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// ==UserScript== // @name 我的元素 // @namespace // @version 1.4 // @description 用于在页面中插入元素,改变元素样式用于展示 // @author Ruan Xusong // @match http://*/* // @match https://*/* // @license MIT // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { "use strict"; $.noConflict(); // 兼容网页中$ // dom加载完成后,运行jquery函数域 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // 元素列表(注:initialStyle中不可有空格) const myElementsList = [ { name: "div", content: "", type: "div", initialStyle: "position:fixed;left:50%;top:50%;width:100px;height:100px;background:#0189fb;z-index:100;cursor:pointer;" }, { name: "button", content: "button", type: "button", initialStyle: "position:fixed;left:50%;top:50%;width:70px;height:25px;background:#fff;border-radius:10px;z-index:100;cursor:pointer;" }, // line中的长宽属性无效 { name: "line", content: "", type: "line", initialStyle: "position:fixed;left:50%;top:50%;background:#000;z-index:100" }, { name: "cover", content: "", type: "cover", initialStyle: "position:fixed;left:50%;top:50%;width:70px;height:25px;background:#fff;border-radius:10px;z-index:100;cursor:pointer;" } ]; /** * @功能描述: 初始化元素 * @参数: * @返回值: */ const initialCom = new InitialCom(); // 初始化元素,插入元素 initialCom.initialAll(); /** * @功能描述: 删除元素 * @参数: * @返回值: */ $("#cancelBtn").click(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass("cancelDelete")) { initialCom.deleteBtnclick(this); } else { initialCom.cancelBtnClick(this); } }); // 一键填充功能 //===start=== /** * @功能描述: 查看元素信息 * @参数: * @返回值: */ $("#inspectBtn").click(function() { const datePoint = new Date().getTime(); const attrFunc = new AttrFunc(datePoint); // 查看元素信息 attrFunc.pythonListen(); }); /** * @功能描述: 一键填充表单按钮点击 * @参数: * @返回值: */ $("#fillFormBtn").click(function() { initialCom.fillForm(); }); /** * @功能描述: 改变填充表单名字input * @参数: * @返回值: */ $("#fillFormName").change(function() { if ($("#fillFormInput").val() !== "") { // 一键填充表单值 initialCom.handleFillInputChange(); } }); /** * @功能描述: 改变填充表单值input * @参数: * @返回值: */ $("#fillFormInput").change(function() { if ($("#fillFormName").val() !== "") { // 一键填充表单值 initialCom.handleFillInputChange(); } }); // 一键填充功能 //===end=== /** 启用/禁用链接跳转 */ $("#hrefBtn").click(function() { // 切换链接模式 initialCom.hrefToggle(); }); // 查看元素功能 //===start=== /** 转换HTML为字符串 */ function ToHtmlString(htmlStr) { return toTXT(htmlStr).replace( /\<\;br[\&ensp\;|\&emsp\;]*[\/]?\>\;|\r\n|\n/g, "<br/>" ); } function toTXT(str) { var RexStr = /\<|\>|\"|\'|\&| | /g; str = str.replace(RexStr, function(MatchStr) { switch (MatchStr) { case "<": return "<"; break; case ">": return ">"; break; case '"': return """; break; case "'": return "'"; break; case "&": return "&"; break; case " ": return " "; break; case " ": return " "; break; default: break; } }); return str; } /** 将html转换为可以存储的片段,替换<>间的"为' */ function toStorageString(str) { var RexStr = /\<(.*)(")(.*)\>/g; str = str.replace(RexStr, function(MatchStr) { return MatchStr.replace(/"/g, "'"); }); return str; } // 查看元素功能 //===end=== /** * @功能描述: 点击切换列表 * @参数: 无 * @返回值: 无 */ $(".tabsBtnWrap .tabsBtn").click(function() { initialCom.tabsSwitchIndex($(this).index()); }); /** * @功能描述: 点击下载按钮 * @参数: * @返回值: */ $("#downloadBtn").click(function() { initialCom.downloadBtnClick(); }); /** * @功能描述: 点击按钮新增属性input * @参数: 无 * @返回值: 无 */ $(".addInfoBtn").click(function() { const datePoint = new Date().getTime(); const attrFunc = new AttrFunc(datePoint); if ($(".infoUl li").length > 0) { attrFunc.appendInputLi(); // 属性名称改变事件 $(`#cssType${datePoint}`).change(attrFunc.cssTypeChange); // 属性内容改变事件 $(`#input${datePoint}`).change(attrFunc.contentChange); } else { alert("当前属性为空,请先新建实例元素,再双击选择添加属性!"); } }); /** * @功能描述: 点击页面中插入列表元素 * @参数: 无 * @返回值: 无 */ $(".elementListLi").click(function() { const datePoint = new Date().getTime(); const elementFunc = new ElementFunc(datePoint); let lineFlag = false; let type = $(this).attr("type"); // 解绑上次的线点击事件 elementFunc.cancelBind(); if (type === "line") { elementFunc.cancelDrawLine(); lineFlag = true; } else { const initialStyle = $(this).attr("initialStyle"); // 文字内容 const content = $(this).attr("content") || ""; // 创建元素 const element = elementFunc.createEle( datePoint, type, content, initialStyle ); } if (type === "cover") { elementFunc.createCover(); return; } // 线-绑定全局鼠标点击事件 if (lineFlag) { const lineFunc = new ElementFunc(""); // 生成线条消抖 setTimeout(function() { $("body").bind("click", lineFunc.handleLineClick); }, 