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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name improvements // @description Adding chat button to top panel // @version 0.0.7 // @license GPL-2.0-only // @author FreeStyler // @copyright 2018, FreeStyler ( // @supportURL // @include ** // @match ** // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @grant none // @run-at document-end // @require // @require file:///home/alex/0Mega/MyProjects/UserScripts/lmru_improvements/ // ==/UserScript== (function ($, undefined){ $(function(){ 'use strict'; var cl = console.log, isset = function (e){ return typeof e == 'undefined' ? false : true;}, LANG = navigator.language, chat_setted = false, $chat, endvar; //if(LANG == 'en-US') LANG = 'en'; LANG = 'en'; if(LANG == 'ru-RU') LANG = 'ru'; function add_styles(){ var styles = ` <style> .csmile { max-width:32px; } </style> `; $('body').append(styles); } function setChat(){ let $chat = $('#chat-body'); if(!$chat.length) return; $chat.hide().appendTo($('body')).css({position: 'fixed', left: 0, top: 0, zIndex: 99}); $('.headerbar-menu').append(` <li title='Показать/Скрыть чат' id=chat_show class="av-big-icon-only av-always-visible"><a href="#" role="chat_show" class="chad"><i class="zmdi zmdi-comment-more"></i></a></li> `); // $('#chat_show').on('click', function(){ if($chat.css('display') === 'none') $chat.fadeIn(); else $chat.fadeOut(); }); $('.ic-input').append('<a did=hide_chat href="#" class="chat-button ic-small" title="Скрыть чат"><i class="zmdi zmdi-triangle-down"></i></a>'); $('.ic-input').append('<a did=to_chat href="#" class="chat-button ic-small" title="На страницу чата" style="position: relative; left: -22px; top: 26px; transform: rotate(-90deg);"><i class="zmdi zmdi-triangle-down"></i></a>'); $('a[did=hide_chat]').on('click', ()=>{ $chat.fadeOut(); }); $('a[did=to_chat]').on('click', ()=>{ location.href = ''; }); } //<img src="./images/smilies/blink.gif" alt=":blink2:" title="Моргаю" tiney="true" width="20" height="20"> if(!/chat\?mode=archive/.test(location.href)) setChat(); add_styles(); //[img][/img] //('#smiley-boxr').prepend('<img class=csmile src=""/>'); // $('#smiley-box').append(` <img class=csmile src=""/> <a href="#" onclick="insert_text(':scratch:', true); return false;"><img src="./images/smilies/scratch_one-s_head.gif" alt=":scratch:" title="Почеесываю" width="27" height="24"></a> <a href="#" onclick="insert_text(':sry:', true); return false;"><img src="./images/smilies/pardon.gif" alt=":sry:" title="Пардон" width="27" height="24"></a> <img class=csmile src=""/> `); // <a href="#" onclick="initInsertions(); insert_text(':sry:', true, true); return false;"><img src="./images/smilies/pardon.gif" alt=":sry:" title="Пардон" width="36" height="26"></a> //<a href="#" onclick="initInsertions(); insert_text(':scratch:', true, true); return false;"><img src="./images/smilies/scratch_one-s_head.gif" alt=":scratch:" title="Почеесываю" width="27" height="24"></a> $('.csmile').on('click', function(){ insert_text('[img]'+ this.src + '[/img]', true); return false; }); }); })(window.jQuery.noConflict(true));