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// ==UserScript== // @name Gladiabots tournament organizer tools // @namespace // @version 0.5 // @description Gives more tools to tournament organizers // @author GFX47 // @match* // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== window.onload = function() { var pageURL = document.URL; var pageURLMatches = pageURL.match('^.*/tournaments/([0-9]+)/.*$'); if (pageURLMatches == null) { return; } var tournamentExternalID = pageURLMatches[1]; var container = null; // Schedule matches pageURLMatches = pageURL.match('^.*/stages/([0-9]+)/edit.*$'); if (pageURLMatches != null) { var stageID = pageURLMatches[1]; container = document.querySelectorAll('.card-footer .grid-flex')[0]; container.innerHTML += '<div class="size-content mobile-size-full"><button class="button expand" onclick="' + 'var startTime = prompt(\'Start time (UTC)\', \'DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM\');' + 'var roundDuration = prompt(\'Rounds duration (in seconds)\', \'86400\');' + 'window.location= \''+tournamentExternalID+'&stageID='+stageID+'&startTime=\'+startTime+\'&roundDuration=\'+roundDuration;' + 'return false;' + '"><i class="fa-pencil"></i><span>Schedule matches</span></button></div>'; } // Add guild participants pageURLMatches = pageURL.match('^.*/participants/.*$'); if (pageURLMatches != null) { container = document.querySelectorAll('.header-menu')[0]; container.innerHTML += '<div><a class="button success expand" onclick="' + 'var guildPlayerCount = prompt(\'Number of players per team\', \'20\');' + 'window.location= \''+tournamentExternalID+'&guildPlayerCount=\'+guildPlayerCount;' + 'return false;' + '"><i class="fa-plus"></i><span>Add team top players</span></a></div>'; } };