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// ==UserScript== // @name HWM_Auctioneer // @author Tags // @namespace Auctioneer // @description Визуальное улучшение торговли в игре HWM. // @icon // @version 3.7.1 // @homepage // @include /^https{0,1}:\/\/(www\.heroeswm\.ru|178\.248\.235\.15|my\.lordswm\.com)\/(pl_info.php*|inventory.php.*|auction_new_lot.php.*|object-info.php*|house_info.php*|transfer.php*)/ // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @require // @noframes // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== const debugLogEnabled = false; const version = '3.7'; const str_script_name = 'HWM_Auctioneer'; const str_url_aut = '/sms-create.php?mailto=Tags&subject=Скрипт: ' + str_script_name + ' v' + version + '. 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Спасибо за скрипт: ${str_script_name} v.${version}.`)}">Сказать спасибо</a> ` + ' <a class="small_text" style="left:calc(50% - 100px);" href="javascript:void(0);" id="settings_reset' + str_script_name + '">Скинуть все настройки</a> ' + ' </td>' + ' </tr>' + ' <tr>' + ' <td class="small_text" >' + ' Автор: <a class="small_text" href="">Tags</a>' + ' </td>' + ' </tr>' + ' </table>' + ' </center>' + '</div>'; addEvent($('#bt_close' + str_script_name), 'click', close_setting_form); addEvent($('#settings_reset' + str_script_name), 'click', clear_all_params); } = = 'block'; $('#dialog_content' + str_script_name).innerHTML = ASettingsHTML; } function show_settings_base(ASettingsHTML) { show_dialog_base('<div><b>Настройки:</b></div>' + ASettingsHTML); } // ----------------------------------------------- var GlobalCultureName = location.href.match('lordswm') ? "en-US" : "ru-RU", GlobalStrings = { "ru-RU": { Sell: "Пр-ь:", _30m: "30м", _1h: "1ч", _3h: "3ч", _6h: "6ч", _12h: "12ч", _1d: "1д", _2d: "2д", _3d: "3д", }, "en-US": { Sell: "Sell:", _30m: "30m", _1h: "1h", _3h: "3h", _6h: "6h", _12h: "12h", _1d: "1d", _2d: "2d", _3d: "3d", } }, GlobalLocalizedString = GlobalStrings[GlobalCultureName]; function CreateSearchButtons() { const items = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('arts_info shop_art_info')); if (debugLogEnabled) console.log(items); for (let item of items) { item.appendChild(createSearchButton(`${item.children[1].href}`)) } } async function GetAuctionLink(itemLink) { let response = await fetch(`${itemLink}`); let data = await response.text(); return Array.from(new DOMParser().parseFromString(data, "text/html").getElementsByClassName('art_info_left_block')[0].childNodes[1].childNodes)?.filter(a => a.href.includes('auction'))[0]?.href.replace(window.location.origin, ""); } async function GetMinPrice(aucLink) { let response = await fetch(`${aucLink}&sort=4&sbn=1&sau=0&snew=1`); let data = await response.text(); let images = Array.from(new DOMParser().parseFromString(data, "text/html").getElementsByClassName("wbwhite")[0].getElementsByClassName('rs')); let prices = []; for (let rs of images) { if (rs) { const item = rs.closest(`.wb`); console.log(Array.from(rs.closest(`.wb`).querySelector("[valign=top]").childNodes)) const durability = Array.from(rs.closest(`.wb`).querySelector("[valign=top]").childNodes).filter(n => n.nodeName === "#text").pop(); prices.push({ price: ~~(rs.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[1].innerText.replace(',', '')), durability: durability.textContent.slice(11) }); } } return prices; } function createSearchButton(link) { if (debugLogEnabled) { console.log(`Create search button for link ${link}`) } const searchDiv = Object.assign( document.createElement("div"), { id: `inv_search_auction`, className: `inv_item_select`, onmousedown: async function (e) { if (location.href.includes('/inventory.php')) { document.getElementById('inv_menu').getElementsByClassName('inv_btn_close show_hint')[0].click(); 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priceInputBox.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } function open_setting_form() { show_settings_base('<input type="checkbox" id="id_one_click" title="Выставлять лот в один клик"> Выставлять лот в один клик'); var check_one_click = $('#id_one_click'); check_one_click.checked = GM_getValue('one_click', 0) == 1 ? 'checked' : ''; check_one_click.addEventListener("click", function () { setCheck('one_click'); }); } function ChangePrice(value) { var parsed = parseInt(document.forms.anl_form_ok.price.value) document.forms.anl_form_ok.price.value = isNaN(parsed) ? 0 + parseInt(value) : parsed + parseInt(value); document.forms.anl_form_ok.price.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } function InitNewLotForm() { if (document.forms.anl_form_ok.sign) { if (GM_getValue('one_click', 0) == 1) { document.forms.anl_form_ok.submit(); } } else { const priceInputBox = document.forms.anl_form_ok.price; document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.onchange = LoadPrice; const params = new URLSearchParams(; var art = params.get("art"); var signature = params.get("signature"); if (art != null) { let foundArray = Array.from(document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.options).filter(elem => elem.value === art); let found = foundArray.length > 0; if (found) { const item = foundArray.pop(); const index = Array.from(document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.options).indexOf(item); document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.options.selectedIndex = index; } else { foundArray = Array.from(document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.options).filter(elem => elem.innerText.includes(`${signature}`)); found = foundArray.length > 0; if (found) { const item = foundArray.pop(); const index = Array.from(document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.options).indexOf(item); document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.options.selectedIndex = index; } else { document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.options.add(new Option(`${signature}`, art)); document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.options.selectedIndex = document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.options.length - 1; } } this.anl_check_selection(); if (this.value) this.anl_check_count(); } var element = params.get("element"); if (element) { let options = Array.from(document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.options); let searchedOption = options.filter(e => e.value === element).pop(); let index = options.indexOf(searchedOption); document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.selectedIndex = index; } document.forms.anl_form_ok.duration.selectedIndex = 3; const currentMinPriceButton = Object.assign( document.createElement('input'), { type: 'button', style: 'margin-right: 10px; width:180px', id: 'id_search_min', className: ` home_button2 btn_hover2`, value: 'Обновить мин. цену.', onclick: async function (e) { const isResource = ["gem", "crystal", "sulphur", "wood", "mercury", "ore"].some(r => document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.selectedOptions[0].value === r); if (isResource) { currentMinPrice.innerHTML = "Недоступно для базовых ресурсов."; return; } const isElement = document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.selectedOptions[0].value.includes("EL_"); const isArtPart = document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.selectedOptions[0].value.includes("ARTPART_"); let itemLink = ``; if (isElement) itemLink = `/auction.php?cat=elements&sort=0&art_type=${MercenaryElements[Object.keys(MercenaryElements).filter(e => MercenaryElements[e].id === document.forms.anl_form_ok.item.selectedOptions[0].value)].art_type}`; if (isArtPart) itemLink = isArtPart ? 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'+' : ''}${value}`, onclick: () => ChangePrice(value), })); } priceInputBox.parentNode.insertBefore(posKeyboardContainer, priceInputBox.nextSibling); priceInputBox.parentNode.insertBefore(negKeyboardContainer, priceInputBox.nextSibling); let LNewDiv = document.createElement('b'); LNewDiv.innerHTML = '<input type="button" style="width:95; margin-left:41px;" id="id_save_price" class="home_button2 btn_hover2" value="Сохранить">'; priceInputBox.parentNode.insertBefore(LNewDiv, priceInputBox.nextSibling); addEvent($('#id_save_price'), "click", SavePrice); const settingsBtn = Object.assign( document.createElement("div"), { id: `hwm_options${str_script_name}`, style: "display: inline;text-decoration: underline;cursor: pointer;font-weight: bold;font-size: 10px;", innerText: `Настройки ${str_script_name}`, onclick: open_setting_form }); document.forms.anl_form_ok.appendChild(settingsBtn); document.forms.anl_form_ok.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), settingsBtn); document.forms.anl_form_ok.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), settingsBtn); settingsBtn.after(document.createElement("br")); settingsBtn.after(document.createElement("br")); this.anl_check_selection(); if (this.value) this.anl_check_count(); document.getElementById('anl_count').defaultValue = "1"; document.forms.anl_form_ok.anl_count.defaultValue = "1"; document.getElementById('anl_count').value = "1"; document.forms.anl_form_ok.anl_count.value = "1"; this.anl_check_button() } } var popupBlockerChecker = { check: function (popup_window) { var scope = this; if (popup_window) { if (/chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) { setTimeout(function () { scope.is_popup_blocked(scope, popup_window); }, 200); } else { popup_window.onload = function () { scope.is_popup_blocked(scope, popup_window); }; } } else { scope.displayError(); } }, is_popup_blocked: function (scope, popup_window) { if ((popup_window.innerHeight > 0) == false) { scope.displayError(); } }, displayError: function () { if (debugLogEnabled) { console.log("Включён блокировщик всплывающих окон."); } swal("Включён блокировщик всплывающих окон. Поиск предмета на рынке невозможен."); } }; function CreateSellElements() { let isOwnPage = getCookie("pl_id") ==='?id=').slice(1).pop() if (isOwnPage) { const tables = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('wb')); const elementsTable = tables[tables.indexOf(tables.filter(e => e.innerText == "Ресурсы")[0]) + 3]; const nodes = Array.from(elementsTable.childNodes); const items = nodes.filter(i => { return i.hasAttribute("ismercenary") && i.getAttribute("ismercenary") === "true" }); console.log(items) //Вытаскиваем все доступные элементы и превращаем в объекты. for (let item of items) { if (MercenaryElements[item.getAttribute("name")] !== 'undefined') { item.classList.add("sellable_element"); let sellDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "inv_sell_auction"; sellDiv.classList.add("inv_item_select") sellDiv.innerHTML = `<a title="Продать" href=\"/auction_new_lot.php?element=${MercenaryElements[item.getAttribute("name")].id}\">` + `<img hint="Продать" src="" hwm_hint_added="1" class="inv_item_select_img" style="width: 14px;">`; item.appendChild(sellDiv) } } } } function Init() { try { switch (true) { case location.href.includes('/inventory.php'): setInterval(() => AddNewLotHrefs(), 500); break; case location.href.includes('/auction_new_lot.php'): InitNewLotForm(); break; case location.href.includes('/pl_info.php'): CreateSellElements(); case location.href.includes('/object-info.php'): case location.href.includes('/house_info.php'): CreateSearchButtons(); break; case location.href.includes('/transfer.php'): var LSps = new URLSearchParams('thanks'); if (LSps != null) { document.getElementsByName("nick")[0].value = 'Tags'; document.getElementsByName("gold")[0].value = '1000'; document.getElementsByName("desc")[0].value = LSps; } break; default: break; } } catch (error) { console.log(error) } } Init();