KodeItDEV / Super Scratch


Version: 0.1+4eeaae7 updated

Summary: Installs any given Scratch Extension to the website

Copyright: 2017, KodeItDEV (https://openuserjs.org/users/KodeItDEV)

License: MIT

Scratch has since imported extension blocking, and there is no way to load experimental extensions anymore.

How to use:

  • Make sure you have the script enabled and navigate to scratch.mit.edu.
  • Click the GM/TM button in your URL bar and click on ```
    SScratch Settings
- Paste in the direct links to the Scratch extensions you want to load, each link on a separate line.
- Go to any Scratch project and wait for the scripts to load.

_If your scripts are not loading, make sure you allow unsafe scripts to load. **ONLY ALLOW SCRIPTS THAT YOU TRUST! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING BAD THAT MAY HAPPEN.**_

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