Raw Source
Elwyn / Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff
// @namespace       Anti-AdBlocker-Fuckoff
// @version         1.5
// @description     Protects from Anti-AdBlockers & DeBlocker
// @author          Elwyn
// @license         MIT
// @homepage        https://github.com/WakeupNeo33/Anti-AdBlocker-Fuckoff-userscript
// @supportURL      https://greasyfork.org/es/scripts/397070-anti-adblocker-off/feedback
// @downloadURL     https://github.com/WakeupNeo33/Anti-AdBlocker-Fuckoff-userscript/raw/main/anti-adblocker-fuckoff.user.js
// @updateURL       https://github.com/WakeupNeo33/Anti-AdBlocker-Fuckoff-userscript/raw/main/anti-adblocker-fuckoff.user.js
// @iconURL         https://github.com/WakeupNeo33/Anti-AdBlocker-Fuckoff-userscript/raw/main/icon.png
// @include         *
// @noframes
// @run-at          document-start
// @grant           unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {

	var enable_debug = false;

    // Skip iframes
    if ( window.location !== window.parent.location ) return;

    // Exclude domains
    var excluded_domains = [
    if ( new RegExp( excluded_domains.join('|').replace(/\./g,'\.') ).test( location.host ) ) return;

    // AdBlock Pattern to Search
    var adblock_pattern = /ad-block|adblock|ad block|bloqueur|bloqueador|Werbeblocker|آدبلوك بلس|блокировщиком/i;
    var disable_pattern = /kapat|disabl|désactiv|desactiv|desativ|deaktiv|detect|enabled|turned off|turn off|απενεργοποίηση|запрещать|állítsd le|publicités|рекламе|verhindert|advert|kapatınız/i;

    var is_core_protected = false;
    var protect_body = false;

    // HELPER Functions
    function debug( value ) {
        if ( !enable_debug ) return;
        if ( typeof value == 'string' ) {
            console.log( "ANTI-ADBLOCKER: " + value );
        } else {
            console.log( "ANTI-ADBLOCKER: -> ");
            console.log( value );

    function addStyle(str) {
        var node = document.createElement('style');
        node.innerHTML = str;

    function randomInt( min, max )
        // min and max included
        if ( max === undefined ) {
            max = min;
            min = 0;
        return Math.floor(min + Math.random() * (max - min + 1));

    function getRandomName( size )
        var chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
        var i;
        var name = '';
        for (i = 0; i < (size||randomInt(10,20)); i++)
            name += chars.charAt( randomInt(0,chars.length) );
        return name;

    function includeElement( el ) {
        var name = getRandomName();
        if ( el.className.length == 0 ) {
            el.className = name;
        } else {
            el.className += ' ' + name;
        return '.' + name + ',';

    /* Thanks to RuiGuilherme  */
    const enableContextMenu = () => {
        window.addEventListener('contextmenu', (event) => {
        }, true);

    function protectCore() {
        if ( is_core_protected ) return;
        is_core_protected = true;
        // Protect RemoveChild
        // Blocks the possibility of being able to remove the BODY or the HEAD
        let $_removeChild = unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.removeChild;
        unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.removeChild = function( node ) {
            if ( node.tagName == 'HEAD' || node.tagName == 'BODY' ) return;
            if ( node.parentNode.tagName == 'HEAD' || node.parentNode.tagName == 'BODY' ) return;
            $_removeChild.apply( this, arguments );
        let $_innerHTML = unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.innerHTML;
        unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.innerHTML = function( node ) {
            if ( node.tagName == 'HEAD' || node.tagName == 'BODY' ) return;
            $_innerHTML.apply( this, arguments );

        // Protect innerHTML
        let $_innerHTML_set = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, 'innerHTML').set;

        Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, 'innerHTML', {
            set: function (value) {
                if ( this.tagName == 'HEAD' || this.tagName == 'BODY' ) return;
                //Call the original setter
                return $_innerHTML_set.call(this, value);

    // Main Functions
    function removeBlackout( el )
        var classes = '';
        document.querySelectorAll( 'a,b,center,div,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,i,font,s,span,strong,p,q,u' ).forEach( ( el ) => {
            let style = window.getComputedStyle( el );
            let height, width;
            if ( style.getPropertyValue( 'position' ) == 'fixed' )
                height = style.getPropertyValue( 'height' );
                width = style.getPropertyValue( 'width' );
                if ( ( height == '100%' && width == '100%' ) || ( parseInt( height ) > window.innerHeight - 100 && parseInt( width ) > window.innerWidth - 100 ) )
                    classes += includeElement( el );

        if ( classes.length > 0 ) {

            classes = classes.substring( 0, classes.length - 1 );

            debug( 'Blackout classes:' + classes );

            // Hide Anti-AdBlocker Blackout Elements
            addStyle( classes + '{ display: none !important; }' );

            // Remove Blur FX of Elements
            addStyle( '* { -webkit-filter: blur(0px) !important; filter: blur(0px) !important; }' );

            // enable context menu again

    function removeModal( el )
        debug( 'AntiAdBlocker Found!');

        var classes = '';

        // Holder of the Modal message
        for (;;) {
            classes += includeElement( el );
            if ( el.parentNode.tagName == 'BODY' || el.parentNode.tagName == 'HEAD' ) break;
            el = el.parentNode;

        if ( classes.length > 0 ) {

            classes = classes.substring( 0, classes.length - 1 );

            debug( 'Modal classes:' + classes );

            // Hide Anti-AdBlocker Modal Elements
            addStyle( classes + '{ display: none !important; }' );

            // Blackout Elements

            // Blocks the possibility of being able to remove the BODY or the HEAD


    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

        // Mutation Observer
        var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;

        // Create an observer instance
        var observer = new MutationObserver( (mutations) => {
            mutations.forEach( (mutation) => {
                if ( mutation.addedNodes.length ) {
                    Array.prototype.forEach.call( mutation.addedNodes, (addedNode) => {
                        // skip nodes with undefined text
                        if ( typeof addedNode.innerText == 'undefined' ) return;
                        // skip nodes without text
                        if ( addedNode.innerText.length < 1 ) return;
                        // search texts that ask to deactivate the AdBlock
                        // debug( addedNode.innerText );
                        if ( adblock_pattern.test( addedNode.innerText ) && disable_pattern.test( addedNode.innerText ) )
                            removeModal( addedNode );
        // Observer
        observer.observe(document, {
            childList : true,
            subtree : true

        let body_style = window.getComputedStyle( document.body );
        document.body.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        if ( body_style.getPropertyValue( 'visibility' ) == 'visible' )
            protect_body = true;
        document.body.style.visibility = 'visible';


