - rect.height) currentY = viewportHeight - rect.height; xOffset = currentX; yOffset = currentY; setTranslate(currentX, currentY, element); } } function setTranslate(xPos, yPos, el) { = `${xPos}px`; = `${yPos}px`; } function dragEnd() { isDragging = false; const overlay = document.getElementById('drag-overlay'); if (overlay) { overlay.remove(); } initialX = currentX; initialY = currentY; // Save position to localStorage localStorage.setItem('simulatorPosition', JSON.stringify({ x: currentX, y: currentY })); } } async function calculateFight() { console.log("Calculating fight..."); // Get enemy data const enemySelect = document.getElementById('enemyUnit'); const enemyPowerInput = parseInt(document.getElementById('enemyPower').value) || 0; const selectedEnemy = UNITS_DATA.find(u => === parseInt(enemySelect.value)); if (!selectedEnemy || enemyPowerInput === 0) { console.warn("No enemy selected or power is 0"); return; } // Calculate enemy count from power // power = sqrt(attack * hp * count * count) // power^2 = attack * hp * count^2 // count = sqrt(power^2 / (attack * hp)) const enemyCount = Math.floor(Math.sqrt( Math.pow(enemyPowerInput, 2) / (selectedEnemy.attack * selectedEnemy.hp) )); console.log("Enemy calculation:", { enemyUnit: selectedEnemy.unit, inputPower: enemyPowerInput, calculatedCount: enemyCount, attack: selectedEnemy.attack, hp: selectedEnemy.hp }); // Get our current roster and stats const heroAttack = parseFloat(document.getElementById('heroAttack').value) || 0; const heroDefense = parseFloat(document.getElementById('heroDefense').value) || 0; // Create copy of our roster for calculation let roster = ['centaur', 'dwarf', 'crusader', 'monk', 'angel'].map(unitName => { const count = parseInt(document.getElementById(`${unitName}Count`).value) || 0; const unitData = UNITS_DATA.find(u => u.unit.toLowerCase() === unitName); return { unit: unitData, count: count, originalCount: count }; }).filter(unit => unit.count > 0); console.log("Initial roster:", roster); // Phase 1: Ranged Combat // Calculate enemy ranged damage let enemyRangedDamage = 0; if (selectedEnemy.type === "Ranged") { enemyRangedDamage = selectedEnemy.attack * enemyCount; } // Calculate our ranged damage let ourRangedDamage = roster .filter(entry => entry.unit.type === "Ranged") .reduce((total, entry) => { return total + Math.floor(entry.unit.attack * entry.count * (1 + (heroAttack * 8 / 100))); }, 0); console.log("Ranged phase:", { ourRangedDamage, enemyRangedDamage }); // Apply enemy ranged damage to our units if (enemyRangedDamage > 0) { const damagePerStack = Math.floor(100 * enemyRangedDamage / roster.length); roster.forEach(entry => { const unitHp = Math.floor(entry.unit.hp * (1 + (heroDefense / 10))); const casualties = Math.floor(damagePerStack / unitHp); entry.count = Math.max(0, entry.count - casualties); }); } // Apply our ranged damage to enemy const enemyHp = selectedEnemy.hp; const enemyCasualties = Math.floor(ourRangedDamage / enemyHp); let enemyRemaining = Math.max(0, enemyCount - enemyCasualties); console.log("After ranged phase:", { roster, enemyRemaining }); // Phase 2: Power Comparison // Calculate remaining powers let ourPower = roster.reduce((total, entry) => { const boostedAttack = entry.unit.attack * entry.count * (1 + (heroAttack * 8 / 100)); const boostedHp = entry.unit.hp * entry.count * (1 + (heroDefense / 10)); return total + Math.floor(Math.sqrt(boostedAttack * boostedHp)); }, 0); let enemyPower = Math.floor(Math.sqrt( selectedEnemy.attack * enemyRemaining * selectedEnemy.hp * enemyRemaining )); console.log("Power comparison:", { ourPower, enemyPower }); // Calculate battle result let battleResult = ""; if (ourPower > enemyPower && enemyRemaining > 