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/** YouTube link resolving Originally written by angelsl With contributions from Manish Burman With contributions from LouCypher YTGrab is distributed under the GNU LGPL v3 or later and comes with no warranty. Full preamble at //===========DS===========// This is a DefSoul MOD for use with hive. All non hive related code is credited to angelsl and contributers above. (My code will have //===========DS===========// above it) angelsl's scripts can be found here > //===========DS===========\\ // ==UserScript== // @name Hive - YouTube to Hive / Local Download // @namespace // @description Inserts a download button on YouTube video pages and sends to hive -Major fixes // @version 2.3 > playlists now get their own folder // @run-at document-end // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include* // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://* // @exclude about:blank // @exclude http*://** // @require // @resource toastrCss // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant unsafeWindow // ==/UserScript== */ //===========DS===========// var nameB = "YouTube to Hive / Local Download: Test "; GM_log(nameB + location.href); var folderName = "# YouTube #"; // CASE SENSITIVE var ytFolderId; var uploadFolderId; var auth; auth = GM_getValue("auth"); var link; GM_setValue("ready", "false"); //GM_deleteValue("auth"); var ru; var uploadToHive; var uploadPng = ""; var downloadPng = ""; function log(str){console.log('%c ' + str, 'background: #000000; color: #FFFFFF');} // CUSTOM LOG var newCSS = GM_getResourceText ("toastrCss"); GM_addStyle(newCSS); toastr.options = { "closeButton": false, "debug": false, "newestOnTop": false, "progressBar": false, "positionClass": "toast-bottom-right", "preventDuplicates": true, "onclick": null, "showDuration": "300", "hideDuration": "1000", "timeOut": "12000", "extendedTimeOut": "1000", "showEasing": "swing", "hideEasing": "linear", "showMethod": "fadeIn", "hideMethod": "fadeOut" }; $(document).on("click", "#hiveSwitch", function(){ if ($("#hiveSwitch").attr("src") === uploadPng){ uploadToHive = false; $("#hiveSwitch").attr("src", downloadPng); $("#hiveSwitch").attr("title", "Local download activated."); document.getElementById('btnDownload').innerHTML = 'Download'; $("#hiveSwitch").css("right", "9px"); if ($("#watch-action-panels").css("display") == "none") document.getElementById("btnDownload").click(); } else{ uploadToHive = true; $("#hiveSwitch").attr("src", uploadPng); $("#hiveSwitch").attr("title", "Upload to Hive activated."); document.getElementById('btnDownload').innerHTML = ' Upload '; $("#hiveSwitch").css("right", "0px"); if ($("#watch-action-panels").css("display") == "none") document.getElementById("btnDownload").click(); } }); //===========DS===========\\ if (typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined' || typeof unsafeWindow.ytplayer === 'undefined') { var p = document.createElement('p'); p.setAttribute('onclick', 'return window;'); unsafeWindow = p.onclick(); } function main(decipher) { var dashmpd = unsafeWindow.ytplayer.config.args.dashmpd, mpbsrgx = /\/s\/([\w\.]+)/, mpbs; if (typeof dashmpd !== 'undefined') { mpbs = mpbsrgx.exec(dashmpd); if(mpbs) dashmpd = dashmpd.replace(mpbsrgx, "/signature/"+decipher(mpbs[1])); GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: "GET", url: dashmpd, onload: function (t) { main2(t.responseText, decipher); }}); } else main2(false, decipher); } function main2(dashmpd, decipher) { "use strict"; var uriencToMap = function (s) { var n = {}, a = s.split("&"), idy, c; for (idy = 0; idy < a.length; idy++) { c = a[idy].split("="); n[c[0]] = decodeURIComponent(c[1]); } return n; }, uwyca = unsafeWindow.ytplayer.config.args, title = uwyca.title.replace(/[\/\\\:\*\?\"<\>\|]/g, ""), fmtrgx = /^[\-\w+]+\/(?:x-)?([\-\w+]+)/, fmt_map = {}, idx, idz, n, a, qual, fmt, fmt_list, map, uefmss, dashlist, ul, q, div, type, itag, maporder, fpsa, fpsb, fpsw = false; fmt_list = uwyca.fmt_list.split(","); for (idx = 0; idx < fmt_list.length; idx++) { a = fmt_list[idx].split("/"); fmt_map[a[0]] = a[1].split("x")[1] + "p"; } map = {}; uefmss = uwyca.url_encoded_fmt_stream_map.split(","); for (idx = 0; idx < uefmss.length; idx++) { n = uriencToMap(uefmss[idx]); qual = fmt_map[n.itag]; if (!(qual in map)) { map[qual] = []; } fmt = fmtrgx.exec(n.type); map[qual].push($("<a>" + (fmt ? fmt[1] : "MISSINGNO.").toUpperCase() + "</a>").attr("href", n.url + ((n.url.indexOf("signature=") !== -1) ? "" : ("&signature=" + (n.sig || decipher(n.s)))) + "&title=" + title).attr("title", "Format ID: " + n.itag + " | Quality: " + n.quality + " | Mime: " + n.type)); } dashlist = uwyca.adaptive_fmts; if (typeof dashlist !== 'undefined') { dashlist = dashlist.split(","); for (idx = 0; idx < dashlist.length; idx++) { n = uriencToMap(dashlist[idx]); qual = n.type.indexOf("audio/") === 0 ? "Audio" : (("size" in n) ? (n.size.split('x')[1] + 'p' + n.fps) : (n.itag in fmt_map) ? (fmt_map[n.itag]) : ("Unknown")); if (!(qual in map)) { map[qual] = []; } fmt = fmtrgx.exec(n.type); if (parseInt(n.fps) == 1) fpsw = 1; map[qual].push($("<a>DASH" + (fmt ? fmt[1] : "MISSINGNO.").toUpperCase() + "</a>").attr("href", n.url + ((n.url.indexOf("signature=") !== -1) ? "" : ("&signature=" + (n.sig || decipher(n.s)))) + "&title=" + title).attr("title", "Format ID: " + n.itag + " | Bitrate: " + n.bitrate + " | Mime: " + n.type + " | Res: " + n.size + " | FPS: " + n.fps)); } } if (dashmpd !== false) { dashmpd = $($.parseXML(dashmpd)); dashmpd.find("AdaptationSet").each(function() { q = $(this); type = q.attr("mimeType"); q.children("Representation").each(function() { n = $(this); itag = n.attr("id"); qual = type.indexOf("audio/") === 0 ? "Audio" : (n.attr("height") + 'p' + n.attr("frameRate")); if (!