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// ==UserScript== // @name Tribal wars farmrank generator - REN pl136 // @version 1.0 // @description Rank generator for tribal wars ( // @author luluu9 // @match http://** // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // By Lulusek - świat 136/138 function fetchPlayersOnPage(doc) { let rank = doc.querySelector("#in_a_day_ranking_table > tbody"); let playersOnPage = []; for (let el of rank.children) { player = { "index": el.children[0].textContent, "name": el.children[1].textContent.replace(` `, '').replace(` `,''), // bo wypełniony jest spacjami, nie wiem po co "tribe": el.children[2].textContent.replace(/\s/g,''), "score": el.children[3].textContent.replace(/\s/g,''), "date": el.children[4].textContent.replace(/\s/g,'') }; if (player.index != "Ranking") { playersOnPage.push(player) }; } return playersOnPage; } function getTextToPost(players) { script = "[spoiler=Ranking farmerów, "+new Date().toLocaleDateString()+`][table] [**]LP[||]Gracz[||]Człon[||]Wynik[||]Ranking ogólny[/**]`; i = 1; for (let player of players) { script = script + "[*]" + i + "[|][player]" + + "[/player][|][ally]" + player.tribe + "[/ally][|][b]" + player.score + "[/b][|]" + player.index + "\n"; i++; } script = script + "[/table][/spoiler]"; console.log(script); el = document.getElementById("generateRank"); el.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", '<textarea style="margin-bottom: -12px">'+script+'</textarea>') } function getAllPlayers(amount=5, tribes=[], world=138) { allPlayers = []; matchPlayers = []; i = 0; get = function() { new Promise(function(ok, reject) { setTimeout(function() { ok("") }, i*5); // bo jeśli za dużo requestów w jednej chwili to wywala błąd }).then(function(result) { return new Promise(function(ok, reject) { // musimy zrobić to synchronicznie urlOffset = i*25; if (urlOffset >= 3025) { console.log("Przestaje szukac (przeszukano 3000 wpisów)"); getTextToPost(matchPlayers); return; } // zapobiegamy infinite-loop url = 'https://pl'+world+''+urlOffset+'&type=loot_res'; data = $.get(url, function(data){ return data; }); ok(data); }) }).then(function(data) { return new Promise(function(ok, reject) { parser = new DOMParser(); ok([parser, data]); }) }).then(function(result) { return new Promise(function(ok, reject) { doc = result[0].parseFromString(result[1], "text/html"); // tworzymy dokument ze stringa ok(doc); }); }).then(function(doc) { return new Promise(function(ok, reject) { players = fetchPlayersOnPage(doc); ok(players); }); }).then(function(players) { return new Promise(function(ok, reject) { matchPlayers = matchPlayers.concat(players.sort(function(a, b) { return a.index - b.index; }).filter(player => tribes.includes(player.tribe))); // sortujemy po indeksach i wyrzucamy nie z plemienia console.log("Mam już " + matchPlayers.length + " graczy z podanych plemion"); if (matchPlayers.length >= amount) { matchPlayers.length = amount; // żeby było dokładnie ile wynosi amount getTextToPost(matchPlayers); } else { i++; get(); // za mało, więc powtarzamy z kolejną stroną } }); }) } get(); } function generateRank() { tribesToGenerate = document.getElementById("tribesInput").value.replace(/\s/g, "").split(","); amount = parseInt(document.getElementById("amountInput").value) world ="pl", "").replace("", ""); console.log(amount, tribesToGenerate, world); if (tribesToGenerate.length == 0) { return } if (isNaN(amount) || amount <= 0) { return } console.log(amount, tribesToGenerate, world) getAllPlayers(amount, tribesToGenerate, world) } el = document.getElementById("header_info"); el.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", '<table class="vis" style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <tr> <td>Plemiona: </td> <td> <input id="tribesInput" class="unitsInput" value="*ReN!, ReN!, ReN!*, ReN!!" style="width: 83px;"> </input> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Ilość:</td> <td> <input id="amountInput" class="unitsInput" value="90", style="width: 83px;"> </input> </td> </tr> </table> <button id="generateRank" type="button" onclick="generateRank()" style="margin-bottom: 16px" class="btn"> Generuj </button>')