0) { // Victory with casualties const casualtyRate = Math.pow(enemyPower / ourPower, 2); roster.forEach(entry => { const casualties = Math.floor(entry.count * casualtyRate); entry.count = Math.max(0, entry.count - casualties); }); battleResult = "Victory!"; enemyRemaining = 0; } else if (ourPower <= enemyPower && enemyRemaining > 0) { // Defeat roster.forEach(entry => entry.count = 0); battleResult = "Defeat!"; } else { // Enemy already defeated in ranged phase battleResult = "Victory!"; } // Calculate final values and display results in one go let finalPower = 0; let finalAttack = 0; if (roster.some(entry => entry.count > 0)) { // Calculate final power finalPower = roster.reduce((total, entry) => { const boostedAttack = entry.unit.attack * entry.count * (1 + (heroAttack * 8 / 100)); const boostedHp = entry.unit.hp * entry.count * (1 + (heroDefense / 10)); return total + Math.floor(Math.sqrt(boostedAttack * boostedHp)); }, 0); // Calculate final ranged attack finalAttack = roster .filter(entry => entry.unit.type === "Ranged") .reduce((total, entry) => { return total + Math.floor(entry.unit.attack * entry.count * (1 + (heroAttack * 8 / 100))); }, 0); } // Display results const resultHTML = ` <div class="battle-result"> <div class="stats-line"> Power: <span class="value">${finalPower}</span> Attack: <span class="value">${finalAttack}</span> </div> <div class="units-grid"> <div class="unit-row"> ${['Centaur', 'Dwarf'].map(unitType => { const entry = roster.find(r => r.unit.unit === unitType); const casualties = entry ? entry.originalCount - entry.count : 0; return ` <div class="unit-box"> <img src="${UNITS_DATA.find(u => u.unit === unitType).image}" class="unit-icon"> ${entry ? entry.count : '0'}${casualties > 0 ? ` <span style="color: #ff0000;">(-${casualties})</span>` : ''} </div> `; }).join('')} </div> <div class="unit-row"> ${['Crusader', 'Monk'].map(unitType => { const entry = roster.find(r => r.unit.unit === unitType); const casualties = entry ? entry.originalCount - entry.count : 0; return ` <div class="unit-box"> <img src="${UNITS_DATA.find(u => u.unit === unitType).image}" class="unit-icon"> ${entry ? entry.count : '0'}${casualties > 0 ? ` <span style="color: #ff0000;">(-${casualties})</span>` : ''} </div> `; }).join('')} </div> <div class="unit-row"> ${['Angel'].map(unitType => { const entry = roster.find(r => r.unit.unit === unitType); const casualties = entry ? entry.originalCount - entry.count : 0; return ` <div class="unit-box"> <img src="${UNITS_DATA.find(u => u.unit === unitType).image}" class="unit-icon"> ${entry ? entry.count : '0'}${casualties > 0 ? ` <span style="color: #ff0000;">(-${casualties})</span>` : ''} </div> `; }).join('')} </div> </div> </div> `; // Update the display const resultContainer = document.getElementById('battleResult'); if (!resultContainer) { const container = document.createElement('div'); = 'battleResult'; document.querySelector('.combat-simulator-wrapper').appendChild(container); } document.getElementById('battleResult').innerHTML = resultHTML; } async function withLoading(button, asyncFunction) { // Create spinner element const spinner = document.createElement('div'); spinner.className = 'spinner'; // Store original button text const originalText = button.textContent; try { // Add loading state button.classList.add('loading'); button.appendChild(spinner); // Execute the async function await asyncFunction(); } finally { // Remove loading state button.classList.remove('loading'); spinner.remove(); button.textContent = originalText; } } // Initialize the simulator when the page is ready if (document.readyState === 'complete') { initializeSimulator(); } else { window.addEventListener('load', initializeSimulator); } })();