(qual in map)) { map[qual] = []; } fmt = fmtrgx.exec(type); if (parseInt(n.attr("frameRate")) == 1) fpsw = 1; map[qual].push($("<a>MPD" + (fmt ? fmt[1] : "MISSINGNO.").toUpperCase() + "</a>").attr("href", n.children("BaseURL").text() + "&title=" + title).attr("title", "Format ID: " + itag + " | Bitrate: " + n.attr("bandwidth") + " | Mime: " + type + (type.indexOf("audio/") === 0 ? " | Sample Rate: " + n.attr("audioSamplingRate") : " | Res: " + n.attr("width") + 'x' + n.attr("height") + " | FPS: " + n.attr("frameRate")))); }); }); } maporder = Object.keys(map); maporder.sort(function(a,b) { if((a == "Audio" && b == "Unknown") || (b == "Audio" && a != "Unknown")) return -1; if ((b == "Audio" && a == "Unknown") || (a == "Audio" && b != "Unknown")) return 1; fpsa = a.split('p')[1] || 0; fpsb = b.split('p')[1] || 0; if (fpsa != fpsb) return parseInt(fpsb)-parseInt(fpsa); return parseInt(b)-parseInt(a); }); ul = $("<ul class=\"watch-extras-section\" />"); for (n = 0; n < maporder.length; ++n) { q = maporder[n]; if (map[q].length < 1) { continue; } div = $("<div class=\"content\" />").append(map[q][0]); for (idz = 1; idz < map[q].length; idz++) { div.append(" ").append(map[q][idz]); } ul.append($("<li><h4 class=\"title\" style=\"font-weight: bold; color: #333333;\">" + q + "</h4></li>").append(div)); } $("#action-panel-share").after($("<div id=\"action-panel-sldownload\" class=\"action-panel-content hid\" data-panel-loaded=\"true\" />").append(ul)); $("#watch8-secondary-actions").find("> div").eq(1).after($('<button class="yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-default yt-uix-button-opacity action-panel-trigger yt-uix-button-opacity yt-uix-tooltip" style="text-align: center;" type="button" onclick=";return false;" title="" id="btnDownload" data-trigger-for="action-panel-sldownload" data-button-toggle="true"><span class="yt-uix-button-content">Upload</span></button>')).size(); //===========DS===========// //$("#hiveSwitch").css("display", "block"); $("#watch8-secondary-actions").find("> div").eq(1).after($('<img title="Upload to Hive activated." src="' + uploadPng + '" type="button" onclick=";return false;" title="" id="hiveSwitch" style="right: 0px; bottom: 41px; z-index: 9999999; cursor: pointer; position: absolute; display: block; height: 50px; width: 50px; padding-left: 5px;" data-button-toggle="true"><span class=""></span></button>')).size(); //===========DS===========\\ if (fpsw) ul.after($("<p style='color: green;'>At this time Hive only accepts Mp4 & Flv video files, the other formats are for local downloading.</p>")); } function run() { if (typeof unsafeWindow.ytplayer !== 'undefined') { GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: "GET", url: unsafeWindow.ytplayer.config.assets.js.replace(/^\/\//, "https://"), onload: function (t) { main((function (u) { "use strict"; var sres = /function ([a-zA-Z$0-9]+)\(a\)\{a=a\.split\(""\);([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\.?.*?return a\.join\(""\)\};/g.exec(u); if (!sres) { return function (v) { return v; }; } return eval("(function(s){" + (sres[2] !== "" ? (new RegExp("var " + sres[2] + "={.+?}};", "g").exec(u)[0]) : "") + sres[0] + "return " + sres[1] + "(s);})"); }(t.responseText))); }}); } } //DS// function run2(val) { log("run2 running"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: val, onload: function(t){ json = JSON.parse(t.responseText); //for(var key in json) { // var value = json[key]; // log(value); //} }}); } setInterval(function(){ if ($(".playlist-actions").length && !$("#PlaylistToHive").length){ $(".playlist-actions").append('<button id="PlaylistToHive" class="yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-default yt-uix-button-default yt-uix-button-has-icon no-icon-markup yt-uix-playlistlike yt-uix-tooltip" type="button" onclick=";return false;" aria-label="To Hive" title="To Hive" data-like-tooltip="Save to Playlists" data-unlike-tooltip="Remove" data-like-label="Save" data-unlike-label="Saved" data-tooltip-text="To Hive" aria-labelledby="yt-uix-tooltip95-arialabel" data-tooltip-hide-timer="235"><span class="yt-uix-button-content">To Hive</span></button>'); } }, 1000); //DS\\ waitForKeyElements("#watch8-secondary-actions", run); //===========DS===========/ function createFolderInParent(uploadFolderName, parent){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ //CROSS DOMAIN POST REQUEST "method": "post", "url": "", "data": "filename=" + uploadFolderName + "&parent=" + parent + "&locked=false", "headers": { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;', 'Authorization': auth, 'Client-Type': 'Browser', 'Client-Version': '0.1', 'Referer': '', 'Origin': '' }, "onload": function(data){ var r = data.responseText; var json = JSON.parse(r); uploadFolderId =; log("createFolderInParent <" + uploadFolderName + "> " +; return; } }); } function createFolder(uploadFolderName){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ //CROSS DOMAIN POST REQUEST "method": "get", "url": "", "headers": { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;', 'Authorization': auth, 'Client-Type': 'Browser', 'Client-Version': '0.1', 'Referer': '', 'Origin': '' }, "onload": function(data){ var r = data.responseText; var json = JSON.parse(r); for (var i = 0; i <; i++){ var id; if ([i].title === "Videos"){ // FINDS INITIAL VIDEOS FOLDER ID //log("we got a video ova here", "green"); parentId =[i].parentId; id =[i].id; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ //CROSS DOMAIN POST REQUEST "method": "post", "url": "", "data": "&parentId=" + id + "&limit=1000", "headers": { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;', 'Authorization': auth, 'Client-Type': 'Browser', 