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// ==UserScript== // @name 7ktTube | 2016 REDUX // @namespace STILL_ALIVE // @version 4.5.34 // @description Old YouTube 2016 Layout | Old watchpage | Change thumbnail & video player size | grayscale seen video thumbnails | Hide suggestion blocks, category/filter bars | Square profile-pictures | Disable hover thumbnail previews | and much more! // @author 7KT-SWE // @icon // @icon64 // @license GPL-3.0-only // @homepageURL // @downloadURL // @updateURL // @supportURL // @contributionURL // BEGIN MODULES // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // END MODULES // @match *://** // @exclude* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_addElement // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== /*jshint esversion: 6 */ // fix GM_addStyle if (typeof GM_addStyle !== "function") { function GM_addStyle(css) { let style = document.createElement('style'); 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var vidfix_settings; if (vidfix_settings = document.getElementById("vidfix-settings")) { loaded_settings = JSON.parse(vidfix_settings.textContent || "null"); receive_settings_from_page = vidfix_settings.getAttribute("settings-beacon-from"); send_settings_to_page = vidfix_settings.getAttribute("settings-beacon-to"); vidfix_settings.remove(); } user_settings = new_settings || loaded_settings || user_settings || {}; for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { for (options in modules[i].options) { if (modules[i].options.hasOwnProperty(options)) { option = modules[i].options[options]; if (!( in user_settings) && "value" in option) { user_settings[] = option.value; } } } } }, initializeModulesUpdate: function() { var i; for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { if (modules[i].onSettingsUpdated) { modules[i].onSettingsUpdated(); } } }, initializeModules: function() { var i; for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { if (modules[i].ini) { modules[i].ini(); } } }, initializeOption: function() { var key; if (this.started) { return true; 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this.user_settings = event[] || event; if (!this.user_settings.broadcast_id) { this.user_settings.broadcast_id = this.generateUUID(); this.saveSettings(); } this.broadcast_channel = new BroadcastChannel(this.user_settings.broadcast_id); this.broadcast_channel.addEventListener("message", this.settingsUpdatedFromOtherWindow.bind(this)); event = JSON.stringify(this.user_settings); holder = document.createElement("vidfix-settings"); = "vidfix-settings"; holder.textContent = event; holder.setAttribute("style", "display: none"); holder.setAttribute("settings-beacon-from", this.receive_settings_from_page); holder.setAttribute("settings-beacon-to", this.send_settings_to_page); document.documentElement.appendChild(holder); //Fixes chromium based browsers if ("trustedTypes" in window) { window.trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', { createHTML: str => str, createScriptURL: str=> str, createScript: str=> str, }); } GM_addElement('script', { textContent: "(" + this.inject + "(" + this.is_user_script.toString() + "))" }); holder.remove(); this.inject = null; delete this.inject; }, main: function(event) { var now; var context; now =; this.receive_settings_from_page = now + "-" + this.generateUUID(); this.send_settings_to_page = now + 1 + "-" + this.generateUUID(); window.addEventListener(this.receive_settings_from_page, this.contentScriptMessages.bind(this), false); if (!event) { if (this.is_user_script) { context = this; // javascript promises are horrible this.GM.getValue(, "{}") .then(function(value) { event = JSON.parse(value); context.initializeScript(event); }); } } else { this.initializeScript(event); } }, ini: function() { if (this.isAllowedPage()) { this.is_settings_page = window.location.pathname === "/vidfix-settings"; = "vidfixSettings"; if (typeof GM === "object" || typeof GM_info === "object") { this.is_user_script = true; // GreaseMonkey 4 