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// ==UserScript== // @name LazyScroll // @description Scroll pages when mouse hover on scrollbar // @author EvilSpark // @namespace EvilSpark // @version 1..0 // @license MIT // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @run-at document-end //@downloadURL // ==/UserScript== function scrollPlus() { //###Customization: //Show the scrolling indicator box or not, "1" to show. | var scrollShowIndicator = 1; //Set the width of scroll-sensitive zone, "100" as full width, "10" as one tenth. var VScrollonWidth = 5; //Set the background of the indicator bar. var IndicBarBG = '#8f8f8f'; //Set the height of "thickness" of the indicator bar. var IndicBarH = 20; //Write here the width of the scrollbar (set in display properties) for highest accuracy. var ScrollbarWidth = 7; //Set a trigger for activation, 1-none, 2-Ctrl key, 3-middle 100px range. var activateCond = 1; //###Customization ends. var scrollStartSWTM = -1; var factor; var b = null; var VScrollOn = 0; var delayed = 0; document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function(event) { if (document.body.contentEditable == 'true') { return; } var dheightMax = Math.max( document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight ); var cwidthMax = Math.max( document.body.clientWidth, document.documentElement.clientWidth ) - ScrollbarWidth; var cwinHeight = window.innerHeight; var scrollboxHeight = window.innerHeight - 2 * ScrollbarWidth; if (dheightMax > cwinHeight) { if (event.clientX > cwidthMax) { switch (activateCond) { case 1: VScrollOn = 1; break; case 2: if (event.ctrlKey) VScrollOn = 1; break; case 3: if ( event.clientY > cwinHeight / 2 - 50 && event.clientY < cwinHeight / 2 + 50 ) VScrollOn = 1; break; } } if (event.clientX < (1 - VScrollonWidth / 100) * cwidthMax) VScrollOn = 0; } if (VScrollOn && !delayed) { setTimeout(function() { if (VScrollOn) { delayed = 1; } else { delayed = 0; } }, 200); return; } if (VScrollOn) { if (scrollShowIndicator == 1) make_boxes(); if (scrollStartSWTM != -1) { factor = event.ctrlKey ? dheightMax / scrollboxHeight / 2 : dheightMax / scrollboxHeight; if (b) { = event.clientY - IndicBarH / 2 + 'px'; } var delta = factor * (event.clientY - scrollStartSWTM); document.body.scrollTop += delta; document.documentElement.scrollTop += delta; if (event.clientY + 20 > cwinHeight) { document.body.scrollTop += factor * 10; document.documentElement.scrollTop += factor * 10; } if (event.clientY > 0 && event.clientY < 20) { document.body.scrollTop -= factor * 10; document.documentElement.scrollTop -= factor * 10; } } scrollStartSWTM = event.clientY; } else { scrollStartSWTM = -1; if (b) setTimeout(function() { = -200 + 'px'; }, 200); delayed = 0; } }, false ); document.addEventListener( 'click', function() { VScrollOn = 0; }, false ); function make_boxes() { if (!b) { b = document.createElement('div'); b.setAttribute('id', 'IndicatorBox'); b.setAttribute( 'style', 'width:' + VScrollonWidth + '%;background:' + IndicBarBG + ';min-height:' + IndicBarH + 'px;text-align:center;position: fixed; top: -40px; right: 0;overflow: hidden; z-index: 102400;font-family:Arial !important;cursor:n-resize;cursor:ns-resize;' ); document.body.appendChild(b); b.addEventListener( 'click', function() { VScrollOn = 0; }, false ); return true; } } } if (!(window !== || window.document.title === '')) { setTimeout(scrollPlus, 100); }