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// ==UserScript== // @version // @name OGI // @autor Ouraios // @oujs:autor mgn // @date 2016-01-26 // @namespace OGamemo // @downloadURL // @description imperio // @include *.ogame.gameforge.*/game/* // @require // @require // @icon // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var VERSION = ''; var UPDATE = '2016-01-26'; /** * changelog : (2016-02-08) * Page detection was resolved to include in OGAME * * changelog : (2016-01-26) * Correction of the size of icons on planets and moons. * * changelog : (2016-01-19) * Now the planets are ordered based on the coordinates * * changelog : (2015-09-23) * Fixed error recognition "Tampermonkey" (Chrome) * Correction to detect flights not target own planets. */ if(!String.prototype.format){String.prototype.format=function(){var c=arguments;if(c.length==1&&Array.isArray(c[0]))c=c[0];return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g,function(a,b){return(typeof c[b]!='undefined')?c[b]:a;});};} if(!String.format){String.format=function(c){var,1);if(c.length==1&&Array.isArray(c[0]))c=c[0];var e=function(a,b){return(b in d)?d[b]:a;};var f=/\{(\d+)\}/g;return c.replace(f,e);};} if(!Number.prototype.trunc) {Number.prototype.trunc = function(digits) {var re = RegExp("(\\d+\\.\\d{" + digits + "})(\\d)"),m = this.toString().match(re);return m ? parseFloat(m[1]) : this.valueOf();};} var win = (typeof unsafeWindow) == 'undefined' ? window : unsafeWindow; function OG_parseNum(v){var n=v+'';if(n.indexOf(win.LocalizationStrings.unitMilliard)!=-1){n=n.replace(win.LocalizationStrings.unitMilliard,'').replace(/\,/g,'.');n=parseFloat(n);n*=1000000000}else if(n.indexOf(win.LocalizationStrings.unitMega)!=-1){n=n.replace(win.LocalizationStrings.unitMega,'').replace(/\,/g,'.');n=parseFloat(n);n*=1000000}else n=n.replace(/\./g,'').replace(/\,/g,'');return parseInt(n)} function getNum(s){return jQuery.trim( s.replace(/\D/g,'') );} function formatDateFuture(date){ var _ceros = function(n){return (n === 0) ? '00' : ((n < 10) ? '0'+n : n ); }; var _now = new Date(), M = _ceros(date.getMonth()+1), d = _ceros(date.getDate()), h = _ceros(date.getHours()), m = _ceros(date.getMinutes()), s = _ceros(date.getSeconds()); var w = ""; if ( _now.getTime() > (date.getTime()-86400000) ){ // solo faltan horas w += "{0}:{1}:{2}".format(h,m,s); } else { w += "{0}.{1} {2}:{3}:{4}".format(d,M,h,m,s); } return w; } function stellarSort(stellars) { var sortable = []; for(var s in stellars) sortable.push(stellars[s]); sortable.sort(function(a, b){ // Primera implementación unicamente basado en coordenadas //if(__GLOBALS__.stellarOrder == 0) { // ordenado por coordenadas var c = a.coords[0] - b.coords[0]; // galaxia ? if(c === 0) c = a.coords[1] - b.coords[1]; // misma galaxia, sistema if(c === 0) c = a.coords[2] - b.coords[2]; // mismo sistema, radio return c; //} else { // alfabeto // var an =, // bn =; // return an.localeCompare(bn); //} }); return sortable; } // if ('function' != typeof(Object.assign)) { Object.assign = jQuery.extend; } /** * Define propiedades en la raiz del objeto _fnOGame (root) * @param key Nombre de la propiedad a definir * @param value valor asignado a la propiedad * @param e indica si es enumerable (def : true) * @param w indica si se puede escribir (def : false) * @param c indica si puede ser reconfigurable (def : false) * @returns Propiedad creada */ function _define(o, key, value, e, w, c) { var config = {}; config.enumerable = ('undefined' === typeof(e)) ? true : e; config.writable = ('undefined' === typeof(w)) ? false : w; config.configurable = ('undefined' === typeof(c)) ? false : c; if('undefined' !== typeof(value) || null !== value) config.value = value; return Object.defineProperty(o, key, config); } function _fnImperium() { var root = this; /* ====================================================================== */ /* ============== Objeto para el almacenamiento de datos ================ */ /* ====================================================================== */ function _storage() { var skey = $OGame.meta('ogame-universe').split('.')[0]; var uid = $OGame.meta('ogame-player-id'); Object.defineProperty(this, 'mask', { value : 'OG.' + skey + '@' + uid + ':', enumerable : true, configurable : false, writable : false }); } _storage.prototype.item = function(key, value) { if ('undefined' === typeof(value) ) { var raw = localStorage.getItem(this.mask + key) || 0; return JSON.parse( raw ); } else { value = JSON.stringify( value ); return localStorage.setItem(this.mask + key, value); } }; _storage.prototype.objectUpdate = function(key, name, value){ var d = this.item( key ); d[name] = value; return this.item(key, d); }; _storage.prototype.remove = function (key) { localStorage.removeItem(this.mask + key); }; _storage.prototype.has = function (key) { return (this.option(key) !== 0); }; = function(planet, val) { return this.item(planet + '_construction', val); }; _storage.prototype.production = function(planet, val) { return this.item(planet + '_production', val); }; _define(root, 'Storage', new _storage(), false); /* ###################################################################### */ function oMoon( data ) { var rootMoon = this; Object.assign(this, data); var r = root.resources[]; if ( 'undefined' == typeof(r) ) return null; this.resources = r.input; this.imageName = r.imageFileName + '_1.gif'; this.isMoon = true; var tech = root.Storage.item(; this.techs = tech; } oMoon.prototype.toJSON = function() { return JSON.stringify({ id :, name :, coords : this.coords, diametre : this.diametre, space :, temp : this.temp, moon : this.moon }); }; oMoon.prototype.toString = function() { return this.toJSON(); }; oMoon.prototype.update = function() { return root.updates[]; }; function oPlanet( data ) {, data); var r = root.resources[ ]; this.imageName = r.imageFileName + '_1.png'; this.isMoon = false; } oPlanet.prototype = Object.create(oMoon.prototype); oPlanet.prototype.constructor = oPlanet; oPlanet.prototype.getStorage = function() { return { metal : $OGame.fnStorage(this.techs[22]), crystal : $OGame.fnStorage(this.techs[23]), deuterium :$OGame.fnStorage(this.techs[24]) }; }; oPlanet.prototype.getProduction = function() { return root.Storage.production( ); }; oPlanet.prototype.getMoon = function() { if (!this.moon) return null; return root.moons[this.moon]; }; /** * root.planets (enumerable) * root.moons (enumerable) * root.resources (enumerable) */ function _loader() { var rootLoader = this; /** * root.planets (enumerable) * root.moons (enumerable) */ function readPlanets() { var aPlanetas = {}, aMoons = {}; jQuery("#planetList a.planetlink").each(function() { var $this = jQuery(this), planet = new Object(), titledata = $OGame.fnTitle(this).match(/([\d-:\.]