polly fill // if (typeof GM === "undefined") { this.GM = { setValue: GM_setValue, info: GM_info, getValue: function() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { resolve(GM_getValue.apply(this, arguments)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); } }; } else { this.GM = GM; } this.main(); } else { this.is_user_script = false;, this.main.bind(this)); } } } }; vidfix.ini(); } function waitForElement(selector) { return new Promise(resolve => { const query = document.querySelector(selector); if (query) return resolve(query); const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { const query = document.querySelector(selector); if (query) { resolve(query); observer.disconnect(); } }); observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }); } function gen_history() { /* - Grey out watched video thumbnails info: - Use ALT+LeftClick or ALT+RightClick on a video list item to manually toggle the watched marker. The mouse button is defined in the script and can be changed. - For restoring/merging history, source file can also be a YouTube's history data JSON (downloadable from Or a list of YouTube video URLs (using current time as timestamps). */ //=== config start === var maxWatchedVideoAge = 5 * 365; //number of days. set to zero to disable (not recommended) var contentLoadMarkDelay = 600; //number of milliseconds to wait before marking video items on content load phase (increase if slow network/browser) var markerMouseButtons = [0, 1]; //one or more mouse buttons to use for manual marker toggle. 0=left, 1=right, 2=middle. e.g.: //if `[0]`, only left button is used, which is ALT+LeftClick. //if `[1]`, only right button is used, which is ALT+RightClick. //if `[0,1]`, any left or right button can be used, which is: ALT+LeftClick or ALT+RightClick. //=== config end === var watchedVideos, ageMultiplier = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, xu = /\/watch(?:\?|.*?&)v=([^&]+)|\/shorts\/([^\/\?]+)/, querySelector = Element.prototype.querySelector, querySelectorAll = Element.prototype.querySelectorAll; function getVideoId(url) { var vid = url.match(xu); if (vid) vid = vid[1] || vid[2]; return vid; } function watched(vid) { return !!watchedVideos.entries[vid]; } function processVideoItems(selector) { var items = document.querySelectorAll(selector), i, link; for (i = items.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (link =[i], "A")) { if (watched(getVideoId(link.href))) { items[i].classList.add("watched"); } else items[i].classList.remove("watched"); } } } function processAllVideoItems() { //home page processVideoItems(`.yt-uix-shelfslider-list>.yt-shelf-grid-item`); processVideoItems(`#contents.ytd-rich-grid-renderer>ytd-rich-item-renderer, #contents.ytd-rich-shelf-renderer ytd-rich-item-renderer.ytd-rich-shelf-renderer, #contents.ytd-rich-grid-renderer>ytd-rich-grid-row ytd-rich-grid-media`); //subscriptions page processVideoItems(`.multirow-shelf>.shelf-content>.yt-shelf-grid-item`); //history:watch page processVideoItems(`ytd-section-list-renderer[page-subtype="history"] .ytd-item-section-renderer>ytd-video-renderer`); //channel/user home page processVideoItems(`#contents>.ytd-item-section-renderer>.ytd-newspaper-renderer, #items>.yt-horizontal-list-renderer`); //old processVideoItems(`#contents>.ytd-channel-featured-content-renderer, #contents>.ytd-shelf-renderer>#grid-container>.ytd-expanded-shelf-contents-renderer`); //new //channel/user video page processVideoItems(`.yt-uix-slider-list>.featured-content-item, .channels-browse-content-grid>.channels-content-item, #items>.ytd-grid-renderer`); //channel/user shorts page processVideoItems(`ytd-rich-item-renderer ytd-rich-grid-slim-media`); //channel/user playlist page processVideoItems(`.expanded-shelf>.expanded-shelf-content-list>.expanded-shelf-content-item-wrapper, .ytd-playlist-video-renderer`); //channel/user playlist item page processVideoItems(`.pl-video-list .pl-video-table .pl-video, ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer`); //channel/user search page if (/^\/(?:(?:c|channel|user)\/)?.