'Client-Version': '0.1', 'Referer': '', 'Origin': '' }, "onload": function(data){ var r = data.responseText; var json = JSON.parse(r); var hasFolderIndex; Object.keys( { //log([key].title, "blue"); hasFolderIndex +=[key].title; if ([key].title === uploadFolderName){ ytFolderId =[key].id; log("<" + uploadFolderName + "> Already exists. " + ytFolderId, "green"); //return[key].id; } }); if (hasFolderIndex.indexOf(uploadFolderName) == -1){ // SEARCHES VIDEOS FOLDER TO SEE IF uploadFolderName EXISTS log("does not contain: " + uploadFolderName, "red"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ //CROSS DOMAIN POST REQUEST "method": "post", "url": "", "data": "filename=" + uploadFolderName + "&parent=" + id + "&locked=false", "headers": { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;', 'Authorization': auth, 'Client-Type': 'Browser', 'Client-Version': '0.1', 'Referer': '', 'Origin': '' }, "onload": function(data){ var r = data.responseText; var json = JSON.parse(r); ytFolderId =; log("Create folder <" + uploadFolderName + "> " +; return; } }); } else{ //log("does contain: " + uploadFolderName, "green"); } } }); //log(parentId + "\n" + currentId); } //log(item, "blue"); } //log(r, "blue"); } }); } function cdReq(href, nameT, folderId){ log("cdReq start: " + href); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ //CROSS DOMAIN POST REQUEST "method": "post", "url": "", "data": "remoteUrl=" + window.btoa(href) + "&parentId=" + folderId, //"data": "remoteUrl=" + window.btoa(href), "headers": { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;', 'Authorization': GM_getValue("auth"), 'Client-Type': 'Browser', 'Client-Version': '0.1', 'Referer': '', 'Origin': '' }, "onload": function(data){ var r = data.responseText; var json = JSON.parse(r); if (json.status === "success"){ toastr.success(nameT, "Status: " +; log("========= " + nameT + " success =========", "green"); log("Job ID: " +, "blue"); log("Data Status: " +, "blue"); log("Folder Id: " + folderId, "blue"); log("", "red"); } else{ if (json.message === "quotaExceeded"){ toastr.warning(nameT, "Quota Exceeded"); } else if (json.message === "securityViolation"){ toastr.error(nameT, "Security Violation"); } log("========= " + nameT + " error =========", "green"); log("Message: " + json.message, "blue"); log("", "red"); } //log("cdReq >" + data.responseText); //transferItemsList(); // GO GET ITEMS IN CURRENT TRANSFER LIST } }); } $(document).on("click", "#PlaylistToHive", function(e){ // MAIN CLICK EVENT e.preventDefault(); toastr.warning("Extracting links.", "Please don't navigate from page!"); var tiles = document.getElementsByClassName("yt-uix-tile"); var titlesClass = document.getElementsByClassName("pl-video-title-link"); var titles = []; var vids = []; // CONTAINS ALL COMPLETE URLS OF ALL ITEMS IN PLAYLIST var mp4s = []; var playlistTitle = document.getElementsByClassName("pl-header-title"); playlistTitle = $(playlistTitle[0]).html(); playlistTitle = playlistTitle.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); playlistTitle = playlistTitle.trim(); playlistTitle = playlistTitle.replace(/[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\=÷¿?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, ' '); log(playlistTitle, "blue"); createFolderInParent(playlistTitle, ytFolderId); //return; for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++){ var r = $(titlesClass[i]).html(); r = r.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); r = r.trim(); r = r.replace(/[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\=÷¿?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, '%20'); r = r.replace(/ /g, "%20"); //r = "&title=" + r; //log(r); titles.push(r); // CREATES ARRAY OF VIDEO TITLES vids.push("" + $(tiles[i]).attr("data-video-id")); // CREATES ARRAY OF VIDEO URLS } var jjj = 0; for (var jI = 0; jI < vids.length; jI++){ var toastTitle; extract(vids[jI]).done(function (result) { for (var j = 0; j < result.formats.length; j++){ if (result.formats[j].ext === "mp4" && typeof result.formats[j].format_note == "undefined"){ toastTitle = titles[jjj]; toastTitle = toastTitle.replace(/%20/g, " "); mp4s = []; mp4s.push(result.formats[j].url + "&title=" + titles[jjj]); } } //log("MP4S 1: >>" + mp4s[0], "blue"); // HIGHEST QUALITY MP4 cdReq(mp4s[0], toastTitle, uploadFolderId); jjj++; setTimeout(function(){ if (jjj === jI){"Finished!"); } }, 5000); }); } }); if ( === window.self) { //=========MAIN WINDOW=========// if (document.location.href.indexOf("") !== -1){ return; } createFolder(folderName); if (!$("#iframeHive").length || typeof auth == "undefined"){ var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = "iframeHive"; iframe.src = ""; = "height: 0px; width: 0px; display: none; overflow:hidden"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); $("#iframeHive").attr("style", "height: 0px; width: 0px; display: none; overflow:hidden"); //$("#iframeHive").attr("style", "height: 600px; width: 600px; display: block; overflow:hidden"); log("iframe created! " + nameB); } var onceB = 0; setInterval(function(){ //log("AA: " + auth); if (onceB === 0 && typeof auth !== "undefined"){ GM_setValue("ready", "true"); GM_setValue("auth", auth); $("#iframeHive").remove(); //log("TRUE: " + auth); } if (onceB === 0 && GM_getValue("ready") == "true"){ onceB = 1; auth = GM_getValue("auth"); log("A: " + auth); $("#iframeHive").remove(); //init(); } }, 250); $(document).on("click", "a", function(evt){ // MAIN CLICK EVENT if ($(this).attr('href').indexOf('googlevideo') !