1); } else { // 绑定element鼠标点击事件 $(`#${datePoint}`).bind("mousedown", elementFunc.elementMousedown); // 绑定松开鼠标事件 $(`#${datePoint}`).bind("mouseup", function() { $("body").unbind("mousemove"); }); // 绑定双击事件 $(`#${datePoint}`).dblclick(elementFunc.elementDblclick); } }); /** * @功能描述: json字符串转css * @参数: json的字符串 * @返回值:css的字符串 */ function jsonToCss(json) { let cssString = "{"; Object.keys(json).map(item => { cssString += `${item}:${json[item]};`; }); cssString += "}"; return cssString; } /** * @功能描述:日期转换(长) * @参数: date * @返回值: 返回类似2019-08-17,19:18:10的字符串 */ function longDateFormate(dateObj) { const year = dateObj.getFullYear(); const month = dateObj.getMonth() + 1; const date = dateObj.getDate(); const hour = dateObj.getHours(); const minute = dateObj.getMinutes(); const second = dateObj.getSeconds(); return `${year}-${month < 10 ? "0" + month : month}-${date < 10 ? "0" + date : date},${hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : hour}:${minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute}:${second < 10 ? "0" + second : second}`; } /** * @功能描述:日期转换(短) * @参数: date * @返回值: 返回类似19时18分10秒的字符串 */ function shortDateFormate(dateObj) { const hour = dateObj.getHours(); const minute = dateObj.getMinutes(); const second = dateObj.getSeconds(); return `${ hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : hour }:${minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute}:${second < 10 ? "0" + second : second}`; } /** * @功能描述: 画点函数 * @参数:key:唯一标识位,x:x坐标,y:y坐标,color:点颜色 * @返回值:画线时返回点容器 */ function drawDot(key, x, y, color, dotContainer) { const dotDiv = `<div class="line${key}" style="background:${color || "#000"};position:fixed;left:${x}px;top:${y}px;width:5px;height:5px;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);border-radius: 100%;z-index:1000"></div>`; if (dotContainer) { $(dotContainer).append(dotDiv); return $(dotContainer); } else { $(`#lineConatiner${key}`).append(dotDiv); } } /** * @功能描述: 画线函数 * @参数:key:唯一标识位,x1:起点x坐标,y1:起点y坐标,x2:终点x坐标,y2:终点y坐标,color:线颜色,lineType:dotted(为dotted的时候为虚线,默认实线) * @返回值:无 */ function drawLine(key, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, lineType) { let dotContainer = `<div class="dotContainer${key}"></div>`; // 线长度 const lineLength = Math.floor( Math.sqrt(Math.abs((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))) ); // 初始化间隔为实线 const initialPadding = 1; // 间隔 const padding = lineType && lineType === "dotted" ? 8 : initialPadding; // 每一次变化的x,y值 const stepX = (Math.abs(x2 - x1) / lineLength) * padding; const stepY = (Math.abs(y2 - y1) / lineLength) * padding; for (let i = 0; i <= lineLength / padding; i++) { let drawX; let drawY; if (x2 > x1) { drawX = x1 + i * stepX; } else { drawX = x1 - i * stepX; } if (y2 > y1) { drawY = y1 + i * stepY; } else { drawY = y1 - i * stepY; } dotContainer = drawDot(key, drawX, drawY, color, dotContainer); if (i === Math.floor(lineLength / padding)) { $(`#lineConatiner${key}`).append(dotContainer); } } } /** * @功能描述: 属性事件构造函数 * @参数:datePoint:唯一标识 * @返回值: */ function AttrFunc(datePoint) { this.selectedDom = ""; this.domObj = {}; this.idx = 0; this.innerFlag = false; this.domAlertId = "spyon-container"; this.areaWrapId = "area-wrap-container"; this.posBuffer = 3; this.appendInputLi = () => { let inputLi = `<li class="detailLi ${datePoint}"><input id='cssType${datePoint}'/><div class="fillFormColon">:</div><input cssType='' id='input${datePoint}'/></li>`; $("#siderBar .infoUl").append(inputLi); }; this.appendPythonInput = () => { let inputLi = `<li class="fillFormLi ${datePoint}"><input id='pythonTitle${datePoint}' class="pythonName"/><div class="fillFormColon">:</div><button class="selectBtn" id='pythonDom${datePoint}'>请选择</button></li>`; $(".pythonUl").append(inputLi); $(".pythonEmptyBox").hide(); }; /** 新增默认python字段 */ this.appendInitialInput = selectArr => { const _this = this; if (selectArr.length > 0) { selectArr.forEach(({ name, label }, idx) => { const modifiedDatePoint = datePoint + idx; let inputLi = `<div class="fillFormLabel">${label}:</div><li class="fillFormLi ${modifiedDatePoint}"><input id='pythonTitle${modifiedDatePoint}' value="${name}" disabled class="pythonName"/><div class="fillFormColon">:</div><button class="selectBtn" id='pythonDom${modifiedDatePoint}'>请选择</button></li>`; $(".pythonUl").append(inputLi); $(".pythonEmptyBox").hide(); // Dom选择内容点击事件 $(`#pythonDom${modifiedDatePoint}`).click(function() { _this.idx = idx; _this.pythonListen(); }); }); } }; /** * @功能描述: python下拉type改变事件 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.pythonTypeChange = type => { // 清空表单项和label $(".pythonUl .fillFormLi,.fillFormLabel").remove(); let pythonSelect = []; switch (type) { case "cardItem": this.innerFlag = false; pythonSelect = [ { name: "firstSelect", label: "第一个cardItem" }, { name: "secondSelect", label: "第二个cardItem" }, { name: "lastSelect", label: "最后一个cardItem" } ]; break; case "cardInfo": this.innerFlag = false; pythonSelect = [ { name: "title", label: "标题" }, { name: "url", label: "链接" } ]; break; case "page": this.innerFlag = true; pythonSelect = [{ name: "pageDom", label: "分页器" }]; break; case "pageInfo": this.innerFlag = false; break; default: break; } this.appendInitialInput(pythonSelect); }; /** * @功能描述: python字段name改变事件 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.pythonNameChange = function() { const ls = window.localStorage; $(`#pythonDom${datePoint}`).attr("pythonName", $(this).val()); if ($(`#pythonDom${datePoint}`).attr("pythonType") !== "") { } }; /** python-创造监听样式弹窗 */ this.pythonCreate = () => { const div = document.createElement("div"); const areaWrap = document.createElement("div"); = this.domAlertId; = this.areaWrapId; div.setAttribute( "style", ` position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: auto; height: auto; padding: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #fff; background-color: rgba(66,67,67,0.7); z-index: 100000; font-size: 12px; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 20px; max-width: 45%; text-align: left; ` ); areaWrap.setAttribute( "style", ` position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: auto; height: auto; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3); z-index: -10; border-radius: 5px; border:1px solid #ddd; ` ); document.body.appendChild(areaWrap); document.body.appendChild(div); }; /** python-显示弹窗 */ this.pythonShow = e => { const spyContainer = document.getElementById(this.domAlertId); const wrapContainer = document.getElementById(this.areaWrapId); if (!spyContainer) { this.pythonCreate(); return; } if ( !== "block") { = "block"; } if ( !== "block") { = "block"; } }; /** python-隐藏弹窗 */ this.pythonHide = e => { document.getElementById(this.domAlertId).style.display = "none"; document.getElementById(this.areaWrapId).style.display = "none"; }; /** python-获得srcoll的宽度高度 */ this.getScrollPos = () => { const ieEdge = document.all ? false : true; if (!ieEdge) { return { left: document.body.scrollLeft, top: document.body.scrollTop }; } else { return { left: document.documentElement.scrollLeft, top: document.documentElement.scrollTop }; } }; /** python-滑过元素 */ this.pythonGlide = e => { const spyContainer = document.getElementById(this.domAlertId); const wrapContainer = document.getElementById(this.areaWrapId); if (!spyContainer) { this.pythonCreate(); return; } const left = e.clientX + this.getScrollPos().left + this.posBuffer; const top = e.clientY + this.getScrollPos().top + this.posBuffer; const wrapLeft = + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; const wrapTop = + document.documentElement.scrollTop; const wrapWidth =; const wrapHeight =; spyContainer.innerHTML = this.showAttributes(; = wrapLeft + "px"; = wrapTop + "px"; = wrapWidth + "px"; = wrapHeight + "px"; if (left + spyContainer.offsetWidth > window.innerWidth) { = left - spyContainer.offsetWidth + "px"; } else { = left + "px"; } = top + "px"; }; /** python-获得dom属性 */ this.showAttributes = el => { const nodeName = `${el.nodeName.toLowerCase()}`; // 单标签 const singleTags = ["img", "input", "area"]; const nodeNameDom = `<span style="font-weight:bold;">${nodeName}</span><br/>`; const attrArr = Array.from(el.attributes); const attributes = attrArr.reduce((attrs, attr) => { attrs += `${attr.nodeName}="${attr.nodeValue}" `; return attrs; }, ""); const attributesDom = attrArr.reduce((attrs, attr) => { attrs += `<span style="color:#ffffcc;">${attr.nodeName}</span>="${attr.nodeValue}"<br/>`; return attrs; }, ""); const htmlDom = `<div><${nodeName} ${attributes}> ${ToHtmlString( el.innerHTML )} </${nodeName}></div><br/>`; this.selectedDom = `<${nodeName} ${attributes}> ${ !singleTags.includes(nodeName) ? `${this.innerFlag ? el.innerHTML : ""} </${nodeName}>` : "" }`; return nodeNameDom + attributesDom + htmlDom; }; /** python-存储点击的元素 */ this.selectPythonDom = el => { // 移除监听事件 this.removePythonListen(); }; /** * @功能描述: 打开python监听当前元素 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.pythonListen = () => { document.body.addEventListener("mousemove", this.pythonGlide); document.body.addEventListener("mouseover", this.pythonShow); document.body.