+)/ig), coords = titledata[0].split(':'); coords.forEach( function(d,i){ coords[i] = parseInt(d); }); = parseInt($this.parent()[0].id.split('-')[1]); = $this.find('span.planet-name').text(); planet.coords = coords; planet.diametre = parseInt(titledata[1].replace('.','')); = [parseInt(titledata[2]), parseInt(titledata[3])]; planet.temp = [parseInt(titledata[4]), parseInt(titledata[5])]; var moon = $this.parent().find('a.moonlink'); if (moon.length > 0) { moon = _readMoon(moon[0]); planet.moon =; aMoons[] = new oMoon(moon); } else { planet.moon = null; } aPlanetas[] = new oPlanet(planet); }); function fnTotal(){ var result = { metal : 0, crystal : 0, deuterium : 0 }; for (var z in this ) root.fnSumResources(result, this[z].resources); return result; } _define(aPlanetas, 'fnResourcesTotal', fnTotal, false); _define(aMoons, 'fnResourcesTotal', fnTotal, false); function fnLength(){ var i = 0; for(var z in this ) i++; return i; } _define(aPlanetas, 'length', fnLength, false); _define(aMoons, 'length', fnLength, false); _define(root, 'planets', aPlanetas); _define(root, 'moons', aMoons); } function _readMoon(thiz) { var $this = jQuery(thiz), m = new Object(), titledata = $OGame.fnTitle(thiz).match(/([\d-:\.]+)/ig), coords = titledata[0].split(':'); coords.forEach( function(d,i){ coords[i] = parseInt(d); }); = parseInt(thiz.href.match(/cp=(\d+)/ig)[0].slice(3)); = thiz.title.match(/([\w]+) \[/ig)[0].slice(0,-2); m.coords = coords; m.diametre = parseInt(titledata[1].replace('.','')); = [ parseInt(titledata[2]), parseInt(titledata[3]) ]; return m; } /** * root.resources (enumerabe) */ function loadResourcesAjax() { return'/game/index.php?page=traderOverview', { ajax : 1, show : 'importexport' }, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var script_re = /<script\b[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gm, planet_re = /planetResources=({[\s\S]*?});/gm, script = script_re.exec(data)[1], impResources = planet_re.exec(script)[1]; impResources = JSON.parse(impResources); _define(impResources, 'fnTotal', function(){ var result = { metal : 0, crystal : 0, deuterium : 0 }; for (var z in this ) root.fnSumResources(result, this[z].input); return result; }, false); _define(root, 'resources', impResources); }); } /** * Lee las tecnologias del planeta actual * * Storage.researchs * Storage.*currentPlanetId* * */ function loadTechsAjax() { var ajax = null; if ( root.Storage.item($OGame.currentPlanetId) === 0 || win.location.href.indexOf('OGImperium=lTechs' != -1) || $OGame.currentPage == 'resourceSettings') { // lectura de recursos por primera carga // "/game/index.php?page=fetchTechs&ajax=1" ajax = jQuery.ajax({ url : "/game/index.php?page=fetchTechs&ajax=1", dataType : 'json' }).done( function(data) { // se eliminan las investigaciones y se actualizan var idResearch = [113, 120, 121, 114, 122, 115, 117, 118, 106, 108, 124, 123, 199, 109, 110, 111], aResearch = {}; for(var z in idResearch){ aResearch[ idResearch[z] ] = data[ idResearch[z] ]; delete data[ idResearch[z] ]; } root.Storage.item('researchs', aResearch); root.Storage.item($OGame.currentPlanetId, data); }); } else { var d = jQuery.Deferred(); d.resolve('planetTechs'); ajax = d.promise(); } return ajax; } /** * Lee la produccion de recursos del planeta actual * * Storage.*currentPlanetId* _production * */ function loadProduction() { var ajax = null; if ( root.Storage.production($OGame.currentPlanetId) === 0 || win.location.href.indexOf('OGImperium=lProduction') != -1 || $OGame.currentPage == 'resourceSettings') { // lectura de produccion cuando no existen los datos // o se solicita una recarga mediante url // o se visita la pagina "resourceSettings" ajax = jQuery.ajax({ url : '/game/index.php?page=fetchResources&ajax=1', dataType : 'json' }).done( function(data) { var result = { metal : data.metal.resources.production, crystal : data.crystal.resources.production, deuterium : data.deuterium.resources.production, energy : }; root.Storage.production($OGame.currentPlanetId, result); }); } else { var d = jQuery.Deferred(); d.resolve('planetProduction'); ajax = d.promise(); } return ajax; } function loadPlayer() { // code ... } var _defered = jQuery.when( loadResourcesAjax(), loadTechsAjax(), loadProduction() ).done(function(){ readPlanets(); }); _define(this, 'defered', function() { return _defered; }); } var oLoader = new _loader(); /* ###################################################################### */ /** * Objeto encargado de detectar actualizaciones de edificios, * investigaciones y del hangar. * * this.init() * this.tokenCancel (no-enumerable) * * root.updates (enumerable) (this) * root.hasTokenCancel (enumerable) (boolean) */ function _updates() { var rootUpdates = this; function oUpdate(data) { for (var n in data) { _define( this, n, data[n] ); } } oUpdate.prototype.fnEndDate = function() { var time = this.timeDown, read = this.timeRead, now = $OGame.server_time, addTime = (time * 1000) - (now - read); now = new Date(now + addTime); return now; }; oUpdate.prototype.fnTimeLeft = function() { var time = this.timeDown, read = this.timeRead, now = $OGame.server_time, left = ((time * 1000) - (now - read)) / 1000; return left; }; oUpdate.prototype.getName = function() { return $OGame.Localization.names(; }; var script = jQuery("script:not([src]):contains('session')").eq(0).text(), // Exprecion para buscar la funcion que cancela // la construccion de edificios rexProductionFn = /cancelProductionStart\(\)\n{.+\(".+token=(.+)&techid/i, // Exprecion para encontrar la funcion que cancela la investigación rexResearchFn = /cancelResearch\(.+\)\n{.+\(".+token=(.+)"\+"/i; var tokenCancel = script.match(rexProductionFn); if (null !== tokenCancel) { tokenCancel = tokenCancel[1]; } else { tokenCancel = script.match(rexResearchFn); if (null !== tokenCancel) { tokenCancel = tokenCancel[1]; } } _define(this, 'tokenCancel', tokenCancel); _define(this, 'urlCancel', '/game/index.php?page={0}&modus=2&token=' + tokenCancel + '&techid={1}&listid={2}'); _define(root, 'hasTokenCancel', (tokenCancel !== null)); function readCurrentBuild() { var rexCountdown = /baulisteCountdown\([\w]+\("Countdown"\)[, ]+([-\d]+)/i, rexResearch = /baulisteCountdown\([\w]+\("researchCountdown"\)[, ]+([-\d]+)/i; var countdown = script.match(rexCountdown), research = script.match(rexResearch); function _build(table) { var data = false; if (!table.find('.idle').length) { var level = jQuery.trim( table.find('.level').text() ), title = $OGame.fnTitle(table.find('a.abortNow')[0]), click = table.find('a.abortNow')[0].onclick; if ('function' === typeof(click)) click = click.toString(); click = click.match(/cancel[\w]+\((\d+)[ ,]*(\d+)/i); // [build, nivel, lista, planeta] data = { build : parseInt( click[1] ), level : parseInt( level.replace(/\D+/i, '') ), list : parseInt( click[2] ), planet : $OGame.currentPlanetId, timeRead : $OGame.server_time, title : title }; } return data; } var c = jQuery(''), data = false; if (null !