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// ==UserScript== // @name - Hide Disliked Comments // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @match https://** // @grant GM_addStyle // @copyright 2021, collapserage ( // @license MIT // @updateURL // @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const COMMENTS_ROOT_SELECTOR = '#fast-comments-root'; const COMMENT_SELECTOR = '.news-comment__unit'; const DISLIKE_SELECTOR = '.news-comment__button_counter_down'; const LIKE_SELECTOR = '.news-comment__button_counter_up'; const DISLIKE_TO_LIKE_RATIO = 1.5; const MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DISLIKES = 5; GM_addStyle(` .negative { filter: blur(3px) opacity(0.6); } .negative:hover { transition: filter 300ms 600ms; filter: none; } `); function getNumberFromNode(node) { if (!node) return; return Number(node.textContent); } function hideNegativeComments(commentNode) { const dislikes = getNumberFromNode(commentNode.querySelector(DISLIKE_SELECTOR)); const likes = getNumberFromNode(commentNode.querySelector(LIKE_SELECTOR)); if (!dislikes || !likes) return; if (dislikes / likes >= DISLIKE_TO_LIKE_RATIO && dislikes >= MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DISLIKES && !commentNode.classList.contains('negative')) { commentNode.classList.add('negative'); } } const commentsRootNode = document.querySelector(COMMENTS_ROOT_SELECTOR); const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => { mutationsList .flatMap((mutation) => Array.from(mutation.addedNodes)) .filter((node) => node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) .flatMap((node) => Array.from(node.querySelectorAll(COMMENT_SELECTOR))) .forEach(hideNegativeComments) }); if (commentsRootNode) { observer.observe(commentsRootNode, { childList: true, subtree: true }); commentsRootNode.querySelectorAll(COMMENT_SELECTOR).forEach(hideNegativeComments); } })();