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.pythonHide); document.body.addEventListener("mousedown", this.selectPythonDom); }; /** * @功能描述:移除python监听元素 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.removePythonListen = () => { document.body.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.pythonGlide); document.body.removeEventListener("mouseover", this.pythonShow); document.body.removeEventListener("mouseleave", this.pythonHide); document.body.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.selectPythonDom); document.getElementById(this.domAlertId).style.display = "none"; document.getElementById(this.areaWrapId).style.display = "none"; }; /** * @功能描述: 改变css名称的事件 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.cssTypeChange = function() { const ls = window.localStorage; $(`#input${datePoint}`).attr("cssType", $(this).val()); if ($(`#input${datePoint}`).val() !== "") { const selectedElement = ls.getItem("selectedElement"); if (selectedElement !== "") { if ($(`#input${datePoint}`).attr("cssType") !== "") { const cssType = $(`#input${datePoint}`).attr("cssType"); const val = $(`#input${datePoint}`).val(); // 缓存中设置新的CSS样式 let oldSiderBarCssObj = JSON.parse(ls.getItem("siderBarCssObj")); let oldCssObj = oldSiderBarCssObj[selectedElement] || {}; let newCssObj = { ...oldCssObj, [cssType]: val }; ls.setItem( "siderBarCssObj", JSON.stringify({ ...oldSiderBarCssObj, [selectedElement]: newCssObj }) ); $(`#${selectedElement}`).css(cssType, val); } else { alert("请先选择style名称!"); } } else { alert("请先双击选择实例元素!"); } } }; /** * @功能描述: 改变css内容的事件 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.contentChange = function() { const ls = window.localStorage; const selectedElement = ls.getItem("selectedElement"); if (selectedElement !== "") { if ($(this).attr("cssType") !== "") { const cssType = $(this).attr("cssType"); const val = $(this).val(); // 缓存中设置新的CSS样式 let oldSiderBarCssObj = JSON.parse(ls.getItem("siderBarCssObj")); let oldCssObj = oldSiderBarCssObj[selectedElement] || {}; let newCssObj = { ...oldCssObj, [cssType]: val }; ls.setItem( "siderBarCssObj", JSON.stringify({ ...oldSiderBarCssObj, [selectedElement]: newCssObj }) ); $(`#${selectedElement}`).css(cssType, val); } } else { alert("请先双击选择实例元素!"); } }; } /** * @功能描述: 元素事件构造函数 * @参数:datePoint:唯一标识 * @返回值: */ function ElementFunc(datePoint) { this.o = {}; = window.localStorage; // 直线位置对象 this.lineObj = {}; // 直线标识名 this.lineDatePoint = ""; /** * @功能描述: 创造元素 * @参数: key:唯一标识,type:类型,content:内容,initialStyle:初始样式字符串 * @返回值: 无 */ this.createEle = (key, type, content, initialStyle) => { // 生成元素 const element = document.createElement(type); // 生成文字节点 const contentNode = document.createTextNode(content); element.setAttribute("style", initialStyle); element.setAttribute("id", key); element.setAttribute("class", "createdElement"); element.appendChild(contentNode); $("body").append(element); }; // 点击元素事件 this.elementMousedown = e => { const position = $(`#${datePoint}`).position(); this.o.initialX = e.clientX; this.o.initialY = e.clientY; this.o.initialLeft = position.left; this.o.initialTop =; // 绑定移动事件 $("body").bind("mousemove", this.bodyMousemove); }; // 点击元素以后鼠标移动 this.bodyMousemove = e => { let mouseLeft = event.clientX; let mouseTop = event.clientY; let elementLeft = this.o.initialLeft + mouseLeft - this.o.initialX; let elementTop = this.o.initialTop + mouseTop - this.o.initialY; $(`#${datePoint}`).css({ left: elementLeft, top: elementTop }); // 移动同时改变input的值 $(`#left${datePoint}`).val(elementLeft + "px"); $(`#top${datePoint}`).val(elementTop + "px"); // 存储left和top的位置 this.setLsStyle("left", elementLeft + "px"); this.setLsStyle("top", elementTop + "px"); }; // 双击元素事件 this.elementDblclick = __this => { // 保存当前点击对象"selectedElement", datePoint); // 清除原先input $(".detailLi").remove(); // 清除空提示 $(".emptyBox").hide(); // localStorage的css初始化 if (!"siderBarCssObj")) {"siderBarCssObj", JSON.stringify({})); } // 详情属性列表 const lsdetailObj = JSON.parse("siderBarCssObj"))[ datePoint ]; // 默认样式表 const initialList = [ "text", "color", "width", "height", "background", "z-index", "border-radius", "position", "top", "left" ]; /** * @功能描述: 判断是否没有样式或只有left,top就先用默认样式表 * @参数: * @返回值: boolean(为空true,否则false) */ function withoutPositionEmpty(obj) { const copiedObj = shallowCopy(obj); delete copiedObj["top"]; delete copiedObj["left"]; return JSON.stringify(copiedObj) === "{}"; } // 浅拷贝 function shallowCopy(src) { const dst = {}; for (let prop in src) { if (src.