== countdown) { var t = c.eq(0); data = _build(t); data.timeDown = parseInt(countdown[1]); root.updates[ data.planet ] = new oUpdate( data ); }$OGame.currentPlanetId, data); data = false; if (null !== research) { var t = $OGame.isPage('overview') ? c.eq(1) : c.eq(0); data = _build(t); data.timeDown = parseInt(research[1]);'researchs', data); root.updates.researchs = new oUpdate( data ); } } /** * Lee las construcciones actuales y guardadas anteriormente * * root.updates (enumerable) * * Storage.*planet* _production "dinamica según termina la construcción" * "o se detecta una construccion nueva " */ function chargeBuilds() { var aUpdates = {}, update = false; function auxUpdateStorage(planet, build, level){ // elementos que afectan a la produccion var elmsProduction = [1, 2, 3, 4, 12 ,212]; if (elmsProduction.indexOf(build) != -1) { root.Storage.production(planet, 0); } root.Storage.objectUpdate(planet, build, level ); } // buscando construcciones en planetas for(var z in root.planets) { update =; if (!update) continue; update = new oUpdate(update); if ( update.fnTimeLeft() <= 0 ) { auxUpdateStorage(z,, update.level );, false); continue; } aUpdates[ z ] = update; } // buscando construcciones en lunas for (var y in root.moons) { update =; if (!update) continue; update = new oUpdate(update); if ( update.fnTimeLeft() <= 0 ) { auxUpdateStorage(y,, update.level );, false); continue; } aUpdates[ y ] = update; } // buscando actualización de investigación update ='researchs'); if ( update ) { update = new oUpdate(update); if (update.fnTimeLeft() <= 0) { root.Storage.objectUpdate('researchs',, update.level);'researchs', false); } else { aUpdates.researchs = update; } } _define(aUpdates, 'length', function(){ var keys = Object.keys(this), n = keys.length; if (keys.indexOf('researchs') >= 0) n--; return n; }, false); _define(root, 'updates', aUpdates); } /* ATENCION!! * * La siguientes funciones re-escriben los procesos para cancelar una * construcion en progreso en el planeta actual. * * Tambien se sobre escribe la funcion para cancelar una investigacion * que se encuentra en progreso. */ function __cancelProductionStart() {$OGame.currentPlanetId, false); var url = rootUpdates.urlCancel.format($OGame.currentPage, win.cancelProduction_id, win.production_listid ); win.location.replace(url); } if (typeof(win.cancelProductionStart) === 'function') { win.cancelProductionStart = __cancelProductionStart; } function __cancelResearch(id, listId, question) { win.errorBoxDecision($OGame.Localization.attention, question, $OGame.Localization.yes, $, function() {'researchs', false); var url = rootUpdates.urlCancel.format($OGame.currentPage, id, listId ); win.location.replace(url); }); } if (typeof(win.cancelResearch) === 'function') { win.cancelResearch = __cancelResearch; } _define(this, 'init', function() { chargeBuilds(); readCurrentBuild(); }); } var oUpdates = new _updates(); /* ###################################################################### */ function oFlyPack() { this.directs = []; this.returns = []; this.hasReturn = false; this.hasDirect = false; } oFlyPack.prototype.addFly = function(data, isReturn) { var ships = {}; for(var z in data.ships ) { var n = data.ships[ z ]; var k = root.flying.configuration.ShipsNameKey[ z ]; ships[ k ] = n; } data.ships = ships; if (isReturn) { this.hasReturn = true; this.returns.push( new oFly(data) ); } else { this.hasDirect = true; this.directs.push( new oFly(data) ); } }; oFlyPack.prototype.fnTotalResources = function() { var result = { metal : 0, crystal : 0, deuterium : 0 }; for(var z in this.directs) root.fnSumResources(result, this.directs[ z ].resources); for( z in this.returns) root.fnSumResources(result, this.returns[ z ].resources); return result; } // obtiene el total de los vuelos en direccion oFlyPack.prototype.fnTotalDirects = function() { if (!this.hasDirect) return null; var data = { resources: {metal:0, crystal:0, deuterium:0}, ships : {}, id : NaN, timeArrival : NaN }, array = this.directs; for(var z in array) { root.fnSumResources(data.resources, array[ z ].resources); for(var a in array[ z ].ships ){ if ( !data.ships[ a ] ) data.ships[ a ] = 0; data.ships[ a ] += array[ z ].ships[ a ]; } } return new oFly( data ); } // obtiene el total de los vuelos en retorno oFlyPack.prototype.fnTotalReturns = function() { if (!this.hasReturn) return null; var data = { resources: {metal:0, crystal:0, deuterium:0}, ships : {}, id : NaN, timeArrival : NaN }, array = this.returns; for(var z in array) { root.fnSumResources(data.resources, array[ z ].resources); for(var a in array[ z ].ships ){ if ( !data.ships[ a ] ) data.ships[ a ] = 0; data.ships[ a ] += array[ z ].ships[ a ]; } } return new oFly( data ); }; function oFly(data) { // id, resources, ships Object.assign(this, data); } oFly.prototype.countShips = function () { var n = 0; for (var z in this.ships) n++; return n; }; /** * Lectura de los vuleos en progreso */ function _flys() { var config = {}; _define(config, 'ShipsTypes', { /* Cazador ligero */ 204 : 1, /* Cazador pesado */ 205 : 1, /* Crucero */ 206 : 1, /* Nave de batalla */ 207 : 1, /* Acorazado */ 215 : 1, /* Bombardero */ 211 : 1, /* Destructor */ 213 : 1, /* EDL Muerte */ 214 : 1, /* NP de carga */ 202 : 2, /* NG de carga */ 203 : 2, /* Nave de colonia */ 208 : 2, /* Reciclador */ 209 : 2, /* Sonda espionaje */ 210 : 2, /* Satelite solar */ 212 : 1 }); Object.freeze( config.ShipsTypes ); _define(config, 'ShipsNameKey', {}); for(var s in config.ShipsTypes ) { config.ShipsNameKey[ $OGame.Localization.names(s) ] = parseInt(s); } Object.freeze( config.ShipsNameKey ); _define(config, 'TYPE_MILITAR', 2); _define(config, 'TYPE_CIVIL', 1); function flyData(data) { var pre = data.replace(/\n/g, '').split("<th"), result = { ships : {}, resources : {metal : 0, crystal : 0, deuterium : 0} }; if (!pre[1] && !pre[2]) return; // naves var part = pre[1].split("<td"); for (var i = 1; i < part.length - 2; i += 2) { var n = jQuery.trim(part[i]).slice(1, -6), c = part[i + 1].match(/>([\d.]+)</)[1].replace(/\./g, ""); result.ships[n] = parseInt(c); } // recursos if ('undefined' != typeof(pre[2]) ) { part = pre[2].split("<td"); var flyMetal = part[2].match(/>([\d.]+)</)[1].replace(/\./g, ""), flyCrystal = part[4].match(/>([\d.]+)</)[1].replace(/\./g, ""), flyDeuterium = part[6].match(/>([\d.]