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// ==UserScript== // @name TORN: Bazaar Safety // @version 2.2.0 // @author DeKleineKobini // @description Favorite items and put them at the top // @namespace dekleinekobini.bazaarsafety // @require // @updateURL // @match* // @license MIT // @connect // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== setDebug(false); /* -------------------- CODE - EDIT ON OWN RISK -------------------- */ requireAPI(); setPrefixEasy("BS"); var apiItems = {}; getCache("tornapi_items").then(response => { if (response) { debug("Loaded items from the cache!"); apiItems = response; } else { sendAPIRequest("torn", null, "items").then(function(response) { debug("Loaded items from the api!"); if (response.items) apiItems = response.items; setCache("tornapi_items", response.items, getMillisUntilNewDay()); }); } }); $(window).bind('hashchange', function() { if (window.location.href === "") { debug("Switched to add items page."); setupAddItem(); } else if (window.location.href === "") { debug("Switched to manage items page."); setupManageItem(); } }); setupAddItem(); setupManageItem(); function setupAddItem() { debug("Setup the observer for 'add items'."); observeMutations(document, ".items-footer", true, function(){ observeMutations($(".items-footer")[1], "input[value='CONFIRM']", false, checkSafetyOnAddItem, { childList: true }, removeSafetyFromAddItem); }, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } function setupManageItem() { debug("Setup the observer for 'manage items'."); observeMutations(document, ".bazaar-page-wrap", true, function(){ observeMutations($(".bazaar-page-wrap")[0], ".bazaar-list-items", false, function() { var safeties = []; $(".input-money").on('input', function() { let input = $(this); let row = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent(); let id = row.find(".rrp input").attr("value"); let price = currencyToNumber(input.val()); let marketPrice = apiItems[id].market_value; var enableSafety = false, disableSafety = false; if (price < marketPrice) { if (!safeties.includes(id)) { row.css("background-color", "lightcoral") enableSafety = true; safeties.push(id); } } else if (safeties.includes(id)) { row.css("background-color", "initial") disableSafety = true; safeties = safeties.filter(function(ele){ return ele != id; }); } let button = $(".save input"); let buttonParent = button.parent(); if (enableSafety && safeties.length == 1) { log("Enabling safety.") button.attr("disabled", true); buttonParent.css("border", "1 px soldid #999999"); buttonParent.css("background-color", "#cccccc"); buttonParent.css("color", "#666666"); } if (disableSafety && safeties.length == 0) { log("Disabling safety.") button.removeAttr("disabled"); buttonParent.css("border", "initial"); buttonParent.css("background-color", "initial"); buttonParent.css("color", "initial"); } }); }); }, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } function checkSafetyOnAddItem() { debug("Checking safety.") var enableSafety = false; $(".category-wrap > .market-confirm > li").each(function() { let row = $(this); let id = row.find("img").attr("src").split("/")[3]; let price = currencyToNumber(row.find("input").val()); let marketPrice = apiItems[id].market_value; debug(id + " / " + price + " / " + marketPrice); if (price < marketPrice) { row.css("background-color", "lightcoral") enableSafety = true; } }); if (enableSafety) { log("Enabling safety.") let button = $("input[value='CONFIRM']"); let buttonParent = button.parent(); button.attr("disabled", true); buttonParent.css("border", "1 px soldid #999999"); buttonParent.css("background-color", "#cccccc"); buttonParent.css("color", "#666666"); } } function removeSafetyFromAddItem() { log("Disabling safety.") $(".category-wrap > .market-confirm > li").each(function() { let row = $(this); row.css("background-color", "") }); } function currencyToNumber(currency) { if(contains(currency, "$")) currency = currency.substring(1); currency = replaceAll(currency, ",", ""); return parseInt(currency); }