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// ==UserScript== // @run-at document-start // @name Twitch BetterTTV without extension and better dark theme // @namespace // @version 1.0.10 // @description This script load bttv without having to download the extension; Also have a better dark theme, try it! // @author Daybr3akz // @license MIT // @copyright 2017, daybreakz ( // @match* // ==/UserScript== // // ==OpenUserJS== // @author daybreakz // ==/OpenUserJS== const BTTV_URL = ''; const DEFAULT_DARK_THEME = ''; /* * This user script loads 2 external scripts aka * ,see * , see */ (function patchCss() { // fix screen glitch when player goes from theatre mode to full screen. const css = ` .video-player__container { bottom: 0rem!important }`; const style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = css; document.documentElement.appendChild(style); })(); (function betterttv() { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = BTTV_URL; // script.src = 'https://localhost/betterttv.js'; script.onload = () => { console.log('BetterTTV loaded'); }; document.documentElement.appendChild(script); })(); (function darkThemeManager() { async function loadStyle(src, callback) { // nothing malicious, this is a Stylish userscript loading some css; // we are going to hook that css, allowing to disable it in light mode // we need the style element that is added to the DOM by this script; // so we monkeypatch it! const oldCreateElement = document.createElement; document.createElement = function(tagName) { const node = oldCreateElement.apply(this, arguments); if (tagName === 'style') { node.setAttribute('media', 'none'); // disableCSS on load callback(node); document.createElement = oldCreateElement; } return node; }; const script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = src; document.documentElement.appendChild(script); } let styleNode; function onThemeChange(isDark) { if (!styleNode) return; styleNode.setAttribute('media', isDark ? '' : 'none'); } let bodyObserver; function setupObserver() { // setup an observer to detect body class changes let bodyHasDark = 'unknown'; bodyObserver = new MutationObserver(() => { const current = document.body.classList.contains('theme--dark'); if (bodyHasDark !== current) { bodyHasDark = current; onThemeChange(current); } }); bodyObserver.observe(document.body, { attributes: true, // only interested in attributes childList: false, characterData: false }); } loadStyle(DEFAULT_DARK_THEME, loadedStyleNode => { styleNode = loadedStyleNode; onThemeChange(document.body.classList.contains('theme--dark')); }); setTimeout(setupObserver, 0); })();