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// ==UserScript== // @name RMS Mobile View // @namespace rms_mobile // @version 0.3 // @description Injects mobile-friendly styles via Tampermonkey Android Browser to [current: Pre-Alpha] // @author Sacer // @match* // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // switch to false before deploy to tampermonkey var local = false; var domain = ''; var css_url = domain + 'style.css'; var icon_url = domain + 'icons/'; // grid-class holding object, i'm just to lazy to type the whole class every time... var g = { clear: 'clearfix', bgfix: 'bgfix', c: 'container', cf: 'container-fluid', r: 'row', x1: 'col-xs-1', x2: 'col-xs-2', x3: 'col-xs-3', x4: 'col-xs-4', x5: 'col-xs-5', x6: 'col-xs-6', x7: 'col-xs-7', x8: 'col-xs-8', x9: 'col-xs-9', x10: 'col-xs-10', x11: 'col-xs-11', x12: 'col-xs-12', s1: 'col-sm-1', s2: 'col-sm-2', s3: 'col-sm-3', s4: 'col-sm-4', s5: 'col-sm-5', s6: 'col-sm-6', s7: 'col-sm-7', s8: 'col-sm-8', s9: 'col-sm-9', s10: 'col-sm-10', s11: 'col-sm-11', s12: 'col-sm-12', xh: 'hidden-xs', sh: 'hidden-sm', xv: 'visible-xs', sv: 'visible-sm' } // globals for navigation purpose var topmenu_link_active = null; /** * Class controller to append master-id ".rms_mobile" and inject the custom css */ var CssCtrl = function() { this.init = function() { // switch for local dev purpopse if ( local ) { css_url = '../style.min.css'; icon_url = '../icons/'; } $('body').attr('id', 'rms_mobile'); // inject the CSS $('<link/>', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: css_url }).appendTo('head'); // add viewport meta // <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> $('<meta/>', { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0' }).appendTo('head'); $('body').append('<div id="rms_mobile_lightbox"></div>'); } this.init(); } /** * Class controller to add classes and grid-wrapper to the given markup */ var ClassCtrl = function() { // init classes, leave a space at the and if we want to add more selectors var body_cls = 'body#rms_mobile '; var wrapper_cls = body_cls + '.wrapper '; this.init = function() { // initialise wrapping on the page-wrapper var wrapper = $( wrapper_cls ); // add container-fluid, clearfix, wrap the children in rows wrapper.addClass(, g.clear ); wrapper.children().wrap( '<div class="' + g.r + '"></div>' ); // handle the children this.handleLogo(); this.handleSearchBar(); this.handleContentWrap(); this.handleLightbox(); } this.handleLogo = function() { var logo_cls = '.logo '; var logo = $( wrapper_cls + logo_cls ); logo.addClass( g.r, g.clear, g.bgfix ); logo.wrap( '<div class="' + g.x12 + '"></div>'); // children top_menu wrapping var topmenu_wrap_cls = '.topmenu_wrap '; var topmenu_wrap = $( wrapper_cls + logo_cls + topmenu_wrap_cls); topmenu_wrap.addClass( g.bgfix ); topmenu_wrap.wrap( '<div class="' + g.x12 + '"></div>' ); topmenu_wrap.children().wrap( '<div class="' + g.r + '"><div class="' + g.x12 + '"></div></div>' ); // remove eventlisteners from topmenus var topmenu_links = topmenu_wrap.find( 'a' ); topmenu_links.each( function() { $( this ).removeAttr( 'onmouseover' ); $( this ).removeAttr( 'onmouseout' ); $( this ).attr( 'href', '#' ); }); // top_menu subnav var nav_sub_cls = '.nav_sub '; var nav_sub = $( wrapper_cls + logo_cls + nav_sub_cls ); // remove the eventlisteners as well var nav_sub_links = nav_sub.find( 'span.ns_span' ); nav_sub_links.each( function() { $( this ).removeAttr( 'onmouseover' ); $( this ).removeAttr( 'onmouseout' ); $( this ).addClass( g.bgfix ); }); // handle topmenu subnav toggle var topmenu_link = $( 'ul.topmenu li a' ); var that = this; function(){ var atxt = $( this ).text(); switch( atxt ) { case 'Community': that.handleSubmenuSwitch( 'sub_com' ); break; case 'Rate My Server': that.handleSubmenuSwitch( 'sub_svr' ); break; case 'RO World': that.handleSubmenuSwitch( 'sub_wld' ); break; case 'Downloads': that.handleSubmenuSwitch( 'sub_dl' ); break; } }); } this.handleSubmenuSwitch = function( id ) { var link = $( '#' + id ); if ( topmenu_link_active === null ) { topmenu_link_active = link; link.css( 'display', 'flex' ) } else if ( topmenu_link_active !== null && topmenu_link_active.attr( 'id' ) != id ) { topmenu_link_active.css( 'display', 'none' ); topmenu_link_active = link; link.css( 'display', 'flex' ); } else if ( topmenu_link_active !== null && topmenu_link_active.attr( 'id' ) == id ) { topmenu_link_active.css( 'display', 'none' ); topmenu_link_active = null; } } this.handleSearchBar = function() { var searchbar_cls = '.srchbar '; var searchbar = $( wrapper_cls + searchbar_cls ); searchbar.addClass( g.x12 ); // Searchbar link var searchbar_link_id = '#srchbar-link'; var searchbar_link = $( searchbar_link_id ); searchbar_link.addClass( g.clear ); searchbar.find( 'ul' ).append( '<li id="search-trigger"><img alt="search-trigger" src="' + icon_url + 'searchw.png" />'); // search fields, create menu from right var searchbar_search_id = '#srchbar-srch'; var searchbar_search = $( searchbar_search_id ); searchbar_search.appendTo(document.body); this.handleSearchbarSearchTrigger(); } this.handleSearchbarSearchTrigger = function() { var sbstrigger = $( '#search-trigger' ); function(e) { var sbs = $( '#srchbar-srch' ); var lightbox = $( '#rms_mobile_lightbox' ); var wrapper = $( 'body#rms_mobile .wrapper' ); sbs.addClass( 'open' ); lightbox.addClass( 'active' ); wrapper.addClass( 'open-nav--right' ); }); } this.handleContentWrap = function() { var contentwrap_cls = '.contentwrap '; var contentwrap = $( wrapper_cls + contentwrap_cls ); contentwrap.wrap( '<div class="' + g.x12 + '"></div>' ); } this.handleLightbox = function() { // reset all open classes var lightbox = $( '#rms_mobile_lightbox' ); function(e) { var sbs = $( '#srchbar-srch' ); var wrapper = $( 'body#rms_mobile .wrapper' ); sbs.removeClass( 'open' ); lightbox.removeClass( 'active' ); wrapper.removeClass( 'open-nav--right' ); }); } this.init(); } jQuery(document).ready( function( $ ) { // vars var css_ctrl = new CssCtrl(); var class_ctrl = new ClassCtrl(); }); })();