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// ==UserScript== // @name Reddit Replace Iframe // @namespace // @version 1 // @description replaces reddits youtube/vimeo iframe with the iframe from the corresponding website // @author kmc // @match https://** // @require // ==/UserScript== $(document).on('click', "", function(event) { var href = $("a.title").attr("href"); var iFrame = $(".expando").children()[0]; if(href.indexOf("vimeo") > -1) { href = href.replace(/https?:\/\/vimeo\.com/, "//"); replaceiFrame(iFrame, href, "vimeo-iframe"); } if(href.indexOf("youtube") > -1 || href.indexOf("") > -1) { var videoIDExp = new RegExp(/(v=|be\/)(.{11})/g); var videoID = videoIDExp.exec(href); var seconds = extractTimestamp(href) console.log(videoID) if (videoID) { href = "" + videoID[2] + "?start=" + seconds; replaceiFrame(iFrame, href, "youtube-iframe"); } } if(href.indexOf("soundcloud") > -1) { href = "" + encodeURIComponent(href) replaceiFrame(iFrame, href, "sc-iframe"); var newiFrame = $(".expando").children()[0]; addVolumeSlider(newiFrame) } }); function replaceiFrame(iFrame, href, _class){ $(iFrame).replaceWith('<iframe class="' + _class + '" width="610" height="460" src="' + href + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'); } function addVolumeSlider(element){ var slider = document.createElement('input'); slider.setAttribute('value', 100); slider.setAttribute('type', "range"); slider.setAttribute('class', "sc-volume-control"); slider.oninput = changeVolume var div = document.createElement('div'); div.textContent = "100"; element.parentElement.appendChild(slider) element.parentElement.appendChild(div) element.outerHTML += "<br>" } function changeVolume(event) { var widget = var volume = = volume SC.Widget(widget).setVolume(volume / 100); } function extractTimestamp(ytLink) { var timestamp = ytLink.match(/t=(.*?)(\&|\?|$)/g) var seconds = 0; if (timestamp) { var matches = timestamp[0].match(/([0-9]+)[hms]/g); var origTimestamp = timestamp[0].split("t=")[1].split("&")[0]; console.log(timestamp[0]) if (matches) { for (i = 0; i < matches.length; i++){ if (matches[i].indexOf("h") > -1) { seconds += parseInt(matches[i]) * 60 * 60; } if (matches[i].indexOf("m") > -1) { seconds += parseInt(matches[i]) * 60; } if (matches[i].indexOf("s") > -1) { seconds += parseInt(matches[i]); } } } else if (!isNaN(origTimestamp)) { seconds = origTimestamp } } console.log(seconds) return seconds; }