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// ==UserScript== // @name Rufuker 2ch // @name:ru Руфакер для Двач 2ch // @namespace // @version 0.54 // @description Culturally enriches the pidorussian lingamus on 2ch // @description:ru Культурна облагарожывает росейскую языку на Дваче 2ch // @author Anon // @copyright 2021-2022, Anon // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @license GPL-3.0-only // @homepageURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @supportURL // @icon // @defaulticon // @icon64 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /********************************************************************************** * * NOTICE * * The script requires the browser plugin "Tampermonkey". * Set "Run only in top frame" to "No" in plugin's settings for the script. * * It may also work in other usercript manager plugins: * GreaseMonkey, ViolentMonkey, FireMonkey. * ***********************************************************************************/ (function() { 'use strict'; if (!document.getElementById('posts-form')) return 1; /* * Converts a string of text according to the rules. * Optionial argument (bool) to disable uppercase * text conversion. Default - enabled */ class Rufuker { rufuker_replacement_rules = [ // xx -> yy ['ий народ', 'ай на рот'], ['осси', 'абсе'], ['сски', 'зке'], ['еще', 'есчо'], ['когда', 'када'], ['деньг', 'тэньг'], ['денег', 'дынек'], ['денеж', 'дыняш'], ['ого([ \\s,\\.\\-:])', 'ава$1'], ['о([влрт])о', 'а$1а'], ['[иы]й([ \\s,\\.\\-:])', 'ы$1'], ['([^ \\s,\\.\\-:])ие([ \\s,\\.\\-:])', '$1$1е$2'], ['ри', 'ґы'], ['ре', 'ґе'], ['ря', 'ґя'], ['рь', 'гх'], ['ти', 'це'], ['те', 'ця'], ['тя', 'ца'], ['ди', 'дэ'], ['де', 'ды'], ['ши', 'шэ'], ['ше', 'ша'], ['жи', 'жэ'], ['же', 'жа'], ['си', 'се'], ['ио', 'её'], ['иа', 'ея'], ['иу', 'ею'], ['ие', 'ее'], ['ться', 'ца'], ['тся', 'тсо'], ['дь', 'ц'], ['ть', 'ц'], ['ли', 'ле'], ['че', 'це'], ['([жшч])ь', '$1'], ['щ', 'ш'], ['([^ \\s,\\.\\-:])и([ \\s,\\.\\-:])', '$1е$2'], ['ъе', 'йэ'], ['ъё', 'йо'], ['ъю', 'йу'], ['ъя', 'йа'], [' и([ \\s,\\.\\-:])', ' ды$1'], ['и', 'ы'] ]; addUpperCase = true; aReplacement = []; constructor(uppercaseOption){ if (typeof uppercaseOption === 'boolean') this.addUpperCase = uppercaseOption; this.compileRegex(); this.rufukString = this.covertText.bind(this); } compileRegex() { this.aReplacement = c => ({ sRegex: new RegExp(c[0],'g'), sSubst: c[1] }) ); if (!this.addUpperCase) return; var aUpcasedReplacement = function(c) { let rgx = c[0]; let upRgx = ''; for (let i = 0; i < rgx.length; i++){ let res = rgx[i].match(/[а-я]/); if (res) upRgx = upRgx + res[0].toString().toUpperCase(); else upRgx = upRgx + rgx[i]; } let substitute = c[1].at(0).toUpperCase() + c[1].slice(1); //capitalize the first letter return { sRegex: new RegExp(upRgx,'g'), sSubst: substitute }; }); this.aReplacement = this.aReplacement.concat(aUpcasedReplacement); } covertText(txt) { var flagAllCaps = this.detectAllCaps(txt); for (let r of this.aReplacement) { let substitute = r.sSubst.toString(); if (flagAllCaps) substitute = substitute.toUpperCase(); txt = txt.toString().replace(r.sRegex, substitute); } return txt; } detectAllCaps(str){ let part = str.slice(-200); let res; if (res = part.match(/[А-Я]/g)) if (res.length / part.length > 0.30) return true; else return false; } } //class /* * Can traverse 2ch and replace text in all the posts * including popups and dynamically loaded messages. * Argument - a function for text conversion. */ class TextReplacer2ch { workingElement; #flagObserveNewPosts = true; #flagObserveScrollAndPopup = true; delayPopup = 100; //ms constructor (txtConverter) { this.txtConverter = txtConverter; if (this.workingElement = document.getElementById('posts-form')); else return 1; const aThreads = this.workingElement.querySelectorAll('div.thread'); if (aThreads.length === 0) return 2; //wrong page this.replaceAllDecendantArticles(this.workingElement); if (this.#flagObserveScrollAndPopup) { const board_observer = new MutationObserver(this.replaceScrollAndPopup.bind(this)); board_observer.observe(this.workingElement, {childList:true}); } //single thread page needs one more observer for added posts if (this.#flagObserveNewPosts && aThreads.length === 1) { const thread_observer = new MutationObserver(this.replaceNewPosts.bind(this)); thread_observer.observe(aThreads[0], {childList:true}); } } //constructor replaceAllDecendantArticles(pe) { const articles = pe.querySelectorAll('article.post__message'); articles.forEach(a => a.innerHTML = this.txtConverter(a.innerHTML)); } replaceArticleByNum(idNum) { const id_article = 'm' + idNum; const el = document.getElementById(id_article); el.innerHTML = this.txtConverter(el.innerHTML); } replaceScrollAndPopup(mutationsList, observer) { let postClasses = ['post', 'post_type_reply', 'post_preview']; setTimeout( () => { for(const mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type !== 'childList' || mutation.addedNodes.length === 0) continue; mutation.addedNodes.forEach( n => { if (postClasses.every(name => n.classList.contains(name))) { for (const idx in n.children) { if (n.children[idx].nodeName === 'ARTICLE') { n.children[idx].innerHTML = this.txtConverter(n.children[idx].innerHTML); } } } else if (n.className === 'thread') { const thread = document.getElementById(; this.replaceAllDecendantArticles(thread); } }); } }, this.delayPopup); } replaceNewPosts (mutationsList, observer) { for(const mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type !== 'childList' || mutation.addedNodes.length === 0) continue; for (const n of mutation.addedNodes[0].children) { if (n.nodeName !== 'DIV' || ! n.hasAttribute('id')) continue; let idNum = /\d{3,}/g).pop(); //last 3+ digits this.replaceArticleByNum(idNum); } } //for } } //class var txtConverter = new Rufuker(); new TextReplacer2ch(txtConverter.rufukString); })();