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// ==UserScript== // @name WoltLab Suite - New Topics // @author ardiman // @namespace // @description Generates button which opens all new topics of woltlab-boards in tabs // @description:de-DE Erstellt in woltlab-Foren eine Schaltfläche, die alle neuen Posts in Tabs öffnet. // @grant GM_openInTab // @homepage // @icon // @include* // @license CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0; // @license MIT; // @supportURL // @version 1.0.1 // @date 2019-06-05 // ==/UserScript== (function (){ // Konfiguration var maxlnks = 0; // 0=open all new threads, 10=open first 10 new threads var showBtnIf = 1; // 0=button will always be shown, 5=show only, if there are more than 4 new threads var useTimeout = true; // don't attempt delay on thread-read cookie setting - YMMV - the timeout delay didn't work for me, so =false var tOut = 800; // set timeout in milliseconds for opening (cookies won't be stored if too low!) var oMode = true; // =true: show first *unread* post, =false: show first post/beginning of thread // Ende der Konfiguration /* x-browser event register */ function addEvent(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) { if (elm.addEventListener) { elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); return true; } else if (elm.attachEvent) { var r = elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn); return r; } else { elm['on' + evType] = fn; } } /* x-browser open tab */ function openTab(url) { if (typeof GM_openInTab != 'undefined') GM_openInTab(url); // for tampermonkey or greasemonkey else if (typeof PRO_openInTab != 'undefined') PRO_openInTab(url,2); // for ie7pro else; } var f = 0; var newposts = []; // alle Links zu neuen Beitraegen finden // var lnks = document.evaluate(".//ol[@class='tabularListColumns messageGroup wbbThread jsClipboardObject new']//li[@class='columnSubject']//h3//a", document.body, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE , null); var lnks = document.evaluate(".//ol[contains(@class,'new')]//li[@class='columnSubject']//h3//a", document.body, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE , null); var thisnode; for (var i=0; i < lnks.snapshotLength; i++) { thisnode = lnks.snapshotItem(i); if (oMode) { newposts.push(thisnode.href); // den direkten Link zum ungelesen Beitrag speichern } else { newposts.push(thisnode.href.replace(/\?action=firstNew/, "")); // (bereinigten) Link zum Thread speichern } f++; // falls nur die ersten x neuen Beitraege geoeffnet werden sollen, dann raus hier: if (f+1 > maxlnks && maxlnks > 0) break; } // Button generieren, sofern noetig if (f >= showBtnIf) { // Zieldiv finden var targetnode = document.evaluate("//nav[@class='contentHeaderNavigation']//ul", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); // normalerweise ist erster nav-Abschnitt mit class=contentHeaderNavigation {snapshotItem(0)} derjenige mit dem Button "NeuesThema" -> da soll's also hin var targetitem = targetnode.snapshotItem(0).appendChild(document.createElement('li')); var btn = targetitem.appendChild(document.createElement('a')); if (f > 1) { btn.innerHTML = "<span class='icon icon16 fa-rocket'></span><span> Öffne " + f + " neue Beiträge </span>"; } else { btn.innerHTML = "<span class='icon icon16 fa-rocket'></span><span> Öffne neuen Beitrag</span>"; } btn.href="#"; btn.setAttribute("class","button"); addEvent(btn, "click", function(e) { if (maxlnks===0) = 'none'; if (e && e.preventDefault(); else window.event.returnValue = false; if (useTimeout) { var i = -1; function inner() { if(++i < f) openTab(newposts[i]); else clearInterval(timer); } var timer = setInterval(inner, tOut); } else { var n=0; for (n < newposts.length; n++;) { openTab(newposts[n]); } } } , false); } })();