== -1){ if (uploadToHive === false) return; log($("#hiveSwitch").attr("src")); evt.preventDefault(); ru = $(this).attr('href'); //log("pre: " + ru); ru = ru.replace(/ /g, "%20"); //log("post: " + ru); var vidTitle = $("#eow-title").attr("title"); cdReq(ru, vidTitle, ytFolderId); } }); } else { //=========IFRAME WINDOW=========// try{ auth = unsafeWindow.account.token; } catch(err){} var once = 0; setInterval(function(){ // EVENT FOR WHEN PAGE IS LOADED // RUNS ONCE if (once === 0 && $("#username").text().indexOf("My Account") !== -1){ once = 1; log("ready"); auth = unsafeWindow.account.token; GM_setValue("auth", unsafeWindow.account.token); GM_setValue("ready", "true"); } else if (once === 1 && auth == "undefined"){ GM_setValue("ready", "false"); try{ auth = unsafeWindow.account.token; } catch(err){} } }, 200); } //===========DS===========\\ // START YT-LINKS CODE // var YT_FORMATS = { '5': {'ext': 'flv', 'width': 400, 'height': 240}, '6': {'ext': 'flv', 'width': 450, 'height': 270}, '13': {'ext': '3gp'}, '17': {'ext': '3gp', 'width': 176, 'height': 144}, '18': {'ext': 'mp4', 'width': 640, 'height': 360}, '22': {'ext': 'mp4', 'width': 1280, 'height': 720}, '34': {'ext': 'flv', 'width': 640, 'height': 360}, '35': {'ext': 'flv', 'width': 854, 'height': 480}, '36': {'ext': '3gp', 'width': 320, 'height': 240}, '37': {'ext': 'mp4', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080}, '38': {'ext': 'mp4', 'width': 4096, 'height': 3072}, '43': {'ext': 'webm', 'width': 640, 'height': 360}, '44': {'ext': 'webm', 'width': 854, 'height': 480}, '45': {'ext': 'webm', 'width': 1280, 'height': 720}, '46': {'ext': 'webm', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080}, '59': {'ext': 'mp4', 'width': 854, 'height': 480}, '78': {'ext': 'mp4', 'width': 854, 'height': 480}, // 3d videos '82': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 360, 'format_note': '3D', 'preference': -20}, '83': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 480, 'format_note': '3D', 'preference': -20}, '84': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 720, 'format_note': '3D', 'preference': -20}, '85': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 1080, 'format_note': '3D', 'preference': -20}, '100': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 360, 'format_note': '3D', 'preference': -20}, '101': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'format_note': '3D', 'preference': -20}, '102': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 720, 'format_note': '3D', 'preference': -20}, // Apple HTTP Live Streaming '92': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 240, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'preference': -10}, '93': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 360, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'preference': -10}, '94': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 480, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'preference': -10}, '95': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 720, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'preference': -10}, '96': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 1080, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'preference': -10}, '132': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 240, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'preference': -10}, '151': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 72, 'format_note': 'HLS', 'preference': -10}, // DASH mp4 video '133': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 240, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '134': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 360, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '135': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 480, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '136': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 720, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '137': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 1080, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '138': {'ext': 'mp4', 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, // Height can vary ( '160': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 144, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '264': {'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 1440, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '298': { 'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 720, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40, 'fps': 60, 'vcodec': 'h264' }, '299': { 'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 1080, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40, 'fps': 60, 'vcodec': 'h264' }, '266': { 'ext': 'mp4', 'height': 2160, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40, 'vcodec': 'h264' }, // Dash mp4 audio '139': { 'ext': 'm4a', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'aac', 'vcodec': 'none', 'abr': 48, 'preference': -50, 'container': 'm4a_dash' }, '140': { 'ext': 'm4a', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'aac', 'vcodec': 'none', 'abr': 128, 'preference': -50, 'container': 'm4a_dash' }, '141': { 'ext': 'm4a', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'aac', 'vcodec': 'none', 'abr': 256, 'preference': -50, 'container': 'm4a_dash' }, // Dash webm '167': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 360, 'width': 640, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'container': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'VP8', 'preference': -40 }, '168': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'width': 854, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'container': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'VP8', 'preference': -40 }, '169': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 720, 'width': 1280, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'container': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'VP8', 