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { dst[prop] = src[prop]; } } return dst; } // 如果没有样式或只有left,top就先用默认样式表 const detailList = lsdetailObj && !withoutPositionEmpty(lsdetailObj) ? Object.keys(lsdetailObj) : initialList; // 获得初始化样式 const initialStyleString = $(__this)[0]; let styleArr = initialStyleString.split(";"); styleArr = => item.split(":")); // 批量存储初始化样式[cssType, value]) => { if (cssType && value) { this.setLsStyle(cssType.trim(), value.trim()); } }); // 插入详情list元素, idx) => { const mixedId = datePoint + idx; // 初始样式数组 const initialArr = styleArr.find(([cssType, value]) => { return cssType.trim() === item; }); // 标记left,top的inputId const inputId = item === "left" || item === "top" ? item + datePoint : `input${mixedId}`; const initialStyle = initialArr && initialArr[1] ? initialArr[1].trim() : ""; const _this = this; // 编辑后的样式 let modifyLi = `<li class="detailLi ${datePoint}"><span>${item}:</span><input cssType=${item} id='${inputId}' value="${ lsdetailObj && !withoutPositionEmpty(lsdetailObj) && lsdetailObj[item] ? lsdetailObj[item] : "" }"/></li>`; // 初始化的样式 let initialLi = `<li class="detailLi ${datePoint}"><span>${item}:</span><input cssType=${item} id='${inputId}' value="${initialStyle}"/></li>`; let detailLi = lsdetailObj && !withoutPositionEmpty(lsdetailObj) ? modifyLi : initialLi; $("#siderBar .infoUl").append(detailLi); $(`#input${mixedId}`).on("change", function() { const cssType = $(this).attr("cssType"); const val = $(this).val(); // 缓存中保存样式 _this.setLsStyle(cssType, val); }); }); }; /** * @功能描述: 缓存中保存样式 * @参数: cssType:样式名,val:样式值 * @返回值: */ this.setLsStyle = (cssType, val) => { if (!"siderBarCssObj")) {"siderBarCssObj", JSON.stringify({})); } // 缓存中设置新的CSS样式 let oldSiderBarCssObj = JSON.parse("siderBarCssObj")); let oldCssObj = JSON.parse("siderBarCssObj"))[datePoint] || {}; let newCssObj = { ...oldCssObj, [cssType]: val }; "siderBarCssObj", JSON.stringify({ ...oldSiderBarCssObj, [datePoint]: newCssObj }) ); if (cssType === "text") { $(`#${datePoint}`).text(val); } else { $(`#${datePoint}`).css(cssType, val); } }; // 生成取消画线按钮 this.cancelDrawLine = () => { $("#lineCancelBtn").show(); // 取消画线事件绑定 $("#lineCancelBtn").on("click", this.cancelBind); }; // 取消画线事件绑定 this.cancelBind = () => { // 删除按钮初始化 if ($("#cancelBtn").hasClass("cancelDelete")) { $("#cancelBtn") .removeClass("cancelDelete") .text("删除元素"); $(".createdElement") .unbind("click") .css("cursor", "pointer"); $(".lineConatiner") .unbind("click") .css("cursor", "pointer"); } $("body").unbind("click"); $("body").unbind("mousemove"); $("#lineCancelBtn").hide(); }; // 处理线的点击事件函数 this.handleLineClick = e => { this.lineDatePoint = new Date().getTime(); this.lineObj.x1 = e.clientX; this.lineObj.y1 = e.clientY; // 加入线容器 const lineContainer = `<div class="lineConatiner" id="lineConatiner${this.lineDatePoint}"></div>`; $("body").append(lineContainer); // 画出初始点 drawDot(this.lineDatePoint, this.lineObj.x1, this.lineObj.y1, "#000"); $("body").unbind("click"); // 鼠标移动重新渲染线 $("body").bind("mousemove", e => { this.lineObj.x2 = e.clientX; this.lineObj.y2 = e.clientY; $(`#lineConatiner${this.lineDatePoint} .line${this.lineDatePoint}`) .siblings(0) .remove(); drawLine( this.lineDatePoint, this.lineObj.x1, this.lineObj.y1, this.lineObj.x2, this.lineObj.y2, "#000" ); }); // 重新绑定点击事件,画终点 $("body").bind("click", e => { $("body").unbind("mousemove"); this.lineObj.x2 = e.clientX; this.lineObj.y2 = e.clientY; drawLine( this.lineDatePoint, this.lineObj.x1, this.lineObj.y1, this.lineObj.x2, this.lineObj.y2, "#000" ); $("body").unbind("click"); // 绑定下一次起点点击事件 $("body").bind("click", this.handleLineClick); }); }; /** 生成动态背景遮罩 */ this.createCover = () => { function n(n, e, t) { return n.getAttribute(e) || t; } function e(n) { return document.getElementsByTagName(n); } function t() { var t = e("script"), o = t.length, i = t[o - 1]; return { l: o, z: n(i, "zIndex", -1), o: n(i, "opacity", 0.5), c: n(i, "color", "0,0,0"), n: n(i, "count", 99) }; } function o() { (a = m.width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth), (c = m.height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight); } function i() { r.clearRect(0, 0, a, c); var n, e, t, o, m, l; s.forEach(function(i, x) { for ( i.x += i.xa, i.y += i.ya, i.xa *= i.x > a || i.x < 0 ? -1 : 1, i.ya *= i.y > c || i.y < 0 ? -1 : 1, r.fillRect(i.x - 0.5, i.y - 0.5, 1, 1), e = x + 1; e < u.length; e++ ) (n = u[e]), null !