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// ==UserScript== // @name vkAudioSyncPlugin // @include* // @require // @description Часть плагина для автоматического скачивания, без основного скрипта не работает // @author ggenikus // ==/UserScript== var load, execute, loadAndExecute; load = function (a, b, c) { var d; d = document.createElement("script"), d.setAttribute("src", a), b != null && d.addEventListener("load", b), c != null && d.addEventListener("error", c), document.body.appendChild(d); return d }, execute = function (a) { var b, c; typeof a == "function" ? b = "(" + a + ")();" : b = a, c = document.createElement("script"), c.textContent = b, document.body.appendChild(c); return c }, loadAndExecute = function (a, b) { return load(a, function () { return execute(b) }) }; loadAndExecute("//", function () { (function (window, undefined) { var w; w = window; if (w.self != { return; } console.log("Starting alla..."); checkIfAudioPage(w); })(window); function isOnAudioPage() { return (location == ""); } var pageChanged; function checkIfAudioPage(w) { setTimeout(function () { console.log("Checking url: " + w.location); if (isOnAudioPage()) { console.log("Alla in audio"); main(); } checkIfAudioPage(w); }, 10000); } var isLoadAll = false; function main() { addButtonToPage(); setTimeout(function () { console.log("In main()"); loadAllSongs(); waitUntilLoadALl(); if (!$("#audio_search input") .text() && location == "") { sendRequestToAlla(); } }, 3000); } function waitUntilLoadALl() { setTimeout(function () { if (!isLoadAll) { waitUntilLoadALl(); } else { if (!$("#audio_search input") .text() && location == "") { sendRequestToAlla(); } } }, 2000) } function addButtonToPage() { // Check if exists if (!$('#alla')[0]) { $('#side_filters') . append("</br><div class='audio_filter selected'><div id='alla' class='label' >Сихронизация!</div></div>"); $('#alla') .click(function () {"http://localhost:1106/"); }) } } function loadAllSongs() { setTimeout(function () { if ($("#more_link") .css('display') != 'none') { $("#more_link") .trigger('click'); loadAllSongs(); } else { isLoadAll = true; $('#side_filters') . append("</br><div class='audio_filter selected'><div id='alla' class='label' >Синхронизация завершена!</div></div>"); } // if ($('#footer_wrap')[0]) { // } }, 100); } function getAllSongs() { var songs = []; $('.audio.fl_l .area ') .each(function () { var song = { artist: $(this) .find('.info .title_wrap b a') .text() || $(this) .find('.info .audio_title_wrap b a') .text(), title: $(this) .find('.info .audio_title_wrap .title') .text() || $(this) .find('.info .title_wrap .title a') .text() || $(this) .find('.info .title_wrap .title') .text(), url: $(this) .find('.play_btn input') .attr('value') .split(',')[0] }; songs.push(JSON.stringify(song)); }); return songs } function sendRequestToAlla() { $.ajax({ type: "POST" , url: "http://localhost:1106/songs/" , data: { songs: getAllSongs() } , statusCode: {} }) } });