+)</)[1].replace(/\./g, ""); result.resources = { metal : parseInt(flyMetal), crystal : parseInt(flyCrystal), deuterium : parseInt(flyDeuterium) }; } return result; } var planetsCoords = {}; var _aFly = {}; _define(root, 'flying', _aFly); _define( _aFly, 'configuration', config, false); // funcion para obtener el total de recursos en vuelo _define( _aFly, 'fnResourcesTotal', function() { var result = { metal:0, crystal:0, deuterium:0 }; for (var z in this) { var pack = this[z].fnTotalResources(); root.fnSumResources(result, pack); } return result; }, false); for (var x in root.planets) planetsCoords [ root.planets[x].coords.join(':') ] = x; function _planetid(coords, isMoon) { var planet = planetsCoords[coords]; if('undefined' === typeof(planet)) return 0; planet = root.planets[planet]; if (isMoon) { planet = planet.moon; } return; } var ignore_flight = []; // mision type 3 : transporte // mision type 4 : despliege jQuery("#eventContent .eventFleet").each(function () { var $this = jQuery(this), isDeploy = $'missionType') == 4, timeArrival = $'arrivalTime'), isReserve = $this.find('td.icon_movement_reserve').length > 0, flightId = parseInt([\D]+-/g, '')); var id = null, title = null, name = ''; if (ignore_flight.indexOf(flightId) > -1) return; if (isReserve) { var coords = jQuery.trim($this.find('.coordsOrigin').text()).slice(1, -1), isMoon = $this.find('.originFleet .moon').length > 0; id = _planetid(coords, isMoon); title = $OGame.fnTitle( $this.find('td.icon_movement_reserve span')[0] ); } else if (isDeploy || !isReserve) { var coords = jQuery.trim($this.find('.destCoords').text()).slice(1, -1), isMoon = $this.find('.destFleet .moon').length > 0; id = _planetid(coords, isMoon); title = $OGame.fnTitle( $this.find('td.icon_movement span')[0] ); ignore_flight.push(flightId + 1); } if(id === 0) return; var fData = flyData(title); = flightId; fData.timeArrival = timeArrival; if ('undefined' === typeof(_aFly[id])) { _aFly[id] = new oFlyPack(); } _aFly[id].addFly(fData, isReserve); }); } var rootDefered = jQuery.when( oLoader.defered() ).done( function() { oUpdates.init(); _flys(); }); /** en este se encapsulan todos los ajax del sistema */ _define(root, 'defered', function(){ return rootDefered; }); // procesos init... } _fnImperium.prototype.fnCancelUpdate = function(idUpdate) { var update = this.updates[idUpdate]; if (!update) return; var url = this.oUpdates.urlCancel, storage = this.Storage; win.errorBoxDecision( $OGame.Localization.attention, // Titulo del mensaje update.title, // mensaje que muestra el cuadro $OGame.Localization.yes, $, function() {, false); url = url.format($OGame.currentPage,, update.list); win.location.replace( url ); }); }; _fnImperium.prototype.fnSumResources = function(to, data ) { if ('undefined' == typeof(to.metal)) to.metal = 0; if ('undefined' == typeof(to.crystal)) to.crystal = 0; if ('undefined' == typeof(to.deuterium)) to.deuterium = 0; to.metal += data.metal; to.crystal += data.crystal; to.deuterium += data.deuterium; }; function _fnImperiumUI(imperium, c) { var root = this; // Colocando el boton del imperio en el menu de navegación y agregando // el contenedor principal para la información. var ui_menu = jQuery('<ul>',{ id : "menuTableImperium", class : 'leftmenu', }).append( jQuery('<li class="btnImperium">').append( "<span class='menu_icon'><div class='menuImage empire'></div></span>", "<a class='menubutton' href='javascript:void(0);'>" + "<span class='textLabel'>OG Imperium</span></a>" ) ); jQuery("#links #menuTable").after( ui_menu ); var ui_fastmenu = jQuery('<ul>',{ id: 'OGI_fastmenu', class : 'OGI-horizontal' }).append( jQuery('<li>').append( jQuery('<a>', {class:'dark_highlight', href : '#OGICurrentProduction', html:"<span class='img-main menu-icon32' ref='production'></span>"} ) ), jQuery('<li>').append( jQuery('<a>', {class:'dark_highlight', href : '#OGICurrentConstruction', html:"<span class='img-main menu-icon32' ref='construction'></span>"} ) ) ); jQuery('#rechts').append( ui_fastmenu ); function __language() { var lang_es = {}; var lang_en = { menu_link : 'OG Imperium', investigacion : "Researchs", recursos : "Resources", metal : "Metal", cristal : "Crystal", deuterio : "Deuterium", total : "Total:", production_hour : "Production per hour:", production_day : "Daily production:", production_week : "Weekly production:", production_month : "Monthly production:", researchs_noData : "No research data!", production : "Production", produccion_no : "No production data!", construction : 'Construction', title_produccion : "Production of the whole empire", title_recursos : "Resources per Planet", title_currentcostruction : "Constructions in progress", title_builds : 'Buildings per planets', fly_resources : "Flying resources", moon_resources : "Moon resources", planet_resources : "Planet resources", tooltip_fleet : "Fleet details:", tooltip_fleet_ships : "Ships:", tooltip_fleet_resources : "Resources:", sent : "Sent:", returning : "Returning:", research_basic : 'Basic research', research_drives : 'Drive research', research_advanced : 'Advanced researchs', research_combat : 'Combat researchs', research_noprogress : 'No research in progress', resource_buildings : 'Resource buildings', station_buildings : 'Station buildings', nivel : 'Level', cancel : 'cancel', nbsp:' ' }; var current = lang_en; if (location.href.indexOf('') != -1) Object.assign(current, lang_es); else if (location.href.indexOf('') != -1) Object.assign(current, lang_es); else if (location.href.indexOf('') != -1) Object.assign(current, lang_es); _define(this, 'current', current); } __language.prototype.get = function(key) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof this.current[key] ) return key; return this.current[key]; } __language.prototype.format = function(text) { jQuery.each(this.current, function(k, v) { var reg = new RegExp("\{" + k + "\}", 'ig'); text = text.replace(reg, v); }); return text; }; _define(root, 'Language', new __language() ); /* ###################################################################### */ /* ############## Objeto contenedor de los estilos CSS ################## */ /* ###################################################################### */ function __style() { _define(this, 'links', [ ]); Object.freeze(this.links); _define(this, 'directives', [ ".OGI-boxz {background: none repeat scroll 0px center transparent;margin: 0px auto 25px;width: 670px;}", ".OGI-boxz .header{background: url('') no-repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;height: 28px;}", ".OGI-boxz .content{background: url('') repeat-y scroll 0% 0% transparent;padding: 5px 20px;position: relative;}", ".OGI-boxz .footer{background: url('') no-repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;bottom: -13px;height: 50px;left: 0px;position: absolute;width: 667px;z-index: -1;}", ".OGI-boxz .OG-layer{margin-top:0;}", ".OGI-boxz .header h2{cursor:default;text-align:center;color: #6F9FC8;font: 700 12px/28px Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;}", ".OGI-boxz .header>.tabOpenClose { float:right; 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this.level.text( $OGame.fnNumberHumanReadable(l) ); if ( 'undefined' == typeof(l) || null === l ) { layer.hide(); } else {; if(l >= 1000000 && options.title) { var title = options.title + " (" + win.number_format(l) + ")"; win.changeTooltip(this.main, title); } } }; __image.prototype.setUpdate = function(l) { var layer = this.update.closest('.layer'); this.update.text(l); if ( 'undefined' == typeof(l) || null === l || '' === l ) { if (':visible') ) layer.hide(); layer.parent().removeClass('update'); } else { if ( !':visible') ); layer.parent().addClass('update'); } }; __image.prototype.objectHTML = function() { return this.main[0]; }; /* ###################################################################### */ _define(root, 'container', c); _define(root, 'imperium', imperium, false);[ ["#main_navigation",{ 'margin-bottom' : '5px' }], ["#main_navigation > li",{ margin:'0 3px !important' }], ["#main_navigation a",{ position : 'relative', padding:'3px 3px' }], ["#main_navigation a > .menu-icon32",{ 'vertical-align':'middle', margin:'3px' }] ]); function _renderTopbar() { var ul = jQuery('<ul>', { id : 'main_navigation', class : 'horizontal' }); jQuery('<li>').append( jQuery('<a>', { class : 'dark_highlight', href : '#OGICurrentProduction', ref : 'dialog' }).append( "<span class='img-main menu-icon32' ref='production'></span>", "<p>" + root.Language.get('production') + "</p>" )).appendTo(ul); jQuery('<li>').append( jQuery('<a>', { class : 'dark_highlight', href : '#OGICurrentConstruction', ref : 'dialog' }).append( "<span class='img-main menu-icon32' ref='construction'></span>", "<p>" + root.Language.get('construction') + "</p>" )).appendTo(ul); return ul; }[ ['#OGImperium .boxCurrentUpdate',{ width : '120px', float : 'right', 'padding-bottom':'1em'}], ["#OGImperium .boxCurrentUpdate .information h2",{ color: "#E7AE46" }], ["#OGIResearchs .boxCurrentUpdate div.image",{ width:'78px', height:'78px', display:'inline-block' }], ["#OGIResearchs .boxCurrentUpdate div.image > a:first-child",{ width:'76px', height:'76px', display:'inline-block', border:'1px solid rgb(1, 81, 0)', 'border-radius':"5px" }], ["#OGIResearchs div.techWrapper a.abortNow", { bottom:'3px', right:0}], ["#OGIResearchs .basics, #OGIResearchs .advanced", {}] ]); function _renderResearchs() { var box = root.makeBoxZ(root.Language.get('investigacion')); box.root.attr('id','OGIResearchs'); var info = root.imperium.Storage.item('researchs'); var update = root.imperium.updates.researchs; function ulTech(index, data) { var ul = jQuery('<ul>',{ width : '100%', class : 'horizontal' }); for(var z in index ) { var idResearch = index[ z ], img = new __image('research-icon', idResearch, { title : $OGame.Localization.names( idResearch ), level : data[ idResearch ], }); if ( update && (idResearch == ) { img.setUpdate(update.level); } ul.append( jQuery('<li>').append(img.objectHTML()) ); } return ul; } function boxCurrentUpdate(data) { var table = jQuery('<div>', { width : '100%', style : 'text-align:center' }), ulImg = "<div class='techWrapper' style='display:inline-block;position:relative;' >\n"; if (null !== root.imperium.hasTokenCancel) { ulImg += "\t<a class='tooltip abortNow' href='javascript:void(0);' title='" + data.title + "' onclick=\"cancelResearch("", " +data.list+ ", '" +data.title+ "');return false;\"></a> \n"; } ulImg += "\t<div class='techImage research tech"" image' ><a></a></div>\n</div>"; table.append( ulImg ); var timedown = jQuery('<p>').append( $OGame.Localization.loading ); table.append( jQuery('<p>', {style:'margin-bottom:10px'}).append( "<b style='color:#9C0'>" + root.Language.get('Level') + ' ' + data.level + "</b>" ), timedown, jQuery('<p>', { style:'color:green;font-size:80%' }).append( formatDateFuture( update.fnEndDate() ) ) ); new win.baulisteCountdown( timedown[0], update.fnTimeLeft(), null ); return table; } var basic = [113, 120, 121, 114, 122], drives = [115, 117, 118], advanced = [106, 108, 124, 123, 199], combat = [109, 110, 111]; box.appendLayer( ulTech(basic, info), { class:'basics', title: root.Language.get('research_basic'), }); box.appendLayer( ulTech(drives, info), { class:'drives', title: root.Language.get('research_drives') }); // box update if ( update ) { box.appendLayer( boxCurrentUpdate(update) ,{ class : 'boxCurrentUpdate', title : $OGame.Localization.names(, overlayer : true } ); } else { box.appendLayer( '<p style="text-align:center">' + root.Language.get('research_noprogress') + '</p>' ,{ class : 'boxCurrentUpdate' } ); } box.appendLayer( ulTech(advanced, info),{ class:'advanced', title: root.Language.get('research_advanced') }); box.appendLayer( ulTech(combat, info), { class:'combat', title: root.Language.get('research_combat') }); return box.root; }[ ["#OGIResources table img.planet", {'vertical-align':'middle', 'margin-right':'5px' }], ["#OGIResources table tr.moon td", {color:'#9F4A4A'}], ["#OGIResources table tr.moon img.planet", {'margin-left':'20px'}], ["#OGIResources table td", {color:'#75BAB0'}], ["#OGIResources table tr td:not(:first-child)", { padding:'2px 4px' }], ["#OGIResources table .bar_container", {height:'3px'}], ["#OGIResources table .em-storage", {'font-size':'8px'}], ["#OGIResources tr.planet-details",{ 'display':'none'}], ["#OGIResources tr.planet-details .resources",{ width:'200px' }] ]); function _renderResources() { var box = root.makeBoxZ( root.Language.get('title_recursos') ); box.root.attr('id','OGIResources'); var planet_img = "/cdn/img/planets/{0}", table = jQuery('<table>', { width : '100%', cellspacing : 0, class : 'OGItable-fix' }), thead = jQuery('<thead>'), tbody = jQuery('<tbody>'), tfoot = jQuery('<tfoot>'); table.append(thead, tbody, tfoot); var HEAD = [ '', // planeta [root.Language.get('metal'), { width : 120 }], [root.Language.get('crystal'), { width : 120 }], [root.Language.get('deuterium'), { width : 120 }] ]; var tr_head = jQuery('<tr>'); thead.append(tr_head); for (var z in HEAD) { var elm = HEAD[ z ], th; if ('object' === typeof(elm)) { th = jQuery('<th>', elm[1]); elm = elm[0]; } else { th = jQuery('<th>'); } th.append(elm).appendTo(tr_head); } function __row(data , trConfig) { var ROW = [ [_planet,{ class : 'label' }], _resourceMetal, _resourceCryst, _resourceDeute ], tr = jQuery('<tr>', trConfig); for (var z in ROW) { var elm = ROW[ z ], td; if ('object' === typeof(elm)) { td = jQuery('<td>', elm[1]); elm = elm[0]; } else { td = jQuery('<td>'); } if('string' === typeof(elm)) { var str = elm; elm = function(p){ return str; }; } td.append( elm(planet) ).appendTo(tr); } /* celda del nombre del planeta */ function _planet(data) { return [ jQuery('<img>', { height : '16px', width : '16px', class : 'planet', src : planet_img.format(data.imageName) }), " " + ]; } /* celda de recursos en planeta */ function __resources(data, keyResource) { var resources = data.resources; function color(current, storage) { var c = ''; if (current >= storage) c = 'overmark'; else if (current >= storage * 0.9) c = 'middlemark'; return c; } var div = jQuery('<div>').append( win.number_format( resources[keyResource] ) ); if (data.isMoon) { return div; } var storage = data.getStorage(), emStorage; if ( isNaN(storage[keyResource]) ) { storage[keyResource] = undefined; emStorage = " <em class='em-storage'>/#</em>"; } else { emStorage = " <em class='em-storage'>/" + win.gfNumberGetHumanReadable(storage[keyResource], 3) + "</em>"; } div.append( emStorage, root.progressbar(null, resources[keyResource], storage[keyResource]) ).addClass( color(resources[keyResource], storage[keyResource]) ); return div; } function _resourceMetal(data){ return __resources(data, 'metal'); } function _resourceCryst(data){ return __resources(data, 'crystal'); } function _resourceDeute(data){ return __resources(data, 'deuterium'); } function _aDetails(data) { var a = jQuery('<a>',{ class : 'tabOpenClose tabClose showDetails', href : "javascript:void("+ +");", 'data-planet' : }) return a; } return tr; } var fill = 1; var planets = stellarSort(root.imperium.planets); for (var pid in planets) { var planet = planets[pid]; __row(planet, { class: (fill ? 