== n.x && null !== n.y && ((o = i.x - n.x), (m = i.y - n.y), (l = o * o + m * m), l < n.max && (n === y && l >= n.max / 2 && ((i.x -= 0.03 * o), (i.y -= 0.03 * m)), (t = (n.max - l) / n.max), r.beginPath(), (r.lineWidth = t / 2), (r.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + d.c + "," + (t + 0.2) + ")"), r.moveTo(i.x, i.y), r.lineTo(n.x, n.y), r.stroke())); }), x(i); } var a, c, u, m = document.createElement("canvas"), d = t(), l = "c_n" + d.l, r = m.getContext("2d"), x = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(n) { window.setTimeout(n, 1e3 / 45); }, w = Math.random, y = { x: null, y: null, max: 2e4 }; ( = l), ( = "position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:" + d.z + ";opacity:" + d.o), e("body")[0].appendChild(m), o(), (window.onresize = o), (window.onmousemove = function(n) { (n = n || window.event), (y.x = n.clientX), (y.y = n.clientY); }), (window.onmouseout = function() { (y.x = null), (y.y = null); }); for (var s = [], f = 0; d.n > f; f++) { var h = w() * a, g = w() * c, v = 2 * w() - 1, p = 2 * w() - 1; s.push({ x: h, y: g, xa: v, ya: p, max: 6e3 }); } (u = s.concat([y])), setTimeout(function() { i(); }, 100); }; } /** * @功能描述: 初始化事件构造函数 * @参数:无 * @返回值:无 */ function InitialCom() { = window.localStorage; this.hrefFlag = false; this.appendInputLi = () => { let inputLi = `<li class="detailLi ${datePoint}"><input id='cssType${datePoint}'/><div>:</div><input cssType='' id='input${datePoint}'/></li>`; $("#siderBar .infoUl").append(inputLi); }; // 侧边栏div this.siderBarHtml = ` <div id="siderBar"> <div class="myelement-container"> <div class="tabsBtnWrap"> <div class="tabsBtn active">元素</div> <div class="tabsBtn">属性</div> </div> <div class="siderBarUlWrap"> <ul class="siderBarUl"> <div class="fillFormWrap"> <div class="fillFormInputWrap"> <li class="fillFormLi"> <input id="fillFormName" class="fillFormName" placeholder="请输入key值"/> <div class="fillFormColon">:</div> <input id="fillFormInput" class="fillFormInput" placeholder="请输入value值"/> </li> </div> <textArea id="stringTextarea" autofocus placeholder="请输入JSON字符串,也可通过上方输入框自动生成,通过更改input可添加新的键值对"/> </div> <div class="pythonWrap"> <div class="fillFormInputWrap"> <select id="pythonType"> <option value="">请选择python字段类型</option> <option value="cardItem">cardItem</option> <option value="cardInfo">cardInfo</option> <option value="page">page</option> <option value="pageInfo">pageInfo</option> </select> <div class="pythonUl" style="display:block"> </div> <div class="pythonEmptyBox"> 当前python为空,请先选择python字段类型,再点击新建,选择对应dom元素! </div> <div class="addPythonBtn">+</div> </div> </div> <div class="funcBtnWrap" style="bottom:54px"> <div id="downloadBtn" class="downloadBtn">下载样式</div> <div id="cancelBtn" class="cancelBtn">删除元素</div> <div id="pythonDownload" class="downloadBtn"">下载Python</div> <div id="clearBtn" class="cancelBtn">清空Python</div> <div id="lineCancelBtn" class="cancelBtn">点击取消画线</div> </div> <div class="funcBtnWrap" style="bottom:28px"> <div id="fillFormBtn" class="fillFormBtn">一键填充表单</div> <div id="inspectCurrentPython" class="downloadBtn">查看Python</div> <div id="sendPython" class="downloadBtn">发送Python</div> </div> <div class="funcBtnWrap"> <div id="hrefBtn" class="fillFormBtn">禁用跳转</div> <div id="inspectBtn" class="fillFormBtn">查看元素</div> </div> </ul> <ul class="infoUl"> <div class="emptyBox"> 当前属性为空,请先新建实例元素,再双击选择添加属性! </div> <div class="addInfoBtn">+</div> </ul> </div> </div> </div>`; // 收缩弹出按钮 this.collapseBtn = $(`<div class="collapseBtn"><</div>`); this.initialAll = () => { // 清除上一个页面缓存"siderBarCssObj");"selectedElement"); // 插入siderBar $("body").append(this.siderBarHtml); // 插入list元素 this.appendList(); // 插入收缩弹出按钮 this.appendCollapseBtn(); // 导入CSS this.importCss(); // 初始关闭状态 this.toggleCollapse(); }; /** * @功能描述: 启用/禁用跳转 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.hrefToggle = () => { const _this = this; // 若为禁用跳转 if (this.hrefFlag) { this.hrefFlag = false; $("#hrefBtn").text("禁用跳转"); } else { this.hrefFlag = true; $("#hrefBtn").text("启用跳转"); } $("a").click(function(e) { if (!