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// ==UserScript== // @name anime1.me收藏番剧 // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @license MPL-2.0 // @description 添加番剧收藏功, 快速跳转到收藏的番剧. // @author c4r // @match *://* // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; /** * titel :.... url :.....\r\n */ /** * */ function getPlaylist() { let strPlaylist = localStorage.getItem('anime1Playlist') if (strPlaylist === undefined || strPlaylist === null) { strPlaylist = '' } else { } let arryPlaylist = new Array() let slotList = strPlaylist.split('\r\n').slice(0, -1) slotList.forEach(item => { let titlePos = item.indexOf("title :") let urlPos = item.indexOf('url :') if (titlePos < 0 || urlPos < 0) { } else { let title = item.slice(7, urlPos - 1) let url = item.slice(urlPos + 5) arryPlaylist.push({ 'title': title, 'url': url }) } }) return arryPlaylist } function delSub(title, url) { let strPlaylist = localStorage.getItem('anime1Playlist') let str = 'title :' + title + ' url :' + url + '\r\n' // console.log(strPlaylist) // console.log('---') // console.log(str) // console.log('include : ', strPlaylist.includes(str)) if (strPlaylist.includes(str)) { strPlaylist = strPlaylist.replace(str, '') console.log(strPlaylist) localStorage.setItem('anime1Playlist', strPlaylist) } } function addPlaylist(title, url) { let strPlaylist = localStorage.getItem('anime1Playlist') if (strPlaylist === undefined || strPlaylist === null) { strPlaylist = '' } else { } if (strPlaylist.includes('title :' + title + ' url :' + url)) { alert('已经收藏') } else { strPlaylist = strPlaylist + 'title :' + title + ' url :' + url + '\r\n' localStorage.setItem('anime1Playlist', strPlaylist) // location.reload() $('#subscribe > ul').append('<li style="display: flex;">\ <a unsubscribed url="'+ url + '" name="' + title + '" title="退订">[x] </a>\ <a href='+ url + '> ' + title + '</a>\ </li>') alert('收藏成功') } } function showPlaylist() { $('<section id="subscribe" class="widget widget_recent_entries"><h3 class="widget-title">收藏列表</h3><ul></ul></section>').insertBefore( $('#recent-posts-6') ) let arrayPlaylist = getPlaylist() arrayPlaylist.forEach(item => { $('#subscribe > ul').append('<li style="display: flex;">\ <a unsubscribed url="'+ item.url + '" name="' + item.title + '" title="取消收藏">[x] </a>\ <a href='+ item.url + '> ' + item.title + '</a>\ </li>') }) } $(document).ready(function () { if ($('footer').length > 0) { // 添加订阅按钮 $('#primary-menu').append('\ <li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type"> \ <a id="menu-subscribe"> 收藏</a></li>') $("#menu-subscribe").on("click", () => { let title = $('footer > a').text() let url = $('footer > a').attr('href') // console.log(title, url) addPlaylist(title, url) }); } showPlaylist() $(document).on('click', 'a[unsubscribed]', (event) => { // // console.log( let title = $('name') let url = $('url') // console.log('删除 : ', title , url) delSub(title, url) // location.reload() $('li').remove() }) }) })();