'preference': -40 }, '170': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 1080, 'width': 1920, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'container': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'VP8', 'preference': -40 }, '218': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'width': 854, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'container': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'VP8', 'preference': -40 }, '219': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'width': 854, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'container': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'VP8', 'preference': -40 }, '278': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 144, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40, 'container': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'VP9' }, '242': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 240, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '243': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 360, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '244': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '245': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '246': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 480, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '247': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 720, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '248': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 1080, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '271': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 1440, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '272': {'ext': 'webm', 'height': 2160, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40}, '302': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 720, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40, 'fps': 60, 'vcodec': 'VP9' }, '303': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 1080, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40, 'fps': 60, 'vcodec': 'VP9' }, '308': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 1440, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40, 'fps': 60, 'vcodec': 'VP9' }, '313': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 2160, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40, 'vcodec': 'VP9' }, '315': { 'ext': 'webm', 'height': 2160, 'format_note': 'DASH video', 'acodec': 'none', 'preference': -40, 'fps': 60, 'vcodec': 'VP9' }, // Dash webm audio '171': {'ext': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'none', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'abr': 128, 'preference': -50}, '172': {'ext': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'none', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'abr': 256, 'preference': -50}, // Dash webm audio with opus inside '249': { 'ext': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'none', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'opus', 'abr': 50, 'preference': -50 }, '250': { 'ext': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'none', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'opus', 'abr': 70, 'preference': -50 }, '251': { 'ext': 'webm', 'vcodec': 'none', 'format_note': 'DASH audio', 'acodec': 'opus', 'abr': 160, 'preference': -50 }, // RTMP (unnamed) '_rtmp': {'protocol': 'rtmp'}, } // QueryString - begin // This is public domain code written in 2011 by Jan Wolter and distributed // for free at // // Query String Parser // // qs= new QueryString() // qs= new QueryString(string) // // Create a query string object based on the given query string. If // no string is given, we use the one from the current page by default. // // qs.value(key) // // Return a value for the named key. If the key was not defined, // it will return undefined. If the key was multiply defined it will // return the last value set. If it was defined without a value, it // will return an empty string. // // qs.values(key) // // Return an array of values for the named key. If the key was not // defined, an empty array will be returned. If the key was multiply // defined, the values will be given in the order they appeared on // in the query string. // // qs.keys() // // Return an array of unique keys in the query string. The order will // not necessarily be the same as in the original query, and repeated // keys will only be listed once. // // QueryString.decode(string) // // This static method is an error tolerant version of the builtin // function decodeURIComponent(), modified to also change pluses into // spaces, so that it is suitable for query string decoding. You // shouldn't usually need to call this yourself as the value(), // values(), and keys() methods already decode everything they return. // // Note: W3C recommends that ; be accepted as an alternative to & for // separating query string fields. To support that, simply insert a semicolon // immediately after each ampersand in the regular expression in the first // function below. function QueryString(qs) { this.dict = {}; // If no query string was passed in use the one from the current page if (!qs) qs =; // Delete leading question mark, if there is one if (qs.charAt(0) == '?') qs = qs.substring(1); // Parse it var re = /([^=&]+)(=([^&]*))?