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// ==UserScript== // @id 465249 // @name pm_ColorHashMenu // @version 0.6 // @namespace // @author Daniel Jackel <> // @description Color the PlentyMarkets menu at the top according to hostname. Hide purchasing prices of items. // @include */plenty/ui/* // @require // @require // @icon // @downloadURL // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_notification // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== const NAME = "pm_ColorHashMenu"; const VERSION = "0.5b"; this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); (function(){ var firstrun = 1, toggle = false, origTitle = document.title, color, color_menu, color_border, color_font, interval; waitLogin(); function waitLogin(){ console.log(NAME + " waiting for login..." + (firstrun ? "" : " again!")); firstrun = 0; waitForKeyElements (".LogoutLabel", colorMenuBar); } function hashCode(str) { // var hash = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash); } return hash; } function intToRGB(i) { return ((i>>16)&0xFF).toString(16) + ((i>>8)&0xFF).toString(16) + (i&0xFF).toString(16); } function shadeColor(color, percent) { // var num = parseInt(color,16), amt = Math.round(2.55 * percent), R = (num >> 16) + amt, G = (num >> 8 & 0x00FF) + amt, B = (num & 0x0000FF) + amt; return (0x1000000 + (R<255?R<1?0:R:255)*0x10000 + (G<255?G<1?0:G:255)*0x100 + (B<255?B<1?0:B:255)).toString(16).slice(1); } function contrastingColor(color) // { return (luma(color) >= 165) ? '000' : 'fff'; } function luma(color) // color can be a hx string or an array of RGB values 0-255 { var rgb = (typeof color === 'string') ? hexToRGBArray(color) : color; return (0.2126 * rgb[0]) + (0.7152 * rgb[1]) + (0.0722 * rgb[2]); // SMPTE C, Rec. 709 weightings } function hexToRGBArray(color) { if (color.length === 3) color = color.charAt(0) + color.charAt(0) + color.charAt(1) + color.charAt(1) + color.charAt(2) + color.charAt(2); else if (color.length !== 6) throw('Invalid hex color: ' + color); var rgb = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) rgb[i] = parseInt(color.substr(i * 2, 2), 16); return rgb; } function watchTitle (active = true) { if (active) { var newTitle; interval = setInterval( function() { hideItems(); hideOrders(); /* newTitle = document.title; if(origTitle != newTitle) { origTitle = document.title; console.log("titlechange: " + origTitle + " --> " + newTitle); if (newTitle.includes("Artikel bearbeiten:") { alert("artikel"); } else if (newTitle.includes("Aufträge") { alert("aufträge"); } } */ }, 500); } else clearInterval(interval); } function hideItems (active = true) { console.log("hide items"); if (active) $(".ItemDetailItemView").find("div.Content").find("div.PlentyConfigTable").find(".PlentyConfigTableRow:contains('EK (netto)')").eq(2).fadeOut(); else $(".ItemDetailItemView").find("div.Content").find("div.PlentyConfigTable").find(".PlentyConfigTableRow:contains('EK (netto)')").eq(2).fadeIn(); } function hideOrders (active = true) { console.log("hide orders"); // orders: get orderID var orderid = $(".gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab-selected").eq("2").text(); // select article table var $items = $("iframe.PlentyTabContentInner").contents().find("#itemPositionContainerPaneId" + orderid + " > table"); // get column to hide var marginindex = $items.find("thead").find("th:contains('Gewinnspanne')").index() + 1; // select overview table var $overview = $("iframe.PlentyTabContentInner").contents().find("#overviewPaneTable" + orderid + " > tbody").children().eq(1); if (active) { // hide column $items.find("tr > td:nth-child("+marginindex+")").fadeOut(); $items.find("tr > th:nth-child("+marginindex+")").fadeOut(); // blank boxes $overview.find("td:nth-child(3)").children().css("color", "transparent"); $overview.find("th:nth-child(3)").children().css("color", "transparent"); } else { // show column $items.find("tr > td:nth-child("+marginindex+")").fadeIn(); $items.find("tr > th:nth-child("+marginindex+")").fadeIn(); // show boxes $overview.find("td:nth-child(3)").children().css("color", "#000"); $overview.find("th:nth-child(3)").children().css("color", "#222"); } } function bossMode (active) { if (active) { $("li#pwnbutton").css("background", "#" + color_menu); watchTitle(); hideItems(); hideOrders(); } else { $("li#pwnbutton").css("background", "none"); watchTitle(0); hideItems(0); hideOrders(0); } } function toggleMode () { if (!toggle) bossMode(1); else bossMode(0); toggle = !toggle; } function colorMenuBar (jNode) { console.log(NAME + " " + VERSION + " started! (jQuery " + $().jquery + ")"); color = intToRGB(hashCode(window.location.hostname)); color_menu = shadeColor(color, -20); color_border = shadeColor(color_menu, -20); color_font = contrastingColor(color_menu); console.log("main color for " + window.location.hostname + " is #" + color_menu); // menu background GM_addStyle('.horizontalNavigationWrapper, .PlentyMainMenuBar.gwt-MenuBar-vertical .gwt-MenuItem-selected, .PlentyMainMenuBar.gwt-MenuBar-vertical tr:hover > td, .PlentyMainMenuBar.gwt-MenuBar-vertical .gwt-MenuItem-selected + .subMenuIcon-selected {background-color: #' + color_menu + ' !important}'); // menu border GM_addStyle('.horizontalNavigationWrapper, .PlentyVerticalNavigationWrapper > .adminMainIconNavi {border-color: #' + color_border + ' !important}'); // vertical menu border GM_addStyle('.gwt-MenuBar-vertical.PlentyMainMenuBar {border: 1px solid #' + color_menu + ' !important}'); // menu font GM_addStyle('.PlentyMainMenuBar.gwt-MenuBar-horizontal .gwt-MenuItem {color: #' + color_font + ' !important}'); // add hostname $('.horizontalNavigationWrapper').append('<div class="HostnamePanel" style="position: relative; overflow: hidden;"><a href="' + location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + '" target="_blank">' + window.location.hostname.replace('www.','') + '</a></div>'); // hostname link GM_addStyle('.HostnamePanel {cursor: default; color: #' + color_font + '; float: right; margin-right: 16px; margin-top: 7px; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; }'); GM_addStyle('.HostnamePanel a {text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 0 0 .4px #' + color_font + '; color: transparent; }'); GM_addStyle('.HostnamePanel a:hover {color: #' + color_font + '; -webkit-transition: 0.5s; -moz-transition: 0.5s; -o-transition: 0.5s; -ms-transition: 0.5s; transition: 0.5s; }'); drawButton(color_menu, color_border); console.log("added button!"); waitForKeyElements (".adminLoginBox", waitLogin); } function drawButton() { var contentWinWrapper = new XPCNativeWrapper(content); $("ul#PlentyAdminIcons").append(XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap($("<li id='pwnbutton'> <div class='PlentyAdminIcon' tabindex='0' style='background: url(/layout/cyt/img/favicon.ico) no-repeat scroll 7px 2px transparent; width: 52px;'><input style='opacity: 0; height: 1px; width: 1px; z-index: -1; overflow: hidden; position: absolute;' role='presentation' tabindex='-1' type='text'></div></li>"))).delay(50); $("li#pwnbutton").css({ "background": "none", "border": "none" }); $("li#pwnbutton").hover( function(){ $(this).css({ "border-left": "1px solid #" + color_border, "border-right": "1px solid #" + color_border }); }, function(){ $(this).css({ "border-left": "1px solid transparent", "border-right": "1px solid transparent" }); }); $("li#pwnbutton").click(function(){ toggleMode(); }); $("li#pwnbutton").css({ "border-left": "1px solid transparent", "border-right": "1px solid transparent" }); return; } })();