_this.hrefFlag) { e.returnValue = true; } else { e.preventDefault(); } }); }; /** * @功能描述:点击下载按钮 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.downloadBtnClick = () => { const datePoint = longDateFormate(new Date()); const contentObj ="siderBarCssObj") ? JSON.parse("siderBarCssObj")) : ""; const transContentObj = Object.keys(contentObj).map((item, idx) => { const cssName = `createdAt:${shortDateFormate( new Date(JSON.parse(item)) )},itemOrder:${idx + 1}`; const cssContent = jsonToCss(contentObj[item]); return { [cssName]: cssContent }; }); const content = JSON.stringify(transContentObj); const fileName = `${datePoint}下载的样式`; this.createHref(fileName, content); }; /** * @功能描述:点击python下载按钮 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.pythonDownloadClick = () => { const datePoint = longDateFormate(new Date()); const contentObj ="pythonObj") ?"pythonObj") : ""; const fileName = `${datePoint}下载的python`; this.createHref(fileName, contentObj); }; /** * @功能描述: 创建下载文件的链接 * @参数: fileName(string) 文件名 content(string)文件内容 * @返回值: */ this.createHref = (fileName, content) => { // 创建a标签 const aTag = document.createElement("a"); // 创建blob对象并给他内容 const blob = new Blob([content]); // 给a标签下载文件名 = fileName; // 给a标签一个由URL方法转换blob来的下载链接 aTag.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); // 模拟点击; // 注销blob的URL URL.revokeObjectURL(blob); }; /** * @功能描述:点击删除按钮 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.deleteBtnclick = _this => { const __this = this; $(_this) .addClass("cancelDelete") .text("退出删除"); $(".createdElement") .bind("click", function() { const deletedId = $(this).attr("id"); // 缓存中设置删除对应的CSS样式 let oldSiderBarCssObj = JSON.parse("siderBarCssObj") ); delete oldSiderBarCssObj[deletedId]; "siderBarCssObj", JSON.stringify({ ...oldSiderBarCssObj }) ); $(this).remove(); }) .css("cursor", "crosshair"); $(".lineConatiner") .bind("click", function() { $(this).remove(); }) .css("cursor", "crosshair"); }; /** * @功能描述:点击退出删除按钮 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.cancelBtnClick = _this => { $(_this) .removeClass("cancelDelete") .text("删除元素"); $(".createdElement") .unbind("click") .css("cursor", "pointer"); $(".lineConatiner") .unbind("click") .css("cursor", "pointer"); }; /** * @功能描述: 点击一键表单填充按钮 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.fillForm = () => { const _this = this; $("#fillFormBtn") .text("退出表单填充模式") .click(function() { $("#fillFormBtn").text("一键填充表单"); $(".elementListLi").show(); $(".fillFormWrap").hide(); $(this).click(function() { _this.fillForm(); }); }); $(".elementListLi").hide(); $(".fillFormWrap").show(); $("#stringTextarea").change(function() { _this.handleFillForm(); }); }; /** * @功能描述: 一键表单填充功能 * @参数: * @返回值: */ this.handleFillForm = () => { try { const jsonObj = JSON.parse($("#stringTextarea").val()); Object.entries(jsonObj).map(item => { const [name, val] = item; $(`#${name}`).val(val); }); } catch (err) { alert("请先输入正确格式的JSON字符串!\n错误信息:" + err); return; } }; this.handleFillInputChange = () => { // 若原JSON输入框内容为空,先初始化为{} if ($("#stringTextarea").val() === "") { $("#stringTextarea").val("{}"); } try { // 原有string const originString = $("#stringTextarea").val(); // 新key const attrName = $("#fillFormName").val(); // 新val const attrVal = $("#fillFormInput").val(); // 原有JSON const originJson = JSON.parse(originString); // 新增键值对或改掉原来的值 originJson[attrName] = attrVal; const modifiedString = JSON.stringify(originJson); $("#stringTextarea").val(modifiedString); // 校验并填入表单的值 this.handleFillForm(); } catch (err) { alert("请先输入正确格式的JSON字符串!\n错误信息:" + err); return; } }; /** * @功能描述:切换Tabs * @参数: index(number) * @返回值: */ this.tabsSwitchIndex = index => { if ( !$(".tabsBtnWrap .tabsBtn") .eq(index) .hasClass("active") ) { $(".tabsBtnWrap .tabsBtn") .eq(index) .addClass("active") .siblings(index) .removeClass("active"); $(".siderBarUlWrap ul") .eq(index) .show() .siblings(index) .hide(); } }; // 插入list元素 this.appendList = () => {{ name, initialStyle, type, content }) => { let element = `<li class="elementListLi" type=${type} initialStyle=${initialStyle} content=${content}>${name}</li>`; $("#siderBar .siderBarUl").append(element); }); }; // 点击收缩按钮事件 this.toggleCollapse = () => { // 若已经折叠,则打开 if ($(".collapseBtn").hasClass("collapsed")) { $(".collapseBtn").removeClass("collapsed"); $(".collapseBtn").text("<"); $("#siderBar").css({ left: "0px", "min-height": "200px", height: "auto" }); $(".tabsBtnWrap").show(); $(".siderBarUlWrap").show(); } else { // 若未折叠,则折叠 $(".collapseBtn").addClass("collapsed"); $(".collapseBtn").text(">"); $("#siderBar").css({ left: "-184px", "min-height": "unset", height: "40px" }); $(".tabsBtnWrap").hide(); $(".siderBarUlWrap").hide(); } }; // 插入收缩弹出按钮 this.appendCollapseBtn = () => { $("#siderBar").append(this.collapseBtn); $(".collapseBtn").click(() => { this.toggleCollapse(); }); }; // 导入css样式 this.importCss = () => { const cssString = ` .detailLi input{width: 100%;} #clearBtn,#inspectCurrentPython,#sendPython,#pythonDownload{display: none;} #pythonType{margin-bottom: 10px;outline: none;height: 22px;} .fillFormLabel{text-align: left;margin-bottom: 8px;} .siderBarUlWrap{display:flex;} .myelement-container{width: 90%;} .selectBtn{width: 100%;background: #0189fb;color: #fff;cursor: pointer;border-radius: 4px;outline: none;border: 0;} #lineCancelBtn{display:none;z-index:10;position: absolute;width: 96%;} .fillFormWrap{display:none;width: 100%;} .pythonWrap{display:none;width: 100%;} #stringTextarea{width: 98%;min-height: 68px;font-size: 12px;} .fillFormInputWrap{display: flex;flex-direction: column;width: 100%;} .fillFormLi{height: 22px;margin-bottom: 6px;display: flex;width: 100%;align-items: stretch;} .pythonName,.fillFormName,.fillFormInput{width: 100%;outline: none;} .fillFormColon{color: #fff;margin: 0 2px;line-height: 20px;} .funcBtnWrap{display:flex;position: absolute;bottom: 0px;width: 100%;justify-content:space-between;} .elementListLi:hover{box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #0189fb;border: 1px solid #0189fb;} .collapseBtn{user-select: none;width: 20px;height: 20px;transform: translate(0px, 10px);background: rgba(255,255,255,0.6);text-align: center;border-radius: 10px;color: #333;font-weight: bold;line-height: 20px;cursor: pointer;position: absolute;right: 2px;top: 25%} .siderBarUl{width: 100%;position:relative;padding: 0;padding-bottom: 78px;display: flex;flex-direction: column;} .detailLi{display:flex;margin-bottom: 10px;border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;padding: 10px 0 5px 0;width: 100%;} .detailLi span{margin-right: 5px;color:#fff;text-align: right;white-space: nowrap;} .collapsed{top: 50%;transform: translate(0px, -50%);right:8px;} .fillFormBtn,.cancelBtn,.downloadBtn{flex:1;border-radius: 5px;font-size: 14px;background: #fff;text-align: center;height: 20px;line-height: 20px;margin: 0px 4px;cursor:pointer;white-space:nowrap;} .fillFormBtn:hover,.cancelBtn:hover,.downloadBtn:hover{box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #0189fb;} .emptyBox,.pythonEmptyBox{color:#fff;margin-top: 20px;} .addInfoBtn{width: 50px;height: 20px;position: absolute;bottom: 6px;left: 50%;font-size: 20px;transform: translate(-50%, 0px);color: #fff;line-height: 20px;border-radius: 5px;background: #0189fb;text-align: center;cursor:pointer;} .addPythonBtn{margin:20px auto;width: 50px;height: 20px;font-size: 20px;color: #fff;line-height: 20px;border-radius: 5px;background: #0189fb;text-align: center;cursor:pointer;} .infoUl,.pythonUl{width: 100%;padding: 0;display: flex;flex-direction: column;display:none;padding-bottom: 20px;} .elementListLi{background: #fff;list-style: none;height: 20px;line-height: 20px;padding-left: 10%;border-radius: 5px;margin-bottom: 10px;border: 0;cursor:pointer;border: 1px solid #fff;text-align:left;} .tabsBtnWrap{display: flex;width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;justify-content: space-between;} .tabsBtn:hover{box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #0189fb;border: 1px solid #0189fb;} .tabsBtn{color:#0189fb;border: 1px solid #fff;text-align:center;width:48%;flex: 1;background: #fff;border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;cursor:pointer;} .tabsBtnWrap .active{color:#fff;background:#0189fb;border: 1px solid #0189fb;} #siderBar{overflow: hidden;flex-direction: column;z-index:1000;background: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);position: fixed;left: 0;top: 10%;width: 200px;padding-bottom: 60px;border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0;padding: 10px;display:flex;transition:all 0.3s ease}`; var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; if (style.stylesheet) { //IE style.stylesheet.cssText = cssString; } else { //w3c style.innerHTML = cssString; } var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head"); if (heads.length) { heads[0].appendChild(style); } else { document.documentElement.appendChild(style); } }; } }); })();