/g; while (match = re.exec(qs)) { var key = decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); var value = match[3] ? QueryString.decode(match[3]) : ''; if (this.dict[key]) this.dict[key].push(value); else this.dict[key] = [value]; } } QueryString.decode = function (s) { s = s.replace(/\+/g, ' '); s = s.replace(/%([EF][0-9A-F])%([89AB][0-9A-F])%([89AB][0-9A-F])/gi, function (code, hex1, hex2, hex3) { var n1 = parseInt(hex1, 16) - 0xE0; var n2 = parseInt(hex2, 16) - 0x80; if (n1 == 0 && n2 < 32) return code; var n3 = parseInt(hex3, 16) - 0x80; var n = (n1 << 12) + (n2 << 6) + n3; if (n > 0xFFFF) return code; return String.fromCharCode(n); }); s = s.replace(/%([CD][0-9A-F])%([89AB][0-9A-F])/gi, function (code, hex1, hex2) { var n1 = parseInt(hex1, 16) - 0xC0; if (n1 < 2) return code; var n2 = parseInt(hex2, 16) - 0x80; return String.fromCharCode((n1 << 6) + n2); }); s = s.replace(/%([0-7][0-9A-F])/gi, function (code, hex) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16)); }); return s; }; QueryString.prototype.value = function (key) { var a = this.dict[key]; return a ? a[a.length - 1] : undefined; }; QueryString.prototype.values = function (key) { var a = this.dict[key]; return a ? a : []; }; QueryString.prototype.keys = function () { var a = []; for (var key in this.dict) a.push(key); return a; }; // QueryString - end var Queue = function () { var previous = new $.Deferred().resolve(); return function (fn, fail) { return previous = previous.then(fn, fail || fn); }; }; var queue = Queue(); // lower case for idiomatic use var LAST_PLAYER_URL = null; var LAST_FUNC = null; function log(s) { try { console.log(s); } catch (ignore) { } } function download(url) { log('Downloading webpage ' + url); var deferred = $.Deferred(); //var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; var userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.81 Safari/537.36'; $.get('', { q: 'select * from xClient where url="' + url + '" and ua="' + userAgent + '"', format: 'json', env: 'store://', callback: '' }).done(function (data) { try { deferred.resolve(data.query.results.resources.content); } catch (e) { log(e); deferred.resolve(null); } }); return deferred.promise(); } function extractId(url) { var r = /^http(s?):\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=(.+)/.exec(url); return r !== null ? r[2] : null; } function searchRegex(regex, string, defaultValue) { var r = regex.exec(string); if (r !== null) { return r[1]; } else { return defaultValue; } } function parseQS(s) { var qs = new QueryString(s); var obj = {}; var keys = qs.keys(); var size = keys.length; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { var k = keys[i]; obj[k] = qs.values(k); } return obj; } function decryptSignature(s, playerUrl) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); if (playerUrl === null) { log('Cannot decrypt signature without player_url'); deferred.resolve(null); } if (playerUrl.indexOf('//') === 0) { playerUrl = 'https:' + playerUrl; } if (LAST_PLAYER_URL === playerUrl && LAST_FUNC !== null) { var func = LAST_FUNC; var signature = func(s); deferred.resolve(signature); } else { download(playerUrl).done(function (jscode) { var func = null; if (LAST_PLAYER_URL === playerUrl && LAST_FUNC !== null) { func = LAST_FUNC; } else { var r = /\.sig\|\|([a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(/.exec(jscode); if (r === null) { log("Couldn't find the signature code with regex"); } var funcname = r[1]; function shortcut(jscode) { var p = jscode.split('function ' + funcname + '('); if (p.length !== 2) { return null; } var i1 = p[0].lastIndexOf('};var '); if (i1 === -1) { return null; } var p1 = p[0].substr(i1 + 2); var i2 = p[1].indexOf('};'); if (i2 === -1) { return null; } var p2 = p[1].substr(0, i2 + 2); return p1 + 'function ' + funcname + '(' + p2; } var temp = shortcut(jscode); if (temp !== null) { jscode = temp; } var ast = esprima.parse(jscode); function traverse(object, level, visitor) { var key, child; if (, object) === false) { return; } if (level > 8) { return; } for (key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { child = object[key]; if (typeof child === 'object' && child !== null) { traverse(child, level + 1, visitor); } } } } traverse(ast, 0, function (node) { if (node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' && == funcname) { func = eval('(' + escodegen.generate(node) + ')'); } if (node.type === 'VariableDeclarator') { try { eval(escodegen.generate(node)); } catch (ignore) { } } }); LAST_PLAYER_URL = playerUrl; LAST_FUNC = func; } var signature = func(s); deferred.resolve(signature); }); } return deferred.promise(); } function parseDashManifest(video_id, dash_manifest_url, player_url, age_gate) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var r = /\/s\/([a-fA-F0-9\.]+)/.exec(dash_manifest_url); if (r !== null) { var s = r[1]; var formats = []; decryptSignature(s, player_url).done(function (dec_s) { dash_manifest_url = dash_manifest_url.replace(new RegExp('/s/' + s), '/signature/' + dec_s); download(dash_manifest_url).done(function (dash_doc) { dash_doc = $.parseXML(dash_doc); $(dash_doc).find('AdaptationSet').each(function (index, elemSet) { var mimeType = $(elemSet).attr('mimeType'); $(elemSet).find('Representation').each(function (index, elemRep) { var url_el = $(elemRep).find('BaseURL'); if (mimeType.indexOf('audio/') === 0 || mimeType.indexOf('video/') === 0) { var format_id = $(elemRep).attr('id'); var video_url = $(url_el).text(); var filesize = parseInt($(url_el).attr('yt:contentLength')); var f = { format_id: format_id, url: video_url, widt: parseInt($(elemRep).attr('width')), height: parseInt($(elemRep).attr('height')), filesize: filesize } formats.push(f); } }); }); deferred.resolve({ dash_manifest_url: dash_manifest_url, formats: formats }); }); }); } else { deferred.resolve(null); } return deferred.promise(); } function getSubtitles(videoId) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); download('' + videoId).done(function (subsDoc) { subsDoc = $.parseXML(subsDoc); var subLangList = {}; $(subsDoc).find('track').each(function (index, track) { var lang = $(track).attr('lang_code'); if (subLangList.