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// ==UserScript== // @name ACDB Tweaks // @description Quality of Life Tweaks for Alchemist Code Database ( Soul Shard Unit Links // @version 1.1.2 // @updateURL // @match* // @namespace // @grant none // @author DarkYuan // @copyright 2017, DarkYuan ( // @license Zlib // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author DarkYuan // ==/OpenUserJS== (function() { 'use strict'; var curElement; ///////////////////////// // SOUL SHARD UNIT LINK if (true) { // Set to false to disable this feature // Detect if page contains a "Item Header" and a soul shard item type var targetURL = window.location.href; if (targetURL.indexOf("it-pi-") != -1) { // Get the unit's stylized name var soulShardHeaders = document.getElementsByClassName("h5 mb-1"); var unitName = soulShardHeaders[0].parentNode.textContent; if (unitName.indexOf(" Soul Shard") != -1) { // For English Names unitName = unitName.substring(unitName.indexOf(0), unitName.indexOf(" Soul Shard")); } else { // For Japanese Names unitName = unitName.substring(unitName.indexOf(0), unitName.indexOf("の魂の欠片")); } // Modify the URL to its corresponding unit page targetURL = targetURL.replace(/(it-pi-)/g, ""); targetURL = targetURL.replace(/(item)/g, "unit"); var unitLink = "<a title=\'Unit Page\' href=\'" + targetURL + "\'>Go to " + unitName + "\'s Unit Page</a>"; for(var h = 0; h < soulShardHeaders.length; h++) { // Put in a link at the bottom of the description curElement = soulShardHeaders[h].parentNode; curElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', unitLink); } } } })();