'alt' : '') }).appendTo(tbody); fill = !fill; if (planet.moon) { planet = planet.getMoon(); __row(planet, { class : 'moon' + (fill ? 'alt' : '') }).appendTo(tbody); fill = !fill; } } var totalPlayer = {metal:0, crystal:0, deuterium:0}; var totalEnd = root.imperium.planets.fnResourcesTotal(); root.imperium.fnSumResources(totalPlayer, totalEnd); jQuery('<tr>', { class : 'summary '+ (fill ? 'alt' : '') }) .append( jQuery('<td>', {class:'label'}).append(root.Language.get('planet_resources')+":"), jQuery('<td>').append( win.number_format(totalEnd.metal, 0) ), jQuery('<td>').append( win.number_format(totalEnd.crystal, 0) ), jQuery('<td>').append( win.number_format(totalEnd.deuterium, 0) ), '<td></td>' ).appendTo(tfoot); fill = !fill; totalEnd = root.imperium.moons.fnResourcesTotal(); root.imperium.fnSumResources(totalPlayer, totalEnd); jQuery('<tr>', { class : 'moon ' + (fill ? 'alt' : '') }) .append( jQuery('<td>', {class:'label'}).append(root.Language.get('moon_resources')+":"), jQuery('<td>').append( win.number_format(totalEnd.metal, 0) ), jQuery('<td>').append( win.number_format(totalEnd.crystal, 0) ), jQuery('<td>').append( win.number_format(totalEnd.deuterium, 0) ), '<td></td>' ).appendTo(tfoot); fill = !fill; totalEnd = root.imperium.flying.fnResourcesTotal(); root.imperium.fnSumResources(totalPlayer, totalEnd); jQuery('<tr>', { class : 'fly ' + (fill ? 'alt' : '') }) .append( jQuery('<td>', {class:'label'}).append(root.Language.get('fly_resources')+":"), jQuery('<td>').append( win.number_format(totalEnd.metal, 0) ), jQuery('<td>').append( win.number_format(totalEnd.crystal, 0) ), jQuery('<td>').append( win.number_format(totalEnd.deuterium, 0) ), '<td></td>' ).appendTo(tfoot); fill = !fill; jQuery('<tr>', { class : 'summary ' + (fill ? 'alt' : '') }) .append( jQuery('<td>', {class:'label'}).append("<b>"+root.Language.get('total')+"</b>"), jQuery('<td>').append( "<b>"+win.number_format(totalPlayer.metal, 0) + "</b>"), jQuery('<td>').append( "<b>"+win.number_format(totalPlayer.crystal, 0) + "</b>"), jQuery('<td>').append( "<b>"+win.number_format(totalPlayer.deuterium, 0) +"</b>" ), '<td></td>' ).appendTo(tfoot); fill = !fill; box.append(table); return box.root; }[ ["#OGIGlobalView .table-responsive", { "margin-bottom" : '15px', "overflow-x": 'auto', "overflow-y": "hidden", width: '610px' }], ["#OGIGlobalView .table-responsive table", { "margin-bottom" : '15px'}], ["#OGIGlobalView .table-responsive table .lock-col", { position:'absolute', left:0, top:'auto', "border-right" : '1px dotted #848484', "border-top-width":'0px', /*only relevant for first row*/ "margin-top":'0px' /*compensate for top border*/ }], ["#OGIGlobalView table div.img-tech", { margin : '-2px 0px 0px 0px', border:'0px' }], ["#OGIGlobalView table td", { "vertical-align" : 'middle', "text-align" : 'center', 'height':'30px' }], ["#OGIGlobalView table td:nth-child(2)",{ 'padding-left' : '32px' }], ["#OGIGlobalView .planet-name", { 'vertical-align':'super' }], ["#OGIGlobalView .planet-name :first-child", { display:'block', "word-wrap":'break-word', "text-align":'center', "min-width":'70px' }], ['#OGIGlobalView table tr.head', { "text-align":'center', "background-color":'rgb(35, 40, 45)', "box-shadow": '0px 0px 3px 1px rgb(0, 5, 10) inset', "padding": '0.1em', border:'1px solid black', "margin-bottom": '1px' }], ['#OGIGlobalView table tr.head td', { "height" : '19px', "vertical-align":'top' }], ['#OGIGlobalView table tr.head :first-child', { "border-right":'0px' }], ['#OGIGlobalView table tr.head .head-closer', { "display": 'inline-block', "padding-top" : '1px' }] ]); function _renderGlobalView() { var box = root.makeBoxZ(root.Language.get('title_builds')); box.root.attr('id','OGIGlobalView'); var responsive = jQuery('<div>', {class:'table-responsive'} ), oT = root.tableFix(); responsive.append( oT.table ); box.appendLayer( responsive ); function cell(lv) { props = {}; if ( 'undefined' === typeof(lv) ) { lv = 0; = "color:#292929"; } return [ $OGame.fnNumberHumanReadable( lv ) , props ]; } function head(title, section) { var trhead = oT.appendRowBody([ [ "<div class='head-closer'><a class='tabOpenClose'></a></div>", {class:'lock-col', width:'30px'} ], [ "<b>"+ root.Language.get( title ) +"<b>", {colspan: root.imperium.planets.length()}] ]); trhead.addClass('head'); trhead.attr('data-section', section); } // var techs = planet.techs; var resources = [ // ((Edificios de recursos)) [1, 'resources01-icon'], [2, 'resources01-icon'], [3, 'resources01-icon'], [4, 'resources01-icon'], [12, 'resources01-icon'], [212, 'resources01-icon'], [22, 'resources02-icon'], [23, 'resources02-icon'], [24, 'resources02-icon'] ]; var stations = [ // ((Estacion)) [14, 'station-icon'], [21, 'station-icon'], [31, 'station-icon'], [34, 'station-icon'], [44, 'station-icon'], [15, 'station-icon'], [33, 'station-icon'] ]; var row = [ ' ' ], // Columna inical donde va la imagen del edificio tr, pid; for(var pid in root.imperium.planets) { var planet = root.imperium.planets[ pid ]; row.push( ["<b>""</b><i class='planet-coords'>["+ planet.coords.join(':') +"]</i>", { class:'planet-name' }] ); } oT.appendRowBody( row ); // ===== Encabezados para los edificios de recursos // ================================================= head('resource_buildings', "resources-details"); var fill = 1; for(var r in resources) { var resource = resources[ r ], img = new __image(resource[1], resource[0], { title : $OGame.Localization.names( resource[0] ), tooltip : 'tooltipLeft' }); row = [ [img.objectHTML(), {class:'lock-col', height:'30px'}] ]; for(pid in root.imperium.planets ){ var planet = root.imperium.planets[ pid ]; var lv = planet.techs[ resource[0] ]; row.push( cell(lv) ); } tr = oT.appendRowBody( row ); tr.addClass( (fill ? 