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { return; } var subFormats = []; ['sbv', 'vtt', 'srt'].forEach(function (ext) { var params = $.param({ lang: lang, v: videoId, fmt: ext, name: $(track).attr('name'), }); subFormats.push({ 'url': '' + params, 'ext': ext, }); }); subLangList[lang] = subFormats; }); deferred.resolve(subLangList); }).fail(function () { deferred.resolve(null); }); return deferred.promise(); } function extractSupport(video_id, video_webpage, age_gate, embed_webpage, video_info) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); function fail(s) { log(s); deferred.resolve(null); return deferred.promise(); } if (!video_info.hasOwnProperty('token')) { if (video_info.hasOwnProperty('reason')) { return fail('YouTube said: ' + video_info['reason'][0]); } else { return fail('"token" parameter not in video info for unknown reason'); } } var view_count = 0; if (video_info.hasOwnProperty('view_count')) { view_count = parseInt(video_info['view_count'][0]); } // Check for "rental" videos if (video_info.hasOwnProperty('ypc_video_rental_bar_text') && !video_info.hasOwnProperty('author')) { return fail('"rental" videos not supported'); } //Start extracting information //self.report_information_extraction(video_id) // uploader if (!video_info.hasOwnProperty('author')) { return fail('Unable to extract uploader name'); } var video_uploader = decodeURIComponent(video_info['author'][0]); // uploader_id var video_uploader_id = null; var mobj = /<link itemprop="url" href="http:\/\/\/(?:user|channel)\/([^"]+)">/.exec(video_webpage); if (mobj !== null) { video_uploader_id = mobj[1]; } else { //return fail('unable to extract uploader nickname'); log('unable to extract uploader nickname'); } // title var video_title = '_'; if (video_info.hasOwnProperty('title')) { video_title = video_info['title'][0]; } else { return fail('Unable to extract video title'); } // upload date var upload_date = null; mobj = /id="eow-date.*?>(.*?)<\/span>/.exec(video_webpage); if (mobj === null) { mobj = /id="watch-uploader-info".*?>.*?(?:Published|Uploaded|Streamed live) on (.*?)<\/strong>/.exec(video_webpage); } if (mobj !== null) { upload_date = new Date(mobj[1]); //upload_date = ' '.join(re.sub(r'[/,-]', r' ', //upload_date = unified_strdate(upload_date) } // TODO: categories // description // TODO: // subtitles var videoSubtitles = null; queue(function () { return getSubtitles(video_id).done(function (subs) { videoSubtitles = subs; }); }); // TODO: //automatic_captions = self.extract_automatic_captions(video_id, video_webpage) var video_duration = null; if (!video_info.hasOwnProperty('length_seconds')) { return fail('unable to extract video duration'); } else { video_duration = parseInt(decodeURIComponent(video_info['length_seconds'][0])); } // TODO: // annotations //video_annotations = None //if self._downloader.params.get('writeannotations', False): // video_annotations = self._extract_annotations(video_id) var formats = []; if (video_info.hasOwnProperty('conn') && video_info['conn'][0].startswith('rtmp')) { return fail('RTMP not supported'); } else if (video_info.hasOwnProperty('url_encoded_fmt_stream_map') || video_info.hasOwnProperty('adaptive_fmts')) { var encodedUrlMap = ''; if (video_info.hasOwnProperty('url_encoded_fmt_stream_map')) { encodedUrlMap = encodedUrlMap + ',' + video_info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'][0]; } if (video_info.hasOwnProperty('adaptive_fmts')) { encodedUrlMap = encodedUrlMap + ',' + video_info['adaptive_fmts'][0]; } if (encodedUrlMap.indexOf('rtmpe%3Dyes') !== -1) { return fail('rtmpe downloads are not supported'); } var arr = encodedUrlMap.split(','); var size = arr.length; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (arr[i].length == 0) { continue; } var urlData = parseQS(arr[i]); if (!urlData.hasOwnProperty('itag') || !urlData.hasOwnProperty('url')) { continue; } var formatId = urlData['itag'][0]; var url = urlData['url'][0]; if (url.indexOf('ratebypass') === -1) { url += '&ratebypass=yes'; } if (urlData.hasOwnProperty('sig')) { url += '&signature=' + urlData['sig'][0]; formats.push({ format_id: formatId, url: url }); } else if (urlData.hasOwnProperty('s')) { var encrypted_sig = urlData['s'][0]; var ASSETS_RE = /"assets":.+?"js":\s*("[^"]+")/; var jsplayer_url_json = searchRegex(ASSETS_RE, age_gate ? embed_webpage : video_webpage); // TODO: /* if not jsplayer_url_json and not age_gate: # We need the embed website after all if embed_webpage is None: embed_url = proto + '://' % video_id embed_webpage = self._download( embed_url, video_id, 'Downloading embed webpage') jsplayer_url_json = self._searchRegex( ASSETS_RE, embed_webpage, 'JS player URL') */ var playerUrl = JSON.parse(jsplayer_url_json); (function (encrypted_sig, playerUrl, formatId, url) { queue(function () { return decryptSignature(encrypted_sig, playerUrl).done(function (signature) { url += '&signature=' + signature; formats.push({ format_id: formatId, url: url }); }); }); })(encrypted_sig, playerUrl, formatId, url); } else if (url.indexOf('signature') !== -1) { // already decrypted formats.push({ format_id: formatId, url: url }); } } } else if (video_info.hasOwnProperty('hlsvp')) { return fail('HLS not supported'); } else { return fail('no conn, hlsvp or url_encoded_fmt_stream_map information found in video info'); } var dashManifestUrl = null; function buildResult(formats) { var size = formats.length; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { var fmt = formats[i]; var master = YT_FORMATS[fmt['format_id']]; $.extend(fmt, master); } return { 'id': video_id, 'uploader': video_uploader, 'uploader_id': video_uploader_id, 'upload_date': upload_date, 'title': video_title, 'thumbnail': '' + video_id + '/hqdefault.jpg', //'description': video_description, //'categories': video_categories, subtitles: videoSubtitles, //'automatic_captions': automatic_captions, 'duration': video_duration, 'age_limit': age_gate ? 