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// ==UserScript== // @name FunTrivia Answer Bot // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description Select a random answer or educated guess to each question // @require // @author Gaxx // @include // @include // @include // @include // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { var autoSubmit = true; var guessCount = 0; function guessFunc(questionNo, guessNo, guess) { console.log("Question #" + questionNo + " = Answer #" + guessNo + ": " + guess); var $t = $('table[style="border:1px #336600 solid;"]:eq(' + questionNo + ')'); $t.find("b").css("color","darkgreen"); $t.find("input[type='radio']:eq(" + guessNo + ")").trigger("click"); } function getGuess(question, aryAnswers, questionNo) { // statr all answers out as 0 weighted var answerWeights = Array.apply(null, Array(aryAnswers.length)).map(function () { return 0}); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "" + question, headers: { "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": "8488571ecef3408898c1c7046a903317" }, onload: function(response) { var objResponse = JSON.parse(response.response); console.log("#" + questionNo + ": " + question); var aryPages = objResponse.webPages.value; for (var i = 0; i < aryPages.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < answerWeights.length; j++) { var myRe = new RegExp(aryAnswers[j], 'gi'); if (aryPages[i].snippet.match(myRe)) { answerWeights[j] += (aryPages[i].snippet.match(myRe).length); } } } var intMax = answerWeights[0]; var maxPos = 0; for (var k = 1; k < answerWeights.length; k++) { if (answerWeights[k] > intMax) { maxPos = k; intMax = answerWeights[k]; } } console.log(answerWeights); if (intMax > 0) { guessFunc(questionNo,maxPos,aryAnswers[maxPos]); } else { if (question.indexOf("\"") > -1) { console.log(questionNo + " trying quoted"); guessCount++; setTimeout( () => { getGuess(question.split('"')[1],aryAnswers,questionNo); }, 4000); } else if (question.indexOf("'") > -1) { console.log(questionNo + " trying single-quoted"); guessCount++; setTimeout( () => { getGuess(question.split("'")[1],aryAnswers,questionNo); }, 4000); } } guessCount--; if (autoSubmit && guessCount === 0) { $("input[type='submit']").trigger("click"); } } }); } console.log("== FunTrivia Answer Ranomizer v" + GM_info.script.version + " =="); $('table[style="border:1px #336600 solid;"]').each(function( index ) { var $list = $( this ); var $ans = $list.find('input[type="radio"]'); if ($ans.length > 1) { var $sel = $list.find("input[type='radio']:eq(" + Math.floor(Math.random() * $ans.length) + ")").trigger("click"); var q = $ans.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().find("b").text(); guessCount++; setTimeout( () => { getGuess(q,[$ans[0].value,$ans[1].value,$ans[2].value,$ans[3].value],index) }, index * 700 ); } }); window.scrollTo(0,0); console.log("/= FunTrivia Answer Ranomizer v" + GM_info.script.version + " =/"); })();