*?\/search/.test(location.pathname)) { processVideoItems(`.ytd-browse #contents>.ytd-item-section-renderer`); //new } //search page processVideoItems(`#results>.section-list .item-section>li, #browse-items-primary>.browse-list-item-container`); //old processVideoItems(`.ytd-search #contents>ytd-video-renderer, .ytd-search #contents>ytd-playlist-renderer, .ytd-search #items>ytd-video-renderer`); //new //video page processVideoItems(`.watch-sidebar-body>.video-list>.video-list-item, .playlist-videos-container>.playlist-videos-list>li`); //old processVideoItems(`.ytd-compact-video-renderer, .ytd-compact-radio-renderer`); //new } function addHistory(vid, time, noSave, i) { if (!watchedVideos.entries[vid]) { watchedVideos.index.push(vid); } else { i = watchedVideos.index.indexOf(vid); if (i >= 0) watchedVideos.index.push(watchedVideos.index.splice(i, 1)[0]) } watchedVideos.entries[vid] = time; if (!noSave) GM_setValue("watchedVideos", JSON.stringify(watchedVideos)); } function delHistory(index, noSave) { delete watchedVideos.entries[watchedVideos.index[index]]; watchedVideos.index.splice(index, 1); if (!noSave) GM_setValue("watchedVideos", JSON.stringify(watchedVideos)); } var dc, ut; function parseData(s, a, i, j, z) { try { dc = false; s = JSON.parse(s); //convert to new format if old format. //old: [{id:<strVID>, timestamp:<numDate>}, ...] //new: {entries:{<stdVID>:<numDate>, ...}, index:[<strVID>, ...]} if (Array.isArray(s) && (!s.length || (("object" === typeof s[0]) && s[0].id && s[0].timestamp))) { a = s; s = {entries: {}, index: []}; a.forEach(o => { s.entries[] = o.timestamp; s.index.push(; }); } else if (("object" !== typeof s) || ("object" !== typeof s.entries) || !Array.isArray(s.index)) return null; //reconstruct index if broken if (s.index.length !== (a = Object.keys(s.entries)).length) { s.index = => [k, s.entries[k]]).sort((x, y) => x[1] - y[1]).map(v => v[0]); dc = true; } return s; } catch(z) { return null; } } function parseYouTubeData(s, a) { try { s = JSON.parse(s); //convert to native format if YouTube format. //old: [{titleUrl:<strUrl>, time:<strIsoDate>}, ...] (excludes irrelevant properties) //new: {entries:{<stdVID>:<numDate>, ...}, index:[<strVID>, ...]} if (Array.isArray(s) && (!s.length || (("object" === typeof s[0]) && s[0].titleUrl && s[0].time))) { a = s; s = {entries: {}, index: []}; a.forEach((o, m, t) => { if (o.titleUrl && (m = o.titleUrl.match(xu))) { if (isNaN(t = (new Date(o.time)).getTime())) t = (new Date()).getTime(); s.entries[m[1] || m[2]] = t; s.index.push(m[1] || m[2]); } }); s.index.reverse(); return s; } else return null; } catch(a) { return null; } } function mergeData(o, a) { o.index.forEach(i => { if (watchedVideos.entries[i]) { if (watchedVideos.entries[i] < o.entries[i]) watchedVideos.entries[i] = o.entries[i]; } else watchedVideos.entries[i] = o.entries[i]; }); a = Object.keys(watchedVideos.entries); watchedVideos.index = => [k, watchedVideos.entries[k]]).sort((x, y) => x[1] - y[1]).map(v => v[0]); } function getHistory(a, b) { a = GM_getValue("watchedVideos"); if (a === undefined) { a = '{"entries": {}, "index": []}'; } else if ("object" === typeof a) a = JSON.stringify(a); if (b = parseData(a)) { watchedVideos = b; if (dc) b = JSON.stringify(b); } else b = JSON.stringify(watchedVideos = {entries: {}, index: []}); GM_setValue("watchedVideos", b); } function doProcessPage() { //get list of watched videos getHistory(); //remove old watched video history var now = (new Date()).valueOf(), changed, vid; if (maxWatchedVideoAge > 0) { while (watchedVideos.index.length) { if (((now - watchedVideos.entries[watchedVideos.index[0]]) / ageMultiplier) > maxWatchedVideoAge) { delHistory(0, false); changed = true; } else break; } if (changed) GM_setValue("watchedVideos", JSON.stringify(watchedVideos)); } //check and remember current video if ((vid = getVideoId(location.href)) && !watched(vid)) addHistory(vid, now); //mark watched videos processAllVideoItems(); } function processPage() { setTimeout(doProcessPage, Math.floor(contentLoadMarkDelay / 2)); } function delayedProcessPage() { setTimeout(doProcessPage, contentLoadMarkDelay); } function toggleMarker(ele, i) { if (ele) { if (!ele.href && (i = ele.closest('a'))) ele = i; if (ele.href) { i = getVideoId(ele.href); } else { while (ele) { while (ele && (!ele.