18 : 0, //'annotations': video_annotations, 'webpage_url': '' + video_id, 'view_count': view_count, //'average_rating': float_or_none(video_info.get('avg_rating', [None])[0]), 'formats': formats, dash_manifest_url: dashManifestUrl } } // Look for the DASH manifest if (video_info.hasOwnProperty('dashmpd')) { dashManifestUrl = video_info['dashmpd'][0]; queue(function () { return parseDashManifest(video_id, dashManifestUrl, playerUrl, age_gate).done(function (dash) { if (dash != null) { dashManifestUrl = dash.dash_manifest_url; } deferred.resolve(buildResult(dash && dash.formats ? formats.concat(dash.formats) : formats)); }); }); } return deferred.promise(); } function extract(url) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var video_id = extractId(url); // Get video webpage url = '' + video_id + '&gl=US&hl=en&has_verified=1&bpctr=9999999999'; download(url).done(function (video_webpage) { var age_gate = false; if (/player-age-gate-content">/i.test(video_webpage)) { age_gate = true; // We simulate the access to the video from{video_id} // this can be viewed without login into Youtube url = '' + video_id; download(url).done(function (embed_webpage) { var sts = searchRegex(/"sts"\s*:\s*(\d+)/, embed_webpage); var videoInfoUrl = '' + video_id + '&eurl=' + encodeURIComponent('' + video_id) + '&sts=' + sts; download(videoInfoUrl).done(function (video_info_webpage) { var video_info = parseQS(video_info_webpage); extractSupport(video_id, video_webpage, age_gate, embed_webpage, video_info).done(function (result) { deferred.resolve(result); }); }); }); } else { age_gate = false; var videoInfoUrl = '' + video_id + '&el=detailpage&ps=default&eurl=&gl=US&hl=en' download(videoInfoUrl).done(function (video_info_webpage) { var videoInfo = parseQS(video_info_webpage); extractSupport(video_id, video_webpage, age_gate, '', videoInfo).done(function (result) { deferred.resolve(result); }); }).fail(function () { deferred.resolve(null); }); } }); return deferred.promise(); } function search(q) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var url = '' + encodeURIComponent(q) + '&hl=en'; download(url).done(function (html) { var re = /<h3 class="yt-lockup-title"><a href="\/watch\?v=(.*?)".*? title="(.*?)".*? Duration: (.*?)\.<\/span>.*?by <a href="\/user\/(.*?)".*?<li>([\d,]*) views<\/li>/ig; var m = null; var results = []; while (m = re.exec(html)) { var videoId = m[1]; var r = { id: videoId, url: '' + videoId, title: m[2], duration: m[3], user: m[4], views: parseInt(m[5].replace(/,/g, ''), 10), thumbnail: '' + videoId + '/mqdefault.jpg', }; results.push(r); } deferred.resolve(results); }); return deferred.promise(); } function ytAutocompleteSource(request, response) { // setup global object if (typeof google === 'undefined') { google = { sbox: { p50: function (data) { data = data[1]; var result = []; var size = data.length; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { result.push(data[i][0]); } google.sbox.response(result); }, response: function (data) { log(data) } } } } // set global response google.sbox.response = response; $.ajax({ url: '', dataType: 'script', data: { q: request.term, callback: 'google.sbox.p50' }, success: function (data) { // ignore } }); } // END YT-LINKS CODE // // START WAITFORKEYELEMENTS CODE // /*--- waitForKeyElements(): A utility function, for Greasemonkey scripts, that detects and handles AJAXed content. Usage example: waitForKeyElements ( "div.comments" , commentCallbackFunction ); //--- Page-specific function to do what we want when the node is found. function commentCallbackFunction (jNode) { jNode.text ("This comment changed by waitForKeyElements()."); } IMPORTANT: This function requires your script to have loaded jQuery. */ function waitForKeyElements ( selectorTxt, /* Required: The jQuery selector string that specifies the desired element(s). */ actionFunction, /* Required: The code to run when elements are found. It is passed a jNode to the matched element. */ bWaitOnce, /* Optional: If false, will continue to scan for new elements even after the first match is found. */ iframeSelector /* Optional: If set, identifies the iframe to search. */ ) { var targetNodes, btargetsFound; if (typeof iframeSelector == "undefined") targetNodes = $(selectorTxt); else targetNodes = $(iframeSelector).contents () .find (selectorTxt); if (targetNodes && targetNodes.length > 0) { btargetsFound = true; /*--- Found target node(s). Go through each and act if they are new. */ targetNodes.each ( function () { var jThis = $(this); var alreadyFound = ('alreadyFound') || false; if (!alreadyFound) { //--- Call the payload function. var cancelFound = actionFunction (jThis); if (cancelFound) btargetsFound = false; else ('alreadyFound', true); } } ); } else { btargetsFound = false; } //--- Get the timer-control variable for this selector. var controlObj = waitForKeyElements.controlObj || {}; var controlKey = selectorTxt.replace (/[^\w]/g, "_"); var timeControl = controlObj [controlKey]; //--- Now set or clear the timer as appropriate. if (btargetsFound && bWaitOnce && timeControl) { //--- The only condition where we need to clear the timer. clearInterval (timeControl); delete controlObj [controlKey] } else { //--- Set a timer, if needed. if ( ! timeControl) { timeControl = setInterval ( function () { waitForKeyElements ( selectorTxt, actionFunction, bWaitOnce, iframeSelector ); }, 300 ); controlObj [controlKey] = timeControl; } } waitForKeyElements.controlObj = controlObj; } // END WAITFORKEYELEMENTS CODE //