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// ==UserScript== // @name ShowVKAttachMessage // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Добавляет кнопку, которая позволяет перейти к сообщению с вложением // @author You // @match // @match *://* // @grant none // @run-at document-end // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; if (typeof API !== "function") window.API = function (method, data) { if (!data) data = {}; var time = new Date(); API.time = Math.max(time, API.time) + 334; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '', true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState != 4) return; var hash = xhr.responseText.match(/Dev\.methodRun\(\'([a-z0-9\:]+)/im); if (!hash) return reject("Invalid hash"); var _data = new FormData(); _data.append("act", "a_run_method"); _data.append("al", 1); _data.append("hash", hash[1]); _data.append("method", "execute"); _data.append("param_code", method == "execute" ? data.code : "return API." + method + "(" + JSON.stringify(data) + ");"); _data.append("param_v", "5.73"); if (method == "execute") for (var name in data) _data.append("param_" + name, data[name]); var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '', true); req.onreadystatechange = function () { if (req.readyState != 4) return; if (xhr.status !== 200) return reject("I/O Error", xhr.status); var _response = req.response; try { _response = JSON.parse(req.response.replace(/^.+?\{/, "{")); } catch (e) {} if (_response.response) { resolve(_response); } else if (_response.error && _response.error.error_code == 6) { API(method, data).then(resolve, reject); } else { reject(_response); } }; req.send(_data); }; setTimeout(xhr.send.bind(xhr), Math.max(API.time - time, 1)); }); }; API.time = new Date(); var checkLink = window.location.href; new MutationObserver(function () { if ($(location).attr('href').includes("")) { var checkButton = document.querySelector("#pv_like > span.pv_like_link._link"); if (checkButton !== null && checkLink !== window.location.href) { checkLink = window.location.href; var actionsBar = $('#pv_box > div.clear_fix.pv_photo_wrap > div.no_select.pv_left_wrap > div.pv_bottom_info.clear_fix > div > div.pv_bottom_actions'); var separator = '<span class="divider"></span>'; var linkButton = '<a>Показать в сообщении</a>'; actionsBar.prepend(separator); actionsBar.prepend(linkButton).click(function () { createLink(); }); } } }).observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); function createLink() { var chatId = findGetParameter("sel"); if (chatId.includes("c")) { chatId = 2000000000 + parseInt(chatId.substring(1)); } var photoNumber = parseInt($('#pv_box > div.clear_fix.pv_photo_wrap > div.no_select.pv_left_wrap > div.pv_bottom_info.clear_fix > div > div.pv_bottom_info_left > span.pv_counter').text().match(/^\d+/)); if (photoNumber > 0) { var data = { "peer_id": chatId, "media_type": "photo", "count": photoNumber + 1 }; API("messages.getHistoryAttachments", data).then(value => { var photos = value.response.items; var photo = photos[photos.length - 2]; var saveLink = '' + photo.message_id + '&sel=' + chatId; window.location = saveLink; }); } else { var data = { "peer_id": chatId, "media_type": "photo", "count": 1 }; API("messages.getHistoryAttachments", data).then(value => { var photo = value.response.items[0]; var saveLink = '' + photo.message_id + '&sel=' + chatId; window.location = saveLink; }); } } function findGetParameter(parameterName) { var result = null, tmp = []; .substr(1) .split("&") .forEach(function (item) { tmp = item.split("="); if (tmp[0] === parameterName) result = decodeURIComponent(tmp[1]); }); return result; } })();