'alt' : '')+ ' resources-details' ); fill = !fill; } // ===== Encabezados para los edificios de la estación // =================================================== head('station_buildings', 'stations-details'); for(var s in stations ) { var station = stations[ s ], img = new __image(station[1], station[0], { title : $OGame.Localization.names( station[0] ), tooltip : 'tooltipLeft' }); row = [ [img.objectHTML(), {class:'lock-col', height:'30px'}] ]; for(pid in root.imperium.planets ){ var planet = root.imperium.planets[ pid ]; var lv = planet.techs[ station[0] ]; row.push( cell(lv) ); } tr = oT.appendRowBody( row ); tr.addClass( (fill ? 'alt' : '')+ ' stations-details' ); fill = !fill; } jQuery(box.root).on('click', '.head a.tabOpenClose', function(e) { var section = jQuery(this).closest('tr').data('section'); var obj = jQuery(box.root).find('tr.'+section); var open = jQuery(this).hasClass('tabClose'); if ( open ) {'slow'); jQuery(this).removeClass('tabClose'); } else { obj.hide('slow'); jQuery(this).addClass('tabClose'); } }); box.appendLayer('<p> Working to show defenses and ships. </p>'); return box.root; } c.append( _renderResearchs(), _renderResources(), _renderGlobalView() ); // dialogos // #OGICurrentConstruction[ ['#OGICurrentConstruction', { display:'none' }], ['#OGICurrentConstruction .OGI-layer',{ width : '32.5%', 'margin-bottom':'5px'}], ['#OGICurrentConstruction .OGI-layer .img-tech ',{ float: 'left', margin:'2px 10px 5px 0.35em', color:'#f1f1f1'}], ['#OGICurrentConstruction .OGI-layer .information .text-information ', { display: 'table'}], ['#OGICurrentConstruction .OGI-layer .information .planet-name ', { color : '#6F9FC8', 'font-size': '9px'}], ['#OGICurrentConstruction .OGI-layer .information .timedown ', { 'margin-top': '2px'}], ['#OGICurrentConstruction .OGI-layer .information .timeend ', { color : 'green' , 'font-size' : '80%'}] ]); function _dialogCurrentBuild() { var box = root.makeBoxZ( '' ); function layer(planet) { var ul = jQuery('<div>'); var update = planet.update(); // buscamos la calse para la imagen de la costruccion var classIconGroup = ''; if ([1,2,3,4,12].indexOf( != -1) { // fusion, metal, solar, deuterium, crystal classIconGroup = 'resources01-icon'; } else if ([22,23,24,25,26,27].indexOf( != -1) { // metal storage, crystal storage, deuterium storage, // metal hiden, crystal hiden, deuterium hiden classIconGroup = 'resources02-icon'; } else if ([14,21,31,34,44,15,33,41,42,43].indexOf( != -1) { // station classIconGroup = 'station-icon'; } var img = new __image(classIconGroup,, { update : update.level }); var iconMoon = planet.isMoon ? "<figure class='planetIcon moon'></figure> " : '', namePlanet = "[" + planet.coords.join(':') + "] " + iconMoon +, nameUpdate = $OGame.Localization.names( ), timedown = jQuery('<p>',{ class : 'timedown' }).append( $OGame.Localization.loading ); new win.baulisteCountdown( timedown[0], update.fnTimeLeft(), null ); return [ img.objectHTML(), jQuery('<div>',{ class:'text-information'}).append( '<span class="planet-name">'+namePlanet+'</span>', '<p>' + nameUpdate + '</p>', timedown, '<p class="timeend">' + formatDateFuture(update.fnEndDate()) + "</p>" ) ]; } var i = 0; for(var z in root.imperium.updates ) { if (z === 'researchs') continue; var planet = root.imperium.planets[ z ]; if ('undefined' === typeof(planet) ) planet = root.imperium.moons[ z ]; var items = layer(planet); if (i%3 === 0) box.append('<div class="clearfloat"></div>'); box.appendLayer( items , { overlayer : true }); i++; } box.container.parent() .attr('id', 'OGICurrentConstruction') .dialog({ autoOpen : false, title :root.Language.get('title_currentcostruction') + " ({0})".format(root.imperium.updates.length()), width : '670px', resizable : false }); } // #OGICurrentProduction[ ["#OGICurrentProduction", { display : 'none' }], ["#OGICurrentProduction .planet-coords", { 'text-align': 'center', color : 'rgb(111, 159, 200)' }], ["#OGICurrentProduction .no-production", { 'text-align': 'center', color : '#d43635 !important' }], ["#OGICurrentProduction .no-production a", { color : '#d43635 !important' }], ["#OGICurrentProduction .em-level", { color : 'lightyellow', 'font-size' : '9px', 'font-style' : 'normal', display : 'block', width : '30px' }] ]); function _dialogProduction() { var box = root.makeBoxZ( '' ); var oT = root.tableFix(); box.appendLayer( oT.table ); var productionTotal = {}; function row( planet ) { var columns = []; // coordenadas y nombre var current = ($OGame.currentPlanetId == ? 'overmark' : ''; columns.push([ "[" + planet.coords.join(':') + "]", { class : 'label planet-coords ' + current, width: 90 }]); columns.push([ "<b>"+ +"</b>", { class : 'label' }]); // produccion var production = planet.getProduction(); if (!production) { columns.push([ root.Language.get("produccion_no") + " - <a href='/game/index.php?cp=" + + "&OGIDialog=production' >" + root.Language.get('update') + "...</a>" , { colspan : 7, class : 'no-production' }]); } else { root.imperium.fnSumResources(productionTotal, production); // la produccion esta guardada en segundos por lo que se // multiplica por 3600 para obtener la produccion por hora. var metal = Math.round( production.metal * 3600 ); var crystal = Math.round( production.crystal * 3600 ); var deuterium = Math.round( production.deuterium * 3600 ); columns.push( [ win.number_format(metal) ,{ class : 'undermark', width:110 }], "<em class='em-level'>["+ planet.techs[1] + "]<em>" ); columns.push( [ win.number_format(crystal) ,{ class : 'undermark', width:110 }], "<em class='em-level'>["+ planet.techs[2] + "]<em>" ); columns.push( [ win.number_format(deuterium) ,{ class : 'undermark', width:110 }], "<em class='em-level'>["+ planet.techs[3] + "]<em>" ); columns.push([ win.number_format( ,{ class : 'undermark', width:110 }]); } return columns; } oT.appendRowHead([ [root.Language.get('planet') , { colspan : 2 }], [root.Language.get('metal'), { colspan : 2 }], [root.Language.get('crystal'), { colspan : 2 }], [root.Language.get('deuterium'), { colspan : 2 }], root.Language.get('energy') ]); var fill = true; var planets = stellarSort(root.imperium.planets); for (var p in planets) { var planet = planets[ p ]; var items = row ( planet ); var tr = oT.appendRowBody( items ); if (fill) tr.addClass('alt'); fill = !fill; } // la produccion esta guardada en segundos por lo que se // multiplica por 3600 para obtener la produccion por hora. var tMetal = productionTotal.metal * 3600; var tCrystal = productionTotal.crystal * 3600; var tDeuterium = productionTotal.deuterium * 3600; var times = [ {label : 'production_hour', time : 1}, {label : 'production_day', time : 24}, {label : 'production_week', time : 168}, {label : 'production_month', time : 720} ]; for (var o in times) { var footTime = times[ o ]; var tr = oT.appendRowFoot([ [root.Language.get(footTime.label), { class : 'label', colspan:2}], [win.number_format( Math.round(tMetal * footTime.time) ), { class : 'undermark'}], '', [win.number_format( Math.round(tCrystal * footTime.time) ), { class : 'undermark'}], '', [win.number_format( Math.round(tDeuterium* footTime.time) ), { class : 'undermark'}], '', '' ]); if ( o === 0) tr.addClass('summary'); if (fill) tr.addClass('alt'); fill = !fill; } box.container.parent() .attr('id', 'OGICurrentProduction') .dialog({ autoOpen : false, title : root.Language.get('title_produccion'), width : '670px', resizable : false }); } // #OGIFleet function _seendFleed(){ var box = root.makeBoxZ( '' ); box = box.container.parent(); var fleet1 = "/game/index.php?page=fleet1&cp="; function proccessFleet(rootPlanet){ // primero se obtiene el fomulario principal de la naves, // mediante un GET. box.load( fleet1+rootPlanet + " #" ); } box.attr('id', 'OGISendfleet') .dialog({ autoOpen : false, width : '670px', resizable : false }); } _dialogCurrentBuild(); _dialogProduction(); } _fnImperiumUI.prototype.makeBoxZ = function( title , ops ) { function __BoxZ(t) { var _box = this; var root = jQuery('<div>',{ class : 'OGI-boxz' }), name = jQuery('<div> <h2>').addClass('header'), body = jQuery('<div>',{class:'body'}), container = jQuery('<div>',{ class : 'content' }); container.append( body.append('<div class="clearfloat"></div>'), '<div class="footer"></div>' ); root.append(name, container); if('undefined' != typeof(t)) name.children().append(t); _define(this, 'name', name, false); _define(this, 'container', body, false); _define(this, 'root', root, false); if ('undefined' === typeof(ops)) ops = {}; var _options = { isClosable : false, isContentOpen : true }; Object.assign(_options, ops); if (_options.isClosable) { var action = jQuery('<a>', { class : 'tabOpenClose'}); name.prepend( action ).on('click', 'h2, a.tabOpenClose', function() { _box.toggleShow(); }); if (!_options.isContentOpen) { _box.toggleShow(); } } } __BoxZ.prototype.setTitle = function(t) {; }; __BoxZ.prototype.appendLayer = function(content, layerConfig) { var titleLayer = '', overlayer = ''; if ('undefined' === typeof(layerConfig)) layerConfig = {}; if ( 'undefined' != typeof(layerConfig.title) ) { titleLayer = jQuery('<h2>').text(layerConfig.title); delete layerConfig.title; } if ( 'undefined' != layerConfig.overlayer && layerConfig.overlayer) { overlayer = '<div class="overlayer"></div>'; delete layerConfig.overlayer; } var layer = jQuery('<div>', layerConfig).addClass('OGI-layer'); layer.append( overlayer, jQuery('<div>',{ class : 'information' }).append(titleLayer, content) ); this.append(layer); //this.container.append(layer); return this; }; __BoxZ.prototype.append = function(content) { this.container.find('>:last-child').before(content); return this; }; __BoxZ.prototype.getRoot = function() { return this.root; }; __BoxZ.prototype.toString = function() { return this.root.outerHTML; }; __BoxZ.prototype.toggleShow = function( ) { var isClose ='.tabOpenClose').is('.tabClose'); // var efect = {duration:400, easing : 'blind'}; if ( !isClose ) {'.tabOpenClose').addClass('tabClose'); this.container.hide('blind'); } else {'.tabOpenClose').removeClass('tabClose');'blind'); } return !isClose; }; return new __BoxZ( title ); }; _fnImperiumUI.prototype.progressbar = function(id, current, capacity) { if (!capacity) { capacity = 10; current = 0; } else if (!current) { current = 0; } var progress = current / capacity * 100; color = 'filllevel_undermark'; // progreso menor al 90% if (progress >= 90 && progress < 100) { color = 'filllevel_middlemark'; } else if (progress >= 100) { color = 'filllevel_overmark'; progress = 100; } var HTMLProgress = jQuery('<div>', { id : id, class : 'filllevel_bar ' + color, css : { width : progress + "%" } }); return jQuery('<div>', {class:'bar_container'}) .attr('data-current-amount', current) .attr('data-capacity', capacity) .append(HTMLProgress, "<div class='premium_bar tooltipPremium'></div>"); }; _fnImperiumUI.prototype.tableFix = function(options) { function __UITableFix( options ) { var opts = { width : '100%', cellspacing : 0, class : '' }; Object.assign(opts, options); opts.class += 'OGItable-fix'; var table = jQuery('<table>', opts), thead = jQuery('<thead>'), tbody = jQuery('<tbody>'), tfoot = jQuery('<tfoot>'); table.append(thead, tbody, tfoot); _define(this, 'table', table); _define(this, 'tbody', tbody); _define(this, 'thead', thead); _define(this, 'tfoot', tfoot); } __UITableFix.prototype._fixArguments = function(args) { var colums = [], i = 0; for ( ; i < args.length; i++ ){ if (args[i] instanceof Array) colums = colums.concat(args[i]); else colums.push ( args[i] ); } return colums; }; __UITableFix.prototype._appendTo = function(typeColumn, columns) { var tr = jQuery('<tr>'), e = 0; for ( ; e < columns.length; e++) { var data = columns[e], props = {}; if ( columns[e] instanceof Array){ data = columns[e][0]; props = columns[e][1]; } jQuery(typeColumn, props).append( data ).appendTo( tr ); } return tr; }; __UITableFix.prototype.appendRowBody = function() { var columns = this._fixArguments(arguments), e = 0; var tr = this._appendTo('<td>', columns); this.tbody.append(tr); return tr; }; __UITableFix.prototype.appendRowHead = function() { var columns = this._fixArguments(arguments), e = 0; var tr = this._appendTo('<th>', columns); this.thead.append(tr); return tr; }; __UITableFix.prototype.appendRowFoot = function() { var columns = this._fixArguments(arguments), e = 0; var tr = this._appendTo('<td>', columns); this.tfoot.append(tr); return tr; }; return new __UITableFix( options ); }; try{ var $Imperium = new _fnImperium(); win.$OGImperium = $Imperium; jQuery.when( $OGame.defered(), $Imperium.defered() ).then(function() { $Imperium ); var container = jQuery('<div>', { id : 'OGImperium' , style:'display:none' }); jQuery("#contentWrapper").prepend( container ); var $UI = new _fnImperiumUI($Imperium, container ); jQuery('<style>',{ type:'text/css', name:'OGI-UI' }) .append( $ ).appendTo('head'); // evento de click para ver el imperio jQuery('body').on('click', "#menuTableImperium .btnImperium a", function(e) { var inhalt = jQuery("#contentWrapper #inhalt"); if (':visible')) { container.hide();; } else {; inhalt.hide(); } }); // evento de click para el menu de opciones rapidos (dialogos) jQuery('body').on('click', "#OGI_fastmenu a, #main_navigation a[ref='dialog']", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var href = this.getAttribute('href');, e); jQuery(href).dialog('open'); return false; }); if (win.location.href.indexOf('OGIView') != -1) { jQuery("#menuTableImperium .btnImperium a").trigger('click'); } if (win.location.href.indexOf('OGIDialog') != -1) { var dialog = win.location.href.match(/OGIDialog=(\w+);*/ig)[0]; dialog = dialog.split('=')[1]; var o; if (dialog == 'production') { o = "#OGICurrentProduction"; } o = jQuery("#OGI_fastmenu a[href='" + o + "'], #main_navigation a[href='" + o + "']"); o.trigger('click'); } }); } catch(err) { console.error("OGame5:Imperium "+VERSION, err); }