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// ==UserScript== // @name TokkiPlugin // @namespace // @version 0.4 // @description Some visual features and download helper for kch // @author IUC // @license MIT // @match* // @excludes* // @grant GM_download // ==/UserScript== // This will make your (You)s on kch/wood/ very visible and give you a one-click download button for files in every post (function() { 'use strict'; // Wait until site is fully loaded window.addEventListener('load', function() { // Download stuff var allPosts = document.getElementsByClassName("post"); for (let post of allPosts) { addDownloadButton(post); } function addDownloadButton(post) { let fileLinks = []; fileLinks[0] = post.getAttribute("id"); var fileIndex = 1; var section = post.children[1]; if (section.children.length > 1) { var footerPostControls = post.children[2].children[1]; var fileDiv = section.children[0]; var figures = fileDiv.children; for (let figure of figures) { var postFile = figure.children[1]; fileLinks[fileIndex] = postFile.getAttribute("href"); fileIndex++; } if (fileLinks.length>2){ // Adding checkboxes with label for (let c = 1; c<fileLinks.length;c++) { let boxContainer = document.createElement("a"); let fileCheckbox = document.createElement("input"); fileCheckbox.type = "checkbox"; = "file"+ c.toString(); let fileCheckBoxLabel = document.createElement("label"); //fileCheckBoxLabel.htmlFor = "file"+ c.toString(); fileCheckBoxLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode(c.toString())); = "3px"; boxContainer.appendChild(fileCheckBoxLabel); boxContainer.appendChild(fileCheckbox); boxContainer.classList.add("post-control"); = "5px"; footerPostControls.appendChild(boxContainer); } } // Adding download button with icon var downloadNode = document.createElement("a"); var downloadIcon = document.createElement("i"); downloadIcon.classList.add("fa", "fa-download"); downloadNode.appendChild(downloadIcon); downloadNode.setAttribute("id", "dlButton"); downloadNode.classList.add("post-control", "control"); = "8px"; footerPostControls.appendChild(downloadNode); downloadNode.addEventListener('click', function(){ download(fileLinks); }); } } function download(links) { var amountOfFiles = links.length -1; if (amountOfFiles > 1) { let postNode = document.getElementById(links[0]); let checkCounter = amountOfFiles; for (let g = 1; g<amountOfFiles+1;g++){ let checkBoxValue = postNode.querySelector("#file" + g.toString()).checked; if (checkBoxValue) { let args = { url: links[g], name: links[g].slice(links[g].lastIndexOf("/")+1, links[g].length) } GM_download(args); } else { checkCounter--; } } if (checkCounter < 1) { for (let i = 1; i<links.length;i++) { let args = { url: links[i], name: links[i].slice(links[i].lastIndexOf("/")+1, links[i].length) } GM_download(args); } } } else { let args = { url: links[1], name: links[1].slice(links[1].lastIndexOf("/")+1, links[1].length) } GM_download(args); } } //(You) stuff var all_links = document.getElementsByClassName("post-link"); var youCount = 0; for (let link of all_links) { if(link.textContent.includes("(You)")) { = "hotpink"; = "bold"; youCount++; } } //You counter var node = document.createElement("a"); var textNode = document.createTextNode(youCount + " (You)s"); node.appendChild(textNode); node.setAttribute("id", "youcount"); document.getElementsByClassName("thread-nav_bottom")[0].appendChild(node); //you listener for new posts var target = document.getElementsByClassName("thread thread_single")[0]; var mutationObs = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, mutationObs){ // Get new post into addedNode var mutation = mutations[0]; var addedNode = mutation.addedNodes[0]; // Adding download button to new posts addDownloadButton(addedNode); var targetDivLinkList = addedNode.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(var link of targetDivLinkList){ if (link.innerHTML.includes("(You)")){ = "hotpink"; = "bold"; youCount++; document.getElementById("youcount").innerText = youCount + " (You)s"; } } }); var config = { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: false } mutationObs.observe(target, config); }, false); })();