__data || ! || ! ele = ele.__dataHost || ele.parentNode; if (ele) { i =; break } } } if (i) { if ((ele = watchedVideos.index.indexOf(i)) >= 0) { delHistory(ele); } else addHistory(i, (new Date()).valueOf()); processAllVideoItems(); } } } var rxListUrl = /\/\w+_ajax\?|\/results\?search_query|\/v1\/(browse|next|search)\?/; var xhropen =, xhrsend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; = function(method, url) { this.url_mwyv = url; return xhropen.apply(this, arguments); }; XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(method, url) { if (rxListUrl.test(this.url_mwyv) && !this.listened_mwyv) { this.listened_mwyv = 1; this.addEventListener("load", delayedProcessPage); } return xhrsend.apply(this, arguments); }; var fetch_ = unsafeWindow.fetch; unsafeWindow.fetch = function(opt) { let url = opt.url || opt; if (rxListUrl.test(opt.url || opt)) { return fetch_.apply(this, arguments).finally(delayedProcessPage); } else return fetch_.apply(this, arguments); }; var nac = unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.appendChild; unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.appendChild = function(e) { var z; if ((this.tagName === "BODY") && (e?.tagName === "IFRAME")) { var r = nac.apply(this, arguments); try { if (/^about:blank\b/.test(e.contentWindow.location.href)) e.contentWindow.fetch = fetch } catch(z) {} return r } else return nac.apply(this, arguments) } var to = {createHTML: s => s}, tp = window.trustedTypes?.createPolicy ? trustedTypes.createPolicy("", to) : to, html = s => tp.createHTML(s); addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", sty => { sty = document.createElement("STYLE"); sty.innerHTML = html(` `); document.head.appendChild(sty); var nde = Node.prototype.dispatchEvent; Node.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(ev) { if (ev.type === "yt-service-request-completed") { clearTimeout(ut); ut = setTimeout(doProcessPage, contentLoadMarkDelay / 2) } return nde.apply(this, arguments) }; }); var lastFocusState = document.hasFocus(); addEventListener("blur", () => { lastFocusState = false; }); addEventListener("focus", () => { if (!lastFocusState) processPage(); lastFocusState = true; }); addEventListener("click", (ev) => { if ((markerMouseButtons.indexOf(ev.button) >= 0) && ev.altKey) { ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); toggleMarker(; } }, true); if (markerMouseButtons.indexOf(1) >= 0) { addEventListener("contextmenu", (ev) => { if (ev.altKey) toggleMarker(; }); } if (window["body-container"]) { //old addEventListener("spfdone", processPage); processPage(); } else { //new var t = 0; function pl() { clearTimeout(t); t = setTimeout(processPage, 300); } (function init(vm) { if (vm = document.getElementById("visibility-monitor")) { vm.addEventListener("viewport-load", pl); } else setTimeout(init, 100); })(); (function init2(mh) { if (mh = document.getElementById("masthead")) { mh.addEventListener("yt-rendererstamper-finished", pl); } else setTimeout(init2, 100); })(); addEventListener("load", delayedProcessPage); addEventListener("spfprocess", delayedProcessPage); } GM_registerMenuCommand("Display History Statistics", () => { function sum(r, v) { return r + v; } function avg(arr) { return arr && arr.length ? Math.round(arr.reduce(sum, 0) / arr.length) : "(n/a)"; } var pd, pm, py, ld = [], lm = [], ly = []; getHistory(); Object.keys(watchedVideos.entries).forEach((k, t) => { t = new Date(watchedVideos.entries[k]); if (!pd || (pd !== t.getDate())) { ld.push(1); pd = t.getDate(); } else ld[ld.length - 1]++; if (!pm || (pm !== (t.getMonth() + 1))) { lm.push(1); pm = t.getMonth() + 1; } else lm[lm.length - 1]++; if (!py || (py !== t.getFullYear())) { ly.push(1); py = t.getFullYear(); } else ly[ly.length - 1]++; }); if (watchedVideos.index.length) { pd = (new Date(watchedVideos.entries[watchedVideos.index[0]])).toLocaleString(); pm = (new Date(watchedVideos.entries[watchedVideos.index[watchedVideos.index.length - 1]])).toLocaleString(); } else { pd = "(n/a)"; pm = "(n/a)"; } alert(`\ Number of entries: ${watchedVideos.index.length} Oldest entry: ${pd} Newest entry: ${pm} Average viewed videos per day: ${avg(ld)} Average viewed videos per month: ${avg(lm)} Average viewed videos per year: ${avg(ly)} History data size: ${JSON.stringify(watchedVideos).length} bytes\ `); }); GM_registerMenuCommand("Backup History Data", (a, b) => { document.body.appendChild(a = document.createElement("A")).href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(watchedVideos)], {type: "application/json"})); = `MarkWatchedYouTubeVideos_${(new Date()).toISOString()}.json`;; a.remove(); URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href); }); GM_registerMenuCommand("Restore History Data", (a, b) => { function askRestore(o) { if (confirm(`Selected history data file contains ${o.index.length} entries.\n\nRestore from this data?`)) { if (mwyvrhm_ujs.checked) { mergeData(o); } else watchedVideos = o; GM_setValue("watchedVideos", JSON.stringify(watchedVideos)); a.remove(); doProcessPage(); } } if (window.mwyvrh_ujs) return; (a = document.createElement("DIV")).id = "mwyvrh_ujs"; a.innerHTML = html(`<style> #mwyvrh_ujs {display:flex;position:fixed;z-index:99999;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin:0;border:none;padding:0;background:rgb(0,0,0,0.5);color:#000;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12pt;line-height:12pt;font-weight:normal;cursor:pointer} #mwyvrhb_ujs {margin:auto;border:.3rem solid #007;border-radius:.3rem;padding:.5rem .5em;background-color:#fff;cursor:auto} #mwyvrht_ujs {margin-bottom:1rem;font-size:14pt;line-height:14pt;font-weight:bold} #mwyvrhmc_ujs {margin:.5em 0 1em 0;text-align:center} #mwyvrhi_ujs {display:block;margin:1rem auto .5rem auto;overflow:hidden} </style> <div id="mwyvrhb_ujs"> <div id="mwyvrht_ujs">Mark Watched YouTube Videos</div> Please select a file to restore history data from. <div id="mwyvrhmc_ujs"><label><input id="mwyvrhm_ujs" type="checkbox" checked /> Merge history data instead of replace.</label></div> <input id="mwyvrhi_ujs" type="file" multiple /> </div>`); a.onclick = e => { ( === a) && a.remove(); }; (b = a.querySelector("#mwyvrhi_ujs")).onchange = r => { r = new FileReader(); r.onload = (o, t) => { if (o = parseData(r = r.result)) { //parse as native format if (o.index.length) { askRestore(o); } else alert("File doesn't contain any history entry."); } else if (o = parseYouTubeData(r)) { //parse as YouTube format if (o.index.length) { askRestore(o); } else alert("File doesn't contain any history entry."); } else { //parse as URL list o = {entries: {}, index: []}; t = (new Date()).getTime(); r = r.replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n"); while (r.length && !r[0].trim()) r.shift(); if (r.length && xu.test(r[0])) { r.forEach(s => { if (s = s.match(xu)) { o.entries[s[1] || s[2]] = t; o.index.push(s[1] || s[2]); } }); if (o.index.length) { askRestore(o); } else alert("File doesn't contain any history entry."); } else alert("Invalid history data file."); } }; r.readAsText(b.files[0]); }; document.documentElement.appendChild(a);; }); } function counterstuff() { function replaceCountersText(elm) { const renderer = elm.parentNode.renderer; const count = renderer?.data?.viewCountText?.simpleText ?? renderer?.data?.content?.videoRenderer?.viewCountText?.simpleText; if (count && elm.textContent != count) elm.textContent = count; } const counterObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => mutations.filter(m => m.type == "characterData").forEach(m => replaceCountersText(; // this observer disables the like count updating while watching a live stream because it messes with a bunch of things and we can't get full like count from it either const likeObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { while ( > 1) {; } }); }); function replaceCountersEach(elm) { elm.setAttribute("patched7kt", ""); const counters = elm.querySelectorAll("#metadata-line span"); if (counters.length != 2) return; counters[0].renderer = elm; replaceCountersText(counters[0].firstChild); counterObserver.observe(counters[0], { subtree: true, characterData: true }); } function replaceCommentCounter(elm) { elm.setAttribute("patched7kt", ""); const voteCount = elm.querySelector("#vote-count-middle"); if (!isNaN(voteCount.innerText)) return; const fullCount = parseInt(elm.querySelector("#like-button button").getAttribute("aria-label").match(/\d/g).join("")); voteCount.innerText = fullCount; } setInterval (function() { document.querySelectorAll('ytd-compact-video-renderer:not([patched7kt])').forEach(replaceCountersEach); document.querySelectorAll('ytd-grid-video-renderer:not([patched7kt])').forEach(replaceCountersEach); document.querySelectorAll('ytd-rich-item-renderer:not([patched7kt])').forEach(replaceCountersEach); document.querySelectorAll('ytd-video-renderer:not([patched7kt])').forEach(replaceCountersEach); document.querySelectorAll('ytd-comment-renderer:not([patched7kt])').forEach(replaceCommentCounter); }, 1000); waitForElement("#info #segmented-like-button #text").then(elm => likeObserver.observe(elm, { childList: true, subtree: true })); } waitForElement('ytd-compact-link-renderer').then(function(elm) { const link = document.querySelector('#container yt-multi-page-menu-section-renderer:nth-child(2) ytd-compact-link-renderer:nth-child(4)'); if (link !== null) document.querySelector('#container yt-multi-page-menu-section-renderer:nth-child(2) ytd-compact-link-renderer:nth-child(4)').style.left = document.querySelector('[menu-style="multi-page-menu-style-type-system"] #container yt-multi-page-menu-section-renderer:first-child ytd-compact-link-renderer:nth-child(3) a').offsetWidth+"px"; }); function restoreDropdown(iconLabel, firstChild, dropdownChildren) { const iconLabelSel = document.querySelector(iconLabel); if (!"sort")) // channel sort dropdown fix iconLabelSel.innerHTML = document.querySelector(firstChild)?.innerHTML; for (const x of document.querySelectorAll(dropdownChildren)) { x.addEventListener("click", function() { iconLabelSel.innerHTML = this.innerHTML; }, false); } } async function setupUpdateDependentElements(e) { if (e.detail.pageType == "watch") { waitForElement('#top-row.ytd-video-secondary-info-renderer').then(setupSecondaryInfoRenderer); waitForElement('#messages').then((elm) => viewCount(elm)); //waitForElement('').then((elm) => setUploadedText(elm)); // classic description var description; waitForElement('tp-yt-paper-button[id="more"]').then((elm) => elm.addEventListener("click", () => description.removeAttribute("collapsed"))); waitForElement('ytd-expander.ytd-video-secondary-info-renderer').then((elm) => { description = elm }); waitForElement('ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer[target-id="engagement-panel-structured-description"]').then((elm) => elm?.remove()); waitForElement("ytd-menu-popup-renderer tp-yt-paper-listbox").then(function(elm) { const saveBtn = [...elm.children].find(item => item.__data.icon == "yt-icons:playlist_add"); saveBtn.classList.add("addto-btn"); }); } if (/home|trending|subscriptions/.test(e.detail.pageType)) { waitForElement("#endpoint.ytd-guide-entry-renderer[href^='/feed/trending'] yt-formatted-string").then(createNavBar); document.querySelector("[hidden] .ytcp-main-appbar")?.remove(); } waitForElement("ytd-comments-header-renderer yt-dropdown-menu:last-of-type").then(function() { restoreDropdown("ytd-comments-header-renderer", "ytd-comments-header-renderer > tp-yt-paper-item:first-child > tp-yt-paper-item-body:first-child > div:first-child", "ytd-comments-header-renderer > tp-yt-paper-item:first-child > tp-yt